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Could you please stop making high heels and skimpy armor for females?

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This is more of a personal preference issue that can be resolved with outfits. The OP can buy a big bulky heavy plated tanky looking armor outfit like the "Champion of Tyria" in the link below for her/his light armor characters, no high heels involved. Me personally I think light armor (outfit and skins) should be more skimpy and revealing since they're armors made with cloth and not steel plates. Plus high heels for females looks good in light, medium and heavy armors. Yes I know this is GW2 fashion but I just can't imagine a female superhero like Wonder Woman dressed in an outfit that makes her look like Doctor Doom.



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@"Ashantara.8731" - it seems clear that not many people on this forum agree with you currently. Can you give us some examples of the costumes you've been able to put together so far which suit your tastes and what you think is still lacking. And/or skins you'd like to use and what changes you'd like to see which would make them acceptable to you? That way maybe we'll have a better understanding of the issue.

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Please don't speak for the rest of us. If you want to play something extremely covered up and modest, roll a Medium armor class. You'll have trenchcoat picks for days.


I'd like more short to medium length skirts. At the moment it's like Apprentice and Magician's. Requiem was another set of pants...

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Now if the OP were asking for less flared trenchcoats and pom, pom skirts for medium armours I could get behind this :)

Light Armour imo has a reasonably good mix of skimpy and not so skimpy options depending on your race I guess.

Perhaps consider an outfit instead if this is still an issue to you OP.. or look at the wardrobe options (via your bank, not your character wardrobe) and see if there are things you can mix an match for your desired appearance. Perhaps there are some you still don't possess the skins for and the TP might offer them to you if the prices are right for you.

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Not sure why this is a problem; there are lots of BOTH skimpy and 'bulky' armors to choose from. 'Not skimpy' armors are not likely the answer to the problem being described by the OP.


What I desire is a small selection of less flashy or adorned armors. Sometimes, it's just too much going on.

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Female light armor has plenty skimpy armor sure, although they also got modest options. Medium armor does not have as much skimpy armor... infact for my female sylvari ranger where I would very much like an open back, so I could actually see that beautiful glow pattern, there is a grand total of 2 options, and I like neither one. So yeah, given up on that....

Oh how I would love the elite druid armor set from GW1 on my sweet sylvari.

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> @"Zeefa.3915" said:

> Female light armor has plenty skimpy armor sure, although they also got modest options. Medium armor does not have as much skimpy armor... infact for my female sylvari ranger where I would very much like an open back, so I could actually see that beautiful glow pattern, there is a grand total of 2 options, and I like neither one. So yeah, given up on that....

> Oh how I would love the elite druid armor set from GW1 on my sweet sylvari.


I agree. Female light armor has the most 'skimpy' options.


But Heels? I haven't seen anything that looks even remotely like stilettos or anything like Cinderella's glass slippers (which I would buy with real cash if we had). Everything looks like wrestler boots all the way up to the knee.


The aurora shoes are the only shoes that look like actual shoes you'd wear with a gown, but I don't think they're in bad taste at all. To me, they're the only good ones.

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I am female, and would love to have skimpier gear for my characters. I'm tired of wearing long gowns that when running looks like a cardboard cutout that I used to put on my paper dolls many many moons ago. Every male/female warrior takes a break from the brutalities of the world and goes out on the town. They finally has the opportunity to remove their grungy heavy armor and play. But, a warrior is always prepared weather dressed to the nine or in chain mail, and if a battle happens to arise, well thank heavens for magic gear and your very best outing outfits are equipped to protect you, invisible to the naked eye. So, no, I don't agree with this suggestions and I would recommend more awesome looking (not cardboard like) outfits for females and males. Maybe some awesome capes would be great to cover up on cold winter outings or evenings.

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I'll be petty and ask


"Could you please stop making these threads we had 6 of them in the last few months already"


And I'm not sure if it really was 6, but this is a joke so don't take it seriously.



I'll just paraphrase myself and say: We should have all types of armor, skimpy and full plate, skirt/no skirt a plenty!

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> @"kurfu.5623" said:

> There is already a wide variety of styles to choose from... This sounds more like you just don't like seeing the skimpy stuff on females period.


You, sir, are a good judge. There's a history here. Let me regale you all with tales from eons past.


A year ago, somebody made the thread "Best Looking Medium Armor." In this thread, I threw [my hat](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/253596/#Comment_253596 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/253596/#Comment_253596") into the mix with my Deadeye (now Holosmith) and her outfit. I happen to quite like it, considering how expensive it was to make. But, immediately following this, you see the OP didn't take kindly to this post.


As usual, I did what I always do, and stubbornly defended my choices with raw, masculine heterosexuality. This rubbed some people the wrong way, but after some banter my natural awe won people over. That or they just gave up. Except for the OP, though. You're probably wondering "why does this even matter?" Well, that thread was recently resurrected from the dead. And with it, the sleeping dogs did not let lie. After a piece of lettuce tried to kill me, I come to find a bunch of notifications. The argument had started up again, except the ideological tide has shifted. Instead of several people exchanging with me, several people are exchanging with Ashantara instead.


As debate just entrenches people, the end result of the aforementioned three-way rebuking was this thread. Exaggerated, and out of touch with the game, written more as a declaration than an actual idea or discussion. Whether this has anything to do with the previous Red Sonja thread is anyone's guess.


But look on the bright side. I had completely forgotten that I wrote [this little diddy](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/257012/#Comment_257012 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/257012/#Comment_257012") and had a good laugh upon reading it again.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > There is already a wide variety of styles to choose from... This sounds more like you just don't like seeing the skimpy stuff on females period.


> You, sir, are a good judge. There's a history here. Let me regale you all with tales from eons past.


> A year ago, somebody made the thread "Best Looking Medium Armor." In this thread, I threw [my hat](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/253596/#Comment_253596 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/253596/#Comment_253596") into the mix with my Deadeye (now Holosmith) and her outfit. I happen to quite like it, considering how expensive it was to make. But, immediately following this, you see the OP didn't take kindly to this post.


> As usual, I did what I always do, and stubbornly defended my choices with raw, masculine heterosexuality. This rubbed some people the wrong way, but after some banter my natural awe won people over. That or they just gave up. Except for the OP, though. You're probably wondering "why does this even matter?" Well, that thread was recently resurrected from the dead. And with it, the sleeping dogs did not let lie. After a piece of lettuce tried to kill me, I come to find a bunch of notifications. The argument had started up again, except the ideological tide has shifted. Instead of several people exchanging with me, several people are exchanging with Ashantara instead.


> As debate just entrenches people, the end result of the aforementioned three-way rebuking was this thread. Exaggerated, and out of touch with the game, written more as a declaration than an actual idea or discussion. Whether this has anything to do with the previous Red Sonja thread is anyone's guess.


> But look on the bright side. I had completely forgotten that I wrote [this little diddy](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/257012/#Comment_257012 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/257012/#Comment_257012") and had a good laugh upon reading it again.


Glad I wasn't the only forum user to notice such a pattern! People watching is increasingly more intriguing online as it is IRL.

As a Female gamer, I want more revealing and/or form-fitting, non-buttcape/flap, non hip-flapped/caped armors, for both in-game genders. Because if you've got it, flaunt it, and my characters, Have. Got. It.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Dear devs,


> It is really hard to find armor sets or outfits for female characters that look fitting for an adventurer. This is the main reason I (almost) exclusively play male characters.


> I mean, this is GW2 and not Conan the Barbarian after all, no? ;) It would be nice to have more options to be able to dress female human and norn characters properly, namely as female adventurers and not as princesses or seductresses. :+1:


> Thank you.


There are plenty of full armor gear for female. And it’s the right for players to choose to wear less or more - not a reason to suggest stop making a whole category of fashion.


Go see this thread and get some ideas:


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There are plenty of armor options on both ends of the skimpy spectrum. No need for changes in that regard.


Most of the skimpy options, you'll see on female humans, Norn, and Sylvari. Welcome to the gaming world.


Charr and Asura are less sexually dimorphic than the other races, so their clothing tends to be more unisex. They also seem to have different racial attitudes toward clothing. Asura styles generally are more modest and practical (with a few exceptions) while Charr tend to be more casual about wearing clothing at all. There are some options for female Charr which are practically bare chested (since they don't have human-like breasts) and many Charr NPCs are half naked with bare legs, loincloths, and similar attire that only covers what's necessary.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > There is already a wide variety of styles to choose from... This sounds more like you just don't like seeing the skimpy stuff on females period.


> You, sir, are a good judge. There's a history here. Let me regale you all with tales from eons past.


> A year ago, somebody made the thread "Best Looking Medium Armor." In this thread, I threw [my hat](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/253596/#Comment_253596 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/253596/#Comment_253596") into the mix with my Deadeye (now Holosmith) and her outfit. I happen to quite like it, considering how expensive it was to make. But, immediately following this, you see the OP didn't take kindly to this post.


> As usual, I did what I always do, and stubbornly defended my choices with raw, masculine heterosexuality. This rubbed some people the wrong way, but after some banter my natural awe won people over. That or they just gave up. Except for the OP, though. You're probably wondering "why does this even matter?" Well, that thread was recently resurrected from the dead. And with it, the sleeping dogs did not let lie. After a piece of lettuce tried to kill me, I come to find a bunch of notifications. The argument had started up again, except the ideological tide has shifted. Instead of several people exchanging with me, several people are exchanging with Ashantara instead.


> As debate just entrenches people, the end result of the aforementioned three-way rebuking was this thread. Exaggerated, and out of touch with the game, written more as a declaration than an actual idea or discussion. Whether this has anything to do with the previous Red Sonja thread is anyone's guess.


> But look on the bright side. I had completely forgotten that I wrote [this little diddy](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/257012/#Comment_257012 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/257012/#Comment_257012") and had a good laugh upon reading it again.


The OP has called me selfish for a comment I made of not wanting the Zephyrite's Festival of the Four Winds to return for fear of the experience provided in the original release being drastically altered in a new form due to incorporating changes made to the game since the festival's original release. (As a note, I do feel that the re-release that occurred after I made this comment was every bit as bad as I feared.)


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"StinVec.3621" said:

> > The location, its atmosphere, the music and the players were very enjoyable. It didn't feel like another map and actually felt like a place. Everyone seemed to enjoy taking part in the very fun and well-made events or just roaming around having fun and enjoying the actual festival instead of what all events since have turned into; just a map in a game full of people rushing to do all of the achievements as fast as possible so they can farm the festival for gold or leave to go complete achievements as fast as possible or farm gold somewhere else.

> >

> > I feel the same about the first Wintersday and old LA before the events and activities became all about farming them for gold or an achievement to get a part toward a unique skin; playing bell choir for the enjoyment of teamwork to produce coherent songs instead of minimal effort or participation in order to farm rewards efficiently; working with a team to fight off mad toys and working together afterward to hunt for the lone decoration left standing and then celebrating when it's found and chatting and laughing about the fight instead of immediately disconnecting to go rush another achievement or farm gold; or to just stand around staring at the snow, listening to players and their instruments when they actually required effort to produce music before they were all just macro'ed songs being played that someone else scripted and non-stop begging for tips for their skill-less non-effort playing.

> >

>> It makes me sad to see that festivals aren't festivals anymore - they've become achievement grinds and opportunities for gold farming and have been for quite some time, sadly. :\ It's not just the players that turn them into grinds and farming, the 'new rewards' and achievements added to these festivals when they return that are time-limited, highly complex and require crazy event resources in order to acquire them show that ANet encourages and desires festivals to be treated as such instead of an event to enjoy with a new item that everyone can get just by normal participation in the festival.

> >

> > I guess it is a good thing that FotFW and Wintersday in old LA will never return. I'll just think back fondly on them, thankful that I will not witness their return in these times of festivals being farming and grinding instead of fun.


> That's a very selfish attitude towards those who did not get to enjoy it. I sincerely hope it **will** return some day.


I will take their own comment and say it back to them with the text altered to reflect the topic of the thread they created here:

> "That's a very selfish attitude towards those who _[**do** enjoy skimpy armor and high heels]_. I sincerely hope _[they **will** continue to make them]_."


Had they worded their request as being for them to release even more non-skimpy options than there currently are, that would be a fine request for them to make and one I would support. However, they did not word it that way and instead made a plea for them to stop making skimpy armor entirely as revealing armor is against their opinion of what **all female adventurers** in GW2 should "**_properly_**" wear in order to not appear as what they consider "princesses or seductresses".



- no, I do not support their request for ending the practice of creating any more skimpy armor or high heel armor appearances.

- had it been their request, yes, I would support a request for even more non-skimpy and high heel options being created than there currently are.


I wonder - as they did not provide any examples of what they consider as being "skimpy", would this character not be a "proper female adventurer" due to having armor that exposes some 'skin' on the thighs and décolletage, as well as wearing boots with a little bit of heel on them?

![](https://i.imgur.com/MX8RQKP.gif "")


I do not feel that it is 'skimpy', let alone an improper female adventurer's appearance that is better suited for a princess or seductress.

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> @"StinVec.3621" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > > There is already a wide variety of styles to choose from... This sounds more like you just don't like seeing the skimpy stuff on females period.

> >

> > You, sir, are a good judge. There's a history here. Let me regale you all with tales from eons past.

> >

> > A year ago, somebody made the thread "Best Looking Medium Armor." In this thread, I threw [my hat](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/253596/#Comment_253596 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/253596/#Comment_253596") into the mix with my Deadeye (now Holosmith) and her outfit. I happen to quite like it, considering how expensive it was to make. But, immediately following this, you see the OP didn't take kindly to this post.

> >

> > As usual, I did what I always do, and stubbornly defended my choices with raw, masculine heterosexuality. This rubbed some people the wrong way, but after some banter my natural awe won people over. That or they just gave up. Except for the OP, though. You're probably wondering "why does this even matter?" Well, that thread was recently resurrected from the dead. And with it, the sleeping dogs did not let lie. After a piece of lettuce tried to kill me, I come to find a bunch of notifications. The argument had started up again, except the ideological tide has shifted. Instead of several people exchanging with me, several people are exchanging with Ashantara instead.

> >

> > As debate just entrenches people, the end result of the aforementioned three-way rebuking was this thread. Exaggerated, and out of touch with the game, written more as a declaration than an actual idea or discussion. Whether this has anything to do with the previous Red Sonja thread is anyone's guess.

> >

> > But look on the bright side. I had completely forgotten that I wrote [this little diddy](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/257012/#Comment_257012 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/257012/#Comment_257012") and had a good laugh upon reading it again.


> The OP has called me selfish for a comment I made of not wanting the Zephyrite's Festival of the Four Winds to return for fear of the experience provided in the original release being drastically altered in a new form due to incorporating changes made to the game since the festival's original release. (As a note, I do feel that the re-release that occurred after I made this comment was every bit as bad as I feared.)


> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"StinVec.3621" said:

> > > The location, its atmosphere, the music and the players were very enjoyable. It didn't feel like another map and actually felt like a place. Everyone seemed to enjoy taking part in the very fun and well-made events or just roaming around having fun and enjoying the actual festival instead of what all events since have turned into; just a map in a game full of people rushing to do all of the achievements as fast as possible so they can farm the festival for gold or leave to go complete achievements as fast as possible or farm gold somewhere else.

> > >

> > > I feel the same about the first Wintersday and old LA before the events and activities became all about farming them for gold or an achievement to get a part toward a unique skin; playing bell choir for the enjoyment of teamwork to produce coherent songs instead of minimal effort or participation in order to farm rewards efficiently; working with a team to fight off mad toys and working together afterward to hunt for the lone decoration left standing and then celebrating when it's found and chatting and laughing about the fight instead of immediately disconnecting to go rush another achievement or farm gold; or to just stand around staring at the snow, listening to players and their instruments when they actually required effort to produce music before they were all just macro'ed songs being played that someone else scripted and non-stop begging for tips for their skill-less non-effort playing.

> > >

> >> It makes me sad to see that festivals aren't festivals anymore - they've become achievement grinds and opportunities for gold farming and have been for quite some time, sadly. :\ It's not just the players that turn them into grinds and farming, the 'new rewards' and achievements added to these festivals when they return that are time-limited, highly complex and require crazy event resources in order to acquire them show that ANet encourages and desires festivals to be treated as such instead of an event to enjoy with a new item that everyone can get just by normal participation in the festival.

> > >

> > > I guess it is a good thing that FotFW and Wintersday in old LA will never return. I'll just think back fondly on them, thankful that I will not witness their return in these times of festivals being farming and grinding instead of fun.


> > That's a very selfish attitude towards those who did not get to enjoy it. I sincerely hope it **will** return some day.


> I will take their own comment and say it back to them with the text altered to reflect the topic of the thread they created here:

> > "That's a very selfish attitude towards those who _[**do** enjoy skimpy armor and high heels]_. I sincerely hope _[they **will** continue to make them]_."


> Had they worded their request as being for them to release even more non-skimpy options than there currently are, that would be a fine request for them to make and one I would support. However, they did not word it that way and instead made a plea for them to stop making skimpy armor entirely as revealing armor is against their opinion of what **all female adventurers** in GW2 should "**_properly_**" wear in order to not appear as what they consider "princesses or seductresses".


> So:

> - no, I do not support their request for ending the practice of creating any more skimpy armor or high heel armor appearances.

> - had it been their request, yes, I would support a request for even more non-skimpy and high heel options being created than there currently are.


> I wonder - as they did not provide any examples of what they consider as being "skimpy", would this character not be a "proper female adventurer" due to having armor that exposes some 'skin' on the thighs and décolletage, as well as wearing boots with a little bit of heel on them?

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/MX8RQKP.gif "")


> I do not feel that it is 'skimpy', let alone an improper female adventurer's appearance that is better suited for a princess or seductress.


Sylvari don't have "skin"

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"StinVec.3621" said:

> > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > > > There is already a wide variety of styles to choose from... This sounds more like you just don't like seeing the skimpy stuff on females period.

> > >

> > > You, sir, are a good judge. There's a history here. Let me regale you all with tales from eons past.

> > >

> > > A year ago, somebody made the thread "Best Looking Medium Armor." In this thread, I threw [my hat](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/253596/#Comment_253596 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/253596/#Comment_253596") into the mix with my Deadeye (now Holosmith) and her outfit. I happen to quite like it, considering how expensive it was to make. But, immediately following this, you see the OP didn't take kindly to this post.

> > >

> > > As usual, I did what I always do, and stubbornly defended my choices with raw, masculine heterosexuality. This rubbed some people the wrong way, but after some banter my natural awe won people over. That or they just gave up. Except for the OP, though. You're probably wondering "why does this even matter?" Well, that thread was recently resurrected from the dead. And with it, the sleeping dogs did not let lie. After a piece of lettuce tried to kill me, I come to find a bunch of notifications. The argument had started up again, except the ideological tide has shifted. Instead of several people exchanging with me, several people are exchanging with Ashantara instead.

> > >

> > > As debate just entrenches people, the end result of the aforementioned three-way rebuking was this thread. Exaggerated, and out of touch with the game, written more as a declaration than an actual idea or discussion. Whether this has anything to do with the previous Red Sonja thread is anyone's guess.

> > >

> > > But look on the bright side. I had completely forgotten that I wrote [this little diddy](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/257012/#Comment_257012 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/257012/#Comment_257012") and had a good laugh upon reading it again.

> >

> > The OP has called me selfish for a comment I made of not wanting the Zephyrite's Festival of the Four Winds to return for fear of the experience provided in the original release being drastically altered in a new form due to incorporating changes made to the game since the festival's original release. (As a note, I do feel that the re-release that occurred after I made this comment was every bit as bad as I feared.)

> >

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > @"StinVec.3621" said:

> > > > The location, its atmosphere, the music and the players were very enjoyable. It didn't feel like another map and actually felt like a place. Everyone seemed to enjoy taking part in the very fun and well-made events or just roaming around having fun and enjoying the actual festival instead of what all events since have turned into; just a map in a game full of people rushing to do all of the achievements as fast as possible so they can farm the festival for gold or leave to go complete achievements as fast as possible or farm gold somewhere else.

> > > >

> > > > I feel the same about the first Wintersday and old LA before the events and activities became all about farming them for gold or an achievement to get a part toward a unique skin; playing bell choir for the enjoyment of teamwork to produce coherent songs instead of minimal effort or participation in order to farm rewards efficiently; working with a team to fight off mad toys and working together afterward to hunt for the lone decoration left standing and then celebrating when it's found and chatting and laughing about the fight instead of immediately disconnecting to go rush another achievement or farm gold; or to just stand around staring at the snow, listening to players and their instruments when they actually required effort to produce music before they were all just macro'ed songs being played that someone else scripted and non-stop begging for tips for their skill-less non-effort playing.

> > > >

> > >> It makes me sad to see that festivals aren't festivals anymore - they've become achievement grinds and opportunities for gold farming and have been for quite some time, sadly. :\ It's not just the players that turn them into grinds and farming, the 'new rewards' and achievements added to these festivals when they return that are time-limited, highly complex and require crazy event resources in order to acquire them show that ANet encourages and desires festivals to be treated as such instead of an event to enjoy with a new item that everyone can get just by normal participation in the festival.

> > > >

> > > > I guess it is a good thing that FotFW and Wintersday in old LA will never return. I'll just think back fondly on them, thankful that I will not witness their return in these times of festivals being farming and grinding instead of fun.

> >

> > > That's a very selfish attitude towards those who did not get to enjoy it. I sincerely hope it **will** return some day.

> >

> > I will take their own comment and say it back to them with the text altered to reflect the topic of the thread they created here:

> > > "That's a very selfish attitude towards those who _[**do** enjoy skimpy armor and high heels]_. I sincerely hope _[they **will** continue to make them]_."

> >

> > Had they worded their request as being for them to release even more non-skimpy options than there currently are, that would be a fine request for them to make and one I would support. However, they did not word it that way and instead made a plea for them to stop making skimpy armor entirely as revealing armor is against their opinion of what **all female adventurers** in GW2 should "**_properly_**" wear in order to not appear as what they consider "princesses or seductresses".

> >

> > So:

> > - no, I do not support their request for ending the practice of creating any more skimpy armor or high heel armor appearances.

> > - had it been their request, yes, I would support a request for even more non-skimpy and high heel options being created than there currently are.

> >

> > I wonder - as they did not provide any examples of what they consider as being "skimpy", would this character not be a "proper female adventurer" due to having armor that exposes some 'skin' on the thighs and décolletage, as well as wearing boots with a little bit of heel on them?

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/MX8RQKP.gif "")

> >

> > I do not feel that it is 'skimpy', let alone an improper female adventurer's appearance that is better suited for a princess or seductress.


> Sylvari don't have "skin"


Indeed. I stated the word 'skin' as such to denote it not being 'skin' skin. I almost wrote (bark) in parenthesis, but thought that 'skin' would suffice.

(I like that the glow from beneath the bark is visible in this appearance. Why have it if I have to cover it up to qualify as a proper adventurer?)

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Only light armor really has revealing armor, medium barely has and mostly only for female human locked. Heavy armor like has only 2 chest pieces which can be considered feminine and somewhat revealing.


Overall there barely is skimpy armors for females. Because you only see human females run around in the exact same armors, doesn't mean 99% rest armors are like that too.


This game lacks skimpy/revealing armors if anything.

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