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Are forums chats as good as the reddit ama's?


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Obv this is gonna be biased as hell since im posting this on the forums but try to be sincere. Do you find the format of the forum chats here better than the AmA's on reddit?


Put your thoughts and justification regardless of the answer. Maybe also some feedback you have for the chats.

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I haven't been part of the forum amas but I participated in reddit amas. I think the format is slightly better on reddit but not by much. There'd need to be much more answers to questions on the amas. Have there been recap threads of the previous amas like there have been for the reddit ones? I'd be interested in reading those.

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> @"Shard.4791" said:

> I haven't been part of the forum amas but I participated in reddit amas. I think the format is slightly better on reddit but not by much. There'd need to be much more answers to questions on the amas. Have there been recap threads of the previous amas like there have been for the reddit ones? I'd be interested in reading those.


Thats my major complain with the forum chats, theres none that compiles all the dev coments and gives u timestamps.


Tho u can go to the forum chat section and choose the chat u want its noticably less convinient. Other than that both work rather fine.

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I don't know about Ama's on reddit, but done several Forum chats and I feel like most of the interesting threads don't receive any answers. Just look at the last one: One of the only answered thread is "What you do with players tears?" seriously?! How is it better than "Cut-content from the episode" or the ones about "story decisions"? But I definitely think that Reddit is more living considering Devs-Players interactions.

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> Do you find the format of the forum chats here better than the AmA's on reddit?

They both have their downsides. Since you didn't offer a "neither," I've not voted.


As forum regulars know, I'm a voracious consumer of dev comments wherever they are posted. Based on what we've seen so far:

* Devs seem to post more during the Reddit celebrations/AMAs.

* The fewer forum posts are more likely to be thorough; the Reddit ones more likely to be breezy.


Both of these differences are functions of the fact that the Reddit versions are short term (a few hours) and the forum ones longer (a few days at least). Near as I can tell, if the participating devs see something during the day on the Reddit version, they jump in while at work to answer, maybe update/respond later (not usually though). So that generates the quick, high volume responses. On the forums, we often don't get responses for days (sometimes over a week) later. When we do, we've gotten some incredibly detailed posts. The devs seem to file the question away to answer and... well if they don't run out of time, they have a serious answer to share.



If you had asked, "if we could only have one, which would you prefer," I'd have chosen Reddit. I like the idea that ANet holds "conversations" in their official forums, but not enough to think they should do that just because of the word "official". Instead, I'd rather they held the conversation in Reddit because I value the immediate feedback more than the "maybe later" stuff we get in the forum. And then they should repost all of their comments in an official forum thread, instead of leaving it to folks like Dulfy & many of us here to collate the cogent details for them.


(I'm ignoring what is cost effective or practical for them; I'm stating my preference.)

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No, because the devs don't respond to critical questions very well and can't be made to answer anywhere, but it's especially bad on the forums.


I'm simply not that interested in feel-good questions and "celebrations" (do we celebrate the devs? The devs themselves? The release?). I get the point and they have a right to exist, but so has critique. We have no platform for that now; at least none on which we can communicate and know our complaints are heard for sure. The forums amplify that problem due to their structure and hierarchy.

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I don't care for the Reddit format; maybe I don't know how to use it. It seems to me you can never tell if a question has been updated with another answer, so I have to wait until it is long over to read through it. Also, many of the Dev responses are hidden beneath the 'see more posts' option.

It might be easier if you are reading the thread live, I have no idea, but I'm never on Reddit when the AMA is going on. Also, there seem to be hundreds of posts to wallow through.


On the forums, at least there is the Carousel, or an 'ArenaNet' tag on the threads.

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I don't reddit and my one and only question which pertains to some technical stuff about audio cues in competitive modes was never answered. (Some dev said they will get back to it because the people that know the answer are busy, but they never answered.) So I didn't bother on this last one because I had a bad experience from the previous one.

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Generally speaking yes.


I'm not saying they are perfect, but i can say that this format allows me to quickly and easily find the answers to questions that may be similar to anything i'd ask. This is something reddit can never do because it's just a giant cesspool of comments and their sorting is lackluster.


Additionally, i find that the variety of question is wider here than on reddit. Reddit seems to flock to hotbutton topics, here we get questions of interest/background more frequently and i believe that's largely due to the limited scope.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > I I feel like most of the interesting threads don't receive any answers.

> That's true of Reddit "celebrations" and AMAs, too.



This is why I feel like there shouldn't even be AMA's at all. It certainly seems like all they answer is fluff questions/topics no matter where they hold it. It's frustrating.


EDIT: I'm not saying they should spoil future story stuff if someone is asking about something that'll come up in future stories. However, a simple "we can't answer that at this time" goes a long way versus just outright ignoring questions.

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Usually I have a hard time finding anything on reddit and I am not a user of it either so I prefer the forums and join in them if I really have something I am curious about. I don't ask things I know won't be answered in general. I mean, ofcourse they won't give us spoilers or data not allowed for public. I didn't vote an option since I don't know which is better or what could be improved.

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Reddit feels 1980's dinosaur text bait .. CANNOT STAND IT! .. only tend to flick onto it when I am in the mood.

Then again it seemingly comes across as the defacto place where devs congregate rather than their own forums so if you really want some spiel bad enuff I guess reddit is where you will get a better chance to get it.

The last time I had an urge to read a GW2 reddit topic was when it was filled with abuse and totally unprofessional commentary from one particular (ex)dev, not been back there since.

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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> It certainly seems like all they answer is fluff questions/topics no matter where they hold it. It's frustrating.

They answer a lot more than fluff. But, fluff is easier to post, because, well, it's fluff. There's always substantive answers, too.


> This is why I feel like there shouldn't even be AMA's at all.

Eh, I'd rather have some posts than none at all.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Do you find the format of the forum chats here better than the AmA's on reddit?

> They both have their downsides. Since you didn't offer a "neither," I've not voted.


> As forum regulars know, I'm a voracious consumer of dev comments wherever they are posted. Based on what we've seen so far:

> * Devs seem to post more during the Reddit celebrations/AMAs.

> * The fewer forum posts are more likely to be thorough; the Reddit ones more likely to be breezy.


> Both of these differences are functions of the fact that the Reddit versions are short term (a few hours) and the forum ones longer (a few days at least). Near as I can tell, if the participating devs see something during the day on the Reddit version, they jump in while at work to answer, maybe update/respond later (not usually though). So that generates the quick, high volume responses. On the forums, we often don't get responses for days (sometimes over a week) later. When we do, we've gotten some incredibly detailed posts. The devs seem to file the question away to answer and... well if they don't run out of time, they have a serious answer to share.


> ****

> If you had asked, "if we could only have one, which would you prefer," I'd have chosen Reddit. I like the idea that ANet holds "conversations" in their official forums, but not enough to think they should do that just because of the word "official". Instead, I'd rather they held the conversation in Reddit because I value the immediate feedback more than the "maybe later" stuff we get in the forum. And then they should repost all of their comments in an official forum thread, instead of leaving it to folks like Dulfy & many of us here to collate the cogent details for them.


> (I'm ignoring what is cost effective or practical for them; I'm stating my preference.)


That somewhat what im asking. I didnt feel like i needed to go in much detail on how both formats work beceuse it is assumed u already know or else u can pick neither and go for option 3.


Saying you prefer one or the other is like saying if only one existed id like it to be the one i picked (and u can go into more detail on your stance)


Plus i was kinda scared of showing bias towards either of the formats.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > Do you find the format of the forum chats here better than the AmA's on reddit?

> > They both have their downsides. Since you didn't offer a "neither," I've not voted.

> >

> > As forum regulars know, I'm a voracious consumer of dev comments wherever they are posted. Based on what we've seen so far:

> > * Devs seem to post more during the Reddit celebrations/AMAs.

> > * The fewer forum posts are more likely to be thorough; the Reddit ones more likely to be breezy.

> >

> > Both of these differences are functions of the fact that the Reddit versions are short term (a few hours) and the forum ones longer (a few days at least). Near as I can tell, if the participating devs see something during the day on the Reddit version, they jump in while at work to answer, maybe update/respond later (not usually though). So that generates the quick, high volume responses. On the forums, we often don't get responses for days (sometimes over a week) later. When we do, we've gotten some incredibly detailed posts. The devs seem to file the question away to answer and... well if they don't run out of time, they have a serious answer to share.

> >

> > ****

> > If you had asked, "if we could only have one, which would you prefer," I'd have chosen Reddit. I like the idea that ANet holds "conversations" in their official forums, but not enough to think they should do that just because of the word "official". Instead, I'd rather they held the conversation in Reddit because I value the immediate feedback more than the "maybe later" stuff we get in the forum. And then they should repost all of their comments in an official forum thread, instead of leaving it to folks like Dulfy & many of us here to collate the cogent details for them.

> >

> > (I'm ignoring what is cost effective or practical for them; I'm stating my preference.)


> That somewhat what im asking. I didnt feel like i needed to go in much detail on how both formats work beceuse it is assumed u already know or else u can pick neither and go for option 3.

ah, well then it's just oddly worded for what you were asking, at least as I was reading it.


Again, if I had my druthers, they'd have the conversations on Reddit the day of, let their people follow-up as they like, and have one of their staff (or ask the wiki community) to post a summary of the specific questions that were actually answered (and maybe the most interesting ones that got no answer). And that would be posted in the forums, so that folks could continue the conversation (just without the devs).


That is: I don't think either format alone is serving ANet as best as possible.


> Plus i was kinda scared of showing bias towards either of the formats.

Yeah, that's tricky to ask a question without trying to imply an opinion of your own in the phrasing.

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