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Rune and Sigil Changes - 13 November 2018 [Merged]

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:


> Flanking attacks are side + behind, always have been. In PvP this isn't very useful, in PvE this is very easy and effective, especially open world.


Try reading what I said again. Frailty does _not_ proc on a warrior _even when attacking from behind_, and even if it did that is _substantially less frequent_ than it was before the change. If this is not broken, _then Anet is not regarding attacks from behind as flanking attacks_ unless the skill used is actually described as a flanking attack.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> As @"Ayrilana.1396" above indicates, the salvaging of gear was changed too - the only way to get a sigil or rune from a piece of gear now is either Upgrade Extractor or Black Lion Salvage Kit. All lower salvage kits instead directly salvage the upgrade along with the gear.


If so that makes acquiring runes and sigils MUCH more expensive than it used to be. It would have to be cheaper to just buy from the TP (if the rune in question is available there). I always salvage all, bank the sigils/runes I want to keep, then sell the rest. Now I'll have to buy/make the sigils/runes, which is far less convenient and more costly.


Good thing all those people complained about a perfectly viable system.

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Revert the Salvage kits changes. All salvage kits should have the options for "salvage gear" "salvage runes" "salvage sigils".


Having everything being auto salvaged removes agency from players, it removes the ability to decide what they want to do with their drops on a lvl we already had prior to this update. It also leaves a shour taste in my mouth how the gemstore (primarily) salvage kit has kept the old function. And no, "it can randomly drop" doesnt cut it.


I wasnt even excited about the rune sigil reworks because i knew u wouldnt be bold about it but you actually managed to annoy me with this visibly cashgrab change. Not cool anet, not cool.

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The old mechanism was better IMO, you had a choice of selling the Sigil or Rune if you wanted to (all those 1s 8cs add up).


I'd have preferred if the first pass would, for example, salvage all the Masterwork equipment as before and the second could salvage the Sigils or Runes from the first pass for a chance of normal crafting materials not the new ones.


They should definitely sell a salvage kit in game that gives you a chance to keep the Sigil or Rune. Priced comparably to the master salvage kit with the same chance it used to have.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Revert the Salvage kits changes. All salvage kits should have the options for "salvage gear" "salvage runes" "salvage sigils".


> Having everything being auto salvaged removes agency from players, it removes the ability to decide what they want to do with their drops on a lvl we already had prior to this update. It also leaves a shour taste in my mouth how the gemstore (primarily) salvage kit has kept the old function. And no, "it can randomly drop" doesnt cut it.


> I wasnt even excited about the rune sigil reworks because i knew u wouldnt be bold about it but you actually managed to annoy me with this visibly cashgrab change. Not cool anet, not cool.


Are you really mad you can't get a 2 gold sigil out of the exotic drop once in a blue moon?

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Revert the Salvage kits changes. All salvage kits should have the options for "salvage gear" "salvage runes" "salvage sigils".

> >

> > Having everything being auto salvaged removes agency from players, it removes the ability to decide what they want to do with their drops on a lvl we already had prior to this update. It also leaves a shour taste in my mouth how the gemstore (primarily) salvage kit has kept the old function. And no, "it can randomly drop" doesnt cut it.

> >

> > I wasnt even excited about the rune sigil reworks because i knew u wouldnt be bold about it but you actually managed to annoy me with this visibly cashgrab change. Not cool anet, not cool.


> Are you really mad you can't get a 2 gold sigil out of the exotic drop once in a blue moon?


Yes i am. It was one of my options and now its removed, so i ask for it to be reverted.


I could also just keep the runes and mforge them with a chance of gettimg a better one.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > As @"Ayrilana.1396" above indicates, the salvaging of gear was changed too - the only way to get a sigil or rune from a piece of gear now is either Upgrade Extractor or Black Lion Salvage Kit. All lower salvage kits instead directly salvage the upgrade along with the gear.


> If so that makes acquiring runes and sigils MUCH more expensive than it used to be. It would have to be cheaper to just buy from the TP (if the rune in question is available there). I always salvage all, bank the sigils/runes I want to keep, then sell the rest. Now I'll have to buy/make the sigils/runes, which is far less convenient and more costly.


> Good thing all those people complained about a perfectly viable system.


Personally, I see absolutely zero use for minor and major upgrades, so autobreaking them down into things I can use to craft the Superiors I want (as opposed to super tedious MF gambling, very unlikely to give the ones I'm hoping for) seems like a gain to me.


Remember, Masterwork gear only have Minor upgrades and Rare gear only have Major ones. Superiors only come from Exotic gear which I never mass salvage - if it's a useful upgrade there's BLSKs. If it's something I want, why would I use a lesser one and risk not getting it?

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> @"Sargoth.8104" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> >

> > Flanking attacks are side + behind, always have been. In PvP this isn't very useful, in PvE this is very easy and effective, especially open world.


> Try reading what I said again. Frailty does _not_ proc on a warrior _even when attacking from behind_, and even if it did that is _substantially less frequent_ than it was before the change. If this is not broken, _then Anet is not regarding attacks from behind as flanking attacks_ unless the skill used is actually described as a flanking attack.




Frailty is probably just broken. Note that it has an ICD of 2s.

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I found Orr runes were a nice fit for soulbeast until the change. Such a change that I’ve switched to Afflicted and lost the runes in the process.

I’m missing the light aura on radiance runes for my tempest (in radiant armor). The interaction with the trait Powerful auras was nice even if unintended. Still, I’d like that added to the 6th bonus please.

With this and guardian staff changes, light aura share seems to be removed from the game now.

The changes to Earth and tormenting were a boon to me with the added healing for both.

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One piece of feedback I have is that the runes that now have "when entering combat" is troubling. The one that affects me at the moment is Rune of the Pack. With the old rune, you'd proc the benefit approximately 10s out of every 30s. With the new rune, you proc the benefit only once during a fight. Most encounters where the rune benefit could be valuable are longer encounters. If you're out of combat in 20s to reset the cool down, that rune benefit probably wasn't necessary anyway since it was a quick/easy encounter. It really needs to be "while in combat" and not "when entering combat".

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this rework overall didn't do much anything to change it, its even more unbalanced than before. Theres even more weak runes/sigils than before and more very OP ones. I really like celerity and rage sigils thou, enables to make some high solo uptime quickness builds for non-guardians.


You really need to hire someone who actually knows how to even somewhat balance GW2, cuz the overall history of this games balancing is a bit embarrassing.

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I think the change drove up sigil, rune and exotic gear too much. I like the idea more craft able options. But having to buy recipes with other currency instead of how its been using karma. And recipes are a bit to expensive. When it come to player builds I am a big advocate of all that being easy at the flip of a switch. Make other things in the game expensive not stats stuff :) just my 2 cents.

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New Golemancer Rune meta incoming, calling it now! o3o


I tended to focus on the runes that affected my characters, since I'm not really a huge stickler for fussing over balance and stuff. So I am excited for the Rune of Undead buff, since I use it on my Necro and Mes. Better survivability was noticeable in a number of fights due to added toughness to the 6th bonus. I have yet to try it on Mesmer, but expect similar results and will maybe play around with a few different secondary weapon sets/utilities now that I can live a bit longer.


I can't really tell if Rune of Pack changes were a nerf/buff overall? It affects my Warrior and Thief. I am finally thinking about actually going all in with Rune of Scholar for my Thief, so I can go full cancer thief roamer. >=D On the flip, Warrior doesn't really have many boons to benefit from extended boon duration.. or maybe I'm looking at it wrong and they could really benefit from slightly extended might/resistance/stab etc.?? Really not sure, but I am willing to give the changes to existing runes on my armor a go before considering any rune changes.


I still have almost no reason to play on my Ele, who is currently running Dolyak runes because I hate glass builds and can never seem to survive on low health characters. But that's another tangent, and personal preference.

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> @"Evrae Altana.1295" said:

> And another hit to chronos. It seems anet hates chrono


chronos are so broken support since HoT. perma quickness, alac, 10-11 boons, aegis, pulls, cc and facetanking all bosses even with berserker gear. you can't replace it with any other support.

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> @"Lindaklingomat.1253" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Thats just a bad change. It should be all seperate in diff options "salvage gear" "salvage runes" "salvage sigils".

> >

> > Black lion kits keeping the rune and sigil make all of it look like a cashgrab.


> I agree 100% This feels like a big downgrade and a cashgrab, even a little "pay to win" to be honest


You get free black lion salvage kits every month.. the daily log ins give them to you. They have 25 charges, most people are swimming in them. Personally I have deleted at least 100 of them already because they are useless to me...

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Lindaklingomat.1253" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > Thats just a bad change. It should be all seperate in diff options "salvage gear" "salvage runes" "salvage sigils".

> > >

> > > Black lion kits keeping the rune and sigil make all of it look like a cashgrab.

> >

> > I agree 100% This feels like a big downgrade and a cashgrab, even a little "pay to win" to be honest


> You get free black lion salvage kits every month.. the daily log ins give them to you. They have 25 charges, most people are swimming in them. Personally I have deleted at least 100 of them already because they are useless to me...


I must be missing something. How are you certain to get free multiple BLSKs every month?


I am not personally as aware of the contents of, "most people's," inventory as you seem to be, but I do know that I am not swimming in them (I do have a partial kit right now thats been used sparingly for months).

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Lindaklingomat.1253" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > Thats just a bad change. It should be all seperate in diff options "salvage gear" "salvage runes" "salvage sigils".

> > >

> > > Black lion kits keeping the rune and sigil make all of it look like a cashgrab.

> >

> > I agree 100% This feels like a big downgrade and a cashgrab, even a little "pay to win" to be honest


> You get free black lion salvage kits every month.. the daily log ins give them to you. They have 25 charges, most people are swimming in them. Personally I have deleted at least 100 of them already because they are useless to me...


Chest of black lion goods from the daily log in rewards comes 3 times a month. You're not guaranteed to get a black lion salvage kit. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chest_of_Black_Lion_Goods#Contents


In my experience, I usually get an instant repair canister from it (useless since I got an endless version from a BL chest a long time ago), or another item like a merchant express. I'm lucky to get a black lion salvage kit. I do have a bunch of them in the bank I've collected over the years. A few from daily log in rewards, but most came from black lion chests I opened.


Besides, the black lion salvage kit is only 25 uses. You'd go through it quickly if you want to save a ton of runes/sigils from all the gear drops you get for whatever reason.




But I agree with others: runes and sigils should still be extracted from gear, giving us the option to salvage them for crafting materials, using them in our gear, or just sell them in the trading post.


And what about the mystic forge? What if I want to throw in some major runes or sigils in hopes of receiving a good exotic rune or sigil? This change kinda takes away the try-your-luck feature that some players enjoy.


How will new players get minor and major runes and sigils to use while leveling up? Craft it themselves? Some people don't like to craft. As time goes by the supply will go down in the trading post, which of course puts the price out of reach of new players just starting the game.


I also agree that this is a cash grab, forcing us the need to get black lion salvage kits and/or upgrade extractors, either directly from the gem shop, or buy them with black lion statuettes from black lion chests.


Hell, it was mentioned right there in the last paragraph at the top under the image in the dev blog announcement: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/november-13-salvage-runes-and-sigils/


>Black Lion Salvage Kits will retain their current functionality with a 100% chance to extract upgrades from salvaging gear. Additionally, the price of Upgrade Extractors will be adjusted from one for 250 gems to three for 250 gems, ten for 700 gems, and twenty-five for 1500 gems.


**What they did was take away a free feature of the game we've had for many years (retaining runes/sigils when salvaging gear) and monetize it.** At least they were up front about it. But to me it's unfair and takes away player choice.

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Per the hotfix - Abrasive Grit: This trait now has a 5-second cooldown, and the might it grants has been increased from 2 stacks for 6 seconds to 3 stacks for 8 seconds.


Revert this. There's no logical reason to nerf the trait when the problem was the Rune. Stop hitting the class when the problem is the item.


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