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Block Bounty boards for Non-commanders


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> @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> > @"Glider.5792" said:

> > > @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> > > The OP's suggestion sounds like a "Pay to win" to me.

> > > Contents are exclusive to "Paid Commander Tag" players and those commander tags dictate whenever they want or feel to do the contents. And if there are non commanders tags, other players must wait or have to get their own commander tag in order to play the game.

> > >

> > > So "NO"

> > >

> >

> > INC "Everyone send me 10s for Tag taxes, or i wont start the bounty" lel


> I would pay 10 gold per bounty if I could find a group who would not jeer at me because I am awkward and clutzy...sure would.



Now thats an offer noone would say "No" to ;D

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I can sort of see the frustration in someone starting one ahead of a squad that plans to do them, but at the end of the day a commander tag doesn't, and should never, give someone ownership of a map or events/content in the map, and there's no reason others shouldn't be able to do content just because they don't have a tag or haven't tagged up.

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> @"Milosz.5938" said:

> HI,

> Do you know the feeling when you want to start squad for bounty run and someone new in the game opened and wasted legendary because he didn't know what is going on with that? If you make bounty runs - probably "yes". I have request for GMs - **_could you please make "Bounty boards" bolcked soo only players with commander tag could use it?_** Something simillar like raids. It will also gratitude that tag in some way.


Locking boards to only commander tags does not solve the issue you just described. That person might have already purchased a tag and was new to PoF and wanted to see what the bounty was.


A more reasonable solution, as well as a solution that actually applies to the problem you experienced, is to have it so a failed bounty either refreshes instantly or has a smaller cooldown like 2 minutes.

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> @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> However, the OP's concern is valid, and some kind of a tweak would be welcome. The 15/30min reset timer is useless IMO, and I think the bounties should reappear on the board as soon as the bounty is either killed, or the timer (10min) runs out. This way squads wouldn't have to wait long for the bounties to reappear.


Not sure if technology exists but: the names of the bounties appear over the board when they are available, and I think it would be great if when a bounty was on cooldown, the name remained visible but with a cooldown timer counting beside it. Then at least groups know exactly how much time they have before they can try again, which allows them to perhaps go after another bounty in the meanwhile.


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I understand the concern, and I was myself already annoyed by that. Though, I do not agree to block anything for anybody. At the end, each is free to play the way he/she wants, and I mean, if it is blocked for non-commander players, what would happen at times there are no commanders in an area? Why should players having no tag been blocked without a right do bounties until a commander is available? On my opinion, it would not be an acceptable situation.

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none of the bounties requires a squad full of people


plenty of stupid and useless commanders around


> @"Glider.5792" said:

> > @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> > The OP's suggestion sounds like a "Pay to win" to me.

> > Contents are exclusive to "Paid Commander Tag" players and those commander tags dictate whenever they want or feel to do the contents. And if there are non commanders tags, other players must wait or have to get their own commander tag in order to play the game.

> >

> > So "NO"

> >


> INC "Everyone send me 10s for Tag taxes, or i wont start the bounty" lel


That would probably just result in a dozen tags showing up on the map instead.


> @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> > @"Glider.5792" said:

> > > @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> > > The OP's suggestion sounds like a "Pay to win" to me.

> > > Contents are exclusive to "Paid Commander Tag" players and those commander tags dictate whenever they want or feel to do the contents. And if there are non commanders tags, other players must wait or have to get their own commander tag in order to play the game.

> > >

> > > So "NO"

> > >

> >

> > INC "Everyone send me 10s for Tag taxes, or i wont start the bounty" lel


> I would pay 10 gold per bounty if I could find a group who would not jeer at me because I am awkward and clutzy...sure would.



Just keep an eye on the LFG for a bounty train. You can't be any worse than some of the people I've done bounty trains with.

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> Bounty boards should be blocked for players without commander tags

As if people with commander tags are any better at leading groups than people without. There's plenty of evidence that the commander tag is simply 300g worth of prestige _for some people_.


There's definitely a lot of room for improvement with how Bounties work, including who can grab them, who can trigger them, and (more importantly to a lot of us) the boss buffs/mechanics and rewards. But limiting the boards to commander tags only isn't going to help with any of them.

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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> > @"Milosz.5938" said:

> > Bounties are for group of players... so why not make them blocked soo only groups could active it...


> What is a "group" to you ? Cause around 20 people is a "Zerg" while 50 is a "Blob". Group can be anything, and to most that is 5.


Just be part of a squad or a party (let's say minimum of 4/5 players), with or without a tag.

This requirement would fit for taking a Bounty imho.

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> Maybe there should be a pop-up "Warning: This fight is intended to be group content. Are you sure you wish to activate this content?" It would mean an additional click to start the bounty, but it would warn curious newcomers that they're maybe in over their heads.


I really like this idea. :)

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W-what?! xD

But seriously, nobody sane will block off content from their players behind such a huge 'pay'-wall. Not everyone farms Istan half a day, not everyone is willing to drop 300g on a blue taco.

Could use the mentor tag instead if people have unlocked it but still, it is a stupid idea considering that the content is supposed to be easily accesible because it is a game with a massive casual fanbase.

The only thing that should be adjusted about the bounty system are the underwhelming rewards. The whole system is redundant when it comes to the income where Istan is the king with 30g/h mark.

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I think warning like someone said before it's the best solution for new players to not acivite bounty. Putting such warining at board before you have to active would be great. "Warning: This fight is intended to be group content. Are you sure you wish to activate this content?" yes/no

**You have right guys... I agree now and I see the dangerous things in my previous idea**


What do you think about this warining that @Palador.2170 said?

Because I really like it.

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I definitely don't agree with OP but I like some of the ideas in this thread. I just wish there was a tutorial system for bounties. There's an NPC near the boards but few people seem to talk to random NPCs nowadays. I like the idea of a popup when grabbing one that says something like "Bounties are powerful targets intended for groups. Approaching a bounty's location will begin the event. Once revealed, you must kill the bounty within a time limit or it will disappear."


That doesn't even touch on the unstable magic effects, which are _super_ important, but it's impossible to explain all of those in-game. I think a good party/squad leader should explain, or designate someone to explain, the effects as they're encountered (unless it's known that everybody is experienced, as in a guild group or something). Nobody in the bounty trains I join ever does so, so I usually take it upon myself, and I've had several people whisper me thanks. Feels good.

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> @"foozlesprite.8051" said:

> I definitely don't agree with OP but I like some of the ideas in this thread. I just wish there was a tutorial system for bounties. There's an NPC near the boards but few people seem to talk to random NPCs nowadays. I like the idea of a popup when grabbing one that says something like "Bounties are powerful targets intended for groups. Approaching a bounty's location will begin the event. Once revealed, you must kill the bounty within a time limit or it will disappear."


> That doesn't even touch on the unstable magic effects, which are _super_ important, but it's impossible to explain all of those in-game. I think a good party/squad leader should explain, or designate someone to explain, the effects as they're encountered (unless it's known that everybody is experienced, as in a guild group or something). Nobody in the bounty trains I join ever does so, so I usually take it upon myself, and I've had several people whisper me thanks. Feels good.


Com tags was however made for wvw not pve thats the mentors job

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"foozlesprite.8051" said:

> > I definitely don't agree with OP but I like some of the ideas in this thread. I just wish there was a tutorial system for bounties. There's an NPC near the boards but few people seem to talk to random NPCs nowadays. I like the idea of a popup when grabbing one that says something like "Bounties are powerful targets intended for groups. Approaching a bounty's location will begin the event. Once revealed, you must kill the bounty within a time limit or it will disappear."

> >

> > That doesn't even touch on the unstable magic effects, which are _super_ important, but it's impossible to explain all of those in-game. I think a good party/squad leader should explain, or designate someone to explain, the effects as they're encountered (unless it's known that everybody is experienced, as in a guild group or something). Nobody in the bounty trains I join ever does so, so I usually take it upon myself, and I've had several people whisper me thanks. Feels good.


> Com tags was however made for wvw not pve thats the mentors job


I'm not sure what that has to do with what I said, other than my first line where I said "I don't agree with OP." From your other answers in the thread we seem to agree on that. Maybe you misread? If not, let me know which part you disagree with.

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I get what you’re upset about but there’s no way it should be locked to be commanders only.


However, I would like to see the lock out be removed for FAILED bounties. If the bounty is successful there should be 0 change, but if any number of “newbs” take any bounty and fail to kill it within the timeframe I’d be nice to see the bounty immediately reappear.


Not only would this allow a commander or whoever is trying to run a train be able to not care if some random picks it up runs off into the desert and dies never to be seen again, but it’d also allow a small group of friends attempt to fight a bounty over and over again and learn what they need to do, since you really only need like 3-5 people to kill bounties, even the legendaries.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> How often does something happen, which would actually result in the bounty event failing, that even warrants a restriction like this?


I see it often enough. Sometimes there will be a group that could have cleared it except for an unfavorable roll on abilities, sometimes a group will roll up to a legendary only to find somebody started and abandoned it 8 minutes earlier and there's no time to finish it, and then you'll sometimes find bounties just chilling by themselves with somebody having started it and not bothered fighting. In any case it leads to a lot of frustration and wasted time.


> @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> I get what you’re upset about but there’s no way it should be locked to be commanders only.


> However, I would like to see the lock out be removed for FAILED bounties. If the bounty is successful there should be 0 change, but if any number of “newbs” take any bounty and fail to kill it within the timeframe I’d be nice to see the bounty immediately reappear.


> Not only would this allow a commander or whoever is trying to run a train be able to not care if some random picks it up runs off into the desert and dies never to be seen again, but it’d also allow a small group of friends attempt to fight a bounty over and over again and learn what they need to do, since you really only need like 3-5 people to kill bounties, even the legendaries.


It would be nice to start again right away, but maybe they don't want a failure to be completely consequence-free. One idea, perhaps they could let people make a payment to bring a failed bounty back early. The same kind of crowdfunding system they use for the boss blitz or Ho-Ho-Tron's dolyak run. Want to try again? Either dig in your pockets and pony up the gold for the price on their heads, or wait for them to come back up. Some kind of small-ish amount that a squad that had a decent chance of getting the kill wouldn't have a hard time putting up.

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> > Want to try again? Either dig in your pockets and pony up the gold for the price on their heads, or wait for them to come back up.


> A price like, say, 100 trade contracts. Not like we have much use for them otherwise. :)



At this point, we have so many that 100 seems too trivial!

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