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New Revenant's E-Spec Weapon - What would be your choice?


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Greatsword or Axe mainhand should theoretically give Revenant a much needed DPS increase seeing as how for most specs Greatsword and Axe provide higher damage than sword.


We got completely shafted when we got shortbow which is not optimal in any game mode and has no purpose at all. **I rather Revenant not get another “secondary” weapon for an XPAC like warhorn, scepter, focus or torch. I would rage.**


Whatever we get though I just hope it is an upgrade to the two current specs. I do not do raids or spend my time farming low level computer mobs in open world. **I felt like POF was a waste of money** for people desiring to play Rev in PvP or even WvW, and I’m still mad they never bothered to fix Renegade at all.


I will probably quit or reroll if Revenant gets **SHAFTED** the same way it did with Renegade. Most likely quit.

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I am okay with anything but rifle or pistol. I'm just not a fan of guns.


Ideally I would like something like scepter or a 900-range dagger. I like the idea of a mainhand weapon because I like being able to mix and match my options.

However, if that were to happen, I really think core Revenant needs an additional offhand weapon. Currently the offhands both fulfill similar roles, and while they are nice weapons, both core Revenant and Renegade don't have an option for a defensive/utility-based offhand. If we get a mainhand weapon, this will be an issue for the new e-spec as well. It should be a goal to de-emphasize staff's giant niche, and implementing a new baseline defensive/utility-based offhand weapon would be a good step towards this.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:


I might be hated for it but I think that Revenant needs something like a Tempest with more Power approach. Glint rework opened some ways to play around Facet of Nature, especially on Mallyx. Renegade, well... It's stuck in the safe PvE spot and I think it's very bad because it's probably the worst designed E-Spec.


I get why people want GS and Main-hand Axe because they would act as game changers for Rev. But I'm a huge fan of Dagger > Warhorn > Focus > Torch. If this weapon gets a good-treatment we can have a clean version of Trident where legends actually change what your weapon does. People hate on Ele right now but those who play it, play it because it's fun and that's what we need.

Scepter seems great too - Razah here.


I really wouldn't want a Greatsword because it's immediately boring to me and as I was reading some comments on the other thread - GS has a very limited playstyle when it comes to different skills per class. People like GS because it has a specific playstyle to it. With Scepters, Daggers etc. **I think they can go a little bit crazier and more creative**.

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I really don't care that much about which one, because as long as ends being useless for PvP/roaming I wouldn't use it at all (the same as happens with both the short bow and the Renegade as a whole). PoF bring us mounts, but they have no use at WvW/Conquest, so for me the impact of the expansion in the Revenant was very low (I mostly play the class the same way and with the same weapons and traits as 3 years ago, except that I don't longer use F2).


I think that the main appeal of a new expansion would be to provide homing to our characters, one of the few things that still remain absent in the game, but again homing will do nothing for the WvW/PvP portions of the game. From an egotistical point of view, I would prefer the Greatsword over other weapons because I already have Eternity, so I wouldn't need to bother with crafting a legendary weapon to pair with my Bifrost or Bolt or the Flameseeker... but again, all this speculation have 0 relevance if the next Rev specs proves to be so useless in Conquest and WvW as the Renegade is.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:


It looks like we have one more year until the next expansion so I'm expacting some update to Renegade. I think it's good that they take the time to normalize things a little. To be honest - Renegade would be perfectly fine and even cool if it was a Vanilla Spec or Utility mechanic but as an E-Spec it's just too stationary. I think I understand what they were going for but it ended up being useless in pretty much every game mode except Raids. I'm all for the Renegade rework, no matter the result because it can't get worse than it is now.

I really liked the general idea of the latest balance patch - _disabling Critical Hit via Traits_.

What bothers me, just like you said, is the build we are running since HoT came out. It just got boring and overtuned so it's not that fun to play both for me and my enemy I guess...


About the Greatsword - this would be a cool weapon but besides its look and theme, it doesn't really seem like a great idea - maybe if it's a bit mesmery. Whatever they give to the Revs I just hope that Renegade gets fixed and next E-Spec is more mobile. Perhaps w can get a Spear.



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> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:


> I might be hated for it but I think that Revenant needs something like a Tempest with more Power approach. Glint rework opened some ways to play around Facet of Nature, especially on Mallyx. Renegade, well... It's stuck in the safe PvE spot and I think it's very bad because it's probably the worst designed E-Spec.


> I get why people want GS and Main-hand Axe because they would act as game changers for Rev. But I'm a huge fan of Dagger > Warhorn > Focus > Torch. If this weapon gets a good-treatment we can have a clean version of Trident where legends actually change what your weapon does. People hate on Ele right now but those who play it, play it because it's fun and that's what we need.

> Scepter seems great too - Razah here.


> I really wouldn't want a Greatsword because it's immediately boring to me and as I was reading some comments on the other thread - GS has a very limited playstyle when it comes to different skills per class. People like GS because it has a specific playstyle to it. With Scepters, Daggers etc. **I think they can go a little bit crazier and more creative**.


It really wouldn't be all that much of a game changer. Greatsword has a pretty standard set of moves that are replicated fairly well across the board. The greatsword is a fairly bland weapon in this game. I'd personally like a double dagger set up that gave us evades and dodges. Maybe even access to stealth. Stealth would be a real game changer for Revenant. There isn't a Soldier profession that has access to that. Would be nice. Or the scepter so that we could get a more mystical and magical kind of thing going.

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> @"Dace.8173"


What I mean by game changer is that a lot of people really want to have GS just for being able to use it. Because it's a GS. Then I think that a lot of people would even start playing Rev. So this might even be the factor of playing the class od not.


I really wouldn't want a GS for the reasons you already gave. Daggers seem like a lot of fun and ANet can actually implement whatever playstyle they want with these weapons. I could see Revenant with every weapon and it would make sense but Kalla which is just whatever and Glint - which we have since launch so it doesn't feel special to me.

I'm thinking of making a thread with some legend suggestions because it's fun and I'm really hoping that this year is going to be good for core Rev and Renegade.

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Lets JUST Hope another e-spec Will be good. Better then Glint. Without glint there Is no rev. I Dont have big hopes cuz this class Is least played one. Wvw,PVP, And 30% Are Glint builds(Herald) renegade have condi(great one) And Now diviner a healer. But renegade outsider od condi Is taken only because of alacrity. Can you imagine it without this boon? Garbage :-(


So lets Hope folks

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > @"Exalted Quality.8534" said:

> > Highest votes were for greatsword and scepter, so revs will get a torch, warhorn, or focus.


> I'd be happy with any of those tbh, although as stated above I believe they need to implement an additional offhand weapon baseline.


I'll be happy so long as it's not the greatsword.

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Mainhand Axe as a ranged power dps weapon. Rev is very versatile and solid on many fronts, save ranged power damage. Hammer is slow and defensive in nature. WvW is one niche where it shines as a damage tool, but that won't fly in PvE or pvp (no zergs, enemies more then happy to jump you, rather then staying at max range where hammer does most dps).


Also i firmly believe Revenant to be a heavy armor counterpart of engi and ele - the complex class that rewards it's difficulty with small pool of weapons - less crafting costs to be combat ready. That's why i propose a weapon that is already in his arsenal. For some ppl not having to craft/buy a whole junkyard of weapons to be ready for end content is important.

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> @"Dace.8173" said:

> Honestly, for the health of the profession, ANet should pick something that works with Ventari. Stronger support options is where Revenant would benefit most.


I don't think revenant needs another support spec. Herald is boonshare and kalla is a enhancer that only performs at 100% with other people in the group.

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