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Finished astralaria and gift of battle was uncalled for


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Those that took the (massive) effort to create a legendary will know that its 99.9% pve till you get to the point where you, for whatever reason, need to do pvp to get gift of battle.


After all that, the incredible amount of materials, time and effort it takes you to get to your final hurdle (spent in pve content): pvp for 6-7 hours.


I'm salty and i need to vent my rage of this utter random and uncalled for requirement. i never pvp'd before, by design. yadda yadda its a legendary, its supposed to be hard yadda yadda.


That 6 hours of pvp is insignificant on the large scale. what the actual kitten ><.


(i have no illusion this post will somehow change anything, whatsover. i just want to express my disappointment over this seemingly random descision.)

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> @"Teefy.5016" said:

> i appreciate the tip. my post was about why do i need to 'wvw' when up until gift of battle it was pve all the way, and you could purchase whatever missing wvw items on the Tp.

> Also, this was once in a lifetime. :)


Legionary weapons assume you took part in all game modes. PVE, fractals, wvw and pvp. That was the general idea.

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> @"Teefy.5016" said:

> i appreciate the tip. my post was about why do i need to 'wvw' when up until gift of battle it was pve all the way,

It's not "pve all the way" and never has been. ANet's always used this as a carrot to encourage people to participate in all aspects of the game.


Here's the thing: it's not like this is some secret or that it was suddenly added right before you started making it. Anyone looking up any guide will see the requirement. And anyone looking at the forums or reddit will find dozens of existing posts with the same topic. ANet has doubled and tripled down on the requirement.


So it really comes down to: you don't like it. And I'm sorry for that. Needing to do WvW for the GoB was among the reasons I decided to try WvW, despite my dislike of PvP in any form. And it turned out: I liked it. I suspect that's party why ANet made it a hard requirement for legendaries.


> and you could purchase whatever missing wvw items on the Tp.

That was never the case.


> Also, this was once in a lifetime. :)



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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Teefy.5016" said:

> > i appreciate the tip. my post was about why do i need to 'wvw' when up until gift of battle it was pve all the way, and you could purchase whatever missing wvw items on the Tp.

> > Also, this was once in a lifetime. :)


> Legionary weapons assume you took part in all game modes. PVE, fractals, wvw and pvp. That was the general idea.


> @"Teefy.5016" said:

> Also, this was once in a lifetime. :)

That is almost what i said long ago when I finished Bifrost :) Now I'm lv 53 in WvW, just by doing GoBs x.x lmao

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> @"Teefy.5016" said:

> i appreciate the tip. my post was about why do i need to 'wvw' when up until gift of battle it was pve all the way, and you could purchase whatever missing wvw items on the Tp.

> Also, this was once in a lifetime. :)


Yeah exactly......why do we WvW players need to do PVE world completion to make a legendary also.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Teefy.5016" said:


>It's not "pve all the way" and never has been. ANet's always used this as a carrot to encourage people to participate in all aspects of the game.


yes it kitten was !! (context, you can buy the 'wvw' items on the TP)


> > and you could purchase whatever missing wvw items on the Tp.

> That was never the case.


Excuse me, yes it was. i never set foot inside any battleground at all. you can buy the wvw tokens on the TP. i know this, because i did so.

i did look at all the guides. its an extraordinarily long list of items you have to aquire, and exactly 1 item is in there which you cant 'buy' so yes, i missed that.


at best, i'll call it inconsistent. but whatever, im just happy its over and pleased with the result. the axe is beautiful.

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> @"Teefy.5016" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Teefy.5016" said:


> >It's not "pve all the way" and never has been. ANet's always used this as a carrot to encourage people to participate in all aspects of the game.


> yes it kitten was !! (context, you can buy the 'wvw' items on the TP)


> > > and you could purchase whatever missing wvw items on the Tp.

> > That was never the case.


> Excuse me, yes it was. i never set foot inside any battleground at all. you can buy the wvw tokens on the TP. i know this, because i did so.

> i did look at all the guides. its an extraordinarily long list of items you have to aquire, and exactly 1 item is in there which you cant 'buy' so yes, i missed that.


> at best, i'll call it inconsistent. but whatever, im just happy its over and pleased with the result. the axe is beautiful.


No you can buy the spvp items on the tp

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> @"Teefy.5016" said:

> the axe is beautiful.

I think we can all agree on that. (well, ok no, we can't -- looks are a matter of taste and I'm sure there are more than a few players that don't like it)


> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Teefy.5016" said:


> >It's not "pve all the way" and never has been. ANet's always used this as a carrot to encourage people to participate in all aspects of the game.


> yes it kitten was !! (context, you can buy the 'wvw' items on the TP)

The gift of battle has never, not once been purchasable on the TP, not even indirectly by buying the tokens it requires. Perhaps you are thinking of [memories of battle](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Memory_of_Battle), which are tradeable. Those weren't added until HoT.



> > > and you could purchase whatever missing wvw items on the Tp.

> > That was never the case.


> Excuse me, yes it was. i never set foot inside any battleground at all. you can buy the wvw tokens on the TP. i know this, because i did so.

Again, if you're referring to the crafting material, memories of battle, those have been tradeable since introduction. The _tokens_ now stored in the wallet are [badges of Honor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Badge_of_Honor) and those were never tradeable. Early in the game, you could use them to purchase the Gift of Battle. Then (as now) they can be earned without stepping foot inside WvW.


> i did look at all the guides. its an extraordinarily long list of items you have to aquire, and exactly 1 item is in there which you cant 'buy' so yes, i missed that.

Yes, you did. But your posts today make it sound like it was disguised or hidden from you or new.



> at best, i'll call it inconsistent.

You can call it whatever you like; that doesn't make it so. ANet isn't consistent about much, but about the Gift of Battle, they've been remarkably consistent in making sure it's been a requirement and that it requires paying attention to WvW.




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> @"Teefy.5016" said:

> Those that took the (massive) effort to create a legendary will know that its 99.9% pve till you get to the point where you, for whatever reason, need to do pvp to get gift of battle.


> After all that, the incredible amount of materials, time and effort it takes you to get to your final hurdle (spent in pve content): pvp for 6-7 hours.


> I'm salty and i need to vent my rage of this utter random and uncalled for requirement. i never pvp'd before, by design. yadda yadda its a legendary, its supposed to be hard yadda yadda.


> That 6 hours of pvp is insignificant on the large scale. what the actual kitten ><.


> (i have no illusion this post will somehow change anything, whatsover. i just want to express my disappointment over this seemingly random descision.)


Don't you check at the beginning what you need? I do that, you should do that, too. Not only for a game, but for your life. Holy, I am sometimes really astonished upon the ignorance of humanity.


Also: An afternoon in WvW won't hurt you.

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Get reward track boosts and run with a zerg, you'll have it in no time.


1 Laurel, vendor inside cities: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Experience_Booster

From guild bartender: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Enhancement:_World_Reward_Tracks

Maybe you have one of these: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celebration_Bonus

Only 5% but still: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WvW_Reward_Track_Enrichment


It cuts the time you'll have to spend in wvw in half.

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Oh, congrats then! Astralaria is lovely. :D


Also, in case someone finds this thread, if you don't want any pvp and are on a, I think they call it trash tier server (with low wvw participation), you can just go to desert borderlands and cap the monuments for participation and just chat with friends in the meantime. No other player will go there and fight you, they probably just do the same. Unless it's monument daily maybe or you meet a zerg.

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> @"Teefy.5016" said:

> Excuse me, yes it was. i never set foot inside any battleground at all. you can buy the wvw tokens on the TP. i know this, because i did so.

> i did look at all the guides. its an extraordinarily long list of items you have to aquire, and exactly 1 item is in there which you cant 'buy' so yes, i missed that.


You can't *buy* the Gift of Exploration either. If completing maps gives you hives, you're out of luck there as well. (Yes, there have been people, PvE types like you and me(1), who've complained about that as well.)


(1) I play mainly PvE, but I don't mind WvW. I'm up to level 65 so far, and I've gathered enough GoBs to create Kudzu, Howler, Rodgort, Frostfang, and two Quips. I usually solo roam on a Power/Trap DH, and even though it's some distance from the best build for that job, I have been known to put people down in 1-on-1. ("Dude, I'm running away." ... "I'm still running away." ... "OK, fine, you won't take a hint. Let's see if Caladbolg Orchida is a big enough hint for you." It was. I hit him a few times with it and he decided to lie down and let me go.)

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > @"Teefy.5016" said:

> > i appreciate the tip. my post was about why do i need to 'wvw' when up until gift of battle it was pve all the way, and you could purchase whatever missing wvw items on the Tp.

> > Also, this was once in a lifetime. :)


> Yeah exactly......why do we WvW players need to do PVE world completion to make a legendary also.


I'd kill for a Gift of Exploration reward track that gave Reknown Heart potions (maybe 50 per track). WvW already gives hero points, and waypoints/POI's are easy enough. But curse those hearts!

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> @"Teefy.5016" said:

> thanks for the tip kiza. i finished the thing last night but i appreciate the gesture.


You may want to jot down that info, since Astralaria isn't the only legendary you need a GoB for. Just guessing here, but that might not be the only one you ever make.


Grats to you for finishing it :)

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Yeah, it's annoying but generally fair since (as it's been said) WvW people have to do PvE to get their shinies. I've completed the track a few times, sometimes zerging with random people but mostly just cheesing it by repairing walls and such and then alt-tabbing and doing something productive for 5 minutes.

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> @"Teefy.5016" said:

> first, semantics. context is player vs player in whatever shape or form. i dont care.


Psst: it’s not semantics. If you actually looked at WvW, especially at the start, you would have realized that all of what you needed to complete the reward track could be done without ever encountering another player.


But given your general attitude, and how you have shown yourself to be unwilling to accept suggestions from experienced players in this thread, I have a feeling you are not going to change.


I also make note that you haven’t responded to @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" when he noted the **pvp** items were purchasable, but the WvW items never were.


But obviously, you know best.



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heh. this is priceless. you commenting on attitude where you are being nothing short of condescending and snarky and utterly failed to understand the point im trying to make with my post, several times over. then proceed to argue definitions of pvp vs wvw, and stating i dont know what im doing. i know i dont know the first thing about pvp or wvw, thats why i thought its all the same. For me, pvp is being beaten to death by fellow players.


thusfar, i managed to avoid fellow players on my journey to astralaria. that is what i was trying to explain. then i displayed my annoyance with the fact i couldnt 'buy myself out of whatever 'item' i needed to complete it' at the 99.9% mark, which i incidently had been succesful in doing so.


i find that inconsistent.


also, dont lecture me about attitude. grab a mirror instead.


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