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Why doesn't WvW offer weekly rewards based on what place your server comes in?


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30g for 1st

15g for 2nd

0 for 3rd


maybe toss some wvw rank potions in with or without the gold.


You don't get rewards if you haven't played 2h of wvw that week. This might also incentivize pve guild groups to get into it, one raid a week to bring some life back. it also de-incentivizes servers that intentionally tank while they have 3 map ques all playing at the same time. because lets be honest, who enjoys fighting stacked servers with 30v70 every single week while unable to drop tiers?

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> 30g for 1st

> 15g for 2nd

> 0 for 3rd


> maybe toss some wvw rank potions in with or without the gold.


> You don't get rewards if you haven't played 2h of wvw that week. This might also incentivize pve guild groups to get into it, one raid a week to bring some life back. it also de-incentivizes servers that intentionally tank while they have 3 map ques all playing at the same time. because lets be honest, who enjoys fighting stacked servers with 30v70 every single week while unable to drop tiers?


Because everyone not in 1st place will be crying 10x harder on the forums that their match up stinks and Anet is terrible at balancing humans who may or may not log in to play...

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Because outcomes are dependent upon too many variables beyond the direct control of individuals or even guilds. A server full of terrible players can consistently win matches just by having coverage at times of day that other servers in the matchup lack. PPT is over-emphasised as compared to actual player skill.


The only counter to a server with round the clock coverage is to stack another server, and this game mode's population is too small to support more than a few stacked servers, resulting in the ebb and flow of the bandwagons.

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Are these bigger problems than a decaying population? Or fighting against stacked servers 30v70 every night?


What would be worse for the health of the gamemode?


I'd personally love to have leeches coming to wvw, maybe some of them will discover they enjoy it and join the game mode. Get some fresh blood in, maybe see some new guilds.

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Actually the system right now encourages leeching alot more (ppl standing afk in spaen, just moving out to cap a camp to keep participation up) if they got rewards for actually winning (which requires more than just capping 1 camp) than they might try a bit harder.


I can see the crying in the forums For not balancing humans increasing tho, so it probably wont happen. I mean we had tournaments with rewards based on winning and they got rid of them, so yea...

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> 30g for 1st

> 15g for 2nd

> 0 for 3rd


> maybe toss some wvw rank potions in with or without the gold.


> You don't get rewards if you haven't played 2h of wvw that week. This might also incentivize pve guild groups to get into it, one raid a week to bring some life back. it also de-incentivizes servers that intentionally tank while they have 3 map ques all playing at the same time. because lets be honest, who enjoys fighting stacked servers with 30v70 every single week while unable to drop tiers?


2 hours of wvw that week? You really want all those toons to come to farm easy gold? Maybe if you don't have rank of 1k, you haven't killed some few hundred players or haven't got final pip reward? 2 hours?

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I think the reward you get by having better "pips over time" from being in 2nd or 1st place is reward enough, when you play several hours each week, compared to a server ranked 3rd.

e.g : 2 hours a day (including some "pip down time" from logging in and out of WvW) generates about 20 pips more on a leading server. Over the whole week that is 140 pips, practically a complete "free" Bronze tier track, including a Grandmaster shard.

Not to mention that you have a much better chance to be carried through some fights and structure captures for more rewards while playing due to the usually better coverage and number of players playing WvW.

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Reward tracks were a good fit here to cover both a pay as you go scheme and to make WvW less of a gold sync (if you are providing seige/buffs/banners & such). If they were to add more liquid currency into the rewards then add them into the final chest in the reward tracks. As far as paying a server to be first vs third, you will end up with even more uneven matches as people would stack all the more. Now there are other options here to give people more goals to work towards. Take a Destiny 2 style bounty, people spend currency to go after a task and then are paid if they succeed versus just lose the cost of the bounty if they don't meet the timed objective. Could see things like that added and one of those could be weekly placement but a stright up, not sure I see it.


No its better to reward players based on their contribution time, at least IMO. Good hunting!

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