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Precursor drops


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> @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> To be honest, I think the game would benefit from a loot find mercy rule based on time played. Just some internal counter that your account accrues over time that buffs your chances of getting better drops. Better drops then "spend" these accruals and as time goes on you build up more. Random is all well and good, but going thousands of hours in a game without a better drop than an exotic worth 1-2 gold is kinda sad.


I had the same thought today, probably will never happen.

We will probably get a flock of people saying "But you have to work for them!".

I'm done working, have mercy and drop me one, not even good one.

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Back when PoF launched I bought it for my girlfriend and played through the story with her. We were in the Desolation, doing the heart at the Shadow's camp and I went to vendor some stuff when she asked me "Why is this item worth 450 gold?" and my jaw dropped.


I have yet to drop one myself, but knowing my luck I will probably drop one I will have already crafted at that point.

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My first drop of one in six years was this past Halloween in the labyrinth. I got The Storm.

I have gotten The Legend, Energizer, Spark, The Colossus, Rage and Tooth of Frostfang form the forge.

I forge a lot. The rest I have made or bought of the trading post.

Got Storm and Colossus within 24 hrs. I think I used up the last of my horseshoes.

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> @"AoTsuki.8675" said:

> Since my friend who is relatively new to the game dropped a precursor, I would like to ask you guys, did you ever get one dropped?

> I play since launch and never had one drop, had to buy them all off tp or craft.

> I won't say that I am not salty because I am.


People obsess with this question all the time. There are good reasons (these are extraordinary in price and rarity), but it's pretty much like winning a lottery when the tickets are obtained by killing foes and/or opening bags. I've seen people say "I've been playing for 6 years" or "I have 25000 hours in the game" and complaining that they haven't seen a drop.


But time isn't a factor, except indirectly. It's how you spent the time. If you do mostly dungeons and world bosses, and adventures, well, you have almost no opportunities to get a precursor drop. If you spend all your time in Orrian temple events (and other chains with target-rich environments), you are much, much, much more likely to get a precursor.


Another factor is the amount of magic find you run around with: higher is better.


If you want to ensure that you get a precursor before you stop playing, there are two nearly guaranteed methods:

* Forge L74+ rares or exotics.

* Open unidentified gear bags (rares if you can afford, blues if you can't) (and with as much magic find as you can manage).


It will take a lot of mouse clicks, but _eventually_ you'll get one. For blue unID bags with 600-700% MF, the chance is roughly 1:43000, although you might go 300k+ bags without seeing one. For forging, it's about 1 precursor for every 143 _exotic_ forges (572 weapons forged), with very high variance. For rares, it's closer to 860 tries (about 6 times less frequent). Again, those are _averages_; your mileage is going to vary, a lot.

(Currently, it's easy to get elonian rares at about 10-15s, so it's cheaper to try exotics if you can get them in bulk at under 60s.)

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12,194 hrs in the game and 3 drops so far.

The first was Howl, from a trash mob skele in Mad King's Lab, 3 years ago.

The second, Tooth of Frostfang, was in my inventory after helping a friend with the 'Victory or Death' chapter of their personal story... that was a real surprise.

And a couple of weeks back I got The Bard from a trash mob in Bitterfrost Frontier.

I made The Howler and Frostfang, but sold The Bard and bought Dusk and made Twilight.

They're out there, keep trying!

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> @"AoTsuki.8675" said:

> Since my friend who is relatively new to the game dropped a precursor, I would like to ask you guys, did you ever get one dropped?

> I play since launch and never had one drop, had to buy them all off tp or craft.

> I won't say that I am not salty because I am.


I had Dusk drop when I was doing WvW in a zerg and I had Kudzu drop when I was doing trick or treat bag farming in Mad kings labyrinth one year.

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> @"AoTsuki.8675" said:

> Since my friend who is relatively new to the game dropped a precursor, I would like to ask you guys, did you ever get one dropped?

> I play since launch and never had one drop, had to buy them all off tp or craft.

> I won't say that I am not salty because I am.


I've had two. I had Rodgort's Flame drop for me from a bag I looted in a night of Silverwasting. I crafted it as my first legendary and then sold it.

I had Zap drop for me within my first 15 minutes of Lab farming this past Halloween, but I had just crafted Verdarach, was down to my last 24 gold and the idea of grinding more materials made me want to cry ...so I just sold the precursor.

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