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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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* I'd like to see Rox's quiver pop up again. It looks great on rangers and other bow users.

* Sandals, for all weights, but they'd be particularly nice to see in the heavy category where everything is high boots. I don't necessarily want to wear thigh-high metal in the jungle or the desert.

* Armor skins with shorter tops in the medium category, which is mostly greatcoats and dusters. Vests, doublets, leather or chain shirts, barbarian armor to show off the chest and midriff, and so on are all options that would bring more variety to the category.

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> @"AegisRunestone.8672" said:

> I suggested this in the old forums:


> **Memory of Lion's Arch Pass:** Takes you back to Lion's Arch before Scarlet destroyed it. Since it has the Forge, all crafting stations, etc. it would be a perfect pass.


Exactly, I used to repeat the human personal story with other characters just to hang out there, like also claw island, You can visit just something but it's such a wonderful place, so sad that now all this beauty is lost...

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Classy mount skins would be neat! Bunny butler, Beetle in a suit with a bowtie, Griffon in a suit with a top hat and monocle, tuxedo Raptor, Skimmer with a suit and bowtie, Jackal in a tuxedo.

Umbrella glider so I can Mary Poppins in on people.

Shield with three armed choya tied to the front helping me defend lives. (What better shield than one with three helpers defending?)

Plague doctor mask or bird mask, with a hat top or hooding also would be neat.

Piñata mount skins.

Jungle Faren glider skin. (I was thinking we could be holding onto his legs for dear life while he flaps his arms)

Airplane piloted by a quaggan as a glider with us hanging underneath.

I'm rich, you know finisher with a Faren dropping out of the sky and giving a bow or salute.

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Please, for the sake of Four Wind Festival, make a Sale of 30 original mounts from [Mount Adoption License](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mount_Adoption_License "Mount Adoption License").

There are 30 mounts skins, each day you can offer 5 skins: 1 raptor skin, 1 springer skin, 1 jackal skin, etc...

Offer will change daily with another set of skins, with cost of 500-700 gems per skin. That way, in 6 days. all 30 skins can be offered without Mount Adoption License. Help people unlock Mount skins which they really want.

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I believe it's been suggested, but I'd like to see a "Catch Up" mount skin pack for the Roller Beetle -- the Spooky, Wintersday, Awakened, etc. skins that already exist for the other mounts. Or, in an ideal world, if you already bought a certain pack, Spooky in my case, you'd get the matching beetle skin free.

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> @"ROMANG.1903" said:

> ## Personnal Outfit slot


> * Everyone would have one baseline Personnal Outfit slot, which would simply be our current armor skin. In that Personnal Outfit, any element can be changed with a transmutation charge, just as it works now.

> * Purchasing additionnal Personnal Outfit slots would allow us to make a second armor skin. There too, the elements of this second Personnal Outfit can be changed with transmutation charges.


> Having 2 or more Personnal Outfit slots would allow us to swap between several armor (And weapons!) skin sets without having to spend any transmutation charge. A nice thing would be to have the possibility of naming these different outfits. :)


> If you're nice, you can make a pack with one slot and 10 transmutation charges so people can make a full set right away. :p


> ~~If you're very very nice, you can give everyone a second slot as a demonstration of the new system...~~


I second this

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Dear Arenanet,

First of all i would like to say thank you for these amazing skins that you made throughout the game, and since i have seen this post about suggestion regarding new or returning skins or outfits, there is actually one thing that i wish that would return in the gem store. You may recall a greatsword skin called Menzies's Agony released back in May of last year, and well i have been absent during heart of thorns but i got back thanks to path of fire expansion and after i saw that skin in the wardrobe i instantly fell in love with it. I really liked the design of it, and nice touch with the dark lightning when wielded, and i wanted to ask if maybe you could bring it back on the gem store? I know i'm asking too much but i would love to buy it when it comes back. Please make it happen. And thank you for this content you're making, i'm having a really good time and it's nice coming back :)

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Anet - I know you're going to make a "Star" Springer.


But I have a request - as unlikely as it might be.


Please could you make a "Star" Jackrabbit that uses the Kourna Jackrabbit model with the starfield textures/effects, instead of the default springer.


Pretty please. :)

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The Fungal Wallow!!! As a Ranger pet or a Beetle skin. Also, I posted an underwater mount example in an expansion thread by Cyin before but I here it is again.... the new Kraken/Squid mount which has the ability to (mastery 1) jetstream forward like the raptor spacebar, (mastery 2) ink blast to blind enemies as attack 1, and (mastery 3) wrap tentacles and hold enemies with spacebar+ directional button. Having the pc go inside a jellyfish which helps with breathing and the darkness of underwater as it glows would be a cool mechanic too. Also, since Quaggans can turn into Anglers when enraged, have the deep sea dragon corrupt them into gigantic versions of the Sea Devils/Anglers.

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I know this has been said before, but definitely the Raiment of the Lich and Black Wings set. I missed buying those before, and they would look awesome on my Reaper! Also, this would be awesome in general, plus with some sort of summer beach event, but swim suits (trunks, bikini's, etc). Ive played beach events in some other games, and they are a lot of fun. Would love to see these make it into GW2

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Can we have pet aesthetics for rangers? For example if we want to change the default hyena skin to the healthier spotted hyena skin or have rock gazelles have their desolation skin. Heck maybe even have a white tiger skin for the tiger. Is that a possibility?

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Suggestion: Let (full) accounts that DON'T have Path of Fire GIFT skins/skin sets such as the recently added Desert Racer options TO accounts that DO have Path of Fire. I can't understand why the account that would pay for such an item can't do so when the item will be sent to another account's mailbox and has no relevance whatsoever to the buyer's account. The only thing that should matter is that the recipient has the necessary expansion to open and apply the item.


I suggested this last time you had a mount pack available. Would be nice not to have to suggest this yet again next time around....

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I'd love something like cosmic gloves that give a texture similar so Stardust's to hands and arms (not the cheap and low res texture given by the red celestial infusion).


Another thing would be more armor skins from GW1 or at least finally some real pants for light armor. Enough already with the skirs and capes.

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> @"Greaka.6905" said:

> > @Ninjion.6804 said:

> > Infinite Transmutation Charge! (That also comes with a gobbler for transmutation charges earned through normal gameplay).


> Since this is an item that you can buy on the gemstore, it would fit in the row of permanent contracts, available in black lion chests.


yes! i wish i could change outfits whenever i wanted , not having to worry about spending transmutation charges! and , lets have the ability to mix outfits with wardrobe armor

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