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Core warrior is broken


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I am seriously afraid to say that it's dmg is stupidly high because some people will come here and flame it all to the ground with _l2p_'s or other arguments.


So I am not saying its broken and I am not gonna whine about it (too much) but the DMG/Sustain ratio is just so unlogical, both of those values are at the "god" levels and that's excluding the "great" mobility of GS.

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> @"Eme.2018" said:

> With the current levels of damage mitigation, heals and sustain that are in the game, Warrior damage seems fair to me. All the bursts and especially eviscerate, are super telegraphed as well.


That would be fair if warrior was not the one with one of the very best dmg mitigation, heals and sustain. That's why it's not fair.


Also "telegraphed" becomes unsubstantial with Warrior as it has way too many skills that you just absolutely **have to** dodge, blind or interrupt, so you are totally bound to get hit by something like 3bar Eviscerate with almost 100% certainty.


It's just that Spellbreaker nerfs are too fresh and people are not yet ready to discover just how incredibly powerful Core Warrior is, so like I said this will all get flamed to the ground until later time comes.

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People really need to make use of this wonderfull condition that weakness is. I might be wrong but warrior in sPvP use mostly power build and need most of the time to be in close range to deal damage. Weakness will prevent most critical hits reducing any power build damage output by a factor of 3.

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I sometimes play zerk core war. It has high damage, yes, but that's all. There's no camping outnumbered fights with it like spellbreaker. Plenty of things can 1v1 you, so you have to be very map aware and apply the damage where it will be useful to the team.


TL;DR - It's fine.

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biggest cancer for me is I need to dodge every attack cuz it hurts as hell. Today a met warrior I hit him 500 with 1AA strike(not whole chain) and he 1shoted me (almost) just by GS3 :D +add every second 3% heal up its strong. Not impossible to win but definetly its comfy to be tankiest while hitting this hard. On rev for example you need sacrifice almost everything only for same heal per sec.

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As a warrior main, i can agree 3rd greatsword skill damage is debatable since it has a huge range, and damage volatility can be really high and unexpected. Though , i agree with Fat Disgrace , it's all melee skills, almost no annoying condition, and you can see most of the damage coming.


A nerf wouldn't be a major scandal to be honest, but i think there are other builds that should also be adressed first.

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Lies, I have killed 7 people all by myself using core warrior and that is because they were noobs.

yet, when I fight a decent opponent the fight is usually 50/50.

And when you fight a master mirrage the fight is 0/100 in favor of the mirage.

And when you fight a master thief the fight is 0/100 in favor of the thief.


All other classes are very well balanced against core warrior except mirrage and thief.


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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"Eme.2018" said:

> > With the current levels of damage mitigation, heals and sustain that are in the game, Warrior damage seems fair to me. All the bursts and especially eviscerate, are super telegraphed as well.


> That would be fair if warrior was not the one with one of the very best dmg mitigation, heals and sustain. That's why it's not fair.


> Also "telegraphed" becomes unsubstantial with Warrior as it has way too many skills that you just absolutely **have to** dodge, blind or interrupt, so you are totally bound to get hit by something like 3bar Eviscerate with almost 100% certainty.


> It's just that Spellbreaker nerfs are too fresh and people are not yet ready to discover just how incredibly powerful Core Warrior is, so like I said this will all get flamed to the ground until later time comes.


That would be fair if warrior was a range class and maximum targets were 5,

But no, warrior is melee and most of warrior's skills are maxed at 1 or 3 targets. We have a few 5 target skills but most of ours skills are single target or 3 targets.

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Don't get hit by burst skills and try to keep poison and weakness on the warrior. Weakness will negate a fair amount of damage and crits and poison will negate a fair amount of healing.


Know what to dodge. Warrior has arguably the most telegraphed skills. Kiting works wonders as well. Warrior is limited to melee if you have range then use it.


Warrior is not really that "broken" just learn a bit of counterplay for them.

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"Eme.2018" said:

> > With the current levels of damage mitigation, heals and sustain that are in the game, Warrior damage seems fair to me. All the bursts and especially eviscerate, are super telegraphed as well.


> That would be fair if warrior was not the one with one of the very best dmg mitigation, heals and sustain. That's why it's not fair.


> Also "telegraphed" becomes unsubstantial with Warrior as it has way too many skills that you just absolutely **have to** dodge, blind or interrupt, so you are totally bound to get hit by something like 3bar Eviscerate with almost 100% certainty.


> It's just that Spellbreaker nerfs are too fresh and people are not yet ready to discover just how incredibly powerful Core Warrior is, so like I said this will all get flamed to the ground until later time comes.


Very best damage mitigation? You mean Endure Pain where the Warrior can still be CC'd through and can still be hurt by *any* condition that is on a 60 second CD for the skill and Defy Pain has a 90 second ICD? Or their block where classes can just use Unblockable skills or activate an unblockable buff to go through? Also one of the very best heal and sustain? So you mean their sustain that is gated behind *needing* to land their Burst skills like Eviscerate and Arcing Slice so that they can actually benefit from their "invuln" moments with Endure Pain and Shield Stance?


Core Warrior has too many skills that you *have to* dodge? So Eviscerate, Arcing Slice and the 2 CCs (Shield Bash and Bull's Charge) you'll typically see them use? Accounting for Stunbreaks where most classes will have 2 available or other utilities to avoid them that is rather *low* when you're an actual competent player and know when and what to dodge. If you're dodging *for no reason* which I see a large, large and *vast* majority of players do then that is all on you and your own fault. Eviscerate isn't even affected by Quickness.


If you're having issues fighting a Core Warrior because you're not reading their animations, which is not that difficult to do, then you're not playing nearly as well as you might think. Core Warrior in sPvP is a good duelist but has nowhere near the same kind of utility that Spellbreaker can bring in a group fight and will get focused by conditions rather hard due to a lesser ability to mitigate Condition damage. Typically you'll see a Core Warrior bring Berserker Stance or *ideally* for dueling on points they'll use Signet of Endurance so that they don't get their Resistance corrupted into Chilled by Necros. Core Warrior also lacks access to Rune of Durability in sPvP which tends to be one of their bread and butter runes in WvW for survival and boon uptime purposes.


When I fight actual good players I find myself needing to bait them into my burst skills, when fighting not so great players I typically don't have to do that and if I do then they die *really* fast.


Genuinely not trying to be some sort of "elitist" as how many might view this post, I'm not nearly considered the best player on this game, in fact I'm probably far from it compared to the people that actually sit in that kind of position. I get my butt whipped like a misbehaved gimp frequently enough that I have no illusions about my own personal capability, but I am also confident in my own ability and what I see people do against me in 1v1s or 1vX scenarios. As much as people might get frustrated at Core Warrior in certain circumstances its probably in the most balanced state compared to other classes in this game (*cough* Mirage, Soulbeast, Holosmith *cough*).

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> @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > @"dagger dave.5201" said:

> > Eviscerate is too hard to dodge so I get hit for 10k :( I wish core warrior was more telegraphed


> throw axe 7k crits.... tho...

> > @"spartan.9421" said:

> > Don't get hit by burst skills and try to keep poison and weakness on ANY class

> Will work on every class rofl xD


You misquoted me.

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Core Warrior has a lack of bursting frequency when it's missing Full Counter "which recharges all burst skills on use and is a burst skill in itself", and in this high damage meta its health regen effects are no where near as useful as they used to be. Not sure why Core Warrior is being complained about?


When I was test playing this new Sword Spellbreaker thing, I quickly identified "Why" it was good. It ditches the would-be sustain effects for sheer raw offensive pressure paired with ever cycling choo choo train CCs and superior mobility, which ends up being better in this current meta than things like Heal Sig & AH, which don't matter at all when you're being 2v1 focused by things like Holosmiths & Heralds. That build is a Thief on steroids that can't stealth.


If anything was wrong with Warrior, it would be that the meta is pigeonholing them into running these ultra burst builds with heavy CC. The 1st problem here is that with the GS trait buff, the damage output is getting to be a bit questionable. It isn't that they deal one large burst in the way that a DE does, it's that EVERYTHING they do is smacking you for 6k-7k or more, with large melee range and way too many gap closing skills/CCs/Soft CCs, and effects like heavy stability uptime & Warrior's Sprint to boot. So you can't simply "save your defenses for the big stuff" because everything it does deals heavy damage and you can't get away from it without stealth and top end disengage factor, which most builds or even classes in the game are not capable of. The 2nd problem is that they have to do this, because Warrior sustain effects are actually bad right now compared to what other classes are capable of bringing to the table. All in all, Core Warrior GS trait needs a nerf and it's healing coefficients could use a buff. That would bring the class more streamline again.

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