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Fashion is nice but what about your naming skills?

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**Sorceress Rinoa** - Human Ele

**Duchess Titania** - Sylvari Mesmer

**Enid** - Ranger Mesmer-

**Kinga the Brave** - Charr Elementalist

**Manticore** - Charr Guardian

**Jade Veins** - Human Necromancer

**Nyx Poisonfang** - Charr Ranger

**Cura the Sage** - Asura Elementalist

**Hypnotist Ruto** - Asura Mesmer

**Navigator Klare** - Asura Engineer

**Dahlia Nightshade** - Sylvari Necromancer

**Chasind** - Human Revenant

**Thea Cousland **- Human Warrior

**Bedeliah** - Human Mesmer

**Botanist Una** - Sylvari Elementalist

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Top Posters In This Topic

**Celestiel Veil** - Human Female Elementalist

**Cynder Blaize** - Flamethrower Engineer (Istan farmer :p)(Black/Red theme)

**Sky Wynn** - Human Female Thief (Black/ Dark Purple theme)

**Alustriel Skye** - Human Female Dragonhunter (Blue/White theme matching skill bar :p)

**Shea Liu** - Human Asian themed Female Mirage (Pink/Purple/White theme)

**Solaria Silverblade ** - Human Female GS Warrior (Shiny Silver platemail theme)

**Gambien Kelle** - Human Male Ranger (Black/Midnight Blue theme)

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Low-skill tier names:

Norn without a last name or title(The XXXXX)

Charr without a warband last name or a title (The XXXXX)

Asura with more than two syllable names or have last names.

Sylvari with a last name, common-sounding or just some scientific name of a plant.

Humans are whatever. Can't really go wrong here with your naming skill.


Fite me.

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Some of my characters :

- Dubh Ghaill (Norn warrior), gaelic expression meaning Dark Strangers (or dark haired strangers), given to the Invading Danes by Irish people. later it'd become a name.

- Wanda Fylgja (Norn necromancer). a Fylgja is kind of like a guardian angel - or a placenta... That sort of duality would be fitting for a necro :lol: And Wanda sounded nice

- Clide Busco (Human thief), a named I used for FFRGP, an amateur adaptation of the game rules and universes of Final Fantasy.

- Crimson Fougère (sylvari engineer)... I wanted to mock Scarlet Bruyère (french translation for Briar, and her actual french name). Fougère means fern btw.

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Most of my characters are charr, and most of them belong to the 'Gore' warband.


Gore Warband:

Nyoka Gorefell (Legionnaire)

Tionvrath Gorefall

Thorn Gorecrow

Nazza Goremonger

Slur Goregristle

Sezra Gorescourge

Roan Redgore

Cess Goreblain

Raigra Gorebutcher

Vulnaug Goresmile

Slither Gorevomit


Other Charr (Not Gore Warband)

Albane Memorykeeper

Kione Abysmfall

Nneke (my Olmakhan)

Asynda the Harlot (old ex-Flame Legion harem slave)

Dalgarn Flameveil

Myas Spiritside



Wynne Gautr (Human Kurzick guardian, name means 'holy goth' basically)

Henrietta Sonflayer (Norn mesmer, hates Sons of Svanir, hence the title)

(my last two are in fact references to other characters)

Nergal Junior (from an old cartoon) & Scarlet Briar (from duh)

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**Cleopatra Aegyptus** Human F!Dragonhunter. Named after a character in a video game, sadly. My own character that I created back in GW1, a Paragon. _Cleopatra_ because I found a face / hair combination that kind of looked like Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra, and _Aegyptus_ because I'm incompetent at Latin grammar. She should have been Cleopatra Aegypti, "Cleopatra of Egypt", rather than Cleopatra Aegyptus, "Cleopatra Egypt".


**Ixaltara** Human F!Revenant, named after a bunch of syllables that fell out of a corner of my head when I was creating her.


**Kylarina** Human F!Weaver, named after a video game character. Again, my own character, but this time from Runes of Magic, where she was originally a Mage, tossing fireballs all over the place. Diminutive of Kylara, because Kylara was already taken in RoM.


**Kylara Nightsong** Human F!Reaper, aka The Purple Reaper, named after a video game character. Againly again, my own character from GW1, an Istani Necroranger. Kylara came from somewhere in my head, possibly a reference to an adversary character in the Pern novels. Nightsong from an assisting character in the game Spellforce II.


And for my contribution to silly names:

**Dances in Dungeons** Human M!Guardian named after my own GW1 character. The original name was a sideways reference to the film "Dances with Wolves".


**Manga Girl Gone Bad** Sylvari F!Berserker. Named after my GW1 character, a Canthan female Necro, who in turn was a reference to something my late wife said when she looked over my shoulder while I was mixing the character, "She looks like a manga girl gone bad." "Gone Bad" means "gone to the Dark Side", by the way, not "gone to the XXX side".


**Be-bop'alula** This one's in SWTOR rather than GW2, and she is a perfect example of why it is a bad idea to create a character while there is a song bouncing around in your head.

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As a Charr enthusiast, I have to say "Kikanchou Byakko" hurts me. It's real-world referential and *really* Japanese. Or in the least, really *Canthan*.

Charr extend from Roman/Latin roots, and their warband names are hints of their personality. Chosen well, they're pretty unique among the usual fantasy tropes, even if they might not look like it on the surface (ie, another "adjective-noun" combo like Moonbrooke or Greysummer). The names are a tiny story unto themselves.


Aside from a bad pun on my main (and a few other deliberate puns/poes), I'm kind of a stickler for lore-based naming, and I really dig folks who follow it. It's kinda sad that Asura and Sylvari have such limitations. (Like, seriously, what academic culture worth its bloodstone dust would restrict the potential for unique names when citation cred is the utmost of respectability?)

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> As a Charr enthusiast, I have to say "Kikanchou Byakko" hurts me. It's real-world referential and *really* Japanese. Or in the least, really *Canthan*.

> Charr extend from Roman/Latin roots, and their warband names are hints of their personality. Chosen well, they're pretty unique among the usual fantasy tropes, even if they might not look like it on the surface (ie, another "adjective-noun" combo like Moonbrooke or Greysummer). The names are a tiny story unto themselves.



I would agree with you but never think in absolutes. I usually approach stuff like this as a challenge in how one can spin a piece of information into a story and then bridge off of that into other variations and stories.


Although it's hard to work in a language that doesn't exist in Tyria (I dunno GW lore that deeply, maybe Cantha has a language based off Japanese?) you could perhaps use Byakko as an actual creature or demon that a warband was formed to hunt or capture for some reason. That or after going gladium (or never being part of a warband), they named themselves after researching something or another.


What I'm saying is, it's not impossible although I don't have any investment in trying lol

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> I’ll just put one down, my Sylvari ranger and her pet: Dewy Killem and Howe.


> It might be “stupid” or “random drivel” according to the OP but her name still makes me smile which is all that counts.


LOL thats hilarious , if i saw you coming at me in pvp i would die laughing.


I try to make my names either funny or fit the character. Like i have an engi whos story is she is a street rat, grew up on the streets, named Boomboom Spanner. I like it even if people dont get it.

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> As a Charr enthusiast, I have to say "Kikanchou Byakko" hurts me. It's real-world referential and *really* Japanese. Or in the least, really *Canthan*.

> Charr extend from Roman/Latin roots, and their warband names are hints of their personality. Chosen well, they're pretty unique among the usual fantasy tropes, even if they might not look like it on the surface (ie, another "adjective-noun" combo like Moonbrooke or Greysummer). The names are a tiny story unto themselves.


> Aside from a bad pun on my main (and a few other deliberate puns/poes), I'm kind of a stickler for lore-based naming, and I really dig folks who follow it. It's kinda sad that Asura and Sylvari have such limitations. (Like, seriously, what academic culture worth its bloodstone dust would restrict the potential for unique names when citation cred is the utmost of respectability?)


I feel you. Kudos to this post! I love charr and their lore-based names. Granted a few of mine have some references. But 90% lore based.

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This sounds so..elitist.


Like,sorry but it does.

And I am a RPer/PVer/PvPer.

By your terms, I could consider some of the names just listed as 'drivel', because it does not abide with the lore standards of say charr or norn.


Neemah the Rage (asura)

Doteàn Flamebrook (sylvari)

Skald Twistedfang (charr)

Qi-Iyah Black (human)



Too lazy to name all of them.


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I'm totally down with silly names, even better if the fashion wars aspect plays off of it. I saw a really good Joker themed character the other day with white skin, green hair and a purple nobles suit, his name was also appropriately Jokery. It's not Drivel, it's fun, or they just don't care. I don't think I've ever seen anyone put a lot of effort into a subdued but appealing outfit, who didn't put at least some effort into their name. the ones with stupid pointless names are usually the ones that just have the biggest shoulder pads they can get and as many effects going off at once while they're standing around.


Kal Spiro - Human Ranger - Luscan orphan from the streets

Pigoursh - Asura Daredevil - (He's named after my EQ Halfling from a million years ago)

Egail Windstrider - Sylvari Dragonhunter

Syrian Myth - Human Elementalist - Noblewoman

Grulk Blakblood - Charr Berserker - Blood Legion

Kyla Shadowfire - Charr Scrapper - Iron Legion specializing in flamethrower

Jalla Djinn - Asura Necromancer - College of Synergetics specializing in Lifeforce control, Inquest

Morgan Firebrand - Norn Ranger - Has an affinity for fire

Instigator Frokk - Asura Guardian - College of Dynamics Thug, specializes in retaliation, Jalla's brother

Viridian Truebloom - Sylvari Mesmer - Flighty and whimsical, very green

Gailen Twighead - Sylvari Warrior - Duelist, joined a Charr Warband, has twigs on his head

Reita Demoneye - Charr Weaver - Ash Legion, Gladium

Scythe Darkhart - Human Herald - Krytan Noble

Beatrix Blades - Human Daredevil - Ascalonian Commoner, has horns

Desire Gloomblade - Sylvari Reaper - Minion Master, Frost Queen

Pirate Boss Pilkka - Asura Chronomancer - College of Synergetics, Is a pirate

Lorna Magebane - Norn Spellbreaker - Wolf Shaman, very very large

Harvestor Ian - Sylvari Souldbeast - Mordrem

Executionist Mokk - Asura Holosmith - College of Dynamics, Inventor, Entrepreneur, Sociopath, Inquest

Gymm Mistclaw - Charr Renegade - Blood Legion

![](https://i.imgur.com/ujakxYv.jpg "")

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> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> I feel you. Kudos to this post! I love charr and their lore-based names. Granted a few of mine have some references. But 90% lore based.


Even I'm not immune to having a few silly names. And some are still thinly-veiled puns. My entire alt-account has goofy puns and references.

Like Fhorrz, the Asura who specializes in containment fields (Guardian wards need love, ANet). Yes, they *are* called Fhorrz Fields. Why do you ask? :P


But, I've been agonizing over updating my main's name for years, though. Do I keep the bad pun, or go with his "canon" name I've since been using?

I did it before when I started with Prinz Charrming (because who hasn't made that pun), and contract-changed him to a more lore-appropriate name.



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  • 1 year later...




Othello The Just - guard

Rotha Othsdottir - guard

Ctpn Mancy Rothsson - warrior

Dara Rothsdottir- thief

Luna Othsdottir - rev

Ester Othsdottir - ranger




Eryn Weston - mesmer

Erak Hathorn - warrior

Atlas Trueshot - ranger

Sunspear Keshal - warrior



Awkward Gaff - engi



Lyn Fel - rev

Ryely Rose - thief

Pathfinder Miri - ranger



Darus Right Paw - warrior

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Most of my toons are charr and half of them dont have charr names because they were made before the days where everyone started doing that and half of them do have charr themed names because its what people do now. (dont have the full list)


My first character was named after the adobe products

May next maybe 3 or 4 characters were named randomly or after food or drinks before people really started investing in charr names.


The rest used charr themed names, a few of the ones i know i can remember for sure (with correct spelling cause i play them more often)

**Kuva Scornsoul** - Female Charr Necromancer

**Resh Troublehorn** - Male Charr Guardian

**Vodka Truehorn** - Male Charr Rev


I also currently have one non charr who is a Sylvari Necromancer


I named my Sylvari **"Hex Ruin"** after a perk from a different game (surprised it was not taken in 2019) and ran around using off meta a chill based build in pvp for a while so i could tell players i was just there to **"slow the game down.... JUST-A LIL BIT"**


I had a few asuran at one point but got rid of them because i never played them. :c

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**Delia Staerkling** - Norn Warrior. In Diablo II I named my barbarian "Del," which seemed like a nice gutteral name for a brawler. So the female counterpart became "Delia." I wanted a last name too - Staerk is "strong" in German, (well, Stärk, but I didn't think the naming thing would accept special characters so I went with the transliteration), and I mashed it with an ending that would sound like "One who is strong" (from the -ling in "underling," "liebling," etc.)


**Mariko Shinobu** - Human Elementalist. Character I like from a TV show.


**Zoi Reycount** - Sylvari Necromancer. I forget how I picked "Zoi," but "Reycount" is the name of an attack in Xenogears and I've just always liked the word. It seemed like a fittingly noble and gothy last name.


**Souma Raissa** - Norn Ranger. Another Diablo inspiration, mashed up from my two favorites of the names of the rogue hirelings in Act 1.


**Rucjia** - Asura Guardian. Her design reminded me of Lucca/Rucca from ChronoTrigger, and I knew that Asura are all mononyms. That was taken, though, so I started playing with the spelling and looking up similar names - "Luccia" was taken, so I decided to inject some Polish influence and "Rucjia" looked/sounded better to me than "Lucjia."


**Momo DeMorte** - Charr Thief. A mashup of names/nicknames for one of our beloved pet cats. I thought that the last name was particularly fitting for a thief class character ("morte" being "death" in various Latin languages).


**Noelle Carlevaro** - Human Mesmer. I've always liked the name Noelle, and I wanted her to have the circus backstory and be a natural performer/trickster/center of attention. I also kind of liked the idea of an Italian-sounding name. "Carlevaro" had the meaning of (or sounded to me like it did, I can't remember anymore) someone who worked in a carnival, which was perfect.


**Eruna Morgan** - Sylvari Revenant. Similar thing here: I heard the name "Eruna" and liked it, and then decided I wanted a sort of sturdy British last name because of the Sylvari accent. Tried a few on for size and this combo sounded good to me.


**Boomies Bluefang** - Charr Engineer. Probably my best name lore-wise. "Boomies" was the actual name of another of our pet cats, and it also happens to be a fantastic name IMO for an engineer. I took note of Charr last name conventions - our actual cat was blue and missing one of her fangs. So I gave my character blue fur and used the single-fang facial model and gave her the "Bluefang" moniker.

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Big on names myself, I attempt to stick closely to naming conventions and certain rules but I give myself some breathing room for my own sanity.

Some of my names are pulled from namebooks, others from mythology, guildwars 1&2 lore and other games, made of a combination of things or made up entirely.

As long as the fit the character I can look at said character and say.. "yes, that is your name" then I am content.


Im not going to go into all my characters for the sake of time.


Humans (Rule: First and second names)

Vantian Family: Origin of the Vantian family name comes from my Gw1 character Teratus and both names were made up by me around 15 years ago without inspiration from anything, I thought the name sounded good and worked for my Necromancer so I ran with it, The family name was not inspired by Pathfinder despite the oddly fitting dark coincidence, Pathfinder was published 4 years after Guildwars 1 released and I had been using the name Vantian for years by that point, as a side note I have also never played Pathfinder.


Lugos Vantian: Male Ranger named after the Celtic/Gaulish god Lugus/Lugos. (My first character in Gw2)

Artorias Vantian: Male Necromancer named after Artorias of the Abyss from the Dark Souls franchise.

Aveira Vantian: Female Necromancer, Her name means transgression or sin in Hebrew.

Teratus Vantian: Male Revenant, Reincarnation of my first and main character from Gw1.


Valenti Family: Another family name from Gw1 but not as common, basically a shortened version of Valentine.


Illa Valenti: Personal joke, Illa is an Icelandic word for poorly/badluck, I've never been good playing Warriors and I liked how the name sounded so ran with it as a joke.

Lionel Valenti: Male Mesmer, Named for his young looks and golden hair, Lionel means Young Lion.

Solius Valenti: Male Guardian, Combination of the word Sol (meaning sun) and Julius. (Name first used in Gw1 creating this family name)


Norn: (Rule: First and second names)

Eirik Wulfkin: Male Ranger, His first name is Norse meaning Forever strong, His last name means Wolf Family.


Asura: (Rule: only singular names)

Teotl: Male Engineer, Named after the Majin in Majin and the forsaken kingdom.


Sylvari: (Rule: only singular names)

Tepeu: Male Warrior, Named after the main character in Majin and the forsaken kingdom (i really liked this game XD)

Shealani: Female Thief

Ranvekk: Male Necromancer

Amavara: Female Mesmer, Combination of Ama and Vara, two words associated with flower names.

Osisia: Female Ranger, (I think I made this one up, I do not remember)


Charr: (Rule: First must sound like Charr name, Second name must include either fictional Warband or Legion and relate to the characters playstyle or personality)

Gharaz Ironhide: Male Iron Legion Ranger/Tankyish Melee (First name taken from Gw1)

Krall Bloodmane Male Blood Legion Warrior/Melee

Mraza Ashfiend: Female Ash Legion Necromancer/Minion Master.


I've got a few more but this is long enough lol

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> OP, how do you know that information? I’d love to put such meaning in my names, but what do you do? Search every language’s meaning of whatever word you want until you find one that sounds good? It would just take so long


Thats what ive done for mine. Its easier if you know what meaning you want the name to have. For my main RP character i wanted her name to mean devoted(in some fashion.) took about 10 minutes to find what i wanted knowing that info.

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