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How many characters do you have, and why?


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So I would like to know how many characters everyone here have total, and what is your reasoning for having that many characters!


I have 53 characters total and plan to make more! I enjoy GW2 character creation and love charrs, so that is my main motivation for making a lot of alts. Each uses a different build and has a different design idea. I also wanted to make enough non-charrs to make sure I have vairety in all the armor types and get to try designing them as well.


So, how many do YOU have? Let us know your reasonings in the comments!

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6, one for each character I created a long time ago based on a backstory and specializations I love, will eventually buy another one as key-farm. Since the beginning, 0 sylvari, 0 revenant, 0 mesmer, 0 ranger. So, 1 holosmith, 1 scourge, 1 weaver, 1 deadeye, 1 dragonshunter and finally 1 berseker. (meh btw).

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Human Male Weaver (Main character)

Human Female Chronomancer

Asura Male Firebrand

Asura Female Druid

Sylvari Male Herald

Sylvari Female Reaper


A male and female of each race, I'm not sure if I want to do Norns and Charrs though, they're just not my type of characters I'd play but we'll see

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12 to be exact, one of each class and 2 rangers, 1 dps 1 druid. 2 eles, 1 is for storage with max bag slots, the other I pvp or wvw with. I'm more of a utility person and logic thinking to make money so most are rooted at farm spots to do so. I play what I want then I put them back in their spot.


I have 2 other accounts that are duplicates of the main one so if you lump it all in 30ish.

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11, 1 of each profession with a second ele and engi because I like both elite specs. Or alternately 1 of each race/gender combination with an extra female sylvari.


I've told myself I'm not going to make more unless we get more races or professions. (At one point I specifically said not until we get tengu, because then I can call him Seahawk and he'll be my 12th man.) But I said that when I had 9 so I'm not sure it'll last.


I have loads of ideas for character themes, but I'd never have time to play them so it seems pointless.

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I bought some in the beginning to have 1 of each class. I bought both ultimate editions expacs which had them. Then they had this elonian pack thingy on sale that came with 2 extra slot bags and unbreakable tools for less than 2000 gems so i grabbed all that they allowed me to get. If those things go on sale again better believe ill grab them all up again because that was big time value for me and i hate regearing.

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Some Humans, a Norn, a couple of Charrs, and a Sylvari from a time when I'd wanted to see something of all the racial questlines.That didn't last long - I don't play them much because they're just not much at all.


I do, however, have an Asura for every base profession. Why?


Because they're goofy, they're cute, and above all else they make me smile when I play them. For their animations alone -whether it's being surprised, toddling along self-importantly from one place to another as they walk, lugging around a heavy weapon and teetering back and forth, falling comically on their faces when landing from a great height, the way their ears stand up when engaged in battle, or the way they cheer or cry- they're a joy to watch in motion. Somehow whoever did their animation set managed to encapsulate that feeling of being five again- obnoxious, eager to explore the big, wide world - where everything's new and often larger than life and adventure awaits behind even the most mundane of corners.


Their faces are at once alien and yet they still have a soul, and quite a bit of variation besides - it's rare to find Asura in game with matching faces. I won't say it doesn't happen but not often. More, they're voices fit them perfectly. In a game world where it seems most everyone is falling over themselves trying to outdo one another, either in edginess or cool, it's refreshing to have a race that so unabashedly embraces its inner and outward awkwardness and invites the player to join in on the fun. They're the little rubber bandy folk of Tyria, imperious some of the time but never without a grand scheme to back their bluster up.


Whichever talents were responsible for creating the Asura, you should be immortalised in the annals of video gaming on the strength of that alone. It's obvious you loved your work.


Thank you.

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2 of each profession, 4 mules and a key runner.


I used to have one of each profession but when they added elite specializations I decided to have two for each profession, one for a new elite spec and one for an old spec. That way I can still play an old spec I like without having to swap things out and try out a new spec when they come out.


The mules I bought to hold the account bound stuff that is rarely used that I don’t want to take up space in my bank.

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I'm at 16, I got three over Christmas with some cash I was given specifically for blowing on my games. I'm one of those nutballs who likes making my own stories for each of my toons (I don't RP though, don't ask. ;P) and I just can't stop.

I want more.



*hopeless altaholic*

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One of each class. At first only to do daily x wins in pvp and for achievements, now i've done full world completion, all the stories, all dungeon story paths and geared them all in full ascended gear....had to keep me occupied, right, this was a reasonable choice, right you guys/gals....am i right...


Now I got one extra character that is just for my personal enjoyment of the game(no guild membership, always log in in cognito) and an unused character slot. I'm pretty happy with my toons and don't plan on creating more characters unless something would make it more appealing to me. That could be a new playable race(pls no) or a tenth class(also not necessary) but I don't really care, as I said, I'm happy with my 9 chars and the 10th that is mine alone.

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Main account has 10 characters, one of each profession and a charr that I don't use other than crafting because the way it moved annoyed me (!) and I made a human necro instead, using what was my key farmer.

Second account has a Mesmer (main) a necro, a ranger and a warrior + a spare slot. Only the mesmer and necro are lvl80, the rest are crafters for now.

*IF* we did get a new race I possibly would get a new slot on my main as that poor Charr is my scribe and I can't delete it.

My last game was heading to 50 odd alts and most just sat there, so keeping it a bit more real in this game.

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