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I miss Guild Wars


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I remember that day, in Algoritam shop in my city, watching all the games presented before me. My friends were talking about WoW with such a passion, they could play games together! I never heard about online games before it, I played strategy games like Starcraft, Stronghold Crusader, Black & White, Evil Genius. While I was searching for WoW I also took a look what other online games exist. WoW was there, Lineage 2 also, EVE Online...I am sure there were more but I do not remember clearly. And then, there was that one other game I never heard about...Guild Wars. A dark lady was looking at me, a necromancer called Eve. I read back of the box, and it just clicked with me, I just enjoyed the aspect of having an option to make my own builds, I just loved strategy games!


And there I was, the year 2005, 14 years old, installed Guild Wars and started my journey. Made Elementalist because I wanted to play a Warrior who can use spells, and in instructions, it was clearly written that Elementalist has a primary attribute that allows for a much larger energy pool, while Warrior had a low energy pool. Not a problem to play melee Elementalist as a Warrior right? I was doing Villainy of Galrath quest with other random players, they were both Rangers, and they noticed the build I was playing and told me I was doing it all wrong. And I accepted that, deep down I understood my mistake. And what did I do? I deleted my Elementalist so I can make a Warrior. Yes, you heard it right, I wasn't aware of things like use an empty slot.


And there I was with my Warrior. Fast forward, I beat all the Prophecies Campaign missions, got my Healing Hands and Mending, and stood in LA shouting that I will do Villainy of Galrath quest solo for 1,5k platinum. At that time, that quest was very hard, but it also gave lots of experience. I could solo it, so that was my primary way of getting money. I probably chose that quest because I had a bit of regret deleting my first character.


A year has passed, Faction was released. That was a moment where I fell in love with this game. Such a beautiful campaign, Cantha is so special, Tengu is so special, Shiro is a badass, the best villain ever (for me). I wasn't really such a fan of random arenas, team arenas, or hero battles...but Alliance Battles...my biggest love by far. I stopped playing PvE, I stopped playing all other PvP modes, THIS was my mode, I just loved it so much. Soon enough I was in a guild that focused only on that game mode so we can hold a city! That proud grinding for Kurzick title was such a drug for me. I met so many cool people. I met that warrior that beat all other warriors in such a fashion that I was in awe. Later I found out he was a full Tactics warrior with Deadly Riposte/Riposte/Gladiator's Defense/Healing Signet/Gash/Final Thrust. Yeah, that kind of a Warrior, which wasn't really crazy, there were so many assassin and warrior players that were all so bloodthirsty to get kills. AB was basically a Death Match game for many of us, just a constant fun and constant battles! And constant banter, ahh...Kurdicks vs. Sucksons...


Soon enough I became really good as a Monk and I started my GvG journey. I wasn't ever a top monk player, but now I was a part of a guild that actually used voice comms! Callings so clean, teamplay on such a high level of synergy, strategies, skill building for the whole party! That proud moment when we were on Observe mode and other players watched us beating other guilds. That proud moment when I got/earned my silver cape! That proud feeling of being in LA, in AB, in PvE areas showing my cape to others and players noticed it, bowing to me, talking to me, wanting me in their party. Asking me questions, asking me how they can become better. Players cheering for me.


The forum was a place to gather, the wiki was a place to gain even more knowledge. I could be on forums the whole day and have a constant stream of quality content. People talking about Lore, writing their own stories. I will never forget "Journey of the cartographer", or players like Div and Marty who were our teachers on how to play PvE warrior and PvE monk. I will never forget Rebel Rising, and my idols Three Pounds and Awowa Classic. I will never forget my friend R E F L E C T E D, pro monk player who taught me how to play a monk in PvP.


And then year 2007 came, and soon 2008, and with it a word that a new Guild Wars 2 game is in development. I was so hyped for playing my beloved game in the Open World fashion. It is a dream never realized. And my Guild Wars game never got any other update, I was there, watching as the population declined, watching as I couldn't play AB anymore because there were just not enough people. I started to play League of Legends, that was my fix for PvP, I play it still today. Guild Wars 2 is a great game, but it doesn't have PvP I enjoy, nothing matters, I am a no name, no one even cares who I am. Guilds are just glorious places to chat. It is just not the same feeling. No one cares if I help with that bounty monster in PoF, ressing that poor brave soul and then soloing the boss while ressing that poor soul more than 5 times. No one cares if I heal in meta event. No one stops to talk to me. I don't remember when was the last time someone asked me to make a party and go on a journey together. I accepted that GW2 is a different game. That is why I stayed. But being in this world...it is so quiet, it is so lonely, no one needs me. I was so happy when HoT was harder, I thought, look...maybe developers have realized that a need to group is a healthy thing to make bonds with others. But no...this community was not interested in that, so difficulty soon after became "balanced".


I am still here, I like this game, but I am also sad, there is nothing like my beloved AB, beloved GvG, beloved Monk, and beloved community that wanted to play with others, now everyone is just on their own, passing each other, artificially grouping for group events and that's it. For a long period of time, I played this game only for a living story, for a few days/weeks and I am gone. And I don't like that it is like that, but nothing can be done about it as the way it is. I hope you others really enjoy this game.

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OP, I can understand your feeling and personally, I would prefer a contemporary version of GW1 over GW2 (which is not a bad game at all). While I can share your perspective, one has to be careful though. You know what was really great? Being young. And those are the experiences emotionally tied to the game of that time.

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And then there's me, I just couldn't get into GW1. I tried so hard to like it for months but it was too instanced and the story missions were too hard (or I was just bad lol) so these things made me frustrated. But then GW2 was released, I fell in love with it and I've been playing it since beta, 10k+ hours.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> And then there's me, I just couldn't get into GW1. I tried so hard to like it for months but it was too instanced and the story missions were too hard (or I was just bad lol) so these things made me frustrated. But then GW2 was released, I fell in love with it and I've been playing it since beta, 10k+ hours.


I'm with you. After I quit WoW back in 2010 I grabbed a copy of GW1 as I'd heard GW2 was in the pipeline. I tried to get into it, but the instanced content, the lack of jumping, as well as a few other things caused me to lose interest in it pretty quickly. I then swore off MMOs for 7 years, only to give WoW a try once more in December 2017, only to quit it again (for good) in Feburary 2018, which is when I started GW2. Now I play this game exclusively (and far too much) but the lore has intrigued me enough to dig up my GW1 CD and go back in time, as it were.


@ OP. Times are different, it isn't just the game. I remember being in an active guild/clan for Team Fortress Classic (a mod to the original Half Life, based on the original TF mod for Quake) where people in an online PvP FPS weren't complete kittenheads, and treated each other with respect. I was there for when Counter Strike launched its beta, and have subsequently seen the FPS multiplayer community degenerate to the cesspool it is today. Same with MMOs. When I first was playing WoW in 2007, people were friendly, helpful and kind to new players. The servers had great communities, everyone knew everyone, and if you were struggling with something, people offered to help. Within a few short years such players were derided as filthy casuals and told to git gud. Ironically even today GW2 players treat each other (for the most part) the same as I described WoW 11 years ago, which is a major reason why I love this game so much.


No with a megaserver it's hard to iron out an identity. In WvW there really are no servers anymore, and with the Alliance system forthcoming, they will be gone completely. But make the best of what we do have, because I'm sad to say that the days you remember are forever gone, and will never return no matter who makes what game. Our online world is a reflection of the real world, and when you compare what 2019 looks like to 2007, it isn't hard to realize that those "good days" are behind us, so focus instead on moving forward and making the best world you can.

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There's one thing I can agree with: The megaserver system, while keeping maps populated, makes it difficult to grow and maintain a server community. Guilds are excellent places to meet people, but they would greatly benefit from something like GvG.

Other than that GW2 is an overall upgrade over GW, at least as far as I am concerned.

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Hmm - makes me wish I'd been around for GW1. I was too busy playing WoW, LOTRO or SWTOR I guess. I've never really had the experience of playing a game where there's real teamwork/comaraderie. The closest was WoW way back in the day, before it sucked. Even then I think it sprang more from faction-loyalty than anything to do with the content. My friends were simply those who knew that Alliance are scum. I do miss that - sounding the alarm at an attack from the other side and mustering forces to counter.

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GW1 was my second mmo after Anarchy Online and yes i love the faction wars stuff in both of those. It got a little serious in AO, but it was mostly all in the name of fun. Alliance Battles remains the only pvp in an mmo ive ever enjoyed.


Im not sure it would work in gw2, but then again it has its own strengths. Im content with ye olde happy memories

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> @"Goettel.4389" said:

> I was extremely happy with how much better GW2 was compared to the first. Different strokes I guess.

Different strokes indeed. I think the main issue for people who really enjoyed GW1 is how much GW2 was not like GW1. After all the devs were talking about taking the best of GW1 and making a new game that would make it even better. Since they basically only took the lore as background and some of the names they essentially took nothing of GW1 into GW2. It's hard to justify calling it GW in that sense. However, that doesn't mean that GW2 is automatically a bad game but for me the main gripes in GW2 do revolve around things that were done much better in GW1. And I think that makes it kind of weird for some people to think they did it right initially and then made a new game and didn't keep what they did right. I do think that one thing that really stings though is how childish a lot of the writing is in GW2. That makes it hard to take any of it seriously... but again you rightfully said different strokes.


GW2 took a long time to grow on me and even now I don't feel particularly loyal to it. It just happens to be better than what else is out there. The upside is that it's always possible and more importantly easy to jump back in when you feel like it. I made sure of that especially by playing this game more casually than I usually do in this type of game.

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GW1 was a slow paced tactical rpg. GW2 is a fast paced action platformer with an RPG skin. As a result, I had a lot of trouble getting into GW1 when it came out and spent more time in WOW. Now that I'm older though, I'm more drawn to the complex strategy then the action, which has gotten REALLY repetitive over the years. GW1 only gets better as it ages, while GW2 is just getting stale.


When are MMO makers going to figure out that there are 15 million former WOW players who are now adults and are longing for a deep, challenging game? We have disposable incomes now... cmon... make one already. We are an untapped market.

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Big GW2 fan and hadn't played GW originally. Decided to check it out two months ago to get a few Hall of Monuments points. WAY more fun than I expected, great graphics, combat... and the lore! Most fun I've had in a few years. Have 20 HoM points so far and expect to round out 30 for all the GW2 perks in a couple weeks. Plan to come back in a couple weeks when I get 30 HoM points for all the GW2 perks, but been a fun break.


Use these guides if you want to give it shot:

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> @"Algreg.3629" said:

> OP, I can understand your feeling and personally, I would prefer a contemporary version of GW1 over GW2 (which is not a bad game at all). While I can share your perspective, one has to be careful though. You know what was really great? Being young. And those are the experiences emotionally tied to the game of that time.


Thats a fair thing to say but the game is still there and one can go and check it out, ofc you aint gonna get the same experience as back then due to population but ye.


I think gw1 does alot of things right over gw2 that could warrant such version of the game exist. And vice versa ofc.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Algreg.3629" said:

> > OP, I can understand your feeling and personally, I would prefer a contemporary version of GW1 over GW2 (which is not a bad game at all). While I can share your perspective, one has to be careful though. You know what was really great? Being young. And those are the experiences emotionally tied to the game of that time.


> Thats a fair thing to say but the game is still there and one can go and check it out, ofc you aint gonna get the same experience as back then due to population but ye.


> I think gw1 does alot of things right over gw2 that could warrant such version of the game exist. And vice versa ofc.


I am sorry but this is just not a fair argument, the game being there without any updates for almost 10 years does not make it any better, I already did all I could in that game, it's been almost 14 years. That argument does not make it any better. How would you like GW2 being in maintenance mode for the next 10 years, getting no content whatsoever? How would you enjoy that? I doubt you would be very happy with that version of a game, you would still play it here and there because you love it, but let's be honest...a lot of people here have problems with the amount of content this game gets, even when the content they are getting comes every 2-3 months + holiday events. Let's see GW2 without getting any for 1 year. Yeah. Sorry but the argument of GW still being up there just doesn't make it any better.

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Same here... GW2 still hasn't reached that epicness of GW1. And i'm not sure what is taking them so long... each of the games (not even expansions, they were FULL games) were made within a year. And the campaigns were much more massive and the stories were much more focused and better writing. Prophecies - April 2005, Factions April 2006, Nightfall October 2006. EOTN - the one true expansion August 2007. For sure GW2 has made much more money than GW1, so it doesn't make any sense why the content is significantly less, or it feels that way.


I know they have to make events and stuff. But nobody really cares about the heart quests anymore, it was interesting in the beginning as a new player but it's so repetitive now, especially because they don't affect anything in the world, aside from you accomplishing that for map completion. They even fail to add richness and lore to the world. GW1 just had the story, but in the world, there was so much to discover in the maps, think about, and you could actually put things together and it made sense.


Loved Factions to death.


I think what would really add to the world are outpost maps, more city maps but smaller. Ebonhawke should have been a map of it's own. Even in GW1 if you were the only one in that outpost it would still be cool because the design of the cities were amazing. Like Seitung Harbor in Factions, GW1... or even some of the desolate camps in Prophecies. Or I don't know if that would work in GW2, maybe just more capitals like the five capitals, every expansion.

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Like you when I first got in touch with gw1 was because all my friends were playing wow. I would never pay monthly for a game, so I searched alternatives and found GW.

The first thing that draw my attention was the huge amount of skills but I wanted to play a roguish type of class and GW didn't had one so it was a bummer.

I found out Factions was going to be released and had assassin.

Bought the game and found out it was instanced, was kind of sad but eventually the fun that game was got the better of me.

One of my fond memories was Thunderhead Keep mission, that one was so kitten hard, took me one week of several daily attempts to beat it.

On the other hand I absolutely despise Factions bacause of the slums, from kaineng till you get to jade sea/echovald the map is ugly as hell and ran like kitten on my potato pc (5! fps on some places), but Nightfall gosh that was a work of art, every single bit of it.

Pvp was a blast through the whole spectrum of options, from ra to gvg and the most fun I've ever got in a game (when hb were closed it was a letdown tho).

GW2 is nice but doesn't have that magic.

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> @"Mikali.9651" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Algreg.3629" said:

> > > OP, I can understand your feeling and personally, I would prefer a contemporary version of GW1 over GW2 (which is not a bad game at all). While I can share your perspective, one has to be careful though. You know what was really great? Being young. And those are the experiences emotionally tied to the game of that time.

> >

> > Thats a fair thing to say but the game is still there and one can go and check it out, ofc you aint gonna get the same experience as back then due to population but ye.

> >

> > I think gw1 does alot of things right over gw2 that could warrant such version of the game exist. And vice versa ofc.


> I am sorry but this is just not a fair argument, the game being there without any updates for almost 10 years does not make it any better, I already did all I could in that game, it's been almost 14 years. That argument does not make it any better. How would you like GW2 being in maintenance mode for the next 10 years, getting no content whatsoever? How would you enjoy that? I doubt you would be very happy with that version of a game, you would still play it here and there because you love it, but let's be honest...a lot of people here have problems with the amount of content this game gets, even when the content they are getting comes every 2-3 months + holiday events. Let's see GW2 without getting any for 1 year. Yeah. Sorry but the argument of GW still being up there just doesn't make it any better.


Gw2 would tank harder than gw1 without updates.

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Just look at how the people playing this game react to any kind of difficulty. They raise complaints about needing to group up or have a coherent build, and trot out the tired, bone-thin horse that is "I play my way". I'm pretty sure there's an example of this on the front page of the forums right now.


A lot of people don't want a challenge that will force them to group up and Anet has catered to them for a long time. Whether or not that's healthy for the game is up in the air, but I doubt you will ever get that feeling you did in GW1. For most, this is a single player game wearing an MMO's skin.

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At least In GW you could sit in an outpost and not get a barrage of 'cool dudes' thinking they are 'sick' talking about 'sick stuff'. TBH some of the conversations border on the disgusting.

Just goes to show what happens when a game goes FTP.

You cannot say GW had no challenge. Try doing some of those missions with just hero/hench.

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GW2 doesn't really have the tactical combat - its class system is a pale imitation and focuses on DPS above all else - or PvP game modes to offer anything of interest to someone who particularly enjoyed GW1's offerings. There's a reason none of the PvP guilds from GW1 stuck around long.

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Compared to GW2, GW is a nightmare game.

Nothing is handed on a silver platter, story is group based and some of the elite dungeons are really not made for the average player.

Now look at GW2, everything challenging has nothing to do with challenge, it's just a matter of dedication and time.


Anyone can do raids if they got the dedication and time, however, anyone with no more then 2 hours of play time isn't gonna waste their time raiding.

it will already take way to long to even build a group, let alone discussing strategy, DPS testing and doing the frikin raid.


in GW, you can get trough a dungeon within 30 minutes, however, you gotta be at the top of your game and since the game is based on building the perfect balanced build it's gonna take i bit more then just equipping the right weapon.

i have had ppl going to PvX and say they are ready, only to die at the first sight of a more powerful enemy.


GW2 needs time and dedication, GW takes skill and knowledge, that's the difference that set's the two games apart.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> GW2 doesn't really have the tactical combat - its class system is a pale imitation and focuses on DPS above all else - or PvP game modes to offer anything of interest to someone who particularly enjoyed GW1's offerings. There's a reason none of the PvP guilds from GW1 stuck around long.


yeah lol. most people who played gw1 quit right away. i had an alliance of I think 500 people from gw1, and most of them quit after like a month. it was so sad. i used to defend arenanet so much, blind loyalty, but now it's like, i can't do that anymore. the planning of this game is horrendous, even now. just been hoping for the game to get better all these years but it hasn't improved. i play for the story now, i try to play to finish all these achievements and stuff but it's just not appealing, and i want to dungeons and raids, but nobody does them and they use all these super new terms, so yeah i'll forget about that.


even the story is a clusterkitten, they should implement the characters already in the game to the story instead of creating new ones. Like livia, or the countless characters in the personal stories that were forgotten, so much potential. how about bringing the order of whispers back, i mean they were originally like the medjai of the GW universe. let's see what riel darkwater can do.


I kind of want them to add the hero system to GW2, so I can do the high-end stuff, or at least attempt them.

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