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The term 'kitten' is ridiculous.


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> @"jbrother.1340" said:

> > @"Uden Reavstone.3426" said:

> > > @"jbrother.1340" said:

> > > > @"Tangram.1805" said:

> > > > > @"Legostyle.2718" said:

> > > > > kitten is what is written instead of bad words.

> > > >

> > > > I'm quite aware and I know it has to do with forum language rules. It doesn't make it **any** less puppy silly. :)

> > >

> > > It is silly and sad that it is needed. I don't agree it is needed and am not so weak I cannot see things written I don't like... Words are just words. Actions are the only thing that matters and the action of using "kitten" instead of just use the words that are used is a weak response to an issue that doesn't even really exist. In as much if people could control themselves there would be no issue.

> >

> > I agree, but it's not just an issue of control. Too many people in this world get offended/their feelings hurt by that stuff. Seriously, what ever happened to, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can't?"


> Hey are you that guy that never reads the last line of my emails???


No, I'm not.

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> @"juhani.5361" said:

> Sheesh-- I've actually taken to typing "kitten" myself. Plus, I'm using it a lot IRL lately "Kitten you, tailgating kitten kitten kitten."


> Now you want me to switch it to dogs. I swear, people are never happy these days. Shibe that!


Don't you mean, "Kitten that!"? ??

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> To paraphrase Arkk:

> Moderation by replacing your comments with kitten. You deserve this humiliation.


Well now, it's not replacing **comments**, it's kittenizing swear words. The humiliation factor? Well, I don't go there... ;)


> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > Well between the use of the word kitten on the forums, the Home Instance cats and the Catmander, it's plainly obvious that ANET, their staff, or maybe just the lead devs, are cat lovers.

> >

> > **Nobody is perfect I guess** :)


> That person at ArenaNet would be Gaile Gray...and I think that should end the discussion of why kitten is the word!


In this particular implementation, we truly are purrrrrfect. ;)


And in response to another comment, I have it as a life's objective to someday become the crazy cat lady, so ta da. :D


> @"juhani.5361" said:

> Sheesh-- I've actually taken to typing "kitten" myself. Plus, I'm using it a lot IRL lately "Kitten you, tailgating kitten kitten kitten."


Good for you! Imagine a world in which this becomes the norm!


As I recall, I did not implement the Kittenizer2012 for I was on another team when we opened these particular forums, having been project manager for the Support Forums that preceded them. I do believe I gave input on the idea, which was "two paws up" of course. Since its implementation, though, I confess I've added a *whooolllle* lotta words to the system. :D

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> @"Ariurotl.3718" said:

> True story: when I first started hanging around the GW2 forums ages ago, I thought "kitten" was just a local term for "kiting" for quite a while. I think I simply read a couple of comments where such substitution made sense, and just assumed it.




The thought of someone yelling that makes me laugh harder than I have any kitten reason to

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> I have seen other MMOs just put **** instead, but that is kitten ?


I actually think kitten is more effective because it takes the force out of what people say.


There's a brilliant video of The Count from Sesame Street where they bleeped out every time he says the word count and, because people are used to that being used to blank out swear words, it makes whatever he's saying sound incredibly inappropriate.


Same with ****.


If someone says "**** you stupid **** why the **** are you **** me with your **** ideas?" it's easy to fill in the swearing and it still has the same impact. Whereas "Kitten you stupid kitten why the kitten are you kitten me with your kitten ideas?" just sounds silly. Yes you can still work out what they were originally saying but it's not as automatic and so the immediate impact is gone and you're more likely to laugh them off than respond angrily.


Also I have to admit I'm one of the people who will sometimes write kitten deliberately. Especially if I want it to sound silly, like "Oh kitten! How many times can I go over the same kitten cliff! When will I remember my kitten glider does not work in this instance?" (Not that that's _ever_ happened to me of course. Certainly not every time I try to cut corners in the asuran home instance.)

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"otto.5684" said:

> I have seen other MMOs just put **** instead, but that is kitten ?


Other companies do them. We do us. In this, I think we do us very, very well.


> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > I have seen other MMOs just put **** instead, but that is kitten ?


> I actually think kitten is more effective because it takes the force out of what people say.


> There's a brilliant video of The Count from Sesame Street where they bleeped out every time he says the word count and, because people are used to that being used to blank out swear words, it makes whatever he's saying sound incredibly inappropriate.


> Same with ****.


> If someone says "**** you stupid **** why the **** are you **** me with your **** ideas?" it's easy to fill in the swearing and it still has the same impact. Whereas "Kitten you stupid kitten why the kitten are you kitten me with your kitten ideas?" just sounds silly. Yes you can still work out what they were originally saying but it's not as automatic and so the immediate impact is gone and you're more likely to laugh them off than respond angrily.


I agree with you!


> Also I have to admit I'm one of the people who will sometimes write kitten deliberately. Especially if I want it to sound silly, like "Oh kitten! How many times can I go over the same kitten cliff! When will I remember my kitten glider does not work in this instance?" (Not that that's _ever_ happened to me of course. Certainly not every time I try to cut corners in the asuran home instance.)


What's this? I've *never* had that happen! ;)

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> @"Wintermute.5408" said:

> Hey, remember when Scourge was announced, creating sand kitten to manifest control over areas?


> That was the kitten best forum bug ever.


The Scunthorpe problem

>! [The Scunthorpe problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scunthorpe_problem)

I've hidden the link because the article might not be suitable for work or for some people.


The short version: it's impossible to devise a chat filter that recognizes all the potential situations, without false positives (kittenizing words that are okay) or false negatives (failing to kittenize all variations of spellings of words deemed inappropriate for the particular audience).

And because of that, hilarity will inevitably ensue.


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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I ...have lived many of the situations therein.

And and just how hilarious was the ensuring hilarity?

Worth all the tedium that comes with trying to administer a chat filter in the first place?


(I actually have a fond memory of that: I didn't really learn RegExp syntax properly until a friend asked me to help her solve a double Scunthorpe problem, i.e. it was both over- and under-kittenizing. I didn't really know how it worked.)

(And @"Gaile Gray.6029": I'm impressed that this forum's Kittenizer™ knows to allow that poor town's name! Well done.)



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This was an amusing thread to read xD


Personally i'm a big fan of profanity.. don't know whether that's because i'm British or just a foul mouth xD lmao

The whole Kitten thing amuses me though, specially when it triggers on words I'd hardly call offensive or even bad language, but I guess that's one of the cultural/language differences between my country and the states.


At least the game itself has the option to turn the language filter off and for that I am grateful but it does raise a couple of mind boggling questions.

If we are allowed in the game to turn the filter off, why in Grenths name do people do so and then complain when other people swear in the game?

More so those players sometimes get punished for doing so.


I'll never understand that logic XD

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One forum I was a part of censored swearing by using other words as stand-ins, much like "kitten" is used here. "Alligator" and "spaghetti" were two of them, though as no one really cursed on those forums, I never found out the rest (and I have no idea what alligator and spaghetti were replacing). I almost wish I had, just for the sheer hilarity of it! When I joined these forums, I couldn't stop grinning at seeing "kitten" everywhere. I've taken to mentally referring to someone's outburst of cursing as "an entire litter of kittens."

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > @"Jarl Petter Hinrik.1409" said:

> > > We also could use name of villains as swear words. This is Jokoing nonsense!

> >

> > You've got to be Joko'ing!


> Oh, Balthazar it!

> This is all Zhaitan'd up.

> You're such a Branded.

> That went straight to Selbbub.


You mean steve with that last one dident you?

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Batel.9206" said:

> > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > > @"Jarl Petter Hinrik.1409" said:

> > > > We also could use name of villains as swear words. This is Jokoing nonsense!

> > >

> > > You've got to be Joko'ing!

> >

> > Oh, Balthazar it!

> > This is all Zhaitan'd up.

> > You're such a Branded.

> > That went straight to Selbbub.


> You mean steve with that last one dident you?


For some reason, I couldn't think of his other nickname, Steve. o_O Thank you for reminding me. XD

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