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Why do you keep changing jumping puzzles so they no longer count towards event dailies?


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Over the last few years, jumping puzzle after jp has gone from counting as an event towards the dailies, such as the first map I saw this happen on, Caledon Forest. I really appreciated being able to do four jps in Caledon to complete the daily without having to fight over events with the rabid piranha zerg that forms for these dailies. Today, I learn that the mine jp in Fields of Ruin no longer counts. Why do you take this from me? What harm was being able to do this doing?


Also, while I'm at it, why do we have a number of jp's in the daily tasks rotation that have no chest at the end? Are you trying to kill any interest people might develop in one of my favorite parts of the game?

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Maybe because they’re not events? I also don’t remember them ever counting.


> Which jumping puzzles have you seen that don’t have a chest? Every one that I can remember does have one. Not that you’re really missing out as the loot is terrible.


The Wall Blitz JP in Diessa Plateau has no chest at the end, instead offering a one-time HC. It has been on the daily rotation for a long time, but does not come up that often.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Maybe because they’re not events? I also don’t remember them ever counting.

> >

> > Which jumping puzzles have you seen that don’t have a chest? Every one that I can remember does have one. Not that you’re really missing out as the loot is terrible.


> The Wall Blitz JP in Diessa Plateau has no chest at the end, instead offering a one-time HC. It has been on the daily rotation for a long time, but does not come up that often.


Oh yeah. I forgot about that one. The one northwest of there also doesn’t have one but has that node instead.

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I've done every jp in the game multiple times. There's a number of them that I enjoy doing regularly, particularly when they help me get a daily at the same time. The jps in Caledon Forest* have not counted as an event for the daily any time I've done them in the last ~2 years, and there's others that never count, for me at least, such as the Under New Management in Southsun,** which is why I was asking this.


*No jp in any of the starting zones give me credit when it is an event daily. This bothers me the most because of how much people fight to get event credit on events that do not last long at all.

**Skipping stones, on the other hand, still counts, I think, so it's not just specific maps that stopped giving credit. Also, Under New Management used to count. Once a jp stops counting for the daily, it never comes back. It's possible this is a glitch similar to how the sunken chests wouldn't let us repeat them for a while.

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> @"Wyrd.9612" said:

> there's others that never count, for me at least, such as the Under New Management in Southsun,** which is why I was asking this.

This one counts only 50-50 for me. I've never been sure why it doesn't always increment the daily.


> Once a jp stops counting for the daily, it never comes back.

I've not seen this behavior.





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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:


> > Once a jp stops counting for the daily, it never comes back.

> I've not seen this behavior.


I'm going on my experience, but there's a possibility that some of the old ones have come back and I simply haven't checked them lately. Some of the easiest jps were ones I stopped doing because there was no challenge, so the next time I have the opportunity, I'll try any and all jps that I've written off. Given that this is an issue with dailies, I'll have to wait for a daily that includes these jps to check.





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They do count. I often do the King Jalis one in Snowden when the daily 4 event is there. That plus the chain with the whisper agents makes it very quick.


I happened to have a character parked at the Frostgorge JP(trying to get the last map piece unsuccessfully :/) and that also counted when it was daily Frostgorge event the other day.


The very easy "Under New Management" one in Southsun is the only one that I've found to be very inconsistent. Sometimes it doesn't count even when I haven't been to Southsun on any character in weeks or months.

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> @"Wyrd.9612" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:


> > > Once a jp stops counting for the daily, it never comes back.

> > I've not seen this behavior.


> I'm going on my experience, but there's a possibility that some of the old ones have come back and I simply haven't checked them lately. Some of the easiest jps were ones I stopped doing because there was no challenge, so the next time I have the opportunity, I'll try any and all jps that I've written off. Given that this is an issue with dailies, I'll have to wait for a daily that includes these jps to check.


I apologize for being unclear. I have had the experience of a JP not counting for an event daily, but it will count later. Always, although perhaps it might take a different character or a different day or after a patch.


I speculate that we are seeing some sort of diminished return effect, in which a series of unfortunate programming devices all come together to produce a singular result. For JPs, as for diving goggles, invisible lines that you have to cross to get them to work. Historically, some JPs (and some dives) have wonky lines: cross 2 cm the wrong side and no impact. Maybe that's somehow related.


Here's my experience:

* Some JPs never progress the 4-event zone dailies.

* Some JPs always progress it.

* Some sometimes don't, but each always counts again, eventually.

* I haven't figured out anything in common with the circumstances leading up to to the no-count event... nor what makes it work again.


My main point again: as described in the opening post and the original title: no, they don't keep changing jumping puzzles so they no longer count towards event dailies.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Wyrd.9612" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> >

> > > > Once a jp stops counting for the daily, it never comes back.

> > > I've not seen this behavior.

> >

> > I'm going on my experience, but there's a possibility that some of the old ones have come back and I simply haven't checked them lately. Some of the easiest jps were ones I stopped doing because there was no challenge, so the next time I have the opportunity, I'll try any and all jps that I've written off. Given that this is an issue with dailies, I'll have to wait for a daily that includes these jps to check.

> >

> I apologize for being unclear. I have had the experience of a JP not counting for an event daily, but it will count later. Always, although perhaps it might take a different character or a different day or after a patch.


> I speculate that we are seeing some sort of diminished return effect, in which a series of unfortunate programming devices all come together to produce a singular result. For JPs, as for diving goggles, invisible lines that you have to cross to get them to work. Historically, some JPs (and some dives) have wonky lines: cross 2 cm the wrong side and no impact. Maybe that's somehow related.


> Here's my experience:

> * Some JPs never progress the 4-event zone dailies.

> * Some JPs always progress it.

> * Some sometimes don't, but each always counts again, eventually.

> * I haven't figured out anything in common with the circumstances leading up to to the no-count event... nor what makes it work again.


> My main point again: as described in the opening post and the original title: no, they don't keep changing jumping puzzles so they no longer count towards event dailies.



Back when monthlies was still a thing and there was the JP discovered monthly the trigger spots for those could be extremely ... odd. Like the one for Shattered Observatory was all the way to the side that nobody has any reason crossing when doing the JP.


The Vizier's Tower used to trigger when you are only halfway through.

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I phrased the question the way I did because it seemed far too consistent to be a bug, otherwise I would have taken this to bugs instead of discussion. If this problem IS a bug, I'll make a bug report, but I'd like a little more input before doing that.


First, in my experience, the event credit is always given when you open the chest, not when you get to a specific point*. In the past, whenever there was a 4 Caledon Forest events daily, I would do all 4 jps to get the daily, so I wasn't fighting for credit on the notoriously quick to die events of starting zones. Those were the first jps I noticed stop giving event credit, though I quickly confirmed that none of the starting zone jps were counting, including Speck's Lab in Metrica Province,, Demongrub pits in Queensdale, and the ruins one in the Plains of Ashford.

I have not gotten credit for any run of Under New management any of times there has been a Southsun events daily; I do the jp anyway because it's so short. Skipping Stones so far always gives credit.

Skipping Stones always counts.

King Jalis's Refuge always counts. The vet that regularly spawns there also counts, making it a great thing to run on those days.

Antre of Adjournement and Scavenger's Chasm in Malchor's Leap always count; The chasm one actually counts for three events, one for each chest. The minor jp on the West side of the map, the one with a vista, has never given me credit for an event, even though the achievements list it as a jp.

Vizier's Tower only counts if you can spawn the Vizier in Straits of Devastation. I count this as a jp without a chest, since you only get a chest if you complete an event there, and would rather it get taken out of the rotation.

Conundrum Cubed and... the one with the four cantles, I forget the name, in Mt. Maelstrom count.

I don't do Not so Secret, as the bugs in it are annoying enough to drive me away, but the pirate one just E of LA does count.

Shattered Ice Flow in Frostgorge Sound did not count the last time I did it. It was this and the branded mine in Fields of Ruin not counting that finally pushed me to bring this up. I try to stay out of forums, having found myself far too easily addicted to these conversations.

I think that's all of the daily maps, except Brisban, which has no jps I'm aware of. I admit I haven't tried the jps in HoT or PoF, as I tend to forget about them for some reason.


*The specific points come into play when the jp itself is a daily, not for getting event credit for completing the jp. This means the jps with no end chest never count.

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This is interesting, because I was under the impression that only ones considered a 'minidungeon' counted; I admit I've never gone through with a fine tooth-comb to confirm which do and don't give credit because I don't enjoy doing them much. Certainly King Jalis's Refuge is a minidungeon, and always counts. Rebel's Seclusion in Fireheart Rise is a minidungeon, and always counts, as does Windy Cave in Lornar's Pass IIRC. I might be wrong, but it may be that they at some point changed it from both JPs and minidungeons counting to just minidungeons.

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> @"Wyrd.9612" said:

> Over the last few years, jumping puzzle after jp has gone from counting as an event towards the dailies, such as the first map I saw this happen on, Caledon Forest. I really appreciated being able to do four jps in Caledon to complete the daily without having to fight over events with the rabid piranha zerg that forms for these dailies. Today, I learn that the mine jp in Fields of Ruin no longer counts. Why do you take this from me? What harm was being able to do this doing?


> Also, while I'm at it, why do we have a number of jp's in the daily tasks rotation that have no chest at the end? Are you trying to kill any interest people might develop in one of my favorite parts of the game?


in short, jumping puzzles are common dailies. However, you cannot do just any JP you like.

9 out of 10 days, the daily section has a randomly selected jumping puzzle

Today (26oct18) its Daily Goemm's Lab Jumping Puzzle



So, yes, doing one jumping four times, let alone when it's not the daily, does NOTHING for your daily achievement progress.

How long have you been doing this? doing 4 jumping puzzles a day in the hope you'd get your 10AP and 2 gold?? because that kind of daily has been gone for years

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> So, yes, doing one jumping four times, let alone when it's not the daily, does NOTHING for your daily achievement progress.

From the way the OP phrased it, I think they don't mean doing one JP four times, but rather doing each of the four JPs in Caledon Forest once used to get them credit for the daily Caledon Forest events, but no longer does.


As far as I recall, "event" completion for jumping puzzles became a thing when map rewards were introduced, as finishing a jp is supposed to add to map rewards just like finishing an event is. This might be the reason why the starter map jps don't count for daily events, as those maps don't have map rewards. Whether that's on purpose or just an unfortunate side effect of coding map rewards on top of already existing maps and events I don't know.


As for the rest, I almost never do "daily event completer" dailies, so I never even thought about doing jps to finish these. It sure does sound like a much more comfortable and convenient alternative to fighting for event completion against other players who don't care who wants to join and just go ahead and hog the events for themselves because they can (the primary reason I rarely do that daily, I just don't enjoy playing along non-cooperative achievement hunters, and the dailies tend to bring them out in numbers ).


Only ANet can say whether it's a bug or a feature, but it would be nice if they could figure out how to get these to behave more consistent than they currently do.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > So, yes, doing one jumping four times, let alone when it's not the daily, does NOTHING for your daily achievement progress.

> From the way the OP phrased it, I think they don't mean doing one JP four times, but rather doing each of the four JPs in Caledon Forest once used to get them credit for the daily Caledon Forest events, but no longer does.


> As far as I recall, "event" completion for jumping puzzles became a thing when map rewards were introduced, as finishing a jp is supposed to add to map rewards just like finishing an event is. This might be the reason why the starter map jps don't count for daily events, as those maps don't have map rewards. Whether that's on purpose or just an unfortunate side effect of coding map rewards on top of already existing maps and events I don't know.


> As for the rest, I almost never do "daily event completer" dailies, so I never even thought about doing jps to finish these. It sure does sound like a much more comfortable and convenient alternative to fighting for event completion against other players who don't care who wants to join and just go ahead and hog the events for themselves because they can (the primary reason I rarely do that daily, I just don't enjoy playing along non-cooperative achievement hunters, and the dailies tend to bring them out in numbers ).


> Only ANet can say whether it's a bug or a feature, but it would be nice if they could figure out how to get these to behave more consistent than they currently do.


oooh, i misunderstood,

I thought he was talking about the oooold daily, where you did a few jumping puzzles.

He just wants to do 4 events, and thought that jumping puzzles counted as events? as far as I know, they've never done

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > So, yes, doing one jumping four times, let alone when it's not the daily, does NOTHING for your daily achievement progress.

> > From the way the OP phrased it, I think they don't mean doing one JP four times, but rather doing each of the four JPs in Caledon Forest once used to get them credit for the daily Caledon Forest events, but no longer does.

> >

> > As far as I recall, "event" completion for jumping puzzles became a thing when map rewards were introduced, as finishing a jp is supposed to add to map rewards just like finishing an event is. This might be the reason why the starter map jps don't count for daily events, as those maps don't have map rewards. Whether that's on purpose or just an unfortunate side effect of coding map rewards on top of already existing maps and events I don't know.

> >

> > As for the rest, I almost never do "daily event completer" dailies, so I never even thought about doing jps to finish these. It sure does sound like a much more comfortable and convenient alternative to fighting for event completion against other players who don't care who wants to join and just go ahead and hog the events for themselves because they can (the primary reason I rarely do that daily, I just don't enjoy playing along non-cooperative achievement hunters, and the dailies tend to bring them out in numbers ).

> >

> > Only ANet can say whether it's a bug or a feature, but it would be nice if they could figure out how to get these to behave more consistent than they currently do.


> oooh, i misunderstood,

> I thought he was talking about the oooold daily, where you did a few jumping puzzles.

> He just wants to do 4 events, and thought that jumping puzzles counted as events? as far as I know, they've never done

I never thought they'd count either, but from the several posters in this thread that confirm that most of them (outside of the starter zones) do, I guess it's actually a thing :) .

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > oooh, i misunderstood,

> > I thought he was talking about the oooold daily, where you did a few jumping puzzles.

> > He just wants to do 4 events, and thought that jumping puzzles counted as events? as far as I know, they've never done

> I never thought they'd count either, but from the several posters in this thread that confirm that most of them (outside of the starter zones) do, I guess it's actually a thing :) .


It's a thing. I've often used it (as the OP has) to finish a daily. (Usually, I don't bother because some other daily is quicker; I tend to skip unless it takes less than 5 minutes total to complete.)

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > > So, yes, doing one jumping four times, let alone when it's not the daily, does NOTHING for your daily achievement progress.

> > > From the way the OP phrased it, I think they don't mean doing one JP four times, but rather doing each of the four JPs in Caledon Forest once used to get them credit for the daily Caledon Forest events, but no longer does.

> > >

> > > As far as I recall, "event" completion for jumping puzzles became a thing when map rewards were introduced, as finishing a jp is supposed to add to map rewards just like finishing an event is. This might be the reason why the starter map jps don't count for daily events, as those maps don't have map rewards. Whether that's on purpose or just an unfortunate side effect of coding map rewards on top of already existing maps and events I don't know.

> > >

> > > As for the rest, I almost never do "daily event completer" dailies, so I never even thought about doing jps to finish these. It sure does sound like a much more comfortable and convenient alternative to fighting for event completion against other players who don't care who wants to join and just go ahead and hog the events for themselves because they can (the primary reason I rarely do that daily, I just don't enjoy playing along non-cooperative achievement hunters, and the dailies tend to bring them out in numbers ).

> > >

> > > Only ANet can say whether it's a bug or a feature, but it would be nice if they could figure out how to get these to behave more consistent than they currently do.

> >

> > oooh, i misunderstood,

> > I thought he was talking about the oooold daily, where you did a few jumping puzzles.

> > He just wants to do 4 events, and thought that jumping puzzles counted as events? as far as I know, they've never done

> I never thought they'd count either, but from the several posters in this thread that confirm that most of them (outside of the starter zones) do, I guess it's actually a thing :) .


No, I don't think it is. I think that what makes it look like a thing is that a fair number of them have an associated event at or near the end, and *that* counts as an event for the four-on-the-map daily. The JP itself does not.

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