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Looks like the story is back on track!


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The story is taking a rather boring turn in my opinion... I was hoping for some morally grey nuance. Maybe we have to communicate with Kralkatorrik and form some kind of uneasy peace with him. Maybe we pit him against the deep sea dragon and segue into Cantha. But nah. "Aurene can replace him". Literally we will go fight Kralkatorrik the same way we fought Mordremoth. We beat him up with a mcguffin, and Aurene eats the magic. ResidentSleeper. But I suppose this is to be expected... GW2 story has been 1-dimensional Saturday morning cartoons level since Scarlet...


Aurene is boring. She doesn't talk. She's not even cute anymore. Shes actually kind of weird and ugly because her dragon body is being forced to contort to a griffon's skeletal structure. She doesn't sound like a dragon either. More like a moose after it's been run over by a truck. And functionally she is just a blue Trahearne. Anet has established a long tradition of glory-stealing NPC's with no personality who the player can't really identify with. Kormir, Trahearne, and Aurene; the scene-stealing-hack trifecta. They get all the power and credit, while the player does all the work.


It's just disappointing to see a trailer focused entirely on a character who doesn't talk or interact with me, and who I don't care about. This creature known as Aurene is nothing but a plot device to me. She absorbs magic and has 1 deus ex machina moment. She's not actually a character, shes a tool for the writer to move the plot forward. And now we are going to dedicate an entire episode essentially to a wrench. A hammer. A chisel. A blunt instrument I found in my tool shed.

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> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> The latest LW trailer for episode 4 looks exciting. The title is great too. Finally we can move past the filler and continue the real story.


"Filler"? Those "fillers" where the best part of the new content. Aren't you sick and tired of always playing the content revolving about the same old topic (namely Elder Dragons)? Bah.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > You mean we can finally say farewell to one of the coolest and fun villains we had and go back to the lizard business, awesome..


> I musta been the only one who didnt find joko cool, or fun. :/


I thought he was funny, and therefore fun, but kind of boring and paper thin.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > You mean we can finally say farewell to one of the coolest and fun villains we had and go back to the lizard business, awesome..


> I musta been the only one who didnt find joko cool, or fun. :/


I agree with you. Didn't care for Joko, glad that's all out of the way and back to fun stuff with Aurene and Kralk, and hopefully the new branded map is nice too (better purple crystal than all that ugly Awakened stuff...). :)


On a general note sure constant elder dragon story isn't good either - ie would be fun to do other things - ie Charr story, or even stuff like Scarlet which was fun. Despite that I still didn't care for Joko or things like Caudecus (found that pretty boring in particular). Edit - for clarity, just because I didn't like Joko (or Caudecus) doesn't mean I advocate constant ED story either. But in this case purple crystals are pretty so I don't get tired of it. :)

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> @"Xenon.4537" said:

> The story is taking a rather boring turn in my opinion... I was hoping for some morally grey nuance. Maybe we have to communicate with Kralkatorrik and form some kind of uneasy peace with him. Maybe we pit him against the deep sea dragon and segue into Cantha. But nah. "Aurene can replace him". Literally we will go fight Kralkatorrik the same way we fought Mordremoth. We beat him up with a mcguffin, and Aurene eats the magic. ResidentSleeper. But I suppose this is to be expected... GW2 story has been 1-dimensional Saturday morning cartoons level since Scarlet...


> Aurene is boring. She doesn't talk. She's not even cute anymore. Shes actually kind of weird and ugly because her dragon body is being forced to contort to a griffon's skeletal structure. She doesn't sound like a dragon either. More like a moose after it's been run over by a truck. And functionally she is just a blue Trahearne. Anet has established a long tradition of glory-stealing NPC's with no personality who the player can't really identify with. Kormir, Trahearne, and Aurene; the scene-stealing-hack trifecta. They get all the power and credit, while the player does all the work.


> It's just disappointing to see a trailer focused entirely on a character who doesn't talk or interact with me, and who I don't care about. This creature known as Aurene is nothing but a plot device to me. She absorbs magic and has 1 deus ex machina moment. She's not actually a character, shes a tool for the writer to move the plot forward. And now we are going to dedicate an entire episode essentially to a wrench. A hammer. A chisel. A blunt instrument I found in my tool shed.


You do realize the entire outline of the story arc was written up before they even began working on GW2 don't you? Yes, there was an outline of the entire timeline and what it would entail, so everything we've been playing and will play was already pre-ordained before hand, the only difference is in the details.

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> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> The latest LW trailer for episode 4 looks exciting. The title is great too. Finally we can move past the filler and continue the real story.


Let's wait for the release, then see where it goes. Trailers are advertisement, cut and edited to appeal and awaken..and maybe brand as well... interest in an upcoming episode. The Kourna release has made me very conservative with hype.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > You mean we can finally say farewell to one of the coolest and fun villains we had and go back to the lizard business, awesome..


> I musta been the only one who didnt find joko cool, or fun. :/


Joko's monologue and its abrupt ending were by far the most interesting thing in that whole plot line.


Dragons, gods, undead.... I need to get back to killing rats and rabbits in Queensdale.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > You mean we can finally say farewell to one of the coolest and fun villains we had and go back to the lizard business, awesome..


> I musta been the only one who didnt find joko cool, or fun. :/


I didn't care for Joko in the original GW, but I like him even less in GW2. I found episode 1 of this season to be fine, but in 2/3 I wanted desperately to be done with him. He would best be suited to a Faren-esque role (I don't like Faren much either) where he pops in every now and again with silly schemes. He tried to be both a serious threat and comic relief, but he failed at both, in my opinion.

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