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reaper was weak already before and you ruined it farther. pvp ok but pve totally useless


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So before you could pull like 30.5k-31k max on golem and had to struggle in order to compete with others who do 33k+ on golem like slb, de, dd, holo, weaver, dh.

but now it's like 29k? we lost our chilling explosion crits and can't maintain soul barbers since it's duration is 10 seconds while rotation in and out of shroud takes longer and you lose that 10% damage all the time before you get in. it was easier to maintain 50%+ life force in fractals and raids. also 10% damage against chilled foes it so unrealistic since reaper and druid axe 3 are the only source of chill and it's not even enough if they camps those chilling skills so in raility it's even lower while in golem it's 100% uptime.

can you fix this? like get 10% damage against vul targets instead?

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You got it backwards i think reaper is still ok in pve **for now** but its sustain took a massive hit in pvp with the loss of passive spectral defense and 0 buff to spectral armor after the removal of spectral mastery. Its going to be resorted back into using blighters boon in a niche build or 2 which wont last because its not particularly healthy imo. As soon as people catch onto it the key factor that makes those few builds work will take a hit and reaper will be in the same state as berserker warrior. Ok to play in pve non existent sustain in pvp out classed by other professions ability to kite or be immune to stun while lacking sustain and proper burst damage in a timely manner (compared to other professions)


**Im going to assume when anet said**

Finally, we’re making changes to encourage more variety in boon-based support builds. To start, we are opening up select skills for different professions that will allow them to share boons directly with up to ten allies. **(dont recall reading too many of these in the patch notes yet so its probably not fully implemented)**

Our goal here is to give value to different professions and specializations by making them all adept at applying specific boons to their allies so that multiple professions are needed in order to cover all boons.


That this part I'm guessing was not completed in this patch. Meaning that sooner or later boons across a lot of professions and elite specs are going to be culled down to a handfull per profession or elite spec. If I were to take a direct guess this means that we will see dps drops, sustain drops, and mobility drops possibly depending on what professions get chose to have which boons.


Anet simply couldn't cull boons now that they are out of control on some many professions (mesmer, guardain, ranger, Engi to name the biggest offenders) so now they are going to just cut the boons back on everyone so that each person only is good at applying a niche few.


If my theory is right and they do this i will make pvp and pve alot better. That said it still does not excuse some of their questionable trait changes that they make way too early on, Its not good to push big changes like they did with SR without explaining the full scope as to why they did it.


**"Spectral Mastery was removed due to how its functionality overlapped with what spectral skills already did"** is simply not a good enough explanation as to why the change was made. Based on moments when anet makes changes like this it often means the functionality of something they are working on for the future and not the current functionality which makes me question **"Why not just wait till that time to release the change"** The same can be said for the changes that made up Soul barbs, Soul battery, and the new Sinister Shroud.


Ill be fair i like some... of the changes but then some of them are just questionable **The new vital's healing being in soul reaping at all is very unfitting and super questionable as it literally would have been a perfect trait for blood magic line, the super passive treatment to soul battery not active or noticeable at all, gluttony went back to being rather pointless and passive as well after a change that at least made do a little something.**


Spectral mastery didn't fall into any of the main key points they listed at the start of the patch notes so it seems like it was just done to do something or it was done without full clear explanation.


It might be another 3 or 6 or 9 months be fore they finally release the patch that makes the changes they did to Soul reaping here Make absolute sense and restores the problem.



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I honest to God want to know if they have any direction at all, end goal.

1. Are members of the balance team purged and

replaced without a proper "handover". 2. Is it a knee jerk from all the QQ's.

3. Could it be a way to get us exploring/adapting,

thereby breathing new life into stuff.

4. Does someone chuck an inkless squid at a wall

of idea'd post-it notes.


Quo tendimus??


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> @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

> I honest to God want to know if they have any direction at all, end goal.

> 1. Are members of the balance team purged and

> replaced without a proper "handover". 2. Is it a knee jerk from all the QQ's.

> 3. Could it be a way to get us exploring/adapting,

> thereby breathing new life into stuff.

> 4. Does someone chuck an inkless squid at a wall

> of idea'd post-it notes.


> Quo tendimus??



problem is anet starts balancing classes into roles with pof:


thief is +1

Guardian should be Group support

warrior is tank


necromancer has the boonhate role. that means, no dmg, no heal, no boons, no Sustain allowed. necromancers role is boonhate and everytthing else on that class get deleted. thats the reason they nerf dmg of LSS and SS while remaining the boonhate on that traits.the only buff we got in the last month that didnt got reverted was the scepter 3 buff when traited (devouring Darkness).

all that due to the conclusion that necromancer will in future lost more of everything that is not boonhate.

removing last gasp and implementing new vital persistance with + x% Incoming heal due to better Group fight potential while weaker solo potential. necro is suppoed to be a GIMMICK for Groups.


while classes like mesmer and ranger are supposed to be the godmode 1v1 classes.


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> @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

> I honest to God want to know if they have any direction at all, end goal.


They stated it in the balance note, right now they are working on sharing the boon support between all professions instead of having this support concentrated on a few professions. Having things moving toward this end is what we should expect for the future. They also said that new stats sets on gear reflecting this idea should be available soon so it's better to carefully watch how things goes before spending thousand of gold into gear.


> 1. Are members of the balance team purged and replaced without a proper "handover".


Well, from what we can see they release "balance patch" at a faster rate than they used to.


> 2. Is it a knee jerk from all the QQ's.


The last patch could be. The PvP subforum was very vocal about how it was unfun to play against proc traits. In this update they mainly addressed the procs on stun that were CCing in return and the traits producing damage procs that were creating snowball effect of damage.


> 3. Could it be a way to get us exploring/adapting, thereby breathing new life into stuff.


You could say that it is. SR was dominant due to the cozy innate survivability that it granted and all the damage/utility packed into it. In order to give some breather to other lines they had to nerf it. The same way, VP was in a dominating position due to the sheer strength of the shroud CD reduction it had. It was needed to move this out of the major traits for build diversity.


The result is that other traitlines gained a bit more of weight with this patch. Even DM is a bit less underwhelming now.


> 4. Does someone chuck an inkless squid at a wall of idea'd post-it notes.



> Quo tendimus??



That said, the necromancer as a whole took a hard hit with this update, making it globally less efficient, it's sustain and burst tuned down for PvP environment. The consequence in PvP/WvW is that it is now more forgiving to stay in the necromancer's range while the necromancer have to sacrifice more offense for it's survivability. As for PvE, the damages which weren't especially impressive dropped a bit.


From an objective point of view this update is a good thing for the necromancer as a whole but nobody like to take the bat nerf, especially when you feel that you are underperforming in some areas of the game.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

> > I honest to God want to know if they have any direction at all, end goal.


> They stated it in the balance note, right now they are working on sharing the boon support between all professions instead of having this support concentrated on a few professions. Having things moving toward this end is what we should expect for the future. They also said that new stats sets on gear reflecting this idea should be available soon so it's better to carefully watch how things goes before spending thousand of gold into gear.


But then they need to add a lot of boons to necro.

Necro has access to









But necro:

A) does give only very little amounts of those boons

B) almost only gives it to itself


So making all classes give various boons, will end up in either:

A)Necro rework, because as it is right now, it can't give any boons properly (especially not at 10 targets, like a lot of other classes can do)

B)no rework, leaving necro back with the shorter end of the stick again.


And from the last three years of balancing I'm guessing it's option B) rather than option A)




> > 1. Are members of the balance team purged and replaced without a proper "handover".


> Well, from what we can see they release "balance patch" at a faster rate than they used to.


> > 2. Is it a knee jerk from all the QQ's.


> The last patch could be. The PvP subforum was very vocal about how it was unfun to play against proc traits. In this update they mainly addressed the procs on stun that were CCing in return and the traits producing damage procs that were creating snowball effect of damage.


> > 3. Could it be a way to get us exploring/adapting, thereby breathing new life into stuff.


> You could say that it is. SR was dominant due to the cozy innate survivability that it granted and all the damage/utility packed into it. In order to give some breather to other lines they had to nerf it. The same way, VP was in a dominating position due to the sheer strength of the shroud CD reduction it had. It was needed to move this out of the major traits for build diversity.


> The result is that other traitlines gained a bit more of weight with this patch. Even DM is a bit less underwhelming now.


> > 4. Does someone chuck an inkless squid at a wall of idea'd post-it notes.

> >

> >

> > Quo tendimus??

> >


> That said, the necromancer as a whole took a hard hit with this update, making it globally less efficient, it's sustain and burst tuned down for PvP environment. The consequence in PvP/WvW is that it is now more forgiving to stay in the necromancer's range while the necromancer have to sacrifice more offense for it's survivability. As for PvE, the damages which weren't especially impressive dropped a bit.


But sacrificing more offense for survivability will let your damage drop even further, that we already lost due to the nerfed procs.


> From an objective point of view this update is a good thing for the necromancer as a whole but nobody like to take the bat nerf, especially when you feel that you are underperforming in some areas of the game.


From my point of view, this has to be preparation for future patch, else this patch was complete nonsense, with no real reason behind it - Making the balance team an incompetent piece of....


But I hope and have to guess that this was a preparation patch



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> @"Draco.9480" said:

> So before you could pull like 30.5k-31k max on golem and had to struggle in order to compete with others who do 33k+ on golem like slb, de, dd, holo, weaver, dh.

> but now it's like 29k? we lost our chilling explosion crits and can't maintain soul barbers since it's duration is 10 seconds while rotation in and out of shroud takes longer and you lose that 10% damage all the time before you get in. it was easier to maintain 50%+ life force in fractals and raids. also 10% damage against chilled foes it so unrealistic since reaper and druid axe 3 are the only source of chill and it's not even enough if they camps those chilling skills so in raility it's even lower while in golem it's 100% uptime.

> can you fix this? like get 10% damage against vul targets instead?


I think with the scope of the current Reaper dps rotation, Soul Barbs likely balances out--only missing the modifier on one of your two Ghastly Claw casts, but gaining it in situations where you eat some damage in shroud or want to stay in shroud spamming longer, or need to waste life-force cc'ing in shroud, or whatever... Not sure if it'd be worth just flashing shroud in the middle of your GS rotation to maintain 100% uptime, but I could see that maybe being a thing as long as you have alacrity. However, it definitely dumbs down what was already a really simple dps rotation since you don't need to balance or even really pay attention to resource management anymore to maintain that 10% bonus, just make sure that you are using shroud every 10 seconds.


Personally, I more miss the might on Gluttony, which is an overlooked nerf in PvE cuz druids, but not having all that extra Might gen definitely adds some time to your solo Qadim lamp clear.

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> @"Apokriphos.7042" said:

> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > "PVP ok" =) nice joke you have there.

> >

> > Reapers are very strong in spvp now.


> This is definitely untrue in high tier pvp.


If you truly think that you are bad at pvp.

Reapers are very strong now, they are team fighters and still need a bit of help when focused but their ability to pressure and swing mid fights is phenomenal.

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"Apokriphos.7042" said:

> > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > > "PVP ok" =) nice joke you have there.

> > >

> > > Reapers are very strong in spvp now.

> >

> > This is definitely untrue in high tier pvp.


> If you truly think that you are bad at pvp.

> Reapers are very strong now, they are team fighters and still need a bit of help when focused but their ability to pressure and swing mid fights is phenomenal.


Sure. Unless the enemy team puts a target on your head. Then you get tunneled immediately with your lack of defensive CDs. If you don't have a fb babysitting you, you lose to every meta class

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > @"Apokriphos.7042" said:

> > > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > > > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > > > "PVP ok" =) nice joke you have there.

> > > >

> > > > Reapers are very strong in spvp now.

> > >

> > > This is definitely untrue in high tier pvp.

> >

> > If you truly think that you are bad at pvp.

> > Reapers are very strong now, they are team fighters and still need a bit of help when focused but their ability to pressure and swing mid fights is phenomenal.


> Sure. Unless the enemy team puts a target on your head. Then you get tunneled immediately with your lack of defensive CDs. If you don't have a fb babysitting you, you lose to every meta class


A typical response from a bad player not understanding they are playing a ROLE playing game.

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > > @"Apokriphos.7042" said:

> > > > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > > > > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > > > > "PVP ok" =) nice joke you have there.

> > > > >

> > > > > Reapers are very strong in spvp now.

> > > >

> > > > This is definitely untrue in high tier pvp.

> > >

> > > If you truly think that you are bad at pvp.

> > > Reapers are very strong now, they are team fighters and still need a bit of help when focused but their ability to pressure and swing mid fights is phenomenal.

> >

> > Sure. Unless the enemy team puts a target on your head. Then you get tunneled immediately with your lack of defensive CDs. If you don't have a fb babysitting you, you lose to every meta class


> A typical response from a bad player not understanding they are playing a ROLE playing game.


"Now"? Reaper is doing is exactly the same as before the patch but now they are doing it with reduced sustain. This makes it harder to be as effective since being focused if more potent. The higher the tier of play the more likely this is to happen. People aren't bad players like you have quoted them to be,especially who you have quoted, they just have a better understanding of the necromancer situation than yourself.


Also the argument "You are bad if you don't agree with me" come across as self righteous and don't make anyone agree with you at all.

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > > > @"Apokriphos.7042" said:

> > > > > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > > > > > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > > > > > "PVP ok" =) nice joke you have there.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Reapers are very strong in spvp now.

> > > > >

> > > > > This is definitely untrue in high tier pvp.

> > > >

> > > > If you truly think that you are bad at pvp.

> > > > Reapers are very strong now, they are team fighters and still need a bit of help when focused but their ability to pressure and swing mid fights is phenomenal.

> > >

> > > Sure. Unless the enemy team puts a target on your head. Then you get tunneled immediately with your lack of defensive CDs. If you don't have a fb babysitting you, you lose to every meta class

> >

> > A typical response from a bad player not understanding they are playing a ROLE playing game.


> "Now"? Reaper is doing is exactly the same as before the patch but now they are doing it with reduced sustain. This makes it harder to be as effective since being focused if more potent. The higher the tier of play the more likely this is to happen. People aren't bad players like you have quoted them to be,especially who you have quoted, they just have a better understanding of the necromancer situation than yourself.


> Also the argument "You are bad if you don't agree with me" come across as self righteous and don't make anyone agree with you at all.


I don't care if you agree. If you dont you are bad.

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> A typical response from a bad player not understanding they are playing a ROLE playing game.


Indeed, in role playing, being a slasher from an horror movie is really a strong role. On another hand, I guess the ones who play a mirage are bound to have quite a weak presence.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > A typical response from a bad player not understanding they are playing a ROLE playing game.


> Indeed, in role playing, being a slasher from an horror movie is really a strong role. On another hand, I guess the ones who play a mirage are bound to have quite a weak presence.


Uhhh...the role here is a glass canon, pretty typical in this type of games. I guess youre new.

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > A typical response from a bad player not understanding they are playing a ROLE playing game.

> >

> > Indeed, in role playing, being a slasher from an horror movie is really a strong role. On another hand, I guess the ones who play a mirage are bound to have quite a weak presence.


> Uhhh...the role here is a glass canon, pretty typical in this types of games. I guess youre new.


That was irony. But guess what you want.

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Ummh I dunno guys, I took my reaper to fracs t4 today with my friend on his reaper and it was a sad picture. I don't get where is that damage buff reapers got?

Trying to use chill skill more but needs more testing.

Overall we lost some HP for that 'buff' damage but I don't see the damage. I used to be able to keep up with DH.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> Ummh I dunno guys, I took my reaper to fracs t4 today with my friend on his reaper and it was a sad picture. I don't get where is that damage buff reapers got?

> Trying to use chill skill more but needs more testing.

> Overall we lost some HP for that 'buff' damage but I don't see the damage. I used to be able to keep up with DH.


There weren't damage buffs in this update, they just placed the modifier elsewhere. The trade damage buff/ survivability happened months ago. This patch have low impact on the reaper in PvE but it will certainly be harder to say that reaper in a glass canon build have a lot of survivability now (they still are superior in survivability compared to a lot of profession's glass canon builds but not as much as before).

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