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So You're one POI away from Map Completion ....


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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > > > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > > You can buy the plate items off TP for accessing the POI, pretty sure that's all you need unless I missed something.

> > >

> > > Huh. I didn't know this. Guess I'm gonna have to get back in game and check this out.

> >

> > Don't buy it now, the bottom part is like 6-7g on buy. Wait for people to farm this a bit before buying it.

> >


> Good point. Thanks. :)


I've seen the completed ones going for 18g last night. I almost sold mine because I don't have OCD for map completion, lol.

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> @"Ash.5274" said:

> ..... only to discover it's locked behind _two_ events, and meta events at that. Why!?! This is by far my biggest gripe when it comes to newly released maps. I was lucky enough to be on a map that completed both metas without too much trouble, so I was able to access that locked room in question, and even luckier to get all 9 of my alts access thanks to an LFG Mesmer, but that's beside the point. What about a month from now, six months from now, a year from now? Map completion should _never_ be locked behind events in this way, especially on maps where population will naturally diminish over time.


> Note: I am of course talking about the new map, Thunderhead Peaks, but I'm being deliberately vague about the exact location to avoid potential (allbeit light) spoilers. Trust me though, you'll know it when you see it ...


Once you get your hands on both pieces, having them locked behind 2 meta events will be the least of your problem.


>! dont forget to sit in the chair!!! B) >!

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> @"Razor.9872" said:

> Forgive me for not understanding, but why not just do one event today, then one event tomorrow, or something along those lines? What requires you to get that POI right now?


For map completion? Why should that be locked behind the meta events? An insight or a hero challenge, maybe. An interesting JP? ok. But simple map completion?


It's not that I'm required to get the POI today, it's that map completion is a lot less fun when you have multiple gates preventing it from being completed in one swoop. ANet's free to choose not to appreciate that and I'll reserve my right to criticize that choice every time they do.

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> I got it really fast and there are as well often Mesmers standing in front who can port you. It’s really no big deal

At the moment sure... but that is not answering the longer term issue when map metas are ignored, the maps become ghost towns and players are stuck with no mesmers to help.

I agree with the OP.. locking poi's behind map events, especially metas is just bad design.

It is done purely to keep players on map as long as possible when the actual story update was pretty small and completed in less than an hour.


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I have to agree, this is bad.


I kind of like this map. I was thinking of taking multiple characters through it for map completion just to enjoy it more. But with the two restricted PoIs, that really kills the fun of it all. Now I'll finish with just the one character, and call it done. I might move a second there to do the meta for crafting supplies, but honestly even that's questionable.

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Definitely agree that the POI should just be moved to in front of the gate like in other episodes. The requirement of two metas to be completed is not going to be easy to get in the future when the map lowers in population (cannot see myself getting this POI on alts in the future unless it is changed), and is annoying even now since the two metas have such long timers for each of them and lasting for such short times. It took me several hours of logging in just to find I'd missed the meta and logging in again at the exact moment to get each piece. It was very frustrating to have map completion locked behind two very short metas with very long timers.

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Sorry Arena.net but you really pushing us this time. In original open world, there are no POI locked under events. You can complete World Explore in one heartbeat. Jahai POI easy to complete, but this... Doesn't look like people will stay on this new map, therefore many who wasn't there in first hours can't reach it, otherwise will have to pay 20-30 gold for that POI.


Move POI closer to gate, make it reachable from outside.

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> @"Razor.9872" said:

> Forgive me for not understanding, but why not just do one event today, then one event tomorrow, or something along those lines? What requires you to get that POI right now?


What if a new player in half a year or a year wants to do it?


The metas will be impossible because the map is dead.




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> @"Aeon.4583" said:

> Sorry Arena.net but you really pushing us this time. In original open world, there are no POI locked under events. You can complete World Explore in one heartbeat. Jahai POI easy to complete, but this... Doesn't look like people will stay on this new map, therefore many who wasn't there in first hours can't reach it, otherwise will have to pay 20-30 gold for that POI.


> Move POI closer to gate, make it reachable from outside.


> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"Razor.9872" said:

> > Forgive me for not understanding, but why not just do one event today, then one event tomorrow, or something along those lines? What requires you to get that POI right now?


> What if a new player in half a year or a year wants to do it?


> The metas will be impossible because the map is dead.





Are both of you psychic?, because that is what you're implying by already stating the map will be dead within a year and no one will be doing the meta events. The map is not even 2 days old and everyone is predicting doom and gloom already. Does Dragon Stand rings anyone bell?


Personally, I don't mind they've done this, at least they're being consistent.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> Are both of you psychic?, because that is what you're implying by already stating the map will be dead within a year and no one will be doing the meta events. The map is not even 2 days old and everyone is predicting doom and gloom already. Does Dragon Stand rings anyone bell?


> Personally, I don't mind they've done this, at least they're being consistent.

If you haven't noticed, there already much much much less people playing this map. And, since you mentioned it, compare to Dragon's Stand, new map offers much less rewards. And there will be a very high chance, either pay gold for POI or leave it be. Even in Gandara, event-locked POI are easier to do, because you need no loot-items for that.


Also, there won't be 24\7 mesmer near that POI.



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This is the worst POI to get so far due to the 2 (not 1 but 2!!) meta events that have to succed in order to get the plates. Events which are soloable okay, but meta events? Thats a bit too much imho. And the fact that you cant park a mesmer there to help others (friends, guildies etc.) makes it even worse. I get it that you shouldn't be able to open the chests whithout the plate - and thats fine, but just to be there and port ppl inside to get the POI or the achievement..


Didin't like that you needed the elixire which you couldn't mix unless you were doing or did the story on that character in order to get "that last POI" in Bitterfrost but now this is worse. It's even worse than Lake Doric, leather farm POI - since you still have sometimes groups that farm leather.


Unless something really cool (Infusion, skin what-ever) has a chance to drop from those metas or from the chests inside that room i highly doubt ppl will do the meta events for long time (now its new, everyone is doing achievements and stuff). The map is very nice, but ppl won't do metas with a quite high chance to fail, which only give you random loot that you can get from doing some solo events in PoF or the other LS4 maps.


Just why Anet....? :/


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> @"Ash.5274" said:

> > @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > While we're talking about POI's locked away behind something, as far as I know The Consul's Tomb POI is only accessible via the story. If you try to take a character that hasn't done the story to that POI, you can't reach it.


> I don't have too much of a problem with this personally, the first few story steps are comfortably soloable, which is fine. The issue is locking map completion behind large-scale group content, in this case not one but two meta events. Same with the poi behind an event-opened wall in Kourna, it's an easily soloable event, so the only real hurdle is potentially having to wait around a bit for the event to start.


> As others have pointed out above, Anet really should have learnt from the complaints about that one poi in Jahai, but here we are again, same issue, same solution - make the poi proc at the gate (and pretty please, don't make the same mistake again on the next map!)


Its a proplem when you have +30 characters

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I ran into a mesmer that was porting to that poi behind the grate, and yes, I tipped lol. My question is: why did I not get a map completion reward? I don't recall getting a chest with anything. Did I just miss it by mistake or is it not working - the map completion rewards that is? I went back tonight after reset to redo the 4 hearts but nothing happened...

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I don't really see how this is an issue. Map completion is being tied to events in the map. If you don't want to do the events, the items that give you map completion are tradeable on the tp. So players have multiple paths to achieve the goal of map completion and one of those paths is actually, y'know, playing the map. So where's the issue? It's not like some nefarious players swooped in and scooped up all the available items leaving the rest of us with no ready means for acquiring more. I'd say this choice represents a lesson well learned, so kudos to anet :)

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> I don't really see how this is an issue. Map completion is being tied to events in the map. If you don't want to do the events, the items that give you map completion are tradeable on the tp. So players have multiple paths to achieve the goal of map completion and one of those paths is actually, y'know, playing the map. So where's the issue? It's not like some nefarious players swooped in and scooped up all the available items leaving the rest of us with no ready means for acquiring more. I'd say this choice represents a lesson well learned, so kudos to anet :)


If you actually read the thread you'd see that many people have brought up why this is an issue.


If you did read the thread then let me say the following: just because it's not an issue _for you_ doesn't mean there's no issue.

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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > I don't really see how this is an issue. Map completion is being tied to events in the map. If you don't want to do the events, the items that give you map completion are tradeable on the tp. So players have multiple paths to achieve the goal of map completion and one of those paths is actually, y'know, playing the map. So where's the issue? It's not like some nefarious players swooped in and scooped up all the available items leaving the rest of us with no ready means for acquiring more. I'd say this choice represents a lesson well learned, so kudos to anet :)


> If you actually read the thread you'd see that many people have brought up why this is an issue.


> If you did read the thread then let me say the following: just because it's not an issue _for you_ doesn't mean there's no issue.


Yeah that is really frustrating when ppl post in a thread without reading it and it happens a lot on this forum so I can forgive you for thinking I might have done so, but I did not . . .


Supposing you have also read the thread you would have seen that the poi in question is available by 1) playing the game, 2) letting someone else play the game for you and buying the map completion item off the tp, 3) using a mesmer port or 4) tp to a friend, so there is no issue. Now if anet wants to move the poi or expand its radius so that it is available to players too cheap, lazy and friendless to get it through one of the existing methods I'd have no problem with it, but that wouldn't change the fact that given the variety of means of access to the poi that currently exist, such a change is unnecessary . . .

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