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Will we ever receive a new map for WvW?


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Do you mean traveling from one map into another? or do you mean phasing? cause for 1. there's no point, 2. phasing would be terrible, even wow can't do it properly after like 8 years of it, gw2 doesn't even do phasing just mega server matching when you travel to the zone.

Plus we already have enough lag on maybe 70v70v70, 250v250v250 would break their servers.



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I still believe the desert map failed because a lot of the beta testers weren't necessarily wvwers...to this day I still remember some guy named Docgotgame...streamer...giving out spots to his guildies with them all having barely any wvw exp to be in the beta test...and suggest the good and bad of the new map.

At any rate, when it came live and the gang went in within 1 hr of roaming between all the barricades, size of map for a smaller server/pop and the blob blitz middle event for the ppt servers to cap all tiered up stuff, the shortcomings were plain as sand.


The backlash when all wvwers had a chance to try it seemed to quell all anet's desire to give another one a go.

They tried to make it more mobility friendly and such but the bad press was done so the speak...


I don't mind dsbl but the major of the gang doesn't, easy to get lost asurians and the size of the map and often times the deadness of players in it.




The thing is the gang is still in wvw on a nightly basis yet that above streamer and guild long dead in wvw….


I doubt we will get a new map unless in the next expansion or as a reskin of eotm or such.


You can always dream but you can't always get!


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We probably won't. They received backlash for releasing a map that many players didn't even approve of. Then they wondered why all this negative feedback. It was hilarious to watch.


Anyway, I do believe they should work on a new map, perhaps a jungle map (aztec/tengu themed?) since we already have snow and desert.


This time however, I would like to see real collaboration with the wvw community to make the best map possible and not the mess we got last time.

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There were plenty of wvwers in the initial desert bl test, I recognized a lot of guilds and players in there at the time. Problem is they didn't act on the feedback, and also for the second test they didn't even give proper notice for it, it was practically empty, it was like on the second day of the test they let everyone know there was a test going on lol. It took them like 6 months after HoT release when wvw was dying at a rapid rate before they decided to make major changes.

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Desert map is my favorite map, but there's never enough going on there. That doesn't mean I disagree about how problematic that map is, there should be some non server affiliated modes of fast travel that individuals or groups can activate for a short amount of time if captured from one certain spot to another like the keeps have, sort of like how skritt tunnels work in the Silverwastes.


I still would like a mirror mega server for persistent open world because the triangle match/maps really slow to a crawl off prime time for a lot of servers/alliances when that takes off and then you're just down to repetitive point taking like spvp or something or sometimes nothing and you might as well log off.

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I tested Desert BL and felt it was a PvE map. I don't remember the laser being a lagfest it was on live server though.


You do remember the lagfest in middle for the laser, right? That was changed along with the ramps that were later added in.


What needs to happen if there's a third map for green BL is it needs to be alpine sized or smaller, more breachpoints and less defensive terrain. Green BL needs to be hardest to defend : towers should be able to siege keeps as on EBG and alpine.

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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"StrawHat.2639" said:__

> > > You can always dream but you can't always get!

> > I dream of the Tangled Depths Borderland every night.

> >

> >


> We'd probably get Dry Top with random sand storms that gives everyone perma blind.


The funny thing here is a lot of the PvE maps could make good WvW maps if objective points were added to them. There would some serious varied game play on things like a Tangled Depths map or a Droncis Mons. Gliding fit well into WvW though a lot of people didn't think it would. But one of the key things is getting in front of the players and building expectations that the playstyle on the map is not like ABL. 2 cents. Good hunting!

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It is unlikely this late in a games life they would build another map but I could and hope I am wrong.


As for Desert BL , the map is difficult to navigate, the keeps/towers are too big which makes scouting them is a massive pain and the time it takes to run from "Citadel" to the southern portion of the map is too far. If they gave me a run at DBL, I would shrink the keeps/towers and swap the spawn point with garri making the entry WP the middle of the map.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"StrawHat.2639" said:__

> > > > You can always dream but you can't always get!

> > > I dream of the Tangled Depths Borderland every night.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > We'd probably get Dry Top with random sand storms that gives everyone perma blind.


> The funny thing here is a lot of the PvE maps could make good WvW maps if objective points were added to them. There would some serious varied game play on things like a Tangled Depths map or a Droncis Mons. Gliding fit well into WvW though a lot of people didn't think it would. But one of the key things is getting in front of the players and building expectations that the playstyle on the map is not like ABL. 2 cents. Good hunting!


My point was mostly on the environmental side. If they left those out a lot of the maps would work. But we all know that won't happen...

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> @"Astrolicus.3716" said:

> Title. What is the possibility that we will ever receive a new map for WvW? **Would you like to see a new borderland map?**


No, it's already enough that people dislike DBL (even though the map is quite ok nowadays), don't need another map people won't play. Besides, the resources for making a new map could be spent better on making slight changes to the current ones (who needs the skritt events in alpine BL for instance).

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