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Awake Scarlet


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> @"arielwind.8921" said:

> 'We didn't see Zhaitan's dead body. He can be live.' is understandable. But Scarlet? Commander ended her. with stomp. And if She comes back from the mists like commander did, everyone could be the same. Please leave her in our memory as a good villain.


Zhaitan is dead, you actually can see the body though exploring the other dungeon paths and it is mentioned in the priory about having recovered parts of his corpse.

I agree about Scarlet leave her dead, she served her purpose and got her freedom from what was tormenting her mind.

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> @"starhunter.6015" said:

> > @"arielwind.8921" said:

> > 'We didn't see Zhaitan's dead body. He can be live.' is understandable. But Scarlet? Commander ended her. with stomp. And if She comes back from the mists like commander did, everyone could be the same. Please leave her in our memory as a good villain.


> Zhaitan is dead, you actually can see the body though exploring the other dungeon paths and it is mentioned in the priory about having recovered parts of his corpse.


We actually see Zhaitan's tail suspended from the ceiling in the Priory's library during some LS stuff.



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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Next revenant elite specialization. Go.


"Legendary Fanfic Stance"


New utility skills include "[Plot Armor](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PlotArmor "Plot Armor")," "[Fridge Logic](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FridgeLogic "Fridge Logic")," and "[improbable Aptitude](https://www.google.com/search?safe=off&ei=QXmcW4_iHIOqsgWBwZ7YCg&q=tvtropes+improbable+ability&oq=tvtropes+improbable+ability&gs_l=psy-ab.3..35i39.10259.10259..10574...0.0.. "Improbable Aptitude")." Elite skill is "[Pass The Idiot Ball](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IdiotBall "Pass The Idiot Ball")," which makes all your foes act like fools for the duration so you can look amazing by contrast.


New weapon is Warhorn, to drown out the complaints about how you were written.

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People are forgetting one crucial factor: Scarlett was handled by different 4 writing teams - this confirmed by Angel Leigh McCoy herself. So of course Scarlett will come off as a badly written "mary sue" character. You have different interpretations of how a character should act. As for those saying have S1 but not Scarlett. Scarlett was integral in S1. You can't have one without the other, otherwise hello retcon.

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> @"CalamityO.2890" said:

> People are forgetting one crucial factor: Scarlett was handled by different 4 writing teams - this confirmed by Angel Leigh McCoy herself. So of course Scarlett will come off as a badly written "mary sue" character. You have different interpretations of how a character should act. As for those saying have S1 but not Scarlett. Scarlett was integral in S1. You can't have one without the other, otherwise hello retcon.


Most I have seen in this thread say no new stories with scarlet but they welcome a reintroduction of season one.

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> @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> > @"Stinger.4120" said:

> > > @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> > > kitten. NO.

> > >

> > > Scarlet is a bad fanfic character that accidentally became canon. For all that is holy, keep her dead. In fact, let's all just pretend she never happened.

> >

> > But she is mad genius - we're need she.


> Not "Mad Genius", but rather "Bad Plot Driven Mary Sue."


isn't the commander, aurene and all the main character that just doesn't die a mary sue.....

i mean, scarlet is a clear representation of harley queen with some joker in it, you should see the fan base of that.

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She’s mulch now, potting soil. We can take what’s left of her to our home instance and plant seeds in it to see what grows up from it.


And then the next Living Story will feature....

Audrey, your lovable home instance plant pet. Feed it! Watch it grow!

Episode one. _Gone but not forgotten._ Follow the clues to find out why your home instance NPCs and cats are disappearing.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> She’s mulch now, potting soil. We can take what’s left of her to our home instance and plant seeds in it to see what grows up from it.


> And then the next Living Story will feature....

> Audrey, your lovable home instance plant pet. Feed it! Watch it grow!

> Episode one. _Gone but not forgotten._ Follow the clues to find out why your home instance NPCs and cats are disappearing.


wouldent it be Rairb Telracs

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> @"Stinger.4120" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > > We did see her die, though. We killed her, and then her dead body is shown in the following cut scene.

> >

> > Indeed. Strange poll..

> Where her body? Can you check it? I think she is alive.


She went down with her Breachmaker.. Her body probably eaten by Quaggans.. :P

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> @"Trancer.7950" said:

> > @"Stinger.4120" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > > > We did see her die, though. We killed her, and then her dead body is shown in the following cut scene.

> > >

> > > Indeed. Strange poll..

> > Where her body? Can you check it? I think she is alive.


> She went down with her Breachmaker.. Her body probably eaten by Quaggans.. :P


Well then we got it confirmed what killed Drooburt a bad case of scarlet salad.

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you know, i do gotta wonder if anet writers saw this totally ragged thread of OP's 'but what if not kill' on one side and a general 'bugger off' on the other, and just scrubbed a bunch of pre production plans.


For the record I do agree that bringing back old villains that clearly died is just too transparent and tired these days.

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> @"Tzarakiel.7490" said:

> As far as we know, dragon minions and Sylvari cannot be reanimated.

Depends. Faolain confirms that in HoT, it doesn't matter if they are alive or dead: Mordremoth could make minions of all sentient creatures placed inside. What isn't certain is if the bodies could be replaced in the pods after they were reanimated the first time.



But that is neither here nor there. Scarlett served her purpose. Let sleeping dogs lie.


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