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What do you find to be the hardest thing to achieve in GW2?


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If my maths is right you need 27 gold llamas. To get 1 gold llama you need to place 1st in a monthly PvP tournament, then you need to either do it another 26 times or complete the PvP season reward track 26 times (or a mix of both).


Which is probably easy for some people, but for me it's virtually impossible.

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Getting A-Net to realise that good weapon design is more than just the 3D model. Why is this important? Because if they do I might find a reason to use some of the non legendary weapon skins. I really like Lyssa's Gaze but without the Mesmer themed SFX there's really no pont in using it over HOPE and the same can be said about several other skins.

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I play since beta, so over the years, I have done several things that were really - really - hard to me. Nowadays, the hardest for me is to learn, improve and become better at raids. For me personally, slow learner, fighting a raid boss is the most difficult thing in the game because it needs to know boss mechanics, area mechanics, own class and rotation, manage all that together while maintaining DPS and working as a team with guildies. That's my biggest challenge for now. :3

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Completing CM100 the first time around. Keep in mind that the fractal has been nerfed several times since launch, bugfixed several times, and there were no guides at launch. Worst yet, all of the l33t players were sequestered away in their own groups, so I was stuck doing it with under-equipped pugs who had no idea what they were getting in to. I swear, one of the players was drunk, and the fact that he always died within 5 seconds did not discourage him in any way.


Just to beat Arkk, it took 8 hours of continuous gameplay. Think about it: 8 hours just to beat the guy. By sheer time investment alone, this makes CM Arkk at launch the hardest boss that I've ever managed to beat.

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The hardest thing is always trying to find the time to do all the things. Nothing in the game is really that difficult, there's just so much of it to do and I know I'll never catch up . . .


As for things I've 'put off' -- i.e. given up on -- I can only think of two off the top of my head . . .


The first is the Not So Secret diving goggles. I encountered the jp for the first time very early on while I was doing personal story/map completion on one of my first characters. I loved it but spent a few hours that afternoon just finishing the jp and when I saw the diving goggles even higher up I didn't want to be distracted from the story any longer. Then I just never went back. I'm guessing that if I did go back now after playing all these years and doing all the other jps, getting that diving cheeve would be fairly trivial, I've just never done it . . .


The second was the gauntlet cheeve where you had to hit that shadow lady like eight times before you killed her, or something like that. I'd done all the other cheeves and I was just sort of burnt out on them and I felt like that one was going to take a while for me to get, so I put it off. Maybe this year, but probably not tbh . . .

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> @"Squirrel.6318" said:

> > @"Meestercat.2748" said:

> > > @"Squirrel.6318" said:

> > > Griffon mount, i've given up long ago

> >

> > It’s honestly not that bad. I put it off for aaaages but once I started I had it done over a weekend of pretty casual play.

> >

> > As for the OPs question: for me it’s finding a class to stick with long enough to get properly proficient with. I tend to flit between my characters so they’re all reasonably geared, but none are top notch.


> Could you give me some tips on how to get it? I only have 40g right now.


> I've tried following that dulfy or whatever but there's still the 250g I need. And i'm no farmer.


That's why you don't have to pay 250g, but 25g 10 times. Just advance by one each time you have gold to spare and you will eventually get it if you tried. Right now you can literally "print money" by buying the daily 16 envelopes and selling them on the trading post, netting you around 4 to 5g easily every day for the Lunar event.

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I'm an achievement hunter (minus competitive) and the hardest obstacle to get over is the specific tasks that rely on a massive group effort on a dead map. Honorary Crew Member comes to mind.


Realm-Portal Spiker being the biggest offender. You need Desolation meta to get to the realm portal spiking part. You need to perform the task 100 times but it usually doesn't last long enough to do it more than once or twice yourself. Worse yet its tied to Shadow of a Shadow that claims its nearly completed, but having sub achievements that take dozens if not a hundred successful metas to do. So it sits on the top of my not-so-nearly "Nearly Completed" list.


Its one thing that such a collection is on the top if you can do the tasks solo overtime. This however is just short-sighted development that frustrates specific players.

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Maxing Masteries. I gave up on it a long ago. :D I am absolutely miserable at these silly HoT mini games, I'm forever stuck at Bronze so they are just a waste of time for me. I'm not interested in Raids so those points are lost too. I've been playing MMOs since 2002 but I've never been an achievement hunter (most boring part of **any** MMO for my tastes) so those core Tyria points that need story achievements are lost too.


I actually don't really care because I managed to get the **important** Masteries that really matter, I just don't like the whole Mastery system. But I'm glad Anet made Mastery point acquision easier with PoF/living world, it's appreciated. :)

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> @"Boysenberry.1869" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > any of the HoT masteries, i have almost maxed all of the rest (i just lack the points to fill them) but HoT masteries are leveling so frikin slow.

> > i dunno if they require more XP or if the monsters in HoT territories simply give less XP but it's so frustrating.


> If I remember right HoT Masteries require significantly more XP to level.


You can easily max them these days buy using an XP Booster and go to Bloodstone Fen to collect the Unbound Magic globes. Do that on several characters in a row and you are done in no time. :)


OT: I just did Gold yesterday on all Griffon adventures. Didn't think it would be doable, then discovered what had been flawed in my technique previously, and after that it was not that hard to achieve. So I guess the "hardest" thing for me will be finally filling all the blanks in Fractal tiers 3-4 for the achievements - I find Fractals tedious and can't get myself to finish said achievements, so it is more of a motivational problem than a technical. ;)

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Legendary Armor, maybe not the hardest.. but the raid factor is what keeps me from trying to get it.. to much stress and drama.

After 3 years I am bored with ascended, more upgrade options besides sigil and runes would be a good thing.


Maybe time to take it to the next level .. Exotic, Ascended, Legendary, (ancient/Cosmic? ) lets go, do it.. we want to upgrade! :p

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Boysenberry.1869" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > any of the HoT masteries, i have almost maxed all of the rest (i just lack the points to fill them) but HoT masteries are leveling so frikin slow.

> > > i dunno if they require more XP or if the monsters in HoT territories simply give less XP but it's so frustrating.

> >

> > If I remember right HoT Masteries require significantly more XP to level.


> You can easily max them these days buy using an XP Booster and go to Bloodstone Fen to collect the Unbound Magic globes. Do that on several characters in a row and you are done in no time. :)


> OT: I just did Gold yesterday on all Griffon adventures. Didn't think it would be doable, then discovered what had been flawed in my technique previously, and after that it was not that hard to achieve. So I guess the "hardest" thing for me will be finally filling all the blanks in Fractal tiers 3-4 for the achievements - I find Fractals tedious and can't get myself to finish said achievements, so it is more of a motivational problem than a technical. ;)


Fractal Goddess title when? ;)

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For me.......**Memorising rotation and to adapt to changes after a build balance patch (I.e.: need to re-learn rotation)**:


When playing other MMO, I'm always a character hoarder and ended up making more new characters to try different roles; however, since playing GW2, I'm still a character hoarder, but I now only make new characters just to store things.


This game gave me the feel that learning a new character like taking a university degree. The amount of research required, the amount of time and dedication needed to practice a new build until you have all the muscle memory on the perfect rotation, is just so much effort that, I'm more hesitant to play a new character anymore. Not only that you have to learn rotation, but you have to be really good at it and make sure you fulfil your role in different situation: which is why I only have one character for non-open world game mode now.


I'm actually been trying to learn a new character so I can provide variety when need be, but currently I'm struggling to memorise the 2nd half of the rotation -> that 48 lines of Dragon hunter rotation on snowcrow yo! I've spent some days reading and watching videos about the build, and about a few hours split in 2 days to practice the rotation but couldn't keep up on the 3rd day due to life, therefore I will have to start over again some other time. I know for many people it's easy, I also know that after learning the "concept" of the rotation, it'll become easier, but to start with it's always good to just try to practice the posted rotation first (what works for me anyway), it's just so unfortunate that I'm one of those who was born with a gold fish memory..... I'm only good at using build with minimal rotation and will only cast skills that is required for that moment, for eg: druid.


I'm not complaining, I'm just trying to express how hard is it for me to learn a different character due to my gold fish memory brain, I'm not as smart as the average players in this game, but I won't give up! My goal for this year is to master a 2nd character and be able to use it well in fractal -> Dragon hunter. I have the gears ready, just need to keep practising, I CAN DO IT!

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currently, im fond of getting gold incrementally and buying black lion keys with them. not the hardest but you get the feeling that you need the keys asap but you need to max the pips in WvW, wait for the right timing to get laurels and Coins and harvest the mats from the towers/keeps before you get them keys. sometimes my mood wants me to have the keys asap, and that's the hard part.


200 gold earned and burned for ~7 days.


![](https://i.imgur.com/QI8Gtw4.png "")



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- A guild without drama.

- Getting the crack in the ice achievements solo for Aurora. (Not possible for me at the moment)

- Mordremoth migraine.

- Unlocking my last Arah path. I am missing Jotun for 6 years now. Every guild I have been in promised me "We will do it one day."

- Finding an apprentice, who does not quit after a few weeks or turns against me.

- The Yolo Challenge* in Sorrows Embrace Story.

- Finishing any fractal solo. I often get pretty far until I meet a certain boss which has patterns and skills beyond my personal skill level. I like doing fractals alone or with two people, by far the best place to test and optimize builds. But I never managed to complete any solo yet :S.

- Creating a design/cosplay character that I actively play. Once in a while I have the idea for a new character, looks, class, everything suits well. Build optimized, tested and adjusted. Gear collected, runes & sigils collected, optimized, tested and adjusted. And when the character is finally ready ... I return to my main-character and leave the new one as a mule/gatherer :S.


*Yolo Challenge: You basically do Sorrows Embrace Story with an overpowered group. You can use whatever you want, no restrictions. In the Large room, you ignore everything, rush down the ramps and engage the army of dredge. Survive the onslaught without a full wipe.

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