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Rune and Sigil Changes - 13 November 2018 [Merged]

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Chronos have been top dogs for too long, the nerf is well deserved. Plus it might make boon enhancer revenants desired again. Revs used to have everyone swoon over facet of nature that couldn lenghten boon duration. But then chronos became able to cap them on their own and herald fell out completely.

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> Good i welcome this, kitten gets stale quick if it doesnt change for years. Regardless this will still probably be best in slot. People will adapt like we did with all other nerfs. Boons dont win the game anyways, skill does.


This was good *laugh* I like it . No serious boons play I mayor role in this game in wvw the whole zerg meta is built on immune boons(Fb) , boon corruption(scourge) and boon denial(warrior bubble). In PvE I only say chrono and druid.


You may need also skill but without boons you can't play the endcontent in this game at least not in the way it is now.


Anyway this isn't the case like the other said you change a bit of your equip and you have 100% up time again with the price of some dps

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Sigil of concentration is being changed for the same reason runes of durability were removed from spvp. They're far too powerful given how the rest of the balance is set up.


Which is a little weird since either version of concentration runes aren't great in wvw or spvp and durability runes are fine in pve.


HoT maps did have mobs that would steal your boons and thus punish you for stacking, maybe giving more enemies that mechanic would be another way to balance things while giving mesmer, necro, and spellbreaker some more utility in pve.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > I just realized, ANet missed a big opportunity. The sigil of luck will be produced with symbols. So this game simply will not have any ... lucky charms.

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Purple_Lucky_Rabbit%27s_Foot

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Red_Lucky_Rabbit%27s_Foot

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Orange_Lucky_Rabbit%27s_Foot

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Yellow_Lucky_Rabbit%27s_Foot

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Green_Lucky_Rabbit%27s_Foot

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blue_Lucky_Rabbit%27s_Foot

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Red_Lucky_Rabbit%27s_Foot

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lucky_Pink_Rabbit%27s_Foot

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lucky_White_Rabbit%27s_Foot


> Wow. You totally did not catch the smart play upon words.


Yeah i did, you just missed my counter joke ;)

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> Let's think at a scenario: You have an item with the superior rune of the Scholar. You want this rune. THIS rune is what you need for your toon. Salvage item - that means you may salvage the rune too. You receive some materials. IS OK. Now you need the recipe for the rune. Go hunting the recipe. And .... somewhere in the future you hve it. WOAAAA !! Now is the moment to craft my rune.

> BUT - the materials needed to craft this rune is 5 time (or 10 or 250 times - according to Anet decision) greater than the materials contained in a single Rune of Scholar. But you cannot obtain that rune now - it is salvaged when you salvage the armors.

> Solution? - Take a look in the Gem Store. The new extractor is 3 times cheaper. You can afford now to buy not one, but 6 - to have a complete set of rune.


Alternative solution: use a Black Lion Salvage Kit. To quote from the article: "Black Lion Salvage Kits will retain their current functionality with a 100% chance to extract upgrades from salvaging gear." So this makes the decision of when to use a Mystic Salvage Kit or a BLSK quite simple: Want that rune or sigil? Use a BLSK. Otherwise use a MSK.


Ouf course, the cost for crafting any given Sigil or Rune will be much higher that the amount of materials gained from salvaging a single rune or sigil - it *must* be, to account for all the mats obtained from salvaging the numerous unwanted sigils and runes you get in drops. And yes, there's always a chance for ANET to overtune the recipes or undertune the droprates for motes, symbols, charms and the recipes that can only be obtained as drops. And that is a bit of a concern. But I'm willing to at least wait and see what they've cooked up before complaining about any potential shortages here.

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You can get 100% if you stack some Harriers in that Commander Gear. Full Commanders + Food + New Sigil is 94%. Throw in Chaos for the 2% per boon, just make you have 3 boons before you share. Profit?


Might get some Sigils for my Support / Quickness FB. Didn't weapon swap cause Mace / Shield was better overall then staff (save burst / snipe healing) at least now I won't feel bad by staying on a single weapon set.

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So with this the rock dog from the ogre rune will be an always up unless it gets killed? Awesome (now they should do the same thing with the other summonings (including the E-Spec ones)), it's honestly impressive how they can do such a good job with summons in this regard but then fail so horribly when it comes to the LW vendor summons.


I'm hoping for a revamp of the "vampiric" themed runes and sigils, I'd love to see some real always active lifesteal on hit effect instead of this gimmick we have rn.



> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Ogre runes without randomness attached to it (might be viable for many more situations now, having an ally to deal a bit of damage and soak some is immensely useful, **now even outside of dungeons??** :P)

They were never that useful for dungeons to begin with as everything capable of killing you is either a big room encompassing AoE, a OHKO (usually also a big AoE) or some other environmental stuff the dog can't do anything against. The only real use this summon has is to distract trash mobs (as it doesn't really do any noticeable amount of damage either) which has always been most usefull in OW.

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Imagine complaining that one, if not THE, strongest sigil in the game gets nerfed and the power shifted elsewhere. Barely anything will change, except that if you want that same amount of efficiency you'll have to look into running a slightly different stat setup or different runes. Don't ignore that there will be a ton of changes and we might see a rune set that will more than make up for that.


Plus new enhancements aka oils and stones that will give Concentration are coming up as well.

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Some sigils/runes may or may not be any cheaper to obtain by crafting depending on the materials needed. Recall that each of the runes/sigils that can currently be crafted requires a unique component that separates it from the others. The same can be said elsewhere in the crafting system.


A lot of the available components that could be used also rely on RNG in order to obtain them. Take a look at putrid essence or giant eyes. While they are obtainable through map rewards, those quantities are fairly low. If they’re used for a highly desirable sigil/rune, we can immediately think about a specific sigil that got a lot of attention this past month, we’d just see a repeat of what occurred with that sigil.


A lot of people were praising the new precursor crafting when it was announced and how it was going to make things better. Everything that people were saying about it parallels what people are saying about sigil/rune crafting. How’d precursor crafting turn out for everyone?

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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> The only thing that concerns me, is that they've nerfed traits that increase boon duration, now they are nerfing concentration sigil. This will require fractal chronos to drop DPS gear for concentration gear to be able to keep up the alacrity and quickness.


Oh no, the one many army that can provide everything and DPS will no longer be able to provide everything and DPS. Its almost like One Man Army builds are bad for the game. Maybe its just me.

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> @"Morte de Angelis.7986" said:

> > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > The only thing that concerns me, is that they've nerfed traits that increase boon duration, now they are nerfing concentration sigil. This will require fractal chronos to drop DPS gear for concentration gear to be able to keep up the alacrity and quickness.


> Oh no, the one many army that can provide everything and DPS will no longer be able to provide everything and DPS. Its almost like One Man Army builds are bad for the game. Maybe its just me.


Its not just you, im sure chrono mains will hate it though.

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