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Are gankers bad players?


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Gank build =/= 1v1 build


If you automatically think you are better because you won without considering multiple factors around, specifically BUILDS, then thats your issue.


Gankers arent bad, most of them are really good roamers who happen to have more friends online and have fun together, trolling, or looking for salt for some specific people who keep raging tru whispers.


I feel weird talking about stuff like this in 2019, unless you are new to the game ofc

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> Gankers remind me of cheesers in RTS games. The bad cheesers know their cheese well but can't follow it up with quality transitional gameplay if things don't go their way. Good cheesers know their cheese well _and_ know when to transition into more standard gameplay.


> Gankers are carried by their build in the first 5~10 seconds of the fight. That's what they're built to do. That's what their traits and utilities are for. But after those few seconds a good portion of their abilities are on cooldown and if their gank didn't land well they're forced to fight, ya know, properly. The bad players die **and/or run away**, the good players are able to make the most of the situation and continue the fight.


> I wouldn't generalize gankers as good or bad inherently, its just one of many different chosen styles of gameplay.


> ~ Kovu


That's I think the worst part of PoF and the "gankers" of today. You play something that a well adjusted person would call fair and you're likely not going to keep up with them when they run. I see a lot of soulbeasts that will sick em RF and when it fails immediately stealth, run, swap, leap, bird, leap and they're gone man, they're just gone. DE retreats to perma stealth, holo rocket boots x2 away and hit stealth, mirage blink, thrust, thrust, heal, thrust, jaunt, jaunt, warrior just invulns then speeds off into the distance, you ain't catching that without mobility listed above.


I think ganking without reason is bad, I try not to but if someone starts I'll engage and gank them on sight every time....oh and anyone on Gankdara.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> Hello everyone,

> My question is simple, but I don't want to create some misunderstanding.


> "Bad players" I mean players who lack skill and enough knowledge of the game to play their profession in a 1vs1.


> WvW is not a 1vs1 gamemode, and ganking is done by almost everyone to mantain partecipation and to get the heavy loot bag.


> But what I discovered during my roaming career is one thing.

> If I meet two or three players of the same guild, and I am alone and they attack me in a fair 1vs1 and the other 2 players just watch their mate, in this case those players are pretty good duelers and know how to fight on their profession.


> In all the other cases when people chased me 2vs1 3vs1 4vs1 5vs1 6vs1 and so on just to get the kill on me, with siege dropped after they got me, when I find one of those same guys alone in a 1vs1, even playing meta roaming builds, boonbeast, core war, condi mirage, everybody of them wasn't able to do anything in that 1vs1 and they barely dropped me under 80% health even tho silver gold platinum and mithrill rank and not at their first day of WvW.


> So my thought is: ganking will make you remain a bad player?

> I mean everyone is capable to go for clean up or outnumbered kills and win against one guy alone.


> Please don't say that WvW is not a 1vs1 gamemode etc.

> I know that already and people play the way they want to, but ganking has a price in my opinion, you won't improve as a player and at your profession.


You're not wrong if these players exclusively participated in ganks only, then yes, the likelihood of them being less competent when alone is high.

But I guess we can't really blanket all gankers under the same umbrella...

Many top roaming guilds gank as well and every one of their members are competent when alone so...


A reason why some guilds stop and give you that 1 vs 1 might be because they recognize you as skilled and want to test themselves against you.

But if they are not in the mood to test their skills though...then I'm pretty sure they will gank you...just like the rest...


And seeing that you are a mirage roamer...currently considered the most OP combat strength and overall roaming class, I'm not surprised that groups try and chase you to the ends of the earth =p

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It's definitely not a yes or no question. Entirely dependent on the player and guild. There are certain guilds that will absolutely never 1v1, or are known for having guild members jump you after one of theirs starts to lose a duel that started with bowing. Outside of those guilds most roaming guilds will gank, but often have very good roamers in them. vT is an example of one that's still active. Yeah they will gank, but I wouldn't underestimate them in a 1v1 either.


Best advice is to get to know the roaming guilds and their members. I almost never get ganked by the good roaming guilds as I know most everyone in them, so they let me be and I won't interfere in their fights.... unless they start to lose an outnumbered fight then I might blow someone from the third server up but hey, you aren't a roamer if you aren't an opportunistic twat from time to time.

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A solo roamer myself and from the way I see things, there are solo roamers and party/group roamers. Eg. there are players running 5man and call it roaming :smile:. Won't really know if they're *bad* with their classes until we try it out. Encountering another solo roamer doesn't means he is good until the fight starts and sometimes I do acknowledge the opponent's play/skill even though I won or vice versa.


Imo don't let it get to you(OP).



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Anyone that takes the time to practise 1v1 is going to be better at it than players that don't. Does that make them better players? Not really in this game mode. Just as important is gauging the skill of the enemies in front of you, the likelyhood of your friendlies being helpful, knowing when to engage, when to string people out, etc. Some of the solos could really benefit from knowing when not to attack the 5 man that is watching them pass by, for example.

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > Are gankers bad players?


> That depends. Are you alive or are you dead after the encounter? :trollface:


That's not the point as expected people cannot read.


Mine was just a > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > Hello everyone,

> > My question is simple, but I don't want to create some misunderstanding.

> >

> > "Bad players" I mean players who lack skill and enough knowledge of the game to play their profession in a 1vs1.

> >

> > WvW is not a 1vs1 gamemode, and ganking is done by almost everyone to mantain partecipation and to get the heavy loot bag.

> >

> > But what I discovered during my roaming career is one thing.

> > If I meet two or three players of the same guild, and I am alone and they attack me in a fair 1vs1 and the other 2 players just watch their mate, in this case those players are pretty good duelers and know how to fight on their profession.

> >

> > In all the other cases when people chased me 2vs1 3vs1 4vs1 5vs1 6vs1 and so on just to get the kill on me, with siege dropped after they got me, when I find one of those same guys alone in a 1vs1, even playing meta roaming builds, boonbeast, core war, condi mirage, everybody of them wasn't able to do anything in that 1vs1 and they barely dropped me under 80% health even tho silver gold platinum and mithrill rank and not at their first day of WvW.

> >

> > So my thought is: ganking will make you remain a bad player?

> > I mean everyone is capable to go for clean up or outnumbered kills and win against one guy alone.

> >

> > Please don't say that WvW is not a 1vs1 gamemode etc.

> > I know that already and people play the way they want to, but ganking has a price in my opinion, you won't improve as a player and at your profession.


> You're not wrong if these players exclusively participated in ganks only, then yes, the likelihood of them being less competent when alone is high.

> But I guess we can't really blanket all gankers under the same umbrella...

> Many top roaming guilds gank as well and every one of their members are competent when alone so...


> A reason why some guilds stop and give you that 1 vs 1 might be because they recognize you as skilled and want to test themselves against you.

> But if they are not in the mood to test their skills though...then I'm pretty sure they will gank you...just like the rest...


> And seeing that you are a mirage roamer...currently considered the most OP combat strength and overall roaming class, I'm not surprised that groups try and chase you to the ends of the earth =p


Right now I am playing an off-meta chrono build that I personally theorycrafted and still work in progress, but that doesn't mean anything, groups chase me even if I play core mes core engi or any other build, they don't care.


But yeah mine wasn't a rant against gankers, if they wanna play the game this way they can, it was just an observation during my roaming career, every single guy who ganked me in 2vs1, 3vs1 or more was so bad in 1vs1s even playing a roaming spec himself and being pretty high rank with many hours in wvw.


Yesterday another episode while playing this chrono build, 2 thieves gank me 2vs1 and jump on me after they downed me.

10 minutes later I find one of those thieves alone and he clearly as the upper hand as thief over chrono, countering me; well... he did reset the fight 3 times and he was coming back because I was spamming him the /beckon emote, 3 times he got out of combat to reset because he was about to die, he tried a fourth time, but this time without success and this time he got the jump bm from me. Of course he sent salty whispers, but that's another story xD.


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I definitely suck at pvp, at least in GW2, so when I go wvw, I do it for the fun and the rewards. This thing that people have with 1v1 battles in a wvw zone makes no sense to me because that's not really what wvw is about in my view. So I gank and zerg because when I'm on my own looking for a group to follow I get ganked as well. It's all part of what wvw is really.

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I've developed a certain roamers code which usually kills me :D. I never engage 1-3 roamer groups unless they attack me or start capturing objective I'm interested in. Sometimes when I meet someone at the camp or sentry which we both want to take - we duel. Winner takes objective, looser moves on.


OK OK... sometimes I kill for [bloodlust x 5] :).

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> @"RangerThings.9810" said:

> OP I’m with you. Gankers are mostly subpar zerglings trying to 111 the bad man. But it’s a gift: how much fun is it stalking down that siege-slinging-salt-sprayer? Otherwise it’s just random speed bumps. Cherish it.


> —


> > Gank build =/= 1v1 build


> Xv1 builds? We’ve peaked.


You seems upset by gankers but anyway yea a gank build is about to go all offensive mostly, a gank build to spike and run away, cant sustain a decent 1v1.

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I don't think there is necessarily any correlation. As stated above, there are players of various skill levels in all WvW playstyles, and there are so many situations that have different contexts as to why somebody may be acting a certain way.


However, it seems like many roamers (myself included) have their own weird sense of manners and honor that tends to contrast very sharply to a zerger's, and if you are able to adhere to those, respect is usually given. If other enemy roamers see you being respectful and falling within the "roamers code of ethics," if you will, this respect will often spread because these people tend to have a common goal and purpose, so I'd say there is frequently a certain degree of camaraderie. Oftentimes these players will be decent because they spend time roaming (oftentimes while outnumbered) and honing their fighting skills, so there is a possibility that they will be more skilled than somebody who outnumber-ganks all the time and doesn't have as much experience in fights not in their favor.


This is of course a generalization. Everybody does a little bit of ganking. Everybody's a cunt at least once in a while. But most people that leave me alone and that I chill with are pretty good players (in my eyes).

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> I am a good player.


> Am I not allowed to gank anymore?


> That sucks!


As I said, people are free to play the way they like, but if you wanna become a better player don't make outnumbering fight an habitual thing, or when you will find a decent roamer around the map and nobody comes in your help you won't even realize why you got downed and he won.


I found a lot of players who whispered me when they killed me 2vs1 thinking they were good and I had no chances even in if it was a 1vs1, dunno why but i proved all them wrong and some of them alone wasn't even able to drop me under 80% health.


Last night 2 condi mirages ganked me and I was able to constantly down one of them, but then stupid downed state and ress I couldn't get the stomp or cleave, they added me and called me bot because I did have more than 3 clones up... and they said the maximum clones is 3.....

And they were silver and gold rank... That's why ganking is bad, they didn't even have a clue of their OWN profession how it works...

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > I am a good player.

> >

> > Am I not allowed to gank anymore?

> >

> > That sucks!


> As I said, people are free to play the way they like, but if you wanna become a better player don't make outnumbering fight an habitual thing, or when you will find a decent roamer around the map and nobody comes in your help you won't even realize why you got downed and he won.


> I found a lot of players who whispered me when they killed me 2vs1 thinking they were good and I had no chances even in if it was a 1vs1, dunno why but i proved all them wrong and some of them alone wasn't even able to drop me under 80% health.


> Last night 2 condi mirages ganked me and I was able to constantly down one of them, but then stupid downed state and ress I couldn't get the stomp or cleave, they added me and called me bot because I did have more than 3 clones up... and they said the maximum clones is 3.....

> And they were silver and gold rank... That's why ganking is bad, they didn't even have a clue of their OWN profession how it works...


Happened to me the other day too (the fighting 2 cancer mirages). Apparently as a DPS mirage I am a free meal for them.....til I ate them lol. They whispered me that I was cheating somehow and that despite me being a DPS mirage, I still did condi damage (I run a weapon that has condi application, although I am running Marauder/Valk everything + traveler runes).


Asked them to tell me how much damage was done in condi to prove a point, didnt get a response, asked again then they blocked me.

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