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Stop making helmets that remove Asura Ears & Charr Ears/Horns. It shows Human Favoritism.


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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > OP, do you realize why they make them this way? Can you imagine the chore it would be to make helmets show every combination of hair style, color, ears, horns, etc... ? I get the complaint, but the time/resources just aren't there.


> This.


> Don't get me wrong. I'd also like to see more armor that lets Asura ears flop around freely but I'd rather Anet prioritize that time/resources into other things, like keeping within the Living World release cadence.


In my opinion, they have to keep working on these things, even if it makes them have some extra work to have models for ears and horns to show up.. It's one of the features of the game the variety of races.. and they do make a lot of gemstore stuff that only looks good on humanoids. Charrs and Asuras usually get some weirdkitten things, I only play on asuras for example.. and most of the gemstore either covers my floppy sexy ears or make female asuras look like boys. Charrs have the worst luck in this aspect. Not to mention, skins sellings represent a lot of their earnings. More resources spent to offer good looking skins that people would buy asap...

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No I love this game to pieces but this is the biggest hornet in my hat.


Every time someone has a legit complaint about how Anet neglects these two races, people come in here to white-knight as if our valid complaint about a product we paid for is hurting someone who worked on the game's feelings. We're not here to hurt feelings we are here to tell professionals working at Anet that we are tired of being the "Scrappy" that gets kicked around while Humanoids get all the good stuff tailor-made for them and them only.


Are we HONESTLY expected to believe that Anet's talented people can't make helmets that take into account features we literally cannot move around? Games with SLIDERS somehow manage to fit clothes on without massive clipping, hacking off body parts, or shaving characters bald (like GW2 does to Norn beards on open-face helms if we're going to entertain obvious whataboutism). If they can't do it right maybe they shouldn't be making outfits and selling them for real money to begin with? City of Heroes made it freaking well work and that came out in 2004! If the current team isn't up to snuff on this why isn't Anet hiring people who know how to do this competently? Instead they have made short-sighted design decisions that have painted them in a digital corner at every turn, but oh whatever as long as it looks good on characters with breasts everyone should be happy and you defenders think we should suck it up and be happy FOR you. Someone messed up and we should not let them off the hook for that.


FYI nobody appreciates when they bring up a problem to have a bunch of people coming in and defending the problem with curt unsympathetic dismissal because they're getting what they want from the status quo.


Also, I really wish people would knock it off with the gross "rat" comments when it comes to Asura. They look absolutely nothing like rodents, and it always comes out to trivialize the concerns of people to play them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Models are created on humans first. So no surprise there's "human favoritism" since that's their purpose.


That said, no sane person would want to expose any vulnerable part of their body in combat if it can be helped, and ears are flexible. Especially charr ears, it makes sense to hide the same way we hide or compress our own ears under helmets. Asura ears, being much larger, would be harder to do but not unfeasible and still makes sense to protect them.


Charr horns, however, not being flexible makes little sense to hide.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> I feel some things are better to hide the ears on asura as the ears look ridiculous clipping through it, a big example is the hellfire helmet. But most of the time I think asura would like their ears to be free.


This is exactly why I remade my elementalist to be something other than asura! I really wanted to use that helmet (because it fits my elementalist's look perfectly) and the ears clipping through and sticking out of the helmet just looked unnatural and wrong and it was driving me nuts. I have posted a couple pictures from the wiki, below.

![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/5/56/Hellfire_armor_%28heavy%29_asura_male_front.jpg "")


![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/0/01/Hellfire_armor_%28heavy%29_asura_male_back.jpg "")


(for some reason the pictures are not displaying...it just put in links instead)

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They should stop making helmets turning your asura bald like zojia helmet. Seriously, just like you have to shave your hairs to wear goggles.... xD


But what I hate more is that Ezrielia my asura is forced to wear male clothes.


> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> I totally agree! The weirdest ones are the Dynamics Exo-Suit and the Inquest armour sets - which are _clearly_ asura-themed, but seem to have been designed with humans in mind and then "fitted" to the other races, chopping off asura ears (and charr horns) in the process. The Exo-Suit even has [concept art](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:%22Asuran_Power%22_concept_art.jpg "concept art") that shows it was designed for humans rather than asura!


For the armor sets, well take a look at inquest medium chestplate, was obviously created for a sexualised female human. I'm shocked of the differences of many armors between female human and female asura.


Well the helmet wasn't made for hosting asura ears obviously. If it was, it would have covered the top of the ears with a robocop like glasses at the middle.


Oww I'm now sad of beeing the origin of the inquest exo suit outfit. I should haven't asked it or describing it more. It's just blattant it is for human... wear it on a female human or norn. Now see the difference on asura. Was a great failure. Why belly hole? When I see the inquest mkII and the inquest overseer chair I wonder, why just why that outfit look like that. The only positive point is the helmet: that frickin cool unique eye visor of the whole game. I wonder if they are aware of what is Inquest. It was designed by a non-asuran player who have 0 knowledge about the race. Such a good thing could have been made... in the style of the mk2 stuffs...

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Here is another "Human Favoritism" that Anet wants you to forget:


Also is it that hard to remove two side toes on every foot pieces? Don't you see how uncomfortable it is for my Asura to be running on sand/volcano rock/corrupted land etc... with two bare toes sticking out? Despite Charr foot pieces don't cover their entire feet, none of their toes touch the ground!

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I am a bit torn on this one. I main an Asura Reaper and have mostly Asuran toons. There are certain helms and outfits I like and think look good with my ears hidden. However, there are others that I like to see all my characters' corky features. For example, I like the Necromancer Reaper hood removing the ears, I do not like the Primeval Dervish outfit hood that is made to show Asuran ears, but I do like the Sunspear outfit helm, or Luminous armor helms showing ears, etc...


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