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Could you please stop making high heels and skimpy armor for females?

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I'm yet to hit level 80 with them yet (levlling with a friend who doesn't play regularly) and while those are good ideas I'm sad to say I've already tried all of those and they're too covering. Gladiatior top is pretty much assured at this point since it shows off the back so well where the glow is. I'm essentially after something along the lines of the light armour masquerade/winged tunic/conjuror chest piece and then apprentice because it shows off the back of the legs, so I can see the glow while I run around. Legs are currently looking at maybe orr (because it shows off the legs from the front) and maybe gladiator legs because it shows off the back skirt, but I don't care for the aesthetic. I miss the more polished (and Pit Fighter esque) gladiator armour from gw1 than the gw2's named set.


Or I take the Common Clothing outfit and prance around with three fig-leaves and some leg wraps.

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I personally feel we're long overdue for another light armor mini skirt. And I'm all for sexy shoes. Bring on the heels.


But, seriously, there's a lot of variety in this game as is. Blade & Soul, this is not. I'm just not going to go around dictating what the game needs to impose on everyone due to my own preferences.

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Some people wonder why my new main is a Revenant Ghost Rider? It's my way of protesting armors and outfits, skirtpants and trenchcoats alike, here take a look.

1) My Revenant b4 becoming Ghost Rider.


2) As a Ghost Rider.


3) Double Abbadon Sword.


4) Mounted on my Nightfang 2018 SE.


As a ghost rider you can mount, swim and glide, also all Legendary weapons keep their effects. :o

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> > @"Loki.4871" said:

> > That being said, I've been trying to work out a skimpy look for my new revenant and man... heavy armour really doesn't have a chainmail bikini analogue, or even a leather one-I miss the old GW1 Gladiator armour. It's quite annoying because since they're a sylvari I want to see the bio-luminescence and I'm really struggling. I'll probably end up using the citizen outfit instead. Medium armour struggles too unless you're human female or norn imo.


> Have you tried the [barbaric ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Barbaric_armor "Barbaric ")armor? There's also the [scallywag armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scallywag_armor "Scallywag armor"), which is arguably the closest you can get to shirtless for dudes. Also, there's the[ Pit Fighter](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pit_Fighter_armor " Pit Fighter") armor (or Flamewrath if you want added fire effects).


I use all 3, but more the latter two than the 1st.


The problem is, those are nice choices...for the torso but there aren't many options for the legs.

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> @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

> I personally feel we're long overdue for another light armor mini skirt. And I'm all for sexy shoes. Bring on the heels.


> But, seriously, there's a lot of variety in this game as is. Blade & Soul, this is not. I'm just not going to go around dictating what the game needs to impose on everyone due to my own preferences.


I've actually heard people complain about the customization in B&S, it's rare to hear anyone praise it's variety. Or are you criticizing its lack of coherent theme? I wouldn't argue with you there although at some point, B&S theme stopped being asian-inspired aesthetic and became anime-hogpog which could be a good or bad thing.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> > I could live with high heels getting deleted. It's the worst design idea in games ever. No woman with a brain wears those for "fun" and especially not in a permanent combat environment.


> Thank you. <3 That's exactly my point. I don't need my female characters to look like vixens but like people who mean serious business in a world full of dangers and adventures.


I don't get your point. Clearly you don't like the less 'adventerous' options for skins ... Fine. You have the option to not take them. You also have lots of 'full' options if you don't want the thin ones. The problem is solved ... unless of course your problem isn't actually related to a lack of 'full' skin options. Part of your request borders on absurd even ... just how many high heels are there in this game? Of ALL the female boot skins you can equip, just how many are 'high heels'? You realize that there are still people that RP and varieties in outfits/skins are a HUGH part of why they play? Even if their population is low, they probably spend a sizeable amount of gems on outfits/skins. You think Anet is going to narrow their skin designs contrary to that part of the business because you are sensitive about skimpy armor and high heels? I don't think you thought this through.


I wasn't going to post, but when I got to THIS post of yours, it really feels like your trying to push out skimpy options because you just don't like them, not because you don't have enough fuller skin options to choose from.

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I prefer variety. I like playing dress up in gw2 because it is difficult to find nice looking clothing in my weird body proportions.

I actually really like the skins added in PoF. The problem is that the costs of obtaining many of them are kind of high compared to HoT armor. Still, I'll get around to it eventually. As a result of this, I am super looking forward to a Shiverpeaks expansion because of all of the possible fashion! I imagine OP might like that as well.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

>Of ALL the female boot skins you can equip, just how many are 'high heels'?


To play devil's advocate, I remember going through the light female armor skins and noticing that there were, indeed, a lot of boots and shoes with high heels. However, only a tiny handful were genuine "you could break your ankle wearing this torture contraption" *high* heels. Most were fairly subtle, much like riding boots, which seems perfectly reasonable to me.

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> @"Plexxing.2978" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > > As for skimpy ... well this is the "worst"

> > > I see your skimpy and raise you mine ...

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/UENdgOO.jpg "")

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Now make one for a male character!


> ![](https://imgur.com/Bofndg5.jpg"")






You're using the ground to clip the leg through the skirt.


20 yard penalty!

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I don't have a problem with these kinds of armors (common in these kinds of games) but generally I do prefer to cover my characters up more to fit a style or theme.

Not against more modest armors being added.. likewise not against more revealing ones being added for males as well as a hide chest option so we can play those large bulky bezerker style warriors who don't wear anything other than pants.

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I'm going to be honest, I am SO glad for all the responses here. I finally found a community that is more in line with my thoughts.


It really is hard to be a girl playing and mmo and actively wanting more revealing armour. Because I often find myself being bashed down by both the girls and the boys of various communities. I'm not dissing on practical players, I just want to like what I like and have fun with it.


I really do understand that some people want to play with practical armour - and that is totally okay. You are allowed to want that, and you should be allowed to have that.


But GW2 already has options for people to do that if they want.


People who play with skimpy armour, like me, are **not** doing it because they want practicality. We are doing it for fun and fashion. We don't care if we go out into Shiverpeaks in a bikini, we just want to look good and flaunt our frills. We just happen to think that the skimpy armour usually looks better.


Everyone has their own playstyle. I honestly don't see why we should priorities one style over another. As long as Anet provides us with a good variety of BOTH styles of armour, can't we just live and let live?



(( And tbh, I have really been hoping for a response directly from Anet on the matter, just to see where their thoughts are.))




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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > This person managed to find a good diverse woth mix n match

> >

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/61843/the-tempests-new-clothes-lots-of-pics#


> Actually, most of those clothes seem to be made for a party or other social events. Not very practical for actual "adventuring" stuff.


all considerations for practicality goes out the window when people start swimming while wearing an anchor

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > This person managed to find a good diverse woth mix n match

> > >

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/61843/the-tempests-new-clothes-lots-of-pics#

> >

> > Actually, most of those clothes seem to be made for a party or other social events. Not very practical for actual "adventuring" stuff.


> all considerations for practicality goes out the window when people start swimming while wearing an anchor


Jumping in to water fully clothed, in the artic, in possibly salt water meaning it is below zero celsius then jumping out and running around in a snowfield does not lead to hypothermia and instant death either.

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> @"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:

> I really do understand that some people want to play with practical armour - and that is totally okay. You are allowed to want that, and you should be allowed to have that.


> But GW2 already has options for people to do that if they want.


No, it doesn't. The "not totally skimpy" female armor sets and outfits are extremely limited, and even those sport high heels and/or naked hips/ribs/back/shoulders/thighs or enhance your boobs' size. Not cool.

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