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What do you like" A WEEK OF..."


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> @"Deniara Devious.3948" said:

> NONE of these. I would rather have NO stealth, NO Desert borderland, NO Path of Fire or No Heart of Thorns weeks.


soo basically vanilla gw2?

where you actually need to coordinate blastfinisher and stuff like that?

im in on that one


> @"derd.6413" said:

> week of sudden death. all characters have a max hp of 1


you do know that sudden death in games usually means that there is no respawn and the round is won when everyone is dead? that often happens to end matches that drag on for way too long

its not because you "SUDDENly" die

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Some of my own ideas for week long events:


1. **No man's land**

In both EBG and the borderlands, keeps (and SMC) are free ground. All gates and walls are open and the Lord's are removed so they cannot be captured.


2. **Tag, you're it.**

At the beginning of the week 3 random players are unknowingly marked with an infectious disease. When someone revives the player from a downed or defeated state, the revived player will immediately, but temporarily, switch servers. For X amount of time their attacks will _have a chance_ to infect another player. They remain a member of the other server until they log off or switch maps. Hopefully, randomization would help to prevent exploiting. And as a further safety precaution, they would be unable to place siege or use supplies while on the other server.


3. **Poke it with a stick**

I'm actually stealing this idea from someone who mentioned something like this a couple days ago in a different thread. So for the record, it isn't my own.

Everyone is reduced to 50HP. All skills, traits and utilities are removed. You are given a stick. Kill people with the stick. To compensate for reduced health, all siege deals greatly reduced damage (such as 1 point per hit).


4. **Ragdoll**

When downed, players are no longer fixed to their location. Trampling them causes them to be kicked around. This effects friendly players as well.


5. **Lone wolf**

Traveling alone greatly increases all stats. The more friendly players are near you the more your stats are reduced (with a maximum percentage). Meaning if you are in a zerg with 80 players your health (and all other stats) could be reduced to as low as 1k making it possible for a single player to shred everyone like ambients if not careful.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> Some of my own ideas for week long events:

> 2. **Tag, you're it.**

> At the beginning of the week 3 random players are unknowingly marked with an infectious disease. When someone revives the player from a downed or defeated state, the revived player will immediately, but temporarily, switch servers. For X amount of time their attacks will _have a chance_ to infect another player. They remain a member of the other server until they log off or switch maps. Hopefully, randomization would help to prevent exploiting. And as a further safety precaution, they would be unable to place siege or use supplies while on the other server.


I rather like all of these ideas, but back in the mid 90s I played a MUD (The Two Towers) where other players could pass along the Plague. What made it so interesting was that fact that dying didn't get rid of it. You would constantly lose health whether in combat or not, and if you died you still came back with the Plague. Eventually the disease would pass (I think after 24hrs of playing time)...but in that game death meant losing a level, as well as all the stats and experience associated with that level (and if you were a high-level player it might take a few months to recover that level). To this day I still laugh when I hear players complain about dying when all it means is going back to a waypoint.



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"Descended" = all ascended armor+weapons+trinkets demoted to exotic ; no buffs from tower/keep , no food/wrench : similar to Queen's Gauntlet

"Vanilla" = no elite spec week with only alpine BL without shield generators

"Wasteland" = all ambient mobs removed , no veteran dailies

"Sleeping sentries" = no marked effect when structure flips , no watchtower effect

"Well Trained Guards" where Guard killer / Defense against guards bonus = 0 instead of +20%

"Time-out" = RI is removed from all lords but capping circle is not up until tick time is up

"Downgraded" = rune and sigil effects are nullified (i.e. durability / sigil of concentration, sigil of force , sigil of air , monk rune)




"Tactician off-duty" = no tactivators other than supply drop (no airship, dune roller, chilling fog, Emergency WP, invuln fortifications, dragon /turtle banners)

"Siege wars" = trebuchets do double damage to other trebuchets , do zero damage to players other than knockback + ignore shield gens , minimum range increased to 3000 but hit up to 20000 range


"Roamer training" = all roaming NPC guards run roaming builds with stealth reveal , stun, and gap closers



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