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I'm still dreaming with a new playable race/breed


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Is possible introduce a new playable race (tengu, dwarf, etc), without personal history or vigil/whisper/priory instance, in one of the Living World Season like you did with bettle mount?

Can Anet create something viable and well animated (all weapons, old and new armor skins), not tonics bullshit, to finally bring new races to the game?

Anet is doing something about it or not?

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> @"Menzo.2185" said:

> Is possible introduce a new playable race (tengu, dwarf, etc), without personal history or vigil/whisper/priory instance, in one of the Living World Season like you did with bettle mount?

> Can Anet create something viable and well animated (all weapons, old and new armor skins), not tonics kitten, to finally bring new races to the game?

> Anet is doing something about it or not?


> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> The forum search feature is your friend.


Really, there is no need for people to ignore the forums search and start entirely new threads on old topics. OP, your questions have been answered multiple times.

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> @"Menzo.2185" said:

> Is possible introduce a new playable race (tengu, dwarf, etc), without personal history or vigil/whisper/priory instance, in one of the Living World Season like you did with bettle mount?

It's possible. As others have noted, there are multiple threads with multiple suggestions from players on how that might happen.


> Can Anet create something viable and well animated (all weapons, old and new armor skins), not tonics kitten, to finally bring new races to the game?

> Anet is doing something about it or not?

ANet has said that they have no plans to do so.



> [Massively OP Summarizes Mike Zadorojny's (April 2018) Comments on New Professions, new Races](http://massivelyop.com/2018/04/09/pax-east-2018-guild-wars-2-game-director-mike-zadorojny-on-path-of-fire-monetization-and-more/)


> We also talked a bit about things that are probably not happening. New professions, for example, have probably been sidelined forever in favor of new elite specializations; they allow the team to change the feel of a given profession without actually forcing you to play a new character along the way. New races, too, are a lot of work for limited rewards, and any sort of console development is also not something the team is focused on.


> Obviously, none of this is set in stone; he stressed that the quote to take away is not that new races will never be added. It’s just not the current direction.



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##### Previous Threads Regarding New Races, in these Forums

(Partial list, see also [the search function](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/search?Page=p2&Search=new+race))


* [september 2018](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/56343/new-race-idea-kitsune) plus [this one](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/2066/new-race)

* [July 2018](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/49194/regarding-adding-new-races) plus [this one](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/47145/a-new-race)

* [June 2018](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/42405/new-race-suggestion) and [also](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/42862/new-race-idea-mermaid-and-merman), and [this one](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/42890/new-races-please)

* [April 2018](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/35354/new-races-please-and-their-heritage-skins)

* [The Megathread from December 2017](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/21242/new-playable-races-study-choose-your-favorite)

* [October 2017](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/10366/any-chance-of-a-new-race-anet) and also [this one](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/12622/new-class-or-new-race)


##### Previous Threads Regarding New Professions/Classes

(Partial list, see also the search function)


* [October 2018](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/58634/theory-crafting-new-expansion-and-professions)

* [March 2018](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/33813/suggestion-new-class-the-ritualist) and [this one](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/33737/suggestion-new-class-the-cleric)

* [December 2017](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18862/would-you-buy-a-new-profession-for-2000-gems)

* [November 2017](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18296/maybe-hinting-a-new-class-spoilers)


##### See also, Discussions with Both Ideas


* [October 2018](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/12622/new-class-or-new-race)


PS this doesn't even include all the discussions from the archived forums.


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> @"Menzo.2185" said:

> Is possible introduce a new playable race (tengu, dwarf, etc), without personal history or vigil/whisper/priory instance, in one of the Living World Season like you did with bettle mount?

> Can Anet create something viable and well animated (all weapons, old and new armor skins), not tonics kitten, to finally bring new races to the game?

> Anet is doing something about it or not?


Well, what if the possible work toward new races was corralled with QoL additions and improvements to tonics?


I'm not a fan of tonics either but what if they made certain tonics (specifically the racial ones) stackable with outfits so that you can be a skritt in a jungle explorer outfit or a tengu in a tux. There might be outfits that aren't compatible at the start but who knows...


Along with that, the ability to have tonics on mounts and the expiration time and circumstances could be tweaked as well.


Maybe even some day, the ability to customise tonic forms colors as well. What do you think?

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Living World Season 5: Add-on Pack: 10$ on BLTC. Unlock Tengus.




Just like the Bonus Mission Pack in GW1.




Towards the Final Triumvirate Expansion -> Welcome to Cantha.


And the Emperor From the Line of Kisu will Marry Queen Jennah.


And the Asuras and Mursaats will open the portals to intergalactic Areas. Welcome, Tyrian cosmotravelers. (Hinted by the Flying Griffons)


Possibilities~ Endless. How many stars are there in the sky?

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> @"zionophir.6845" said:

> Living World Season 5: Tengus - New Playable Race


so they are introduced in this chapter, cannot play older content, and will magically obtain a connection with Aurene and the pact?

or will aurene die in s4 and the pact be disbanded so we can have a new group?


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> @"Chasind.3128" said:

> The only new content we will get for the next few years are mounts and gliders and maybe a story/ map you can finish within the hour of release. Basically, what it has been for the last 2 years.


Jeez you burn through content quickly! I still dont have Jahais achievements done! Hell i still dont have the PoF achievements done!

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Chasind.3128" said:

> > The only new content we will get for the next few years are mounts and gliders and maybe a story/ map you can finish within the hour of release. Basically, what it has been for the last 2 years.


> Jeez you burn through content quickly! I still dont have Jahais achievements done! Hell i still dont have the PoF achievements done!


Different types of content for different type of people. You're not wrong, but not everyone may consider marking off check-boxes on a menu as content.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Chasind.3128" said:

> > > The only new content we will get for the next few years are mounts and gliders and maybe a story/ map you can finish within the hour of release. Basically, what it has been for the last 2 years.

> >

> > Jeez you burn through content quickly! I still dont have Jahais achievements done! Hell i still dont have the PoF achievements done!


> Different types of content for different type of people. You're not wrong, but not everyone may consider marking off check-boxes on a menu as content.


I suppose! i considering completing a map to include all the achievements and items on the map, i still havent completed dry top for instance cause of the Ambrite weapons.

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I'd love to see a new race added (my preference would be tengu or kodan) but it does seem unlikely at this point.


However for a long time mounts seemed unlikely, and adding tonics to the wardrobe and all kinds of other things which did eventually happen so I certainly wouldn't rule it out...but don't expect it any time soon either.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Einsof.1457" said:

> > I'd prefer real content(more pvp modes,, new skills, masteries, raids, fractals, open world metas, recipes, wvw objectives, etc) over asthetic nonsense like a new race, personally. The five we have cover all archetypes.


> What archetypes are those?




Stout (Dwarf): Strong and tough, usually associated with hard physical work and masculinity, to the point that they may be a One-Gender Race of males. The archetypal Stout in fantasy is the dwarf. While in Science Fiction settings, the role may be given to one of the more warlike alien races, robots or cyborgs or possibly even humans genetically or cybernetically enhanced for heavy labour or life on high-gravity planets. Stouts can be quick to anger and often have a culture focused on strength, honor and martial values, and may share an uneasy peace with other peoples of the setting.


Fairy (Elf/Fairy/Angel): The most magical or technological race, relatively speaking, and often depicted as so removed from the other races as to border on the alien or out of touch. This can make some of the other races, especially the Stouts, openly despise them. It can include angelic types, or on rare occasions even gods. The typical Fairy is an elf, correspondingly more "feminine" in contrast to the "masculine" Stouts (longer hair, greater delicacy, and likely to depend on ranged weaponry and their wit to get them out of danger) and more ascetic or emotionally restrained to counter the gruff passion of the Stouts. Some works go as far as to turn them into a One-Gender Race of females. Recently, having this be a Cute Monster Girl is more and more common. In Speculative Fiction, substitute humans with psionic abilities, Artificial Intelligences when they aren't crapshoots, or advanced but not quite Sufficiently Advanced Aliens. See also Space Elves.


Mundane (Human): What the modern reader supposedly most identifies with. The least magical race, usually enjoys simple pleasures instead of adventuring, a la Tolkien's Hobbits. Usually the Jack of All Trades of the races. This is usually a role assigned to humans, unless you have...


High Men (High Elf/Human/God): The most powerful, civilized and magically or technologically advanced race in the setting. Usually a historical or fantastic interpretation of what humans are or want to be. A setting without elves as Fairy or High Men simply will not have elves. If the Precursors still exist in a Speculative Fiction setting, they might fill this role if The Federation isn't heavily idealized.


Cute (Hobbit or Gnome): The fifth, increasingly common group, and becoming especially popular in modern gaming. They may seem weak, but through cleverness and inner strength they are able to come out on top. Tends to either overlap with Mundane (to produce Hobbits) or Fairy (to produce gnomes), but usually designed with a larger dose than usual of Fun Personified.

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> @"Einsof.1457" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @"Einsof.1457" said:

> > > I'd prefer real content(more pvp modes,, new skills, masteries, raids, fractals, open world metas, recipes, wvw objectives, etc) over asthetic nonsense like a new race, personally. The five we have cover all archetypes.

> >

> > What archetypes are those?


> https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FiveRaces


> Stout (Dwarf): Strong and tough, usually associated with hard physical work and masculinity, to the point that they may be a One-Gender Race of males. The archetypal Stout in fantasy is the dwarf. While in Science Fiction settings, the role may be given to one of the more warlike alien races, robots or cyborgs or possibly even humans genetically or cybernetically enhanced for heavy labour or life on high-gravity planets. Stouts can be quick to anger and often have a culture focused on strength, honor and martial values, and may share an uneasy peace with other peoples of the setting.


> Fairy (Elf/Fairy/Angel): The most magical or technological race, relatively speaking, and often depicted as so removed from the other races as to border on the alien or out of touch. This can make some of the other races, especially the Stouts, openly despise them. It can include angelic types, or on rare occasions even gods. The typical Fairy is an elf, correspondingly more "feminine" in contrast to the "masculine" Stouts (longer hair, greater delicacy, and likely to depend on ranged weaponry and their wit to get them out of danger) and more ascetic or emotionally restrained to counter the gruff passion of the Stouts. Some works go as far as to turn them into a One-Gender Race of females. Recently, having this be a Cute Monster Girl is more and more common. In Speculative Fiction, substitute humans with psionic abilities, Artificial Intelligences when they aren't crapshoots, or advanced but not quite Sufficiently Advanced Aliens. See also Space Elves.


> Mundane (Human): What the modern reader supposedly most identifies with. The least magical race, usually enjoys simple pleasures instead of adventuring, a la Tolkien's Hobbits. Usually the Jack of All Trades of the races. This is usually a role assigned to humans, unless you have...


> High Men (High Elf/Human/God): The most powerful, civilized and magically or technologically advanced race in the setting. Usually a historical or fantastic interpretation of what humans are or want to be. A setting without elves as Fairy or High Men simply will not have elves. If the Precursors still exist in a Speculative Fiction setting, they might fill this role if The Federation isn't heavily idealized.


> Cute (Hobbit or Gnome): The fifth, increasingly common group, and becoming especially popular in modern gaming. They may seem weak, but through cleverness and inner strength they are able to come out on top. Tends to either overlap with Mundane (to produce Hobbits) or Fairy (to produce gnomes), but usually designed with a larger dose than usual of Fun Personified.


Well then GW2 is missing at least one of those.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Einsof.1457" said:

> > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > @"Einsof.1457" said:

> > > > I'd prefer real content(more pvp modes,, new skills, masteries, raids, fractals, open world metas, recipes, wvw objectives, etc) over asthetic nonsense like a new race, personally. The five we have cover all archetypes.

> > >

> > > What archetypes are those?

> >

> > https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FiveRaces

> >

> > Stout (Dwarf): Strong and tough, usually associated with hard physical work and masculinity, to the point that they may be a One-Gender Race of males. The archetypal Stout in fantasy is the dwarf. While in Science Fiction settings, the role may be given to one of the more warlike alien races, robots or cyborgs or possibly even humans genetically or cybernetically enhanced for heavy labour or life on high-gravity planets. Stouts can be quick to anger and often have a culture focused on strength, honor and martial values, and may share an uneasy peace with other peoples of the setting.

> >

> > Fairy (Elf/Fairy/Angel): The most magical or technological race, relatively speaking, and often depicted as so removed from the other races as to border on the alien or out of touch. This can make some of the other races, especially the Stouts, openly despise them. It can include angelic types, or on rare occasions even gods. The typical Fairy is an elf, correspondingly more "feminine" in contrast to the "masculine" Stouts (longer hair, greater delicacy, and likely to depend on ranged weaponry and their wit to get them out of danger) and more ascetic or emotionally restrained to counter the gruff passion of the Stouts. Some works go as far as to turn them into a One-Gender Race of females. Recently, having this be a Cute Monster Girl is more and more common. In Speculative Fiction, substitute humans with psionic abilities, Artificial Intelligences when they aren't crapshoots, or advanced but not quite Sufficiently Advanced Aliens. See also Space Elves.

> >

> > Mundane (Human): What the modern reader supposedly most identifies with. The least magical race, usually enjoys simple pleasures instead of adventuring, a la Tolkien's Hobbits. Usually the Jack of All Trades of the races. This is usually a role assigned to humans, unless you have...

> >

> > High Men (High Elf/Human/God): The most powerful, civilized and magically or technologically advanced race in the setting. Usually a historical or fantastic interpretation of what humans are or want to be. A setting without elves as Fairy or High Men simply will not have elves. If the Precursors still exist in a Speculative Fiction setting, they might fill this role if The Federation isn't heavily idealized.

> >

> > Cute (Hobbit or Gnome): The fifth, increasingly common group, and becoming especially popular in modern gaming. They may seem weak, but through cleverness and inner strength they are able to come out on top. Tends to either overlap with Mundane (to produce Hobbits) or Fairy (to produce gnomes), but usually designed with a larger dose than usual of Fun Personified.


> Well then GW2 is missing at least one of those.


"Stout" Norn/Charr

"Fairy" Asura/Sylvari

"Mundane" Human/Norn

"HighMen" Charr/Asura

"Cute" Sylvari/Human


Which one is missing?

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @"Einsof.1457" said:

> > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > > @"Einsof.1457" said:

> > > > > I'd prefer real content(more pvp modes,, new skills, masteries, raids, fractals, open world metas, recipes, wvw objectives, etc) over asthetic nonsense like a new race, personally. The five we have cover all archetypes.

> > > >

> > > > What archetypes are those?

> > >

> > > https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FiveRaces

> > >

> > > Stout (Dwarf): Strong and tough, usually associated with hard physical work and masculinity, to the point that they may be a One-Gender Race of males. The archetypal Stout in fantasy is the dwarf. While in Science Fiction settings, the role may be given to one of the more warlike alien races, robots or cyborgs or possibly even humans genetically or cybernetically enhanced for heavy labour or life on high-gravity planets. Stouts can be quick to anger and often have a culture focused on strength, honor and martial values, and may share an uneasy peace with other peoples of the setting.

> > >

> > > Fairy (Elf/Fairy/Angel): The most magical or technological race, relatively speaking, and often depicted as so removed from the other races as to border on the alien or out of touch. This can make some of the other races, especially the Stouts, openly despise them. It can include angelic types, or on rare occasions even gods. The typical Fairy is an elf, correspondingly more "feminine" in contrast to the "masculine" Stouts (longer hair, greater delicacy, and likely to depend on ranged weaponry and their wit to get them out of danger) and more ascetic or emotionally restrained to counter the gruff passion of the Stouts. Some works go as far as to turn them into a One-Gender Race of females. Recently, having this be a Cute Monster Girl is more and more common. In Speculative Fiction, substitute humans with psionic abilities, Artificial Intelligences when they aren't crapshoots, or advanced but not quite Sufficiently Advanced Aliens. See also Space Elves.

> > >

> > > Mundane (Human): What the modern reader supposedly most identifies with. The least magical race, usually enjoys simple pleasures instead of adventuring, a la Tolkien's Hobbits. Usually the Jack of All Trades of the races. This is usually a role assigned to humans, unless you have...

> > >

> > > High Men (High Elf/Human/God): The most powerful, civilized and magically or technologically advanced race in the setting. Usually a historical or fantastic interpretation of what humans are or want to be. A setting without elves as Fairy or High Men simply will not have elves. If the Precursors still exist in a Speculative Fiction setting, they might fill this role if The Federation isn't heavily idealized.

> > >

> > > Cute (Hobbit or Gnome): The fifth, increasingly common group, and becoming especially popular in modern gaming. They may seem weak, but through cleverness and inner strength they are able to come out on top. Tends to either overlap with Mundane (to produce Hobbits) or Fairy (to produce gnomes), but usually designed with a larger dose than usual of Fun Personified.

> >

> > Well then GW2 is missing at least one of those.


> "Stout" Norn/Charr

> "Fairy" Asura/Sylvari

> "Mundane" Human

> "HighMen"

> "Cute" Asura


> Which one is missing?



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