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I miss Guild Wars


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> @"squallaus.8321" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > Compared to GW2, GW is a nightmare game.

> > Nothing is handed on a silver platter, story is group based and some of the elite dungeons are really not made for the average player.

> > Now look at GW2, everything challenging has nothing to do with challenge, it's just a matter of dedication and time.

> >

> > Anyone can do raids if they got the dedication and time, however, anyone with no more then 2 hours of play time isn't gonna waste their time raiding.

> > it will already take way to long to even build a group, let alone discussing strategy, DPS testing and doing the frikin raid.

> >

> > in GW, you can get trough a dungeon within 30 minutes, however, you gotta be at the top of your game and since the game is based on building the perfect balanced build it's gonna take i bit more then just equipping the right weapon.

> > i have had ppl going to PvX and say they are ready, only to die at the first sight of a more powerful enemy.

> >

> > GW2 needs time and dedication, GW takes skill and knowledge, that's the difference that set's the two games apart.


> Classic mischaracterization from people who don't understand how combat systems work.

> The only reason you need to be "on top of your game" in GW1 is because it's combat system has bad movement that shackled players to play it in limited capacity. Can you strafe out of enemy attacks? no. Can you teleport out of an incoming attack? no. Can you dodge and evade incoming attacks? no.

> GW2 has a much more fluid combat system with a much more fluid and precise movement, positioning and action. This allows players to control their characters much better and to play at a much higher skill tier than its predecessor.

> Just take a look at the Fractals sub forum. Why do you think there are so many complaints about slippery slope mistlock? It is because content that was previously seen as "easy" but required precise movement is no longer possible. Same thing applies to GW1. It was only hard because it kneecapped players with its clumsy combat.


classic defend from someone who doesn't comprehend the complexity of GW.

the battle system in GW isn't clumbsy at all, if anything, it's superior.

GW2 doesn't have a fluid battle system in the slightest, it's one big mess with ppl able to spam attacks without even one single break system in place.

the whole reason why ppl ask so many times for more challenge is BECAUSE ppl can simply dodge out of the way, it is BECAUSE ppl have so many movement advantages that they don't need to think to win.

GW has that challenge exactly right, you gotta think before you act.


GW is like chess, one wrong move can completely ruin your match

GW2 is like a kids game, you have so many continues that it's simply impossible to really lose a match.

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@"sorudo.9054" It seems like you are taking only the perspective of competitive game-play when making your comparisons between the two games. For me, GW2 is significantly more than the competitive portion and, I believe, that ANet knows that the majority of the population is more engaged with OPvE which is why their content continues to be more centered in that area.


I never got into the whole PvP GvG thing in GW1, so I can't speak to the level of complexity therein, but people who are defending their arguments here might not be speaking to the same portion of the game as others.


For me, a lowly casual scrub, the combat system in GW2 is far superior. If I wanted a chess-like challenge that (to me) was GW1, then I'd simply play chess.

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i made this back in the day, mostly Pre-Searing Ascalon :-3


i spent sooo much of my teen years on GW1,

performing the deadly "Droknar's Run" over the shiverpeaks to earn my plat!

50/50 farming crystal desert,

defending fort aspenwood from those filthy luxons!

hanging around in Fisherman's Haven,

playing Alliance battle as a necro with a pet bear! (gods bless secondary professions!)


yup GW1 was and always will be one of my favourite games to think about, so many fond memories!

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> @"squallaus.8321" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > Compared to GW2, GW is a nightmare game.

> > Nothing is handed on a silver platter, story is group based and some of the elite dungeons are really not made for the average player.

> > Now look at GW2, everything challenging has nothing to do with challenge, it's just a matter of dedication and time.

> >

> > Anyone can do raids if they got the dedication and time, however, anyone with no more then 2 hours of play time isn't gonna waste their time raiding.

> > it will already take way to long to even build a group, let alone discussing strategy, DPS testing and doing the frikin raid.

> >

> > in GW, you can get trough a dungeon within 30 minutes, however, you gotta be at the top of your game and since the game is based on building the perfect balanced build it's gonna take i bit more then just equipping the right weapon.

> > i have had ppl going to PvX and say they are ready, only to die at the first sight of a more powerful enemy.

> >

> > GW2 needs time and dedication, GW takes skill and knowledge, that's the difference that set's the two games apart.


> Classic mischaracterization from people who don't understand how combat systems work.

> The only reason you need to be "on top of your game" in GW1 is because it's combat system has bad movement that shackled players to play it in limited capacity. Can you strafe out of enemy attacks? no. Can you teleport out of an incoming attack? no. Can you dodge and evade incoming attacks? no.

> GW2 has a much more fluid combat system with a much more fluid and precise movement, positioning and action. This allows players to control their characters much better and to play at a much higher skill tier than its predecessor.

> Just take a look at the Fractals sub forum. Why do you think there are so many complaints about slippery slope mistlock? It is because content that was previously seen as "easy" but required precise movement is no longer possible. Same thing applies to GW1. It was only hard because it kneecapped players with its clumsy combat.


I could, and did, strafe/dodge out of the way of incoming attacks in gw1. I know that others did as well. Guild/Alliance members and I practiced this at length for pvp.


The fact that you either could not do it, or perhaps never tried, does not mean that it couldnt be done and is no reflection on the game.

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> The fact that you either could not do it, or perhaps never tried, does not mean that it couldnt be done and is no reflection on the game.


Would love to see that dude interrupting 1/4 sec cast time skills, or doing 1/4 sec double knockdown, or catching almost perfectly coordinated spike with infuse, or playing with diversion/shame hex spam but still being useful for a team. Or knowing when to stop moving to not get extra crit backs, or get bull struck. I could go on and on.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> classic defend from someone who doesn't comprehend the complexity of GW.

> the battle system in GW isn't clumbsy at all, if anything, it's superior.

> GW2 doesn't have a fluid battle system in the slightest, it's one big mess with ppl able to spam attacks without even one single break system in place.

> the whole reason why ppl ask so many times for more challenge is BECAUSE ppl can simply dodge out of the way, it is BECAUSE ppl have so many movement advantages that they don't need to think to win.

> GW has that challenge exactly right, you gotta think before you act.


That exactly the point gw2 allows for superior movement as such allow for higher skill tier game play where as gw1 shackles your limbs to the ground with invisible metal bolas. Artificially restricting a character's movement artificially inflates how hard gw1 feels.



> GW is like chess, one wrong move can completely ruin your match

> GW2 is like a kids game, you have so many continues that it's simply impossible to really lose a match.


By chess you mean take a nap and then cast skill. Compared to Gw2's Rhythmic and instinctive game play it feels like an eternity.

You clearly play gw2 in full minstrel gear. Players in full dps gear go down in 1-3 hits in T4 CM fractals and Raids. A single dodge or well timed skill cast is often the difference between a wipe or clear. Only 10% of the gw2 population does raids, only 1% does fractal CMs. Why? Because the game is actually hard, but allow for high tier game play. It actually take time to play at high tier enough for the content to feel easy. But that does not mean the content is actually easy because a large portion of the human population can't achieve it without alot of practice.


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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> I could, and did, strafe/dodge out of the way of incoming attacks in gw1. I know that others did as well. Guild/Alliance members and I practiced this at length for pvp.


> The fact that you either could not do it, or perhaps never tried, does not mean that it couldnt be done and is no reflection on the game.


Not from what I've seen. Do you have a video link to show this?

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> @"Mikali.9651" said:

> > The fact that you either could not do it, or perhaps never tried, does not mean that it couldnt be done and is no reflection on the game.


> Would love to see that dude interrupting 1/4 sec cast time skills, or doing 1/4 sec double knockdown, or catching almost perfectly coordinated spike with infuse, or playing with diversion/shame hex spam but still being useful for a team. Or knowing when to stop moving to not get extra crit backs, or get bull struck. I could go on and on.


Are you sure you landed those and not because the opponent rubber banded or lagged out? The difference between gw1 and gw2 net code is the difference between night and day. Smooth game play can be had up to around 300ms ping in gw2.

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> @"squallaus.8321" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > I could, and did, strafe/dodge out of the way of incoming attacks in gw1. I know that others did as well. Guild/Alliance members and I practiced this at length for pvp.

> >

> > The fact that you either could not do it, or perhaps never tried, does not mean that it couldnt be done and is no reflection on the game.


> Not from what I've seen. Do you have a video link to show this?


Sorry to say, never recorded our practice sessions but attacks in gw didnt follow so you could literally just sidestep a projectile attack (as an example) if you timed it right. This is part of why the slow high arc of a flatbow attack could be an issue despite its ROF being comparable to a shortbow.


This wasnt a secret technique. It was a valuable, if not necessary, skill with the emergence of the R-Spike build in HA.

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> @"squallaus.8321" said:

> > @"Mikali.9651" said:

> > > The fact that you either could not do it, or perhaps never tried, does not mean that it couldnt be done and is no reflection on the game.

> >

> > Would love to see that dude interrupting 1/4 sec cast time skills, or doing 1/4 sec double knockdown, or catching almost perfectly coordinated spike with infuse, or playing with diversion/shame hex spam but still being useful for a team. Or knowing when to stop moving to not get extra crit backs, or get bull struck. I could go on and on.


> Are you sure you landed those and not because the opponent rubber banded or lagged out? The difference between gw1 and gw2 net code is the difference between night and day. Smooth game play can be had up to around 300ms ping in gw2.


A good rupter was expected to be able to catch those ultra fast skills. Often this was predictive. Learning an opponent's casting patterns, knowing when he would start to cast so that you were already on point with the interrupt.

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  • 1 year later...

> @"Mikali.9651" said:

> stood in LA shouting that I will do Villainy of Galrath quest solo for 1,5k platinum. At that time, that quest was very hard


Sorry for necroing this old thread, but I was searching the web for my old Villainy of Galrath quest back in the day, and this thread came up.

Did this quest solo on my beastmaster ranger with a seriously optimized build for the run (Balthazar's Spirit on my pet). Sweet memories of a time long gone.


I very much miss the days of the original Guild Wars, were you had a ton of skills to choose from to try and optimize for the mission you were going out on. Such an awesome system, and the biggest let down in Guild Wars 2 that didn't keep and expanded on that system.


Hoping for a combination of the best of two worlds in GW3.

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vanquishing areas on hm was tough. I went for survivor title once during a festival during which you could get double xp via elite skill capture and one final ele boss could have instakilled my entire party if I wasn't careful enough. That's why I had to dc on purpose in order to get a second chance once I have seen that I'd most likely die in the next second.


gw build variety was much higher and classes did have a bigger purpose. classes that specialized on interrupting people. classes that shutdown your build. condition overs and spikes.


Gw1 combat is way faster than the one of gw2, because you got lower health, but spikes are way more frequent like every 3 seconds compared to gw2 where you have an auto attack which deals more damage over time, but spikes temselves have longer cd and don't happen as often. This obviously doesn't work with zergs, because of boons the overall damage gets higher than normal resulting in huge damage outputs. The highest dmg output available in gw1 is having 2 ritus and 3 necros + summons in order to trigger pain inverter which deals in a speedclear session around 3k dmg to dhuum. average health is 400.

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