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Extra life goal rewards and devaluing rare and exclusive rewards.


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There's nothing wrong with the 'exclusive' tonic (years) later being made more available. The hot air balloon from the Queen's Jubilee can now be bought even though it was 'exclusive' to that content not to mention all the other LS1 stuff you can buy with laurels.


It's the same model by which expansions are priced. They're expensive at first and are later cut by 50% after they have been available for a year or more. That's natural. You can cry no fair that the price has changed (or availability increased), but in the end, what you were really buying was immediate access to something.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> I'm somewhat torn. I tend to take these things on a case by case basis, and in almost every case I feel that a skin or tonic should be available to everyone, though it may require them to do something to "earn" it. The exceptions are those things meant to recognize a specific thing done (the celebration cap, the armor outfit, the GWAMM title).


That's my only complaint. We went from "rarest tonic in the game" to "now everyone gets it for free, just by logging in, zero effort". Kinda extreme if you ask me, that's where the real devaluation came in. At least make people do some achievements or whatever, even if they're super easy.


Also, the 66.000 karma is kinda laughable. At least make it 660.000.


I hope we get [Mini Mr. Sparkles](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Mr._Sparkles) in the future too.


> @"Donari.5237" said:

>So here we have a thing that was meant to recognize Overwulf contributors, so it makes sense to leave it for those that did that. On the other hand, it was limited to winners. Not every player could do the thing that "earned" it. Even players that put in tremendous effort in making Overwulf apps but didn't win would not get the tonic.


Everyone who participated and submitted something functional got the tonic, it was a participation trophy. If I don't remember wrong, the top 50 got Plantronic headphones (still have mine, pretty good quality), and the winners got a few gems.

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To tell the truth, it's nice to get but I would never really showcase it. Maybe if I participated in a fashion competition would I use a mini to enhance my image but as I have played other mmos (and this one at times) having an extra body following you can become frustrating some times when your companion/s seem to want to stop right on top of what you need to loot/interact with. With my ranger, other than my eagle, my companion pets seem to want to stop anywhere and everywhere. I don't need an extra one doing that as well. But it is nice to get something I did not have before.

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> @"Lonami.2987" said:

> Everyone who participated and submitted something functional got the tonic, it was a participation trophy. If I don't remember wrong, the top 50 got Plantronic headphones (still have mine, pretty good quality), and the winners got a few gems.


There were only 33 participants and 20 of them got the headphones (results). It was a depressing turnout, more so that a lot of the entries were just copies of existing apps/websites. It's odd that they gave out the "interface" golem for Extra Life, but the Overwolf challenge was just a bad idea to begin with.

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> @"kapri.5918" said:

> To tell the truth, it's nice to get but I would never really showcase it. Maybe if I participated in a fashion competition would I use a mini to enhance my image but as I have played other mmos (and this one at times) having an extra body following you can become frustrating some times when your companion/s seem to want to stop right on top of what you need to loot/interact with. With my ranger, other than my eagle, my companion pets seem to want to stop anywhere and everywhere. I don't need an extra one doing that as well. But it is nice to get something I did not have before.


FYI: It's a Tonic, not a Mini-pet. :)

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"kapri.5918" said:

> > To tell the truth, it's nice to get but I would never really showcase it. Maybe if I participated in a fashion competition would I use a mini to enhance my image but as I have played other mmos (and this one at times) having an extra body following you can become frustrating some times when your companion/s seem to want to stop right on top of what you need to loot/interact with. With my ranger, other than my eagle, my companion pets seem to want to stop anywhere and everywhere. I don't need an extra one doing that as well. But it is nice to get something I did not have before.


> FYI: It's a Tonic, not a Mini-pet. :)


My apologies, I have know idea what Tonics are even for so it's probably going to sit in the back room some where.

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> @"kapri.5918" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > @"kapri.5918" said:

> > > To tell the truth, it's nice to get but I would never really showcase it. Maybe if I participated in a fashion competition would I use a mini to enhance my image but as I have played other mmos (and this one at times) having an extra body following you can become frustrating some times when your companion/s seem to want to stop right on top of what you need to loot/interact with. With my ranger, other than my eagle, my companion pets seem to want to stop anywhere and everywhere. I don't need an extra one doing that as well. But it is nice to get something I did not have before.

> >

> > FYI: It's a Tonic, not a Mini-pet. :)


> My apologies, I have know idea what Tonics are even for so it's probably going to sit in the back room some where.


You don't need to use up an inventory slot on it, you can right click and add to Wardrobe to get it in your Novelties.


Tonics change your appearance. Some you can even still do normal combat in (watchknight, kodan, iirc). Some restrict your movement (you can't jump while transformed in some, though you can in many). You want to be a quaggan? A fire imp? Extra big or extra small? Toggle the relevant tonic. Now rather than double clicking in inventory you need to have it set in your tonic slot in your novelties tab and use the hotkey of your choice.


But if you don't want to use them, and you have account bound ones, at least stash them in the wardrobe so you can forget about them in uncluttered peace :)

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I'm generally in favor of things not being available only one time. But I usually hope they take the same amount of effort when reintroduced and have more or less equivalent rarity over time. This is a kind of odd thing because it was for an out-of-game thing that required specific out-of-game skills and significant out-of-game work. Making an in-game reward for that doesn't seem like a really good idea to me. But I can certainly see where if I had done the work and received the reward, I might feel a little emotion one way or another.

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I doubt they will recolour it. I believe the intention here is to deliberately re-release items as-is because this makes them more sought after. You can see that some posters in this thread already fit exactly the demographic ANet are targeting - these guys want the prestige, the feeling that they are as special/lucky as those who originally got the item. They won't support the best of both worlds approach of recolouring an item because then they can't be a part of the original crowd. It's really quite bizarre, like a form of extremely destructive jealousy. They want what you have because they can't fathom others having something unique.

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So, essentially, you're upset because a tonic has lost its appeal due to it being so easily acquired? What I don't get is this: This was for a good cause, why are people still so negative? Hell, I'm proud that we reached that 60K. Why can't people be content with the fact that at the end of the day, we, as a community, did something great for those less fortunate. To be quite honest, I don't give a damn about the tonic, I do give a damn about children though. This seems so petty it makes me wonder...

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> @"Scud.5067" said:

> It's time to melt that snowflake. For charity!


> But really,I get where you're coming from. Still, it is something special for exactly the reasons you state, and a great way to get attention to a worthy cause because of it.


They did really do that, i would have less of an issue with that if the tonic was given to those who supported the cause, but it was instead given to ppl like candy.

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> @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> Any reward that derives its value from exclusivity is a bad reward. I'm glad I don't find happiness in keeping things from others.

It may vary depending on the reward and the type of excusivity. Some cases are generally okay. Now, what definitely isn't okay is exclusivity coming from the reward no longer being available to obtain in _any_ way.



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> @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> Any reward that derives its value from exclusivity is a bad reward. I'm glad I don't find happiness in keeping things from others.


Why do you think that? Nowhere was it said or suggested that ppl find happiness in getting exclusive rewards because others dont have them or cant have them.


Alot of ppl, me included get happy with a reward being excusive because that reward shows you've done something specific. Its the reason why things like gold feel so meh to get as reward meanwhile im still rocking my "light in the darkness" title from that se2 achievement.


It would be very devalueing if they decided to give out that title one day just for logging in as it would remove what made that title unique and exclusive and imo, cool.

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To OP: I was one of first players with Emblem Dragon Outfit, I've spent week or so on making first halloween diorama and got that reward. Now it's given away in kung fu tea promotion.


I feel you, but in my opinion, everyone should be able to get every item in gw2 somehow.


I quit playing year or so after launch, now I'm back for almost year now and I've missed lots of... Well, everything, exclusive rewards, discontinued achievements etc. I would be happy to have opportunity to get those rewards somehow now.

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> @"Czokalapik.6091" said:

> To OP: I was one of first players with Emblem Dragon Outfit, I've spent week or so on making first halloween diorama and got that reward. Now it's given away in kung fu tea promotion.


> I feel you, but in my opinion, everyone should be able to get every item in gw2 somehow.


> I quit playing year or so after launch, now I'm back for almost year now and I've missed lots of... Well, everything, exclusive rewards, discontinued achievements etc. I would be happy to have opportunity to get those rewards somehow now.


I really like your diorama. =)

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Exclusivity can only be temporary.


Even when it comes to rewards exclusive to content, like a mini from an achievement, things will get easier over time as new builds and tactics appear.


And it's the best way. People get to show off something on the moment. But they can't sit on their laurels. There will always be new things, so to stay on top of the showing off game, they have to keep playing.


If we had the kind of exclusivity some people want in games in real life, we would not even have technology because whoever came up with 'taming fire' for the first time would keep it for themselves.

Fortunately, not all humans go "mine, mine, mine" much further than when they are 5 years old, and they like to trade and share. And that got us to the moon and possibly beyond some day.

The newest phone gets old, the dapperest kickers are the dapperest only for a while, the latest car model ends up on sale eventually.


The only way we could really have some sort of actual exclusivity is if items and achievements had acquisition timestamps. Just like whoever got first to the top of a mountain will always be the first, but they won't be the last unless someone goes and nukes the mountain down.

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