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Rune change and the loss of selling them?

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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > > @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > > So as I am farming and running around I see I am not making any money now, because there is nothing to sell after salvaging the items

> >

> > Now you sell charms and symbols you get from salvaging the items.


> I salvage a lot of material and rarely see charm/symbol drops. I wish they would make a change to salvaging to where you get the runes and sigils like before; especially with the Copper/Silver-Fed tools. That way you can choose which salvage tool to use on them or to sell them. The direct salvaging of them when you salvage the drop they are attached to is my biggest annoyance with that patch.


That's sort of the point of the change. The less charm/symbol drops you see, the less stuff fills your bags in an instant.

As I said in my previous post, at least for green armor pieces you arguably earn more when you finally get the drop than you earned before the change (considering the current TP prices).

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> Raids and fractals are pve content. Best way ro make money is to farm open world pve events tho.


> Raids arent a good way to make gold btw.


Thank you. I have not found the right group for Raids at the moment, but for the new players like my husband and his friend who has only been playing for a week i don't the either of them trying to attempt to do them due to not being able to dodge, but its good to know there is no money in doing Raids.

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> @"Reverielle.3972" said:

> I'm sorry you feel that way about things, but;

> The Rune-change was definitely needed, and for the most part is a positive thing. Selling runes/sigils was never a relatively great source of income. As someone for years that basically salvaged everything and saved all the major/exotic runes & sigils to sell or combine them at the Mystic Forge I think I can say this.

> You can do almost anything in the game and make gold, whoever told you that you can only do so in Fractals & Raids is not being truthful. There are a multitude of ways to make gold, and various farms if you want to actively focus on doing so. But regardless of your play-style the most important way to make gold is simple: do not spend it and it will pile up.

> No one in the game gets precursor drops every couple of weeks, it just does not happen. Those people are lying to you, I'm not sure why they are you'll have to ask them.

> Mesmers did not get 'screwed over pretty good' last patch. The hyperbole is basically in response to a couple of significant changes to one of their play-styles, which was good overall for the game. But they are still one of the strongest professions, and arguably still overpowered in many aspects.

> Dodging in combat takes practice. Not hours, but weeks and months (at least for me). I'm sure the majority of us weren't exceptionally good at it in the beginning. I hope your husband is enjoying the game, dodging will come with time, and practice, just like anything. But no one should feel behind or the need to 'catch up'. No one's left behind. Everything we could when the game launched we still can (excluding Living World Season 1 which is now acknowledged as a mistake, but that's another story entirely.)



I still don't feel like the game a balanced well...

And yes i have 2 friends that get precursors at least every 2 weeks, I run around with them quite often, She got the Leaf of Kudzu 2 weeks before that she got The Chosen, and constant black lion keys. I don't ask her for anything Due to the complaining and the guilt other people make her feel, but She is nice and will help those she likes, as for my other friend he just plays with the mystic forge and precursors drop like crazy for him. he send me photos on discord, he was nice enough to give me Howl, So i feel the drop rate is still a uneven balance for a lot of us, When i started playing GW2 the game was great I couldn't figure out why i kept seeing yellow drop's that told me to loot and yet would not let me pick it up, I even had The leaf of Kudzu in front of my face and I couldn't pick it up ( I didn't take a photo I wish I had) so after a few more days of not being able to pick up stuff I got fed up and made a complaint, Support realized there was a issue after logging into my account and fixed it and sent 10 gold hahaha for my trouble with the game, but i still feel like my account is cursed I have the 300 magic find plus the bonuses from the Achievement Chest I can use magic find and max everything out and I still don't get any good drops, It's kind of funny. I get worse drops if I do boost my magic find V's when I run around without it I get better drops, I farm my butt off in this game and it's still not good enough to see or get any drops worth all the fuss of grinding, As for the Charms I rarely get those so I am still at a loss here...

today I will experiment with the cost of travel how much I farm and what it sells for and if I get any charms it all,

The next day I will do the same but only sell half of what I make to see how much I am losing and how much longer it's going to take to make my precursors...

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Only 2 precursor drops? How about 0?


I'm sorry but that's pretty hard for me to sympathize with you that you aren't getting pocket change from green runes. If you sold 10,000 green runes, that would amount to what, 200 gold? That was never a consideration to earning gold. As for how to get gold from salvaging..... Well, salvaging gets materials. Sell them. Or just vendor it.

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> @"DaFishBob.6518" said:

> You relied on selling runes for money? The materials that you salvage are usually worth more than the runes (even mithril ore if you relied on minor runes to sell). Before the change you couldn't even sell the minor stuff unless you NPC it and if you wanted to do that, you would farm events on a map with shiny bauble as a reward.


I grind a lot in farming Mats, so yes salvaging everything helped make up the cost of travel and what little silver i did get from it did help in a samll way for me to make money, now that everything has changed i see i am force to sell what few charms I get to replace some of those things, which does not seem fair to me, they should at least given us some kind of trash to sell to merchant for all the darn grinding we do...

I'll be experimenting today with it today, to see the cost of travel, the farming the cost of selling everything Vs me keeping things...

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> @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > @"DaFishBob.6518" said:

> > You relied on selling runes for money? The materials that you salvage are usually worth more than the runes (even mithril ore if you relied on minor runes to sell). Before the change you couldn't even sell the minor stuff unless you NPC it and if you wanted to do that, you would farm events on a map with shiny bauble as a reward.


> I grind a lot in farming Mats, so yes salvaging everything helped make up the cost of travel and what little silver i did get from it did help in a samll way for me to make money, now that everything has changed i see i am force to sell what few charms I get to replace some of those things, which does not seem fair to me, they should at least given us some kind of trash to sell to merchant for all the darn grinding we do...

> I'll be experimenting today with it today, to see the cost of travel, the farming the cost of selling everything Vs me keeping things...


and the next day I'll to the same but I wont salvage anything and check the cost of selling it


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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> Only 2 precursor drops? How about 0?


> I'm sorry but that's pretty hard for me to sympathize with you that you aren't getting pocket change from green runes. If you sold 10,000 green runes, that would amount to what, 200 gold? That was never a consideration to earning gold. As for how to get gold from salvaging..... Well, salvaging gets materials. Sell them. Or just vendor it.


I'll be checking out some of the differences today, Thank you :)

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> You definitely CAN get precursor drops every two weeks. I farm Istan but not in the amount required BUT a friend tags there. He has the maximum magic find and boosts up everything.


> He farms for literally a work day worth of hours. For those who have not experienced a fully optimized Istan run it is truly something to behold. Make sure you have used the restroom, eaten, have a couple drinks because unless there is a break before Paladawan you will be doing nothing but fast-paced farming the entire time. Commanders can and do kick afkers.


> But don't say it's impossible not to get precursor drops every two weeks because it is.( I farm Istan but I'm just not THAT dedicated...some are.)


Yes, you can increase your odds of getting precursors by spending bazillion of hours on content. Obviously spending more time farming will increase your chance of getting one. The drop rate is still so low that you might end up with no precursor after weeks or months of farming. There is people who have run ages of RIBA, Istan or similar farms and have gone empty.


At some point, the odds are so low, it's pure rng no matter how much time you invest. We are talking people with thousands of hours on their accounts. Even if only 10% of that time was spent doing content which can drop a precursor (and this is an exaggeration downward) we are looking at hundreds of hours worth of game play for some people with no luck. Unless you meant your friend is maximizing his magic every few days find and opening loot bags from farming (in which case he is making an investment and hoping for a bigger return which too can go both ways), but that is hardly " getting a precursor to drop" as mentioned here.


I also knew someone who pretty much always got precursors from the mystic forge. She was up to 14 and almost each one was with a hefty profit since she got them very fast. Again, pure RNG.

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> @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > Only 2 precursor drops? How about 0?

> >

> > I'm sorry but that's pretty hard for me to sympathize with you that you aren't getting pocket change from green runes. If you sold 10,000 green runes, that would amount to what, 200 gold? That was never a consideration to earning gold. As for how to get gold from salvaging..... Well, salvaging gets materials. Sell them. Or just vendor it.


> I'll be checking out some of the differences today, Thank you :)


Precursors: I would like to see a balance with it, and more of a balance with magic find. I sorry if you had no drops it all, but that was the point in the post that I made, I watch others hardly do anything in game vs some of us that has grinned our butts off and have seen nothing... I have played since Beta I have watched my account be ripped off at the beginning of the game by not being able to pick up loot, and yet like I said i have friends that get precursors all the time... and the magic find is the worst for me, if I use any kind of magic find boost it has the reverse effect on me my drops become worse. I get better drops not using any kind of magic find boost

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> @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > > Only 2 precursor drops? How about 0?

> > >

> > > I'm sorry but that's pretty hard for me to sympathize with you that you aren't getting pocket change from green runes. If you sold 10,000 green runes, that would amount to what, 200 gold? That was never a consideration to earning gold. As for how to get gold from salvaging..... Well, salvaging gets materials. Sell them. Or just vendor it.

> >

> > I'll be checking out some of the differences today, Thank you :)


> Precursors: I would like to see a balance with it, and more of a balance with magic find. I sorry if you had no drops it all, but that was the point in the post that I made, I watch others hardly do anything in game vs some of us that has grinned our butts off and have seen nothing... I have played since Beta I have watched my account be ripped off at the beginning of the game by not being able to pick up loot, and yet like I said i have friends that get precursors all the time... and the magic find is the worst for me, if I use any kind of magic find boost it has the reverse effect on me my drops become worse. I get better drops not using any kind of magic find boost


The irony in this, if they change anything about how precursors are gained (aka made them more available) the value would plummet and you getting one would not be worth a lot.


Precursor crafting suggests that Arenanet are happy with precursor availability and the value they are at. I would not hold up hope that this will change, ever.


I have to say this:

Your thread and comments and the holding out to "hit it big" with a precursor drop leads me more to believe that you have a gold management issue. If you are playing this game and keep your spending in check, you should constantly be accumulating gold. This can be optimized but there is almost no way to spend more gold than you make UNLESS you are consuming (aka buying things off the TP which might not be necessary). I'd suggest budgeting or keeping track of your in game spending for a set period of time to see what you are spending your gold on.

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> @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > Just to be clear, getting two precursors two weeks apart isnt getting a precursor every two weeks.

> >

> >

> > My personal redcord for pre drops is 0 in more than six years.


> I'm sorry, that why i wished they would balance out the game more for those of us that don't get them.


makes me wonder if i should be reporting the people that constantly get them though, because I don't understand how they can get those constantly while the rest of us watch

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > > @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > > > Only 2 precursor drops? How about 0?

> > > >

> > > > I'm sorry but that's pretty hard for me to sympathize with you that you aren't getting pocket change from green runes. If you sold 10,000 green runes, that would amount to what, 200 gold? That was never a consideration to earning gold. As for how to get gold from salvaging..... Well, salvaging gets materials. Sell them. Or just vendor it.

> > >

> > > I'll be checking out some of the differences today, Thank you :)

> >

> > Precursors: I would like to see a balance with it, and more of a balance with magic find. I sorry if you had no drops it all, but that was the point in the post that I made, I watch others hardly do anything in game vs some of us that has grinned our butts off and have seen nothing... I have played since Beta I have watched my account be ripped off at the beginning of the game by not being able to pick up loot, and yet like I said i have friends that get precursors all the time... and the magic find is the worst for me, if I use any kind of magic find boost it has the reverse effect on me my drops become worse. I get better drops not using any kind of magic find boost


> The irony in this, if they change anything about how precursors are gained (aka made them more available) the value would plummet and you getting one would not be worth a lot.


> Precursor crafting suggests that Arenanet are happy with precursor availability and the value they are at. I would not hold up hope that this will change, ever.


> I have to say this:

> Your thread and comments and the holding out to "hit it big" with a precursor drop leads me more to believe that you have a gold management issue. If you are playing this game and keep your spending in check, you should constantly be accumulating gold. This can be optimized but there is almost no way to spend more gold than you make UNLESS you are consuming (aka buying things off the TP which might not be necessary). I'd suggest budgeting or keeping track of your in game spending for a set period of time to see what you are spending your gold on.


I think it could also just be the perception of making a lot less now because those runes and sigils tended to very noticeable after salvaging after all. Still, in my experience those things never amounted to anything more than something to throw in the mystic forge. New players still get the chance to make some coin by doing dailies and the occasional shiny bauble from map rewards, both things that should be easy to find out. There's also the many, less obvious but still easy ways to make money like world bosses, opening champion bags on a mid level character, RIBA, Istan, selling gemstone orbs and ectoplasm on the trading post.

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I can't imagine even worrying about waypoint costs.


Whoever said gold management probably has the right of this. There are just simply too many ways to make money. I do have less than 100g currently SHOWING. But that is because I took the advice of some thread on here to bank my gold. I put in a buy order for something that will never ever get fulfilled whenever I reach 200. Then it looks like I have less but I really don't.


For the poster you mention material farming. If whatever you're farming is costing more than you make farm for gold and buy what you need and bank the rest. For instance say I need 16k mithril. Instead of farming mithril I will run two hours of Istan and 30 minutes of silverwastes until I have enough to buy the mithril AND bank some for something else. Plus you get all the extra drops from both places.


As for precursor drops not everyone will get them 'every two weeks' I'm just verifying that it isn't impossible. I also count opening bags and reward chests as 'getting a drop' as opposed to it popping up from a random beastie.


If I don't count that the friend only got one: and that was from a bounty.

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> @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > @"DaFishBob.6518" said:

> > You relied on selling runes for money? The materials that you salvage are usually worth more than the runes (even mithril ore if you relied on minor runes to sell). Before the change you couldn't even sell the minor stuff unless you NPC it and if you wanted to do that, you would farm events on a map with shiny bauble as a reward.


> I grind a lot in farming Mats, so yes salvaging everything helped make up the cost of travel and what little silver i did get from it did help in a samll way for me to make money, now that everything has changed i see i am force to sell what few charms I get to replace some of those things, which does not seem fair to me, they should at least given us some kind of trash to sell to merchant for all the darn grinding we do...

> I'll be experimenting today with it today, to see the cost of travel, the farming the cost of selling everything Vs me keeping things...


So wait ... you didn't have a problem selling the runes/sigils prior to the change to earn money ... but you DO have a problem selling the charms/crystals after the patch to make money? What changed? Either way, you are selling stuff you farmed, regardless of the format. Both pay for your 'expenses' to farm.


What is already clear to me ... you aren't interested in making the most gold with your time anyways, because gather/farming maps certainly isn't how you do it. I would know, because I spend a significant portion of my game time doing the same and I can't make nearly as much as I would spending the same time in areas like Silverwastes.


Sounds like we play a similar brand of GW2 ... I have to say I really like the change, because it's less garbage in my bags at the end of the day that I have to vendor. Now THAT is time waster.

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> @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > Just to be clear, getting two precursors two weeks apart isnt getting a precursor every two weeks.

> > >

> > >

> > > My personal redcord for pre drops is 0 in more than six years.

> >

> > I'm sorry, that why i wished they would balance out the game more for those of us that don't get them.


> makes me wonder if i should be reporting the people that constantly get them though, because I don't understand how they can get those constantly while the rest of us watch


There should not be much waypointing unless you are using a poor route or just gathering rich ore nodes but a single rich ore node also more than covers the wp cost even when going across the world assuming you are gathering the ores types that are actually worth gathering from ...

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> I believe seasoned wood planks always sell for a good price, make a lumber run around Dredgehaunt Cliffs and Blazeridge steppes from time to time, and you will earn far more than you would have made selling runes.


or sparkfly or timberline ...


A literal "bag full" of runes and sigils is only 8g. 16c x 20 x 250

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