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Please stop changing our camera zoom


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Related, I wouldn't mind a min zoom/max zoom. Maybe like shift- or alt-mouse up/down does a full zoom in/out, respectively. I'm set up so each 'click' of the mouse wheel (I know some mouse wheels don't actually click, mine does) does a pretty small movement, so going from full zoom in to full zoom out is a bit more rolling than I'd like.


Regarding the original topic, the ability to toggle it on or off would be good. I've gotten so used to how it works and just adjust to it out of muscle memory habits, if it were forced off tomorrow for me, it might be weird.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"Silkjar.8596" said:

> > this is still a problem. @ARENANet please please fix this !


> It really is so annoying playing in Drizzlewood and the camera constantly changing height, it really ruins the experience, instead of being able to focus on the fight I am then forced to change my camera back to the position I like it, and this just continues to happen again and again and again. I have said it before, stop taking control of my camera Arenanet, give me a checkbox option to lock camera, I do not need you deciding where my camera should be....


I did the Claw of Jormag fight in Drizzlewood the other day and the camera zooms you in so close you can't see anything else around you well including the adds that spawn. I can only imagine that it is done for dramatic effect, but the least they could do if they want to force it on us is to revert it back to the original camera setting after the zoom in is done.

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  • 2 months later...

Plus plus, stop zooming me in and out! I take great care to find the zoom level I most enjoy on a character I play, depending on their race, and I love being zoomed in just right for immersion, so the world feels bigger and more immersive. Then you ZOOM ME OUT. Stop it! Is it harder to fight zoomed in? Yes. But I can zoom out myself, using my mouse wheel, thanks much!

Worst of all, sometimes game zooms me out for no reason at all!

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I think I found a way to somewhat mitigate the zoom.

Put your "Zoom Sensitivity" and "Collision Sensitivity" sliders all the way to the left.


This will make zooming in and out a lot take quite a bit of scrolling - each click is worth only small bit of zoom. But seems when the game zooms you out eg at a world boss, it won't go nearly as far as it normally does.

And the collision slider, I think, means the game will not try to detect you're colliding and take control of the camera to make you look around things, and thus not take zoom control? Not so sure about this one.

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> @"Katelynn.6593" said:

> I hate auto zoom during jumping puzzles. No, I'm angling my camera to jump the right way. I'm not angling it to get a real close up view of the steps.


This is what really needs to be turned off. I'd rather disappear behind a wall for a sec than have my knowledge of where everything is totally disrupted.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > Playing first person view fixes this.


> That's more of a work-around than an actual fix. Point being, there should need to be a fix. Freezing the zoom angle should be an existing option.


An existing option ANet can't be bothered to put into the game for years. Won't happen, sad story is sad.

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