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World Restructuring Update 2

Raymond Lukes.6305

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> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> Snip 8<

> I've stuck with WvW devotedly for 5+ years now, through all kinds of changes, good times and dark times and no matter what always managed to find something fun to do, which kept me coming back. I'm finally, sadly finding that fun all but snuffed out. We NEED some hope on the horizon, because this... this just can't continue this way. Really never thought I'd join the gloom and doom crew but I'm ready to hang it up with the current state of things.


> Give us *something* guys.






NA Long-Term Communities that were 5+ years old...gutted by Server Linking.


EU Long-Term Language Communities that are 5+ years old...now being gutted by Language Linking.


Bad decisions continue to be followed by more bad decisions.




*Told you so*



*Running dry*



Self proclaimed Forum experts seem to enjoy arguing with me, but my predictions are coming true.


Look back over the many years that I've participated here...and my message hasn't changed. I admit that I'm a broken record, but the message & fix remains the same because what's needed to fix things hasn't changed based on my observation & personal insight into this game mode.


I'll continue to offer feedback that is intended to help constructively to build up this game mode so players can personally enjoy it while ANet is financially rewarded by their patronage.


Over 2 years ago I could see what World Linking would do & I still firmly believe Alliance Linking will end in the same result of Un-Healthy & Non-Competitive Match-Ups that only encourages a toxic game mode.


Hope you can hear the message that there's a better Road Map & Vision. We have a wonderful opportunity to create something incredible within the gaming industry with this WvW game mode.


*Don't just Give us something...Give us something better guys.*


Yours truly,



Credibility requires critical insight & time.

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  • 4 months later...
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Holy thread necro. But seriously, this is what we DO know. The hurdles talked about in the original post are NOT related to actual development of wvw (or alliances), it was server related stuff. They have now told us the stuff they are working on both through Q1 and Q2 of 2020, none of it includes alliances. So, in the 2.5 years since alliances were announced, we have 0 work done on it.


Even if they do manage to get us alliances when the next expansion comes out, which seems like the earliest it could happen, it's not going to solve any of the issues that plague wvw, from mass transfers to the timezone imbalances of blobs making sure they never have to face other blobs in their play time. People are still going to game the system so that they can win every fight by sheer numbers and continue the endless challenge of hitting doors of houses where no one is home.

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I agree that some players will continue to try to game the system whatever that may be, but if Alliances is what ANET originally put forward WvW matches will be different. _There won't be any world servers_. Just stop and think about that. Guilds will become the building blocks for each match-up and that has several advantages from a balancing point of view:

1. Guild max population is lower than server max population, so even if players bandwagon to one guild this will have less effect.

2. Guilds are controlled by players and can admin their population in a way that servers can't. This puts population under OUR control as players.

3. Smaller building blocks means more opportunity to spread off-peak guilds/players across matches to get a more even population at any one time, so everyone gets someone to fight.

4. Players in a guild may have regular raid times, and ANET has the chance to include this factor in the match making algorithm to spread the total population more evenly.


The Alliances (of guilds) system as ANET has proposed should be a powerful step towards fixing some of the key issues that have long existed in WvW. The fact that it should be so useful makes me very puzzled about why it's not more of a priority.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I feel it's important to start with the fact I'm so happy to see you take the problems in WvW seriously and are avidly seeking to address it. I'm not writing this post to be over critical or ungrateful but merely to express my point of view and feelings on this. Since day one of WvW I've fought for FA and all along expessed my disgust at the weekly transfer system that occurs every time a team gets hit with a match-up that will be testing or even leave you fighting in a lost cause for that week. For years I've seen people transfer out of these match ups and stack fights elsewhere in what can only be described as a pay to win system THAT is the problem and always is in any game that has pay to win systems. In saying that I know you guys didn't design the transfer system to be abused to used as a pay to win system it's your customers who've created this and it's actually a small percentage of players who are ruining this for all of us. The transfer system must die Sir not matter what you decide or players will transfer. I love my FA I won't fight for anyone else it won't happen but I also wont transfer every 8 weeks just to get back to FA and in so become in game what I truly despise a weak mutt with a win only requirement. I'll leave GW2 . I can clearly see that your idea will create much more balance but I lose the team I've fought for since day 1. I fight for FA because it is FA my guild is even called Fort Aspenwood Vanguard [FA]. I mean what do I do with that now lol. I go fight for a new team every 8 weeks with my Fort Aspenwood Vanguard buddies . It doesn't compute. All servers have players like me who've sat firm even in shit times in honour of their team. Yeah I don't disagree a lot of players will come back but that type of player base are the same guys who come back ever ex-pack or every major change and then their gone once they get the new shiny and dance in lions arch for a week this will be no different expect for the fact you'll also be losing all server loyalists in that wave and there are a shit ton or us we far outweight the number or players who are causing this with there weak assed pay to win attitudes . Perhaps you should consider losing them by closing all transfers from tomorrow and for GOOD . Choose a server and suck it up cause sometimes your gunna lose and get steam-rolled. This will be WvW's death knell . It gunna leave players changing teams every 8 weeks and others creating a spider web of guilds they jump between so they can always justify transferring to stack fights cause their in THAT guild that only works if you only ever can be in 1 guild on 1 server 1 member ship only to only 1 guild. Ive been in guilds before where we had members still in guild that where plying on others servers being able to have member ship with multiple guilds and rep your choice allows a web to be created across servers where players can still leave hard match up's to create stacked ones cause their in a guild over there. I can already see holes in this system for those who are not loyalists to exploit. I just don't think this system is the answer. It would actually make more sense honestly is you if you identified all players who have transferred lets say more than 5 times in the last 12 months and perm banned them for exploiting the transfer system and being a sock cock. You don't turn a game upside down because a small percentage of limp gerbals are exploiting it you ban those that are ruining it or cap transfers per year you transfer once bingo see ya next year or even better scrap the transfers .Personally I'd prefer if you perm banned the lot of these plastic players. Why should players stay who've openly exploited and refused to play the game as you intended . If you've transferred more than 5 times in last 12 months lets face it YOU are the problem YOU did this and YOU should go. Your game should be thrown upside down with a sorry you've been perm banned for being a weak gutted mutt bag so heres a kick in the nuts as thank you for giving us more work as coders to do cause you exploit our structure thanks have a nice day don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. Thats how you deal with exploiters you don't screw everyone sideways to fix a problem that was broken by exploits you remove the exploit (transfer system) and those that are exploiting it (blank shooting wankers throbbing with pay to win desire). Peoples inability to play in tough match-ups did this it's been going on for years been openly known for years and allowed to continue for years without any mitigation what so ever then this WOW. This is how you fix it you don't close transfers years ago when this crystal clear problem presented itself. No you watch it go on for years while you pocket the 1800 gem transfer profits you line your pockets with the taint of money gained from this exploit and yes ive seen the maths you don't make a lot of transfers which by the way isn't a positive note guys the fact that not a lot of money is made by the exploiting of WvW doesn't make me happier makes me even more angry to hear you've allowed my game to decend into shit town for very little profit. I always assumed while I watched wvw slide down the shit shoot you where making a lot of money from transfers . I mitigated my anger that these times by justifying the fact you guys need to turn a profit to provide a service and it's not your fault players are exploiting it for selfish reasons but then I see the maths your not making a lot of profit from transfers so that just leaves me saying wow. You've allowed my WvW to decend to crap for less cash that my corner store takeaway down the road makes and your a global company ................. wow ............… nice...…….. Certainly doesn't make me feel any better to hear profiteering wasn't the cause that negligence was. You guys have known for a LOOOOONG time that the transferring system was broken you could've capped it YEARS ago and ended it I always assumed profit and the fact a business has to survive to provide a service to us was the cause here so I understood but that's not the case is it. A 12 month cap of 1-2 transfers would.ve thrown this problem into an old tin hat YEARS ago.. You cant expect players to police their own policies that's your job, your job years and years and years ago was to close the transfer exploit loop hole it's not hard the fix is really really simple. 1 free transfer out now to go where you wanna be as long as the servers not full just in case you not where u want to be then BANG transfers close for good and then we got suck it up. All new players go to low servers if the pops not coming close servers and redistribute if that means I lose my beloved FA or we lose a few tiers and you decide to transfer me somewhere else permanently then ill have to just suck it up and be a loyalist on my new permanent server. It's also been obvious for a long time that the stream of new players needed to populate the low servers isn't coming servers should've been merged together along time ago. The expansion you guys where building for in player additions isn't going to happen while things are broken. There's no reason why a game as good as this shouldn't be growing rapidly the fact it's not should mean questions need to be asked of your employees responsible for said growth cause im not seeing a lot of guild wars 2 out there in the world trying to pull players and I get around. What is area net's policy on pulling new players and what are you doing to achieve this these are the questions that also help fix wvw balance along with closing transfers and banning those whove exploited it in the past. It's not hard mate for you in your position to click a few buttons and clearly see who these players are. If they've transferred more than 5 times in the last 12 months they've been abusing the transfer system thats pretty clear ban them close transfers build your population continue adding new player to low servers locking players in full servers and BINGO no coding just tears for anyones who exploited 5 times or more in the last 12 months 5 tranfers from players who heavily play wvw in 12 months would be viewed as exploiting you haven't cleaned the kitchen man till you've put out the trash. That's what this post is about buddy ive been waiting for years for you guys to PUT OUT THE DAM TRASH and its been known for YEARS what's causing it you know it I know it and every single person on this thread knows it. The people who broke it and cause this nightmare to sit before you MUST go weather you change things or not. All gaming companies have a responsibility to permanently removed exploiters. Why has areanet completely dropped the ball here and allowed this transfer exploiting to go on for years and years and years. If you matey only answer 1 question ive asked here that last question is the 1 you should answer for ever person who plays wvw. Why have you at anet allowed this problem to go on for years and years and years and left the cause (transfers) remain open. You've coded to mitigate it you've linked to mitigate it but all long you've left the item being exploited open and the exploiting has continued unmitigated and unresolved. These plastic players would never have transferred if after transfer you had to wait a week or two to play wvw and SNAP problem solved.



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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> Alliances when


Stardate 45652.1 Cali’s log

Gw2 alliances have finally been released. Excited, I rush to my holosuite to update my patch. Soon my heart feels heavy and I fill with dread. Alliances, much like the long awaited build templates, cost real life money. Waiting so long has left me lacking faith. I decide to forgo alliances. I’ll use my latinum at the Dabo tables instead.

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> @"Calisanna.8732" said:

> > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> > Alliances when


> Stardate 45652.1 Cali’s log

> Gw2 alliances have finally been released. Excited, I rush to my holosuite to update my patch. Soon my heart feels heavy and I fill with dread. Alliances, much like the long awaited build templates, cost real life money. Waiting so long has left me lacking faith. I decide to forgo alliances. I’ll use my latinum at the Dabo tables instead.

The holosuite would have broken down and killed you because the safeties failed anyway. The safeties always fail.


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Could be considered expansion level content, and now they have announced an expansion, so..


_And now we go live to Jimmy with exciting news about the next GW2 expansion in 2022.

Jimmy, what do the WvW players have to look forward to in the upcomming years?

Thank you Johnny, well, for a small sum they will be getting the World restructuring that PvE got for free in 2014!

That also means that for the second expansion with PoF they got nothing, you heard it folks, nothing!

Good news Jimmy, that means for a one time purchase they won't have to pay just to play with friends every 8 weeks and get to do that for free like PvE

Now, onto Jane with the Sea of Sorrows weather forecast: Stormy with splashes that leave salty stains._


Good procuder, good product, would purchase (again).


Also, Warclaw, lol.

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> @"tanachiouz.7628" said:

> Well I feel it's important to start with the fact I'm so happy to see you take the problems in WvW seriously and are avidly seeking to address it. I'm not writing this post to be over critical or ungrateful but merely to express my point of view and feelings on this. Since day one of WvW I've fought for FA and all along expessed my disgust at the weekly transfer system that occurs every time a team gets hit with a match-up that will be testing or even leave you fighting in a lost cause for that week. For years I've seen people transfer out of these match ups and stack fights elsewhere in what can only be described as a pay to win system THAT is the problem and always is in any game that has pay to win systems. In saying that I know you guys didn't design the transfer system to be abused to used as a pay to win system it's your customers who've created this and it's actually a small percentage of players who are ruining this for all of us. The transfer system must die Sir not matter what you decide or players will transfer. I love my FA I won't fight for anyone else it won't happen but I also wont transfer every 8 weeks just to get back to FA and in so become in game what I truly despise a weak mutt with a win only requirement. I'll leave GW2 . I can clearly see that your idea will create much more balance but I lose the team I've fought for since day 1. I fight for FA because it is FA my guild is even called Fort Aspenwood Vanguard [FA]. I mean what do I do with that now lol. I go fight for a new team every 8 weeks with my Fort Aspenwood Vanguard buddies . It doesn't compute. All servers have players like me who've sat firm even in kitten times in honour of their team. Yeah I don't disagree a lot of players will come back but that type of player base are the same guys who come back ever ex-pack or every major change and then their gone once they get the new shiny and dance in lions arch for a week this will be no different expect for the fact you'll also be losing all server loyalists in that wave and there are a kitten ton or us we far outweight the number or players who are causing this with there weak assed pay to win attitudes . Perhaps you should consider losing them by closing all transfers from tomorrow and for GOOD . Choose a server and suck it up cause sometimes your gunna lose and get steam-rolled. This will be WvW's death knell . It gunna leave players changing teams every 8 weeks and others creating a spider web of guilds they jump between so they can always justify transferring to stack fights cause their in THAT guild that only works if you only ever can be in 1 guild on 1 server 1 member ship only to only 1 guild. Ive been in guilds before where we had members still in guild that where plying on others servers being able to have member ship with multiple guilds and rep your choice allows a web to be created across servers where players can still leave hard match up's to create stacked ones cause their in a guild over there. I can already see holes in this system for those who are not loyalists to exploit. I just don't think this system is the answer. It would actually make more sense honestly is you if you identified all players who have transferred lets say more than 5 times in the last 12 months and perm banned them for exploiting the transfer system and being a sock kitten. You don't turn a game upside down because a small percentage of limp gerbals are exploiting it you ban those that are ruining it or cap transfers per year you transfer once bingo see ya next year or even better scrap the transfers .Personally I'd prefer if you perm banned the lot of these plastic players. Why should players stay who've openly exploited and refused to play the game as you intended . If you've transferred more than 5 times in last 12 months lets face it YOU are the problem YOU did this and YOU should go. Your game should be thrown upside down with a sorry you've been perm banned for being a weak gutted mutt bag so heres a kick in the nuts as thank you for giving us more work as coders to do cause you exploit our structure thanks have a nice day don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. Thats how you deal with exploiters you don't screw everyone sideways to fix a problem that was broken by exploits you remove the exploit (transfer system) and those that are exploiting it (blank shooting wankers throbbing with pay to win desire). Peoples inability to play in tough match-ups did this it's been going on for years been openly known for years and allowed to continue for years without any mitigation what so ever then this WOW. This is how you fix it you don't close transfers years ago when this crystal clear problem presented itself. No you watch it go on for years while you pocket the 1800 gem transfer profits you line your pockets with the taint of money gained from this exploit and yes ive seen the maths you don't make a lot of transfers which by the way isn't a positive note guys the fact that not a lot of money is made by the exploiting of WvW doesn't make me happier makes me even more angry to hear you've allowed my game to decend into kitten town for very little profit. I always assumed while I watched wvw slide down the kitten shoot you where making a lot of money from transfers . I mitigated my anger that these times by justifying the fact you guys need to turn a profit to provide a service and it's not your fault players are exploiting it for selfish reasons but then I see the maths your not making a lot of profit from transfers so that just leaves me saying wow. You've allowed my WvW to decend to kitten for less cash that my corner store takeaway down the road makes and your a global company ................. wow ............… nice...…….. Certainly doesn't make me feel any better to hear profiteering wasn't the cause that negligence was. You guys have known for a LOOOOONG time that the transferring system was broken you could've capped it YEARS ago and ended it I always assumed profit and the fact a business has to survive to provide a service to us was the cause here so I understood but that's not the case is it. A 12 month cap of 1-2 transfers would.ve thrown this problem into an old tin hat YEARS ago.. You cant expect players to police their own policies that's your job, your job years and years and years ago was to close the transfer exploit loop hole it's not hard the fix is really really simple. 1 free transfer out now to go where you wanna be as long as the servers not full just in case you not where u want to be then BANG transfers close for good and then we got suck it up. All new players go to low servers if the pops not coming close servers and redistribute if that means I lose my beloved FA or we lose a few tiers and you decide to transfer me somewhere else permanently then ill have to just suck it up and be a loyalist on my new permanent server. It's also been obvious for a long time that the stream of new players needed to populate the low servers isn't coming servers should've been merged together along time ago. The expansion you guys where building for in player additions isn't going to happen while things are broken. There's no reason why a game as good as this shouldn't be growing rapidly the fact it's not should mean questions need to be asked of your employees responsible for said growth cause im not seeing a lot of guild wars 2 out there in the world trying to pull players and I get around. What is area net's policy on pulling new players and what are you doing to achieve this these are the questions that also help fix wvw balance along with closing transfers and banning those whove exploited it in the past. It's not hard mate for you in your position to click a few buttons and clearly see who these players are. If they've transferred more than 5 times in the last 12 months they've been abusing the transfer system thats pretty clear ban them close transfers build your population continue adding new player to low servers locking players in full servers and BINGO no coding just tears for anyones who exploited 5 times or more in the last 12 months 5 tranfers from players who heavily play wvw in 12 months would be viewed as exploiting you haven't cleaned the kitchen man till you've put out the trash. That's what this post is about buddy ive been waiting for years for you guys to PUT OUT THE DAM TRASH and its been known for YEARS what's causing it you know it I know it and every single person on this thread knows it. The people who broke it and cause this nightmare to sit before you MUST go weather you change things or not. All gaming companies have a responsibility to permanently removed exploiters. Why has areanet completely dropped the ball here and allowed this transfer exploiting to go on for years and years and years. If you matey only answer 1 question ive asked here that last question is the 1 you should answer for ever person who plays wvw. Why have you at anet allowed this problem to go on for years and years and years and left the cause (transfers) remain open. You've coded to mitigate it you've linked to mitigate it but all long you've left the item being exploited open and the exploiting has continued unmitigated and unresolved. These plastic players would never have transferred if after transfer you had to wait a week or two to play wvw and SNAP problem solved.




Next time please learn how to break up what you say so it's not an eye numbing wall of text. :) Just helps everyone else

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"Brutal Augus.5917" said:

> I'm impressed that no matter how many breaks I take from this game you guys have managed to keep this thread on the front page. That's dedication.


> Err...I mean;


> Where alliance patch be???


Thats because the true alliance patch was getting us all on the forums to ally together and bump this thread.


Alliances was never about proper game balance and providing a positive experience for the players who took part in WvW.

It was about the friends we made along the way.

-Anet probably

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