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Rune change and the loss of selling them?

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> I believe seasoned wood planks always sell for a good price, make a lumber run around Dredgehaunt Cliffs and Blazeridge steppes from time to time, and you will earn far more than you would have made selling runes.


Unfortunately, with the panic sell off of seasoned logs (and some other things including wool) they're at a very long time low. Not sure why people flipped out and dumped them and some other commodity items (like wool...btw, thanks for driving wool scraps down to 90c/u for a couple days, I'm enjoying some of the juicy, no-effort, profits already) just before and after the start of Wintersday, but they did, and with the glut on the TP it'll be a little while before they get back to some semblance of typical value (~200-225c/log).


Better, if you're angling for simple farming profit, to consider iron which generally remains at a steady 2s or more per ore, rarely tanks much or for very long even when it does, and there are plenty of rich nodes to exploit for quick, very easy (even for low to mid level alts since iron is a tier 2 mat), reasonably profitable runs.

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> @"Kruhljak.2705" said:

> > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > I believe seasoned wood planks always sell for a good price, make a lumber run around Dredgehaunt Cliffs and Blazeridge steppes from time to time, and you will earn far more than you would have made selling runes.


> Unfortunately, with the panic sell off of seasoned logs (and some other things including wool) they're at a very long time low. Not sure why people flipped out and dumped them and some other commodity items (like wool...btw, thanks for driving wool scraps down to 90c/u for a couple days, I'm enjoying some of the juicy, no-effort, profits already) just before and after the start of Wintersday, but they did, and with the glut on the TP it'll be a little while before they get back to some semblance of typical value (~200-225c/log).


> Better, if you're angling for simple farming profit, to consider iron which generally remains at a steady 2s or more per ore, rarely tanks much or for very long even when it does, and there are plenty of rich nodes to exploit for quick, very easy (even for low to mid level alts since iron is a tier 2 mat), reasonably profitable runs.


Yes i just did part of one of the maps i needed to test the prophet on, so i did frostgorge sound today, its one of the areas my husband can play and get to easy. He has no pets yet so everything has to be farmed on foot.

time spent with minimal fighting mainly just farming: 1 hour 37mins

what was the total cost to sell to merchant for all items that can be stored in bank valt value at: 2g 15s 89c

now if all sold at the black lion merchant Value of sold items without additional cost of trade charge is: 5g 96s 05c

Items that dropped of of minimal fighting because this was a farming test 12 items where salvaged 0 Charms dropped

tomorrow i will farm one map for Karma doing events for the same amount of time (1hour 37mins) it took me to farm and see what the drop rate is for junk and salvageable items and to check if any charms dropped... as far as I can see they just made things worse rather then better idk lets see how my farming goes tomorrow.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I'm perplexed by the lament about the cost of Waypointing; one or two greens should cover that cost easily.



cost of travel for new player from LA to Frostgorge Sound 2s 44c


Yes i just did part of one of the maps i needed to test the prophet on, so i did frostgorge sound today, its one of the areas my husband can play and get to easy. He has no pets yet so everything has to be farmed on foot.

time spent with minimal fighting mainly just farming: 1 hour 37mins

what was the total cost to sell to merchant for all items that can be stored in bank valt value at: 2g 15s 89c

now if all sold at the black lion merchant Value of sold items without additional cost of trade charge is: 5g 96s 05c

Items that dropped of of minimal fighting because this was a farming test 12 items where salvaged 0 Charms dropped

tomorrow i will farm one map for Karma doing events for the same amount of time (1hour 37mins) it took me to farm and see what the drop rate is for junk and salvageable items and to check if any charms dropped... as far as I can see they just made things worse rather then better idk lets see how my farming goes tomorrow.

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> Only 2 precursor drops? How about 0?


> I'm sorry but that's pretty hard for me to sympathize with you that you aren't getting pocket change from green runes. If you sold 10,000 green runes, that would amount to what, 200 gold? That was never a consideration to earning gold. As for how to get gold from salvaging..... Well, salvaging gets materials. Sell them. Or just vendor it.


Yes i just did part of one of the maps i needed to test the prophet on, so i did frostgorge sound today, its one of the areas my husband can play and get to easy. He has no pets yet so everything has to be farmed on foot.

time spent with minimal fighting mainly just farming: 1 hour 37mins

what was the total cost to sell to merchant for all items that can be stored in bank vault value at: 2g 15s 89c

now if all sold at the black lion merchant Value of sold items without additional cost of trade charge is: 5g 96s 05c

Items that dropped of of minimal fighting because this was a farming test 12 items where salvaged 0 Charms dropped

tomorrow i will farm one map for Karma doing events for the same amount of time (1hour 37mins) it took me to farm and see what the drop rate is for junk and salvageable items and to check if any charms dropped... as far as I can see they just made things worse rather then better idk lets see how my farming goes tomorrow.

so where is all this money making for new players???


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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> I can't imagine even worrying about waypoint costs.


> Whoever said gold management probably has the right of this. There are just simply too many ways to make money. I do have less than 100g currently SHOWING. But that is because I took the advice of some thread on here to bank my gold. I put in a buy order for something that will never ever get fulfilled whenever I reach 200. Then it looks like I have less but I really don't.


> For the poster you mention material farming. If whatever you're farming is costing more than you make farm for gold and buy what you need and bank the rest. For instance say I need 16k mithril. Instead of farming mithril I will run two hours of Istan and 30 minutes of silverwastes until I have enough to buy the mithril AND bank some for something else. Plus you get all the extra drops from both places.


> As for precursor drops not everyone will get them 'every two weeks' I'm just verifying that it isn't impossible. I also count opening bags and reward chests as 'getting a drop' as opposed to it popping up from a random beastie.


> If I don't count that the friend only got one: and that was from a bounty.


this is also about new player that are not quite ready to do fractals

Yes i just did part of one of the maps i needed to test the prophet on it , so i did frostgorge sound today, its one of the areas my husband can play and get to easy. He has no pets yet so everything has to be farmed on foot.

time spent with minimal fighting mainly just farming: 1 hour 37mins

what was the total cost to sell to merchant for all items that can be stored in bank valt value at: 2g 15s 89c

now if all sold at the black lion merchant Value of sold items without additional cost of trade charge is: 5g 96s 05c

Items that dropped of of minimal fighting because this was a farming test 12 items where salvaged 0 Charms dropped

tomorrow i will farm one map for Karma doing events for the same amount of time (1hour 37mins) it took me to farm and see what the drop rate is for junk and salvageable items and to check if any charms dropped... as far as I can see they just made things worse rather then better idk lets see how my farming goes tomorrow.

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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > > @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > > So as I am farming and running around I see I am not making any money now, because there is nothing to sell after salvaging the items

> >

> > Now you sell charms and symbols you get from salvaging the items.


> I salvage a lot of material and rarely see charm/symbol drops. I wish they would make a change to salvaging to where you get the runes and sigils like before; especially with the Copper/Silver-Fed tools. That way you can choose which salvage tool to use on them or to sell them. The direct salvaging of them when you salvage the drop they are attached to is my biggest annoyance with that patch.


I talked to my guild leader today and he said they were going to come out with a new salvage kit that extracts the charms, If that is the case i want to know for those of us who have spent real money for gems to by the copper fed salvage o matic and the siliver salvage o matic if they r going to up grade those for free considering we didn't ask for this change. Or if they are just aiming to make more money off of us at this point

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > The other question I have is the balance to game to make money in PvE because the drop balance is way the heck off in the game... for the last 6 years I have only got 2 precursor drops, while 2 friends of mine get precursors every 2 weeks or more....


> What? I've played since release and got 0 precursor drops, you had 2 drops which makes you super lucky. As for your friends getting precursors every 2 weeks they are probably liars. Pics or it didn't happen.


Played since release, 0 precursor drops as well. The funny part to me is that my brain skipped over the OP even saying that first time around, and I had to do a double take upon seeing your reply.

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> @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > > @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > > > @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > > > So as I am farming and running around I see I am not making any money now, because there is nothing to sell after salvaging the items

> > >

> > > Now you sell charms and symbols you get from salvaging the items.

> >

> > I salvage a lot of material and rarely see charm/symbol drops. I wish they would make a change to salvaging to where you get the runes and sigils like before; especially with the Copper/Silver-Fed tools. That way you can choose which salvage tool to use on them or to sell them. The direct salvaging of them when you salvage the drop they are attached to is my biggest annoyance with that patch.


> I talked to my guild leader today and he said they were going to come out with a new salvage kit that extracts the charms, If that is the case i want to know for those of us who have spent real money for gems to by the copper fed salvage o matic and the siliver salvage o matic if they r going to up grade those for free considering we didn't ask for this change. Or if they are just aiming to make more money off of us at this point


Your guild leader may be mistaken, as the tool-tip (for Runecrafter's Salvage-o-Matic) states this:

_Double-click to salvage crafting materials from an item in your inventory. 20% chance of rarer materials. 100% chance of *salvaging* upgrades_.

So, no free upgrades.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > > > @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > > > > @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > > > > So as I am farming and running around I see I am not making any money now, because there is nothing to sell after salvaging the items

> > > >

> > > > Now you sell charms and symbols you get from salvaging the items.

> > >

> > > I salvage a lot of material and rarely see charm/symbol drops. I wish they would make a change to salvaging to where you get the runes and sigils like before; especially with the Copper/Silver-Fed tools. That way you can choose which salvage tool to use on them or to sell them. The direct salvaging of them when you salvage the drop they are attached to is my biggest annoyance with that patch.

> >

> > I talked to my guild leader today and he said they were going to come out with a new salvage kit that extracts the charms, If that is the case i want to know for those of us who have spent real money for gems to by the copper fed salvage o matic and the siliver salvage o matic if they r going to up grade those for free considering we didn't ask for this change. Or if they are just aiming to make more money off of us at this point


> Your guild leader may be mistaken, as the tool-tip (for Runecrafter's Salvage-o-Matic) states this:

> _Double-click to salvage crafting materials from an item in your inventory. 20% chance of rarer materials. 100% chance of *salvaging* upgrades_.

> So, no free upgrades.


ok ty, but i think he was talking about this as a new salvage kit that will come up soon not any of the current one we have now

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> @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > > > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > > > > @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > > > > > @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > > > > > So as I am farming and running around I see I am not making any money now, because there is nothing to sell after salvaging the items

> > > > >

> > > > > Now you sell charms and symbols you get from salvaging the items.

> > > >

> > > > I salvage a lot of material and rarely see charm/symbol drops. I wish they would make a change to salvaging to where you get the runes and sigils like before; especially with the Copper/Silver-Fed tools. That way you can choose which salvage tool to use on them or to sell them. The direct salvaging of them when you salvage the drop they are attached to is my biggest annoyance with that patch.

> > >

> > > I talked to my guild leader today and he said they were going to come out with a new salvage kit that extracts the charms, If that is the case i want to know for those of us who have spent real money for gems to by the copper fed salvage o matic and the siliver salvage o matic if they r going to up grade those for free considering we didn't ask for this change. Or if they are just aiming to make more money off of us at this point

> >

> > Your guild leader may be mistaken, as the tool-tip (for Runecrafter's Salvage-o-Matic) states this:

> > _Double-click to salvage crafting materials from an item in your inventory. 20% chance of rarer materials. 100% chance of *salvaging* upgrades_.

> > So, no free upgrades.


> ok ty, but i think he was talking about this as a new salvage kit that will come up soon not any of the current one we have now


As mentioned above, that _is_ something you can't find in-game now.

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> I Will keep My answer short. You will earn around 30-60gold/hour by just doing open world afk events. And all that without fractals, Dungeons, raids or single prec drops. If you dont know how, and cant find anything from Google, feel free to Ask me via pm.


HM?? At 60 gold/hour doing open world events that meas around 200 gold/day (if you play 3,5 hours daily). In one year you can have +70k gold (even if you craft your ascendant gear). Being a so easy activity, that means every player with more than 3 years played in GW2 should have the maximum gold allowed by the game.

From how long are you playing? And how many gold you have?


Because, to keep it short, as you like, **I don't believe you**.

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Its wrong to say, but I like the drop rate of precursors where they are at. I say this and have had 2 drops, but that's over 10K hours of game play. So I hear you about not getting drops but it makes it all the better when someone, anyone, does get a drop. Have said in the past and will again, varied drop rates for loot is good, you want things that are common, uncommon, rare, super rare and legendary. Its like playing the lottery, its not about winning it, since most people won't, but the journey and fun of it along the way. Grinds are only grinds if you let them be. If you aren't having fun along the way you might want to ask yourself if the time is worth it. Food for thought.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > I Will keep My answer short. You will earn around 30-60gold/hour by just doing open world afk events. And all that without fractals, Dungeons, raids or single prec drops. If you dont know how, and cant find anything from Google, feel free to Ask me via pm.


> HM?? At 60 gold/hour doing open world events that meas around 200 gold/day (if you play 3,5 hours daily). In one year you can have +70k gold (even if you craft your ascendant gear). Being a so easy activity, that means every player with more than 3 years played in GW2 should have the maximum gold allowed by the game.

> From how long are you playing? And how many gold you have?


> Because, to keep it short, as you like, **I don't believe you**.


Itse boring. Ppl wanna play to game, not farm certain events in right order. As open world afk event I ofc mean timed meta events or riba. Its not my fault If you dont know how to get gold.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > I Will keep My answer short. You will earn around 30-60gold/hour by just doing open world afk events. And all that without fractals, Dungeons, raids or single prec drops. If you dont know how, and cant find anything from Google, feel free to Ask me via pm.


> HM?? At 60 gold/hour doing open world events that meas around 200 gold/day (if you play 3,5 hours daily). In one year you can have +70k gold (even if you craft your ascendant gear). Being a so easy activity, that means every player with more than 3 years played in GW2 should have the maximum gold allowed by the game.

> From how long are you playing? And how many gold you have?


> Because, to keep it short, as you like, **I don't believe you**.


What if they do not play 3.5 hours per day, and dont spend their playtime farming specific content?

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > I Will keep My answer short. You will earn around 30-60gold/hour by just doing open world afk events. And all that without fractals, Dungeons, raids or single prec drops. If you dont know how, and cant find anything from Google, feel free to Ask me via pm.


> HM?? At 60 gold/hour doing open world events that meas around 200 gold/day (if you play 3,5 hours daily). In one year you can have +70k gold (even if you craft your ascendant gear). Being a so easy activity, that means every player with more than 3 years played in GW2 should have the maximum gold allowed by the game.

> From how long are you playing? And how many gold you have?


> Because, to keep it short, as you like, **I don't believe you**.


It's a good think that belief is never a prerequisite for truth. What he speaks is true; putting yourself into a position based on what you believe isn't advisable.


Bottomline is that there isn't much loss of income because of this change and if it's real money someone is after, they aren't going to get it gathering and salvaging mats.

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In my experience, the changes to runes has increased values in many cases, at least for the superior runes. Before the change, many runes had no buyers on the trading post (and if you wanted to undercut the lowest sell offer, the total price was only a couple silver). Since the change, many of the runes have gone up to have some real value.

Granted, this requires getting exotic equipment, which isn't super common.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > I Will keep My answer short. You will earn around 30-60gold/hour by just doing open world afk events. And all that without fractals, Dungeons, raids or single prec drops. If you dont know how, and cant find anything from Google, feel free to Ask me via pm.

> >

> > HM?? At 60 gold/hour doing open world events that meas around 200 gold/day (if you play 3,5 hours daily). In one year you can have +70k gold (even if you craft your ascendant gear). Being a so easy activity, that means every player with more than 3 years played in GW2 should have the maximum gold allowed by the game.

> > From how long are you playing? And how many gold you have?

> >

> > Because, to keep it short, as you like, **I don't believe you**.


> It's a good think that belief is never a prerequisite for truth. What he speaks is true; putting yourself into a position based on what you believe isn't advisable.


> Bottomline is that there isn't much loss of income because of this change and if it's real money someone is after, they aren't going to get it gathering and salvaging mats.


Actually salvaging gives you a good junk of gold. You just need to use lvl 49-53 char as "loot opener".

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:


> Itse boring. Ppl wanna play to game, not farm certain events in right order. As open world afk event I ofc mean timed meta events or riba. Its not my fault If you dont know how to get gold.


Well, timed meta events / riba. Fist, RIBA is not something you can do by afk-ing. You should be there, going from fortress to fortress and participating to every event.

Second - the most rewarding rotation for world meta events I can think of is Verdant Brink (one or two bosses) - Auric Basin (including the chest loot) - Chack Gerent.

You cannot do the first and second part in one hour. You can do **only** one of them. And none gives you 60 gold in one hour. And none is an afk activity.


> @"Ashen.2907" said:


> What if they do not play 3.5 hours per day, and dont spend their playtime farming specific content?


You cannot find a so special way to make 60 gold/hour that most of the GW2 players have no knowledge of it if you don't know the game very well. That means a lot of play. So, I think such players spend **much more** than 3,5 hours/day in game. And if they don't spend their time farming, then we are back to the start of this post:


> @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> So I really stopped playing because of the Rune change a few months ago, I only logged in to do daily's. So as I am farming and running around I see I am not making any money now, because there is nothing to sell after salvaging the items, so I am guessing the only way to make money now is to do Fractals or Raids?....




> @"Obtena.7952" said:


> It's a good think that belief is never a prerequisite for truth. What he speaks is true; putting yourself into a position based on what you believe isn't advisable.


> Bottomline is that there isn't much loss of income because of this change and if it's real money someone is after, they aren't going to get it gathering and salvaging mats.


Well, the belief is based of what you think. Thinking is not a bad thing. The result may be correct or wrong, according to the data you have. The facts I had when I stated my lack of confidence was that **anyone can make up to 60 gold/hour by semi-afk-ing world events**. Now I found that it is nor really afk, it is a very active participation and is not about world events but **certain** world events, in a **certain** order. And this can be boring very fast. And is hard to do this for a long period.


Compare this with the initial statement and you will find why I had some reserve.


But you say: "**What he speaks is true**" without giving any reason for this. Well, you act as a missionary here - is this a religion? Because you basically ask me to **give up my judgement of the situation and to believe you**. Without any proof. Just to believe. Why? Because "putting yourself into a position based on what you believe isn't advisable". Well, even if I want to **believe** you, by taking your own advise into account, **I cannot**.


Hm! Good advise for someone complaining of the lack of sources of money. Is something like:


Complain: "I don't have a good method to gain gold in this game. Can you help? "

Answer: You can make 60 gold/hour as any of the other players.

Complain: How to do this?

Answer: Very easy. So, stop complaining about the runes.

Complain: If you don't tell me how, I cannot believe you.

Answer: What you believe or not is not relevant. I speak the truth. Is not my fault you don't know how to make gold.

Complain: But this is what I asked in the first instance - a way to make gold.


Really helpful, indeed.

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