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What's the point of having a second GW2 account?

GW Noob.6038

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Additionally to what other said you overcome reset restrictions as well. You can do double the fractals a day and double the raids clears a week and send the extra gold to your main account. You can craft more timegated materials and send the end crafted mats that is not account bound to your main account. You can farm multiple nodes with different accounts instead of waiting for them to reset etc

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> i was lazy to start second account everyday. but when i read this all it’s free gold. thanks for confirm it. i will take that few minutes for this from now. it’s unfortunately i can’t start 2 accounts at the same time with one pc. :)


You can and I do. I have several things that I do most days in the two accounts simultaneously, on side-by-side monitors (e.g. Matriarch in Verdant Brink for Amalgamated Gemstone - takes maybe 10 minutes including remembering to log on at roughly the right time, and nets about 1g 70s extra per a/c per day). I've even on occasion taken both into a fractal, with friends (not usually worth it, mind; the downside of having to control each one separately usually more than outweighs the advantage of an extra set of skills and an auto-attack, for me at least). There's a limitation, in that only one session can be windowed fullscreen, but frankly that's minor.


The only thing making it tricky to run multiple (native) copies of the game is that you need to kill one Windows handle (AN-Mutex-Window-Guild) after starting each one before you can launch another. I've a script that someone else cooked up a few years ago that does that. If you want to try, do a search on the handle name; you'll turn up plenty of hits, both in these fora and elsewhere. Or you can use, e.g., GW2Launchbuddy (a similar search comment applies).


Oh, and with regard to **Moira Shalaar**'s comment (just above) - if you run two sessions, you only need to stock ONE home instance between all of your accounts, if you feel the inclination to have each one loot that daily (that's another of my own regular things I do). Party up, enter on the correct account, drag the other one in. Simple.

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> @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

> This past year I used the zephyrite festival & Halloween to buy all the home instance nodes for my accounts and I farm those once a day per account. It adds maybe a minute including load times and i’m pulling in 3 candy corn cobs/50 days, + sprockets & crystals


I want to highlight this one for the OP, because they have asked both about home instance nodes and about multiple accounts. Moira's comment illustrates how you can combine the two for greater benefits, faster return-on-investment.


FYI does require some extra work to be able to convert account bound currencies and mats into something your main account to use. While substantial, it's a one-time effort that could be worth it.

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For me multiple accounts were the main draw of MMORPGs. For making characters, have them become a crew during story, be able to exist in the game world at the same time. I had two GW2 accounts from the beginning. And then, some more.

For the twin accounts, I keep them as identical as possible.


I always want at least two accounts logged in whenever I am in game, I hate to be just... one. ):

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  • 1 year later...

> @"GW Noob.6038" said:

> Given the fact that most of the good stuff is account-bound, I don't see the point of having a second GW2 account. Enlighten me.


Log-in rewards, dailies, laurels.....it's the easy way.


You have also the wood farm.


You can do more and more better (and having more and more gold)


One of them, if you just do 1 match in pvp with it and you try hard (you have to), you can won your game (and it's done for the daily) or having at least 2 stats and you'll have to do just 1 other achievement to have your daily done (a Vista, Gathering) all this in ~10min max (and don't forget, pvp don't need gears, you can start directly) + reward track (can have a lion's key) + match rewards (can have 15 gold each X games)......a lot of golds.


You can also do the masterpiece, i will not going in details ;) but you can do some group activity that you can manage to do alone with your alt accounts = double rewards.


I have 6 accounts and i do all of this :)


pvp game ~ 1h10, group activity ~ 15 min, that's make 1h25 of farming "accounts" per day for me.

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Don't see point in it. Yes, you could use the 2nd account to get more from dailies and overcome some limits on certain things. But you also could just buy gems for that money and turn them into gold directly. And 2nd account still will require additional time to manage it - time is money, so why not, again, just buy gems and turn into gold, and buy all you need from market, straight on?

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In WvW, you can choose which matchup you play in -

Sometimes one matchup is a massive blowout, where a giant enemy zerg appears at off-peak hours. There is no way to prevent this anymore thanks to numerous well-meaning but misguided complainants on the forum such as "Nerf walls", "Nerf Arrow carts", etc. Add in the huge amount of Red Circles and Pulls introduced in PoF. In 2020, there's no point EVEN TRYING to defend anymore.

In such a situation, friendlies tend to play PvE or log off - if they have another account they can just go to another matchup and avoid the enemy zerg entirely.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> So that you can say, "yeah, Ive got 35k AP and 150k gold on my other account, just enjoying experiencing the game like a noob again on this account."


Excatly, after several years with my main account, I had fun for a while starting a new one from scratch (and without support from main).

But now the 2nd account is mostly inactive, I am to lazy to do the login for the additional rewards.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> Don't see point in it. Yes, you could use the 2nd account to get more from dailies and overcome some limits on certain things. But you also could just buy gems for that money and turn them into gold directly. And 2nd account still will require additional time to manage it - time is money, so why not, again, just buy gems and turn into gold, and buy all you need from market, straight on?


28 days of logins gives 20 Mystic Coins and 55 Laurels (if choosing Plentiful Laurels).

20 MC is 26 Gold

55 Laurels is 33 Gold (Material bags)


59 gold costs ~200 gems.


Return on investment depends a lot on how much you pay for the account. Sure, at full price it'll take upwards of a year, but most who have extras have *not* payed full. If you can find one for ~$10 you're out of the red after only 3 months.


This is of course not counting any easy dailies, opportunities like the current festival, etc. Anytime a new desireable and tradeable thing using Charged Quartz is added (like the Skyscale food), having an extra account to charge on is pretty lucrative.

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