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Your opinions about the "No repetitive farm" policy


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With Istan being changed soon, it should be interesting to have some fresh community feedback, make your voice heard and feel free to leave a little vote :)


I personally don't like this change, i think players should be free to choose if they wan't to farm mindlessly for hours or do multiple different content during their playtime.

What i especially don't like is, i feel like Arena.net is forcing me to play the game the way they wan't me to, regardless of what i'm actually enjoying...

This heavy daily-cycle policy can (and have) lead to a negative game experience that i believe many have encountered: "I'm doing X daily thing for some time and then it is just becoming a chore, i don't wan't to do it anymore".

Also, imo in sens WvW/PvP can be considered farming, i can roam/zerg all night (wich is basically doing the same content) pips are ticking, reward track is ticking, and same for PvP i can play matches again and again, but why when it comes to PvE you have to set a daily cap.

Anyway we are now in 2019 and i think it is maybe time for A.net to reconsider your approach on the subject, and i hope the "kept our players logged-in with daily things" marketing factor isn't too big of a thing in your equation.

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Gold farming will always attract players to the hot-spots. Game designers might use this to recognize that some sweet spots are so lucrative that they pull a large percentage of the players to the same narrow band of content.


In Halloween, ToT farming. Eventually reworked to be less rewarding than the prior seasons.

In Wintersday, gift Farming. Each season gives us gifts with less value.

Next month, Lucky Envelopes. Bringing swarms to fight dragonball, throw money at the NPC and BL chest keys.


Ever miss the days when we worked together to kill a map boss to get a decent reward ?

Remember when the Fire Elemental would wipe out the player zerg in the chamber ?

Whatever happened to the golem south of the Fire Elemental building ? ( a victim of downsizing ? )

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X is not healthy for the game, Y is not healthy for the game, they will claim. Look at Auric Basin Multi-map, at Lake Doric Turret farm. Istan was never going to escape this fate. Do not delude yourself, they have never wanted players to play the game as players want to.

Points about economy concerns are moot. Look no further than the recent nullification sigil thread to realize they don't care about it.

The only reason Silverwastes is allowed to exist as a repetitive farm is because it was designed to be a perpetual grind as intended.

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> @"hOpe.6180" said:

> I personally don't like this change, i think players should be free to choose if they wan't to farm mindlessly for hours or do multiple different content during their playtime.

> What i especially don't like is, i feel like Arena.net is forcing me to play the game the way they wan't me to, regardless of what i'm actually enjoying...


They aint forcing you at all. You can still do those events as much as you wish.

You can still grind them as much as you want. Its just that now you wont want to repeat it anymore cause rewards will be lesser after first run. Like, if you're enjoying doing those events, what is stopping you ? Oh right...

If they buff others metas in the same way they will buff this one, it will just be better for the game, bringing life to other maps and events which people didnt touch in months due to Istan being such a better choice.



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I just bought LWS4 E1 about a week ago and started Istan farming once a day. It needs a nerf. The amount of gold you can get from this is too high compared to other similar activities and is unhealthy for the game. While I personally like that I, who only run it once a day, may benefit from this upcoming change, maybe a hard cap of 30 chests a day is not the right approach. Diminishing return after 30 chests so that they’re not so profitable may be a better idea. This would allow players who want to farm it multiple times a day to still do that.


EDIT - A lot of farmers who are upset about the nerf are saying this will destroy their community. Thinking about it, I can see their point. GW2 is an MMO, and like any MMO, it is at its most fun when you're playing the same content with other players. With so many different maps, so many different activities, and every player doing their own thing, it's not easy even for many guildies to play together on a regular basis. As long as the rewards are properly adjusted, I see no reason to destroy what other players enjoy doing.

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There's nothing horrible about wanting to repeat the same activity. Some people love it; some hate it. But for ANet trying to produce a game that works for everyone, they have to consider not only what heavy farmers like, but also how that impacts the rest of the game.

* The economy is impacted severely by intense farming creating massive faucets of certain items. This is not necessarily good or bad; however, it is very noticeable.

* Wealth ends up accumulating faster for a subset of people, which ends up putting upward pressure on various high ticket items. Again, this isn't necessarily good or bad; it just affects those who don't farm that way.

* Participation in other activities drops off, because people are at the farm rather than anywhere else.


The OP wants to feel free to farm repetitively. The person who doesn't like Istan wants to feel free from the pressure to farm Istan to keep up. It's not just a simple matter of letting everyone choose what works for them; it's about what works best for the game.


I don't have a strong opinion about what would be best. I do think it's good for ANet to consider the broader picture, not just what's best for a vocal (and important) subset of the community.

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A.) Players should be able to play content they enjoy or want to farm.


B.) Developers are in charge of keeping the game balanced and in a healthy state. This involves re-balancing over rewarding or under rewarding content.


Sometimes A and B go against each other. We as a player base have almost no idea how damaging Istan might have been to the game over all (or for that matter PoF and some of the new mechanics introduced) since we can only perceive the end result (on the TP where ecto prices have been at an all time low since PoFs launch for example).


Do I enjoy when developers step in the re-balance something? No.

Do developers enjoy having to alter content which is played by a big chunk of their players base? No.


Also let's keep thing in perspective, it's not like the farm is completely removed. It's simply limited to 1nce per day for maximum lucrativity.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> B.) Developers are in charge of keeping the game balanced and in a healthy state. This involves re-balancing over rewarding or under rewarding content.


I enjoy when developers re-balance something, it really feels to me like you have to re-think your actions and look for new means of playing, and that sometimes takes me out of the endless boredom. My concern is that they are firing Istan since halloween with nerf after nerf while other metas never ever received a single touch, or i have to invoke Serpents Ire with that extrememly unworth reward that makes people cry when they have to complete the meta for some collection? If the point is to kill one map farming, give a boost to our other content options on PoF that are more than dead.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> But for ANet trying to produce a game that works for everyone, they have to consider not only what heavy farmers like, but also how that impacts the rest of the game.


And it ends up apealing to no one, not in the longterm at least.


> * The economy is impacted severely by intense farming creating massive faucets of certain items. This is not necessarily good or bad; however, it is very noticeable.


Thats fine and all but this fix strictly deals with the ability to spam the content for as long as you like. Its like fractals, u can spam them as long as you like but after the dailies they give fuck all.


> * Wealth ends up accumulating faster for a subset of people, which ends up putting upward pressure on various high ticket items. Again, this isn't necessarily good or bad; it just affects those who don't farm that way.

> * Participation in other activities drops off, because people are at the farm rather than anywhere else.


See then what works on that farm that everyone is doing, if the diff is astronomical then sure nerf the bis farm _by a little_ and buff alternatives.


a similar scenario would be to nerf hot because pof is unrewarding and poorly done.



> The OP wants to feel free to farm repetitively. The person who doesn't like Istan wants to feel free from the pressure to farm Istan to keep up. It's not just a simple matter of letting everyone choose what works for them; it's about what works best for the game.



Ppl work on diff clocks and diff paces if you simply cant keep up that doesnt mean u are exclusded from the things u want it just means that getting that thinf u want timewise has abjusted to your pace of play. If thats the pace you enjoy thats totaly fine.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > But for ANet trying to produce a game that works for everyone, they have to consider not only what heavy farmers like, but also how that impacts the rest of the game.


> And it ends up apealing to no one, not in the longterm at least.

How is looking at what matters for everyone creating a game that appeals to no one?



> > * The economy is impacted severely by intense farming creating massive faucets of certain items. This is not necessarily good or bad; however, it is very noticeable.


> Thats fine and all but this fix strictly deals with the ability to spam the content for as long as you like. Its like fractals, u can spam them as long as you like but after the dailies they give kitten all.

I don't understand how what you typed relates to what I said. Are you saying that you don't think intense farming impacts the economy? The numbers show otherwise. Do you think intense farming is absolutely good or absolutely bad for the game? Do you think the impact isn't noticeable?



> > * Wealth ends up accumulating faster for a subset of people, which ends up putting upward pressure on various high ticket items. Again, this isn't necessarily good or bad; it just affects those who don't farm that way.

> > * Participation in other activities drops off, because people are at the farm rather than anywhere else.


> See then what works on that farm that everyone is doing, if the diff is astronomical then sure nerf the bis farm _by a little_ and buff alternatives.

Again, how does what you typed relate to what I did?



> a similar scenario would be to nerf hot

AB is already capped in a similar way. What other nerfs did you have in mind?


> because pof is unrewarding and poorly done.

It's less rewarding, sure. Poorly done? I think whether that's true or not is a topic of a different thread.




> > The OP wants to feel free to farm repetitively. The person who doesn't like Istan wants to feel free from the pressure to farm Istan to keep up. It's not just a simple matter of letting everyone choose what works for them; it's about what works best for the game.

> >


> Ppl work on diff clocks and diff paces if you simply cant keep up that doesnt mean u are exclusded from the things u want it just means that getting that thinf u want timewise has abjusted to your pace of play. If thats the pace you enjoy thats totaly fine.

You're saying it's appropriate that people who play Istan 12 hours have much more disposable wealth than those who play everything but Istan for 12 hours? You're saying that they have the same purchase power?


Look, I really don't have a stake in this. I can make decent profits from people who overfarm, because they are more likely to accept lowball offers on their goods, which I can turn into high value items on which a lot of the same people will be more likely to overspend. I posted here to point out that the OP oversimplified the dilemma for ANet. In any change to the game, there are going to be economic winners and losers. People who will find their playstyle benenfits from the change and those who find it suffers. That doesn't make a change good or bad.


The point is that ANet has to make choices that are good for the game's longterm health, not just something that seems sensible to you (or to me, for that matter). It's not only about choosing between allowing people to farm one thing all day or not.


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Well, if you're a dedicated farmer, you're going to change your routine to maximize gold gain (like you normally would sooner or later anyway), and if you just like the content, you're free to repeat said content multiple times, albeit with less rewards for doing so. I see nothing game-breaking here.

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Anet created this problem... designing maps that encouraged mindless farms to encorage players to stay once they had rushed through updates and expacs.

It was always going to create a wealth saturation in game and that was only ever going to hurt their gemsales and gemstore microtransaction business model and now culling the lucrative nature of the farms will likely push many of those farmers to new titles because the replay value of much of GW2 just doesnt hold up well imo.

I am not a mindless farmer, I think I've run istan farm once maybe twice for an hour or so before logging off due to boredom so this change won't impact me in the slightest, but it is just another change that I feel is part of a shift towards milking players as hard as possible for as long as possible now cos something just doesn't feel right.

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Terrible poll. It is not a case of one extreme or the other.


What about, 'Players should be allowed to farm within reason and in relation to other content'?


> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> Players are able to farm repetitively. There is not a no repetitive farm policy.


Aye, exactly. The hyperbole is real OP

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PLayers should be able to do whatever they won't ... but as long as anet doesn't provide the grind as the only way to make gold i'm fine.


They (anet) should just make the meta spawns less often LUL whatever they don't know what to do with their ressources since they aren't motivated enough to work on WvW and sPvp since it doesn't provide enough money in return.

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> @"keenedge.9675" said:

> Ever miss the days when we worked together to kill a map boss to get a decent reward ?

...when the world bosses ever gave any decent reward?


But back to Istan:

1. There's nothing wrong in farming the same content over and over again, if you happen to like it (personally i don't, but i'm not everyone).

2. Istan farm might have been a little to good for its own good.

That's not all however, because we have one more point here

3. Anet should have introduced some alternatives first. Currently other LS4 episodes have next to no replayability. Part of the problem comes not from Istan being too good, but from the later episodes (and the whole PoF) just being not good enough. And i don't see them worrying about that part at all.

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While Anet has the responsibility to make sure their game world stays viable for the majority of the players, telling players how to spend their time does not sit well with me. It's like big government getting in our business all the time. If I want to farm Istan 22 hours a day (and I don't; I'm just an occasional Istan farmer), I should be able to do so unless this is literally breaking the game or the game economy. With all the code bugs still in existence for AGES (like the dismount bug which pisses me off every freaking time it happens), why choose to focus on this unless you just hate farming? Is this decision simply an equation of 'more players farming' = 'less need to convert gems to gold'? Cause that's what it looks like to me...

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> 3. Anet should have introduced some alternatives first. Currently other LS4 episodes have next to no replayability. Part of the problem comes not from Istan being too good, but from the later episodes (and the whole PoF) just being not good enough. And i don't see them worrying about that part at all.


I think Astral has it right here...instead of nerfing Istan, make other areas more lucrative as incentive to farm in many different ways. You could probably get away with nerfing Istan a bit, if you ramped up farming possibilities elsewhere to offset the change.

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