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Why are you playing WvW?


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It is a mix for me.

I voted "Rewards", because I am still working on the WvW Stat-swap armour pieces, needed Gifts of Battle for Bolt and Bifrost in 2018 and gave pretty much all my characters Hero points via Testimonies to skip PoF PvE for the specialisations.

I still do (fast) dailies, but I am not actively going for the rest of the WvW achievements and I try to get the Bronze Chest every week, although WvW time varies a lot.

I am still doing mostly Borderland scouting for my AG server and I am kind of afraid what will happen when the alliance systems comes, because I am not sure how I will fit in there with my game style (scouts and "stewards of the land" are very much under appreciated).

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I like playing for my server and the people I get to know. There is also no game out there that does it like gw2 both in the bad and good. Movement and combat mechanics feel fluid and nice (with exception to maybe some weapons/skills) - another game I feel good with their movement & combat is warframe, it just feels good. Anyway for the moment I am playing for the fun and addiction I have towards trying to master all classes, builds,

and weapons until I feel like I can no longer improve (which won't happen anytime soon).

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Quitted WvW until the alliance thing comes up :\ but i was finishing the 30 peices that i need to get an ascended weapon (actually finished today), so no more pvp wanabe game for me.


Server pride: dead.... game is way to much lame atm for any kinda of pride.

Guild Pride: theres only chat rooms with tags in this game.

Roaming/troilling: meh i dont play easy carry gimmick/cheese builds.

Daylies: who cares about them?


WvW atm is for idiots that never played pvp RvR games.. they stack scourges and pretend they are great players while the other side dont have enough players.

Besisdes the rewards themselves over time theres ZERO reasons to actually play the pvp modes in gw2.


Finnaly i can experience the 6years pve content i never did lol... HoT final missions were a blast.

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For Roaming/Havoc - I love the thrill of sneaking past enemy lines and taking a T3 Tower/Camp that they didn't expect while a Commander tag kept them busy on the other end of the map, or even a different map.


One time (and one time only) a 5 man TACO team took SMC as the other 2 servers were so busy with each other they never noticed us on the other side.

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Whenever I fall out of playing it, dailies or Gift of Battle bring me back. I have a lot of IRL friends and we all chose Crystal Desert together at beta. It's tons of fun, and I really enjoy the scale of it all. My favorite thing is zerg v. zerg battling. That's changed lately though...


...because I DON'T play to get my entire zerg insta-stomped by 15 scourges we have no counterplay against.

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No other similar games + no life.


I won't go in to detail since this really isn't the place, but long story short; I used to be a social butterfly.

_"Times change & people change with'm. Some people love to play the victim ♫."_

A lot of close friends moved away, passed away or we grew apart due to personal differences. My last relationship was pretty rough and I wound up making a perfect 180 from always being out on the town with friends and going on trips to almost never leaving the house, working nights and only ever sitting home doing nothing. I've been in that habit of laziness for the last couple years now which is the only reason I still play GW2. It's my social outlet and if I still had things to do other than work, I'd have stopped playing.


With that said, I do still genuinely enjoy GW2. The only time I don't have a desire to play is when I don't have many people to talk to or when there's a match in WvW that I have a strong aversion to (which is pretty rare, but it does happen. Sometimes the time zones I can play just aren't enjoyable).


I consider myself to be very optimistic in general and I'm able to apply that to WvW as well. Despite it's condition and how many people feel about it's future, I'm relatively unfazed and don't currently feel like I'll be quitting any time soon. If ever I stop playing GW2, it'll be one of 3 reasons; 1) I get a life. 2) WvW is revamped in a way that I don't agree with. 3) I find a new MMO.


How about you, @"EremiteAngel.9765" ? You're always asking questions, making suggestions and contributing to the community when you can. What keeps you motivated?


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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> For Roaming/Havoc - I love the thrill of sneaking past enemy lines and taking a T3 Tower/Camp that they didn't expect while a Commander tag kept them busy on the other end of the map, or even a different map.


> One time (and one time only) a 5 man TACO team took SMC as the other 2 servers were so busy with each other they never noticed us on the other side.




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Lately I ask myself only the first part of your question - why do I still play. Answer would be perhaps nostalgia? Hope, that things turn around, particularly with the promised Alliance system?


Even hope decays slowly, with no tangible results in form of updates. Communities decay due to an increased amount of toxicity and lastly, balance issues caused by power creep caused by greed to make the game more appealing by boosting every stat and rendering some others obsolete, giving even noobs a chance to score playing a class that requires zero skill and even less thinking, pressing one button that ends it all for one, and makes the other feel better about themselves.


Outcries on underpopulated servers while the minority is over stacked and carries the medium populated ones. People cry for commanders but join no tag other than those who haven't yet given up, or do it for internet recognition like YouTubers.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> No other similar games + no life.


> I won't go in to detail since this really isn't the place, but long story short; I used to be a social butterfly.

> _"Times change & people change with'm. Some people love to play the victim ♫."_

> A lot of close friends moved away, passed away or we grew apart due to personal differences. My last relationship was pretty rough and I wound up making a perfect 180 from always being out on the town with friends and going on trips to almost never leaving the house, working nights and only ever sitting home doing nothing. I've been in that habit of laziness for the last couple years now which is the only reason I still play GW2. It's my social outlet and if I still had things to do other than work, I'd have stopped playing.


> With that said, I do still genuinely enjoy GW2. The only time I don't have a desire to play is when I don't have many people to talk to or when there's a match in WvW that I have a strong aversion to (which is pretty rare, but it does happen. Sometimes the time zones I can play just aren't enjoyable).


> I consider myself to be very optimistic in general and I'm able to apply that to WvW as well. Despite it's condition and how many people feel about it's future, I'm relatively unfazed and don't currently feel like I'll be quitting any time soon. If ever I stop playing GW2, it'll be one of 3 reasons; 1) I get a life. 2) WvW is revamped in a way that I don't agree with. 3) I find a new MMO.


> How about you, @"EremiteAngel.9765" ? You're always asking questions, making suggestions and contributing to the community when you can. What keeps you motivated?



**TLDR: I keep myself motivated by stomping pugs with my shiny Dragon Finisher keehahahaha.**


I am a strong believer that we are a sojourner on this earth and there is something way more important waiting for us in the 'after-life'.

Without expanding further on my religious faith, I am someone who feels that we should go through our short and temporary journey on this earth as happily as we can.


Personally I don't agree with the 'slightly derogatory' connotations attached to 'nerds' who stay home the whole day to game and thus supposedly have 'no life'.

To me, living means to be as happy as we can within our circumstances and if we find the most happiness staying home and playing games, then by all means, that is what we should do.


People who have 'a life' and goes out to mix with friends/families and enjoy the real world is all fine and dandy. But as someone who enjoys gaming and immersing myself in novels, I don't think I am losing out in terms of 'having a life'. My world, through games and novels, is much vaster and boundless than those who 'have a life' in the real world.


I ask questions and create threads, because generating discussion and giving others food for thought makes me happy. I like working the mind, thinking of things introspectively. And I secretly get a kick out of watching people engage in intellectual conversation. However basic it may be.


Oh right and now on to what keeps me coming back to WvW =)


I started the game as an immature and petulant child who wanted to become the best roaming Necro there ever was.

Que Pokemon Theme song: "I want to be the very best that no one ever was..."


I watched and learned from Twitch streams of Necro greats like Ascii, asked for advises on the forums on how to beat different classes from helpful players like @"DeceiverX.8361", and went out to roam alone often looking for fights to test and improve myself.

After 5 years of doing the above, I've grown older, more matured (I no longer get triggered by anything anyone says in-game or in-forum. I just laugh and think "I've been that childish before but it is a stage we all go through as we grow"), and less competitive.


I would put my drop in competitiveness to a few factors:

* I believe I am already the best Necro roamer there ever was. I've bested or gone close to beating many of the top roaming guilds (like QQ, vT, RDRM, HCM, XOXO, Fear, Duck, Rite, dB, Derp, eV, KYS, RG etc.), skilled youtubers (like Akijinx, Donnie etc.) and skilled streamers (like Gladomer, Wilson Storm etc.) so I think I am done proving to myself that I am the best Necro roamer even though many will disagree hahaha.

* The game is evolving into a high damage mode that requires faster and faster reaction which age/health has taken away from me.

* The drop in population coverage during the time-zones that I play in has greatly affected my desire to compete because roaming is 99% of bored camp flipping.

* The gradual decline in skilled roamers with many stopping or leaving the game mode also made me less competitive.

* My close buddy that I started the game with had stopped roaming.


Although I find myself roaming/competing less and less (which was the original motivation for me in WvW), I still find myself coming back as I enjoy everything the game has to offer. The fluid combat system, the fashion wars, the in-game saltiness/toxicity and the occasional pug stomping.

Now I'm in semi-retired mode. I spend most times running around on fun builds (rather than optimized ones) which results in me getting stomped more often than not.

And I join zergs more because I can have a more relaxed time (compared to roaming) and just enjoy my fun builds and pin all the blame on the commander if things go wrong hahaha.

I also try to give back to the community with the knowledge I've acquired over the years via hopefully helpful or entertaining videos.


Ultimately I try to find something fun to do each time I enter WvW and currently, I enjoy zerg fights and **stomping pugs with my shiny Dragon-Finisher** keehahahaha.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:


> Personally I don't agree with the 'slightly derogatory' connotations attached to 'nerds' who stay home the whole day to game and thus supposedly have 'no life'.

> To me, living means to be as happy as we can within our circumstances and if we find the most happiness staying home and playing games, then by all means, that is what we should do.


> People who have 'a life' and goes out to mix with friends/families and enjoy the real world is all fine and dandy. But as someone who enjoys gaming and immersing myself in novels, I don't think I am losing out in terms of 'having a life'. My world, through games and novels, is much vaster and boundless than those who 'have a life' in the real world.


That hits close to home. I've been talked down to and pushed away most of my life so my self esteem isn't very high. That's why I say "a life" like what I choose to do with mine should be frowned upon because it's unproductive.


I admire your patients because like almost every one before me, I've mostly given up on being a solo Necro in WvW. I think you've earned what ever title you want to give yourself.


If you're ever on or against Kaineng, give me a holler. I'm always up for some floating around, dueling or just plain fights to death.

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Just came back to GW2 after being away for a year. Had some extra time over the holidays so thought to give the new elites a try and to see what changed in WvW. Initially it was underwhelming because the server I was on apparently died. It had no coverage, no commanders, constantly getting rolled by larger blobs, people just ran havoc ppt. I nearly quit again, thought my return was going to be short lived. Then I made one last effort to make a server transfer in hopes I could find fun again.


The new server I'm on still lacks coverage, but it's at least very active during NA for a few hours. There are commanders driving on discord, and with enough players you actually could get some back & forth fights. You win some, lose some, lots of fun & intense fights in keeps and on open field. It was instant nostalgia and I got addicted once again. It didn't take much really, just that the server had to be active in WvW to be fun again. Anet if you're reading, you've got to do something about server population and WvW activities. People who are either unable to pay for transfer or don't have a good option to transfer to, they aren't going to play this game for long. GW2's WvW can still be fun as long as there are organized raids you can join and there are equally organized raids to fight against. There is nothing like it out there still, which is sad since competition drives better quality content.


As for the current meta, I hate it. As a necro I've always had a spot in WvW raids, be it ZvZ, GvG, or havoc. When I left a year ago I could still have fun on my Reaper and do reasonably well roaming either solo or with a small group. Now the Reaper got butchered, power creep got too ridiculous across the board, and the Scourge is the most support dependent class out there that can't hurt a fly solo. Yes the Scourge is needed and powerful in organized raids, but the gameplay is the most boring and one dimensional out of the 3 iterations of necromancers. Previous 2 shrouds at least gave us options and changed up the gameplay. Shades are just...spam.


Anyways, I'm playing right now because I'm having fun with the game on a semi-active server following organized raids. How long that'll last, I have no idea. But GW2 WvW can be fun if Anet gives players the right environment to allow this gamemode to thrive. I will say though this week the server got matched up with BG and it has sucked the fun out of a lot of people. To see the difference in coverage and strength between servers just reminds me part of the reasons why I left a year ago. For this mode to work it has to have semi-balanced and semi-competitive match ups. It's so sad to see this crap still happens.

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Basically all I do in the game is solo roaming with the occasional group roaming, havocing, or zerging. I am getting close to my first full set of legendary armor, but that's only a nice side bonus.


Sometimes I wonder why I do this because most of my time is spent just looking for fights or dying, but underneath the frustration of getting constantly zerged down, I really enjoy the solo roaming experience. I am a huge introvert and work full-time with people, so I am always socially exhausted when I get home. I like being able to play my weird off-meta builds and take things at my own pace, something that Conquest just doesn't accommodate.

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I usually just play long enough each week to hoard my shards in case I need them one day, so I picked for rewards. But solo roaming is also prolly the most fun I have in the game, which is particularly noticeable when I go several days without it and come back to it again . . .

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I voted Rewards, but that's not totally true. Mostly it's because I got burnt out on PVE and I had to try something else or quit playing altogether. But since WvW does offer some stuff I can't get in PVE, as well as Reward tracks to get PVE stuff that I would hate to grind for (like Dry Top bugs), it's a win-win.

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I want to say "Rewards", but that is why I do dailies, and those really aren't fun and I try to get them done with as quickly as possible. Yet in WvW, I've continued to play even after completing the Diamond chest for the week, and the only reason I do that is it's fun.


I refuse to overthink it. Balance, skill, pride, achievement, blah blah blah. I play it because it's fun.


I like running with a group and hitting things in the face with a Hammer on my Rev, or bombing them with circles on my Necro, or covering my screen with green numbers on my Scrapper. Sometimes we wipe, other times we wipe others. Sometimes we die under siege, other times we use siege to chase off the opponents.


But all the while, while enjoying that game mode, I'm also getting some nice rewards that aren't as easily earned in PvE:

I like that I have multiple stacks of Tomes of Knowledge and Testimony of Heroics, so if I ever want a new character, I can have them at LV 80 with both elites unlocked very quickly.

I like that I'll never have to worry about getting Transmutation Charges or Unidentified Dyes.

I like that I'm 5 Reward Tracks away from completing the Auric Weapon achievement - something I never thought I would do in PvE as the crafting costs are high, and I'm not doing the HoT story 16 kitten times.

I like that I'm able to complete legendary crafting without having to gamble for mystic clovers because I earn them in my reward tracks.

I like that there are some fun achievements available along with some cool titles. I mean, my Asura Engineer who runs as a Medi Scrapper (healer) bears the title "Fixer Upper". How awesome is that?


There are times when no tags are available, and the roamers are circling like sharks.

Other times our tag/squad gets overwhelmed by a 50 person guild blob.

I then hit the "log out" button and play another character in a different game mode.


I see lots of posts about how WvW is dead, not balanced, etc etc etc. For those players the game mode is no longer fun, and they should try something else. But as for me, going on 1 year in this game, I'm having a good time.


TL:DR I play it for fun, and when it stops being fun, I switch to another game mode.


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