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What's the class that will allow me to jump into an enemy-zerg?


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Okay, I am up for doing some stupid plays, It's just the season for it.


What's the class that will allow me to jump straight into an enemy-zerg, do my somewhat decent damage uninterrupted for 4-6 seconds-ish, then die a glorious death?

At first I thought Scrapper! It allowed me to do that for a time when double elixirs were a thing, and even escape!


But then I thought NO! I am not looking to escape! This is a time for COMMITMENT! Kill the enemy-zerg single-handedly or DIE TRYING!

So yeah. Scrappers out. That leaves Warrior. If I wanted to do these stupid plays semi-successfully(dependingentirelyonhowyoujudgesuccess), I assume Warrior would be best? They have some nice stances. But then, what would by gear be...? More so, what would the BUILD be?! I think Spellbreaker would be good, it has that handy little full-counter, which while it doesn't do much damage, might buy me that additional second to be a nuisance!


Help me out you WvW wiszzards you...


Jokes aside, I want to jump into an enemy-zerg, be a nuisance, do some good for the zerg, and maybe survive afterwards... But honestly the last one isn't a priority.

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First, spellbreaker can go in, and when you do that while some enemy zerg is around you will see how they Panic because of your WoD potential.


but if you prefer core war, you can Escape when playing a core build with fall dmg reduction, so just jump over the next cliff (if there is one) and Maybe someone will follow you to die…


2nd one is DD on staff. especially the backline will love your 15k vaults in their faces.


3rd one power shatter Mirage. one shoot a necro, Stomp him in 60 men while dodge spamming make you invuln and Escape after that. ezpz.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAS8enUJCdeglhAehAEliltATJGE4aBvX2O7pF5vFACdA-jVyHQBDR5nTUCGC1fg3DA4jXAAldEAkguhgt/AAOIAkCoiZaA-w

> >

> > 5k armor warrior

> Would be even tankier as spellbreaker though... and avoids getting kicked out of squads for not having bubble. That helps.



the build doesn't work with spellbreaker so no.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAS8enUJCdeglhAehAEliltATJGE4aBvX2O7pF5vFACdA-jVyHQBDR5nTUCGC1fg3DA4jXAAldEAkguhgt/AAOIAkCoiZaA-w


> 5k armor warrior


Interesting build man 5k armor with rousing resilence it's a lot of damage reduction. Here's my build for guardian based around camping inside reflects using wall and valiant bulwark in tome of courage. Every time you tag somebody and they die you can use 2 more dodges to heal and avoid damage. I guess you could change my build to more damage like yours but it's fun to just be unkillable sometimes.



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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAS8enUJCdeglhAehAEliltATJGE4aBvX2O7pF5vFACdA-jVyHQBDR5nTUCGC1fg3DA4jXAAldEAkguhgt/AAOIAkCoiZaA-w


> 5k armor warrior


Why woukd you run berserker? Works just as good as core or spellbreaker, if he wanted to be annoying to the enemy spb bubble woukd do the trick (pre nerf wod was deadly af) berserker is absolute trash

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I would agree with staff daredevil. steal into the backline, vault/dodge/daggerstorm and then shadowstep out. You can run full marauder to do crazy damage on casters, and you certainly will disrupt the backline. If you jump into the zerg right as your team is pushing, you can usually go uncontested for a while, generating lots of downs by yourself. If you want to jump in solo, you will probably get cced while stuck in vault or dodge animations though.

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I am getting some real good suggestions here, thanks a lot guys. I am going to try with Warrior and Ranger + Bears.

Elementalist sounds like active suicide without achieving much, and thief can escape too easily which will just encourage me to, which defeats the entire point.


> @"Taobella.6597" said:

> class does not matter it simple positioning understanding how a group deal dmg is what allow you run to front ^^.


> @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> Okay, I am up for doing some stupid plays, It's just the season for it.


I'm not going for tryhard strats right now, just up for some silly fun.

I should note that I mean tryhard in the best way, since there's nothing wrong with a player trying their best so long as they are civil.

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