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Least Used weapons, utilities, traits per class


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I'm bringing this up because there is alot of discussion with regard to balance, well we all know that certain builds are better for different parts of the game(pvp, pve, wvw, raid, and fractal) and different play styles(dps, support, hybrid, or condition based etc...). What I'm asking is are there any class's weapons, utilities, or traits that don't fill a role in any of these formats or fill them so poorly that they are never even considered as an option. Please note I'm not saying that they need improvement I'm saying you never consider them .

For myself being as I'm most versed on the Guardian I would have to say the weapons are ok , yes they can use some improvement but are they broken to the point that are utterly worthless no. Utilities are a mixed bag some are really bad except in very niche situations and some that while I myself never use I do hear players that do use them so I would say the two standouts that are almost never used would Spirit Weapon: Shield of the Avenger and Consecration: Hallowed Ground. Traits unfortunately I have a much easier time pointing to problem issues Prefect Inscriptions is a joke for a Grand Master and this without even touching on the overall usefulness of Signets in general, Tenacious Defense again doesn't remotely measure up for a Grand Master, Pure of Voice falls into the same issue as Prefect Inscriptions, Battle Presence does anybody ever even consider this REALLY!.

Bulwark I have never thought about over the other two, Heavy Light is the opposite situation in that it should be baseline for Deflecting Shot so if want your Longbow to have more utility you have to take it, Weighty Terms and Stoic Demeanor both are incredibly lackluster with weighty terms forcing you to use you last charge and go into cool down just to get an immobilize and stoic demeanor all your getting is a Slow on those you disabled or immobilized , when you look at the other two traits available instead of taking these it isn't really even a choice.

That's my opinion, I'm interested in what others think on their own classes issues

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No matter what profession you play, you'll always find weapons/weapon sets, utility skills and traits that are useless.


For engineer, Orbital Command which is a grandmaster trait in Explosives is one of the most useless trait to use. Not only is it a passive Mortar Strike from the Mortar Kit which is very weak, but it also takes a long time to deal damage. Sure it has a lower cooldown than the toolbelt skill and it's unblockable, but that's fairly lackluster when compared to Shrapnel and even Minesweeper.


As for utility skills, gadgets and turrets are the most useless skills engineer can use. Most of them serve no purpose and are incredibly niche and underwhelming. Why use the Flame Turret for burning when you can use the Flamethrower and apply burning better and faster? Why use Throw Mine for knocking back enemies and removing boons when you can use Bomb Kit to knock back enemies and apply burning, confusion, create smoke field and immobilize?


I can go on talking about how useless these utility skills are. The majority of them are either too niche to use or too underwhelming compared to other options.

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  • 2 months later...

I think we should make a post with the changes we see can beneffit the game .

For example change the traits less used or not used but in very counted moments and how we could change them.

Then we tell our ideas to Anet and pray they listen to us

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  • 4 weeks later...





all concentrations not called purging flames.

Shouts: receive the light, hold the line and retreat. Save yourselves needs work too, but at least it has some uses.

Signet of resolve, signet of judgment and signet of courage.

Shield of wisdom.

Light’s judgment trap.


That’s like half guardian utilities lol.




Zeal: blinding jeopardy and shattered aegis.

Radiance: inner fire.

Valor: strength of the fallen, communal defense, altruistic healing and tenacious defense.

Honor: pure of voice.

Virtues: virtuous solace and battle presence.

DH: dulled senses and hunter’s fortification.

FB: stoic Demeanor.





Entire retribution line and Jailis.






Shouts: gear me and on my mark.

Stances: frenzy.



Most of arms and tactic lines.


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@"RUNICBLACK.7630" Back in the good old days we have been saying that that stoic demeanor sucks. 2.5 sec slow with 5 sec ICD on CC. Sometime later Anet remade glacial heart to deal 2 sec chill, ~250 damage, no ICD.


Chill >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> slow, in any game mode.

Glacial heart is a major master, with weak competition in PvP and no competition in PvE. Stoic Demeanor is a grand master that competes with 2 of FB strongest traits.


Whoever is responsible for this is an absolute moron. This is legendary level of incompetence.


On another note, I use bulwark I pvp ?. I just find hunters determination to be extremely underwhelming.

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Most of thiefs traps are horribly outdated and in need of a revamp,not to mention most are bug ridden.


> Dont touch my Traps pls I am the very last person on earth using them goaway :P


Lol if they did it in the way my post was intended they'd be more useful for u,not to mention if ur one of the last who uses them than kinda points to a issue lol. I understand ur concern tho as its anet were talking about doing the changes.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > Most of thiefs traps are horribly outdated and in need of a revamp,not to mention most are bug ridden.

> >

> > Dont touch my Traps pls I am the very last person on earth using them goaway :P


> Lol if they did it in the way my post was intended they'd be more useful for u,not to mention if ur one of the last who uses them than kinda points to a issue lol


Yea i guess if there is only the one last lunatic holding the banner up just cuz he is crazy it gives a weak impression

anyway i would be happier being the last lunatic holding the flag than giving it to Anets hands they just might let me with just a stick and stick is not a banner anymore

Ironic metaphore i action intesified

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ele - earth traitline, mainhand dagger, warhorn, glyphs, signets, conjures

mes - offhand sword, focus, glamours

nec - death magic traitline, offhand dagger, minions

engi - turrets, gadgets

rang - mainhand dagger, spirits, traps

teef - mainhand pistol, traps, venoms

rev - renegade stance, shield, shortbow

guard - zeal, longbow, signets, shouts, consecrations

war - tactics, long bow, rifle, offhand sword/ mace, warhorn, banners


some of these utilities have one or even two good ones depending. some of the weapons I included since theyre only usable in one game mode. some traitlines have goodish choices but theyre pretty much garbaggio.


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"We have... CONJURES!"


Guess that's enough


Earth line is a joke, Signets are only FA Tempest, Glyphs are bad excluding GoS, Arcane skills are half good half bad, Cantrips are awful except Lightning Flash and even this has nothing compared to Blink, half of Weaver utilities do not see any play. Warhorn is bad except in raids, dagger MH is bad especially after last update as they made it less reactive/slower, Staff is now WvW backline only and even at that a Staff Daredevil places higher in GvGs. And personally, Weaver line is terrible for a so-called duelist, if it wasn't for sword, weaver's weaknesses would've been as clear as day.

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Shield nobody uses this unless rare circumstances.

Staff is bad if used as a main weapon or support. It's used as a secondary utility weapon for a reason.

Legendary Ventari is just full of badly balanced skills and some of the worst healing compared to other support specialization options.

Demon Has some bad grandfathered skills like that leap but not leap.

Dwarf taunt is well trash.

Shiro heal is trash by far worst heal next to Ventari which heal is a movement skill for tablet so don't count.

Renegade legend warband that does the bleed on attack is trash.


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ELE for all of it.


I will add to this because i was asked to bit less gen. about it.


Dagger main is not used out side of just being there. Scepter not used out side of fresh air. Focus is not used outside of fresh air.


Power Overwhelming (not enofe condi dmg on ele kit to make this worth any thing), Blinding Ashes (icd messes this up badly), Zephyr's Boon (every one gives out fury and swiftness), Inscription (trait) (Glyph are bad just bad this dose not even give aoe boons for as week as they are), Serrated Stones (bleeds not enofe), Strength of Stone (bad condi dmg), Rock Solid (worst stab in the game), Diamond Skin (just not worth the hp% for 1 condi clear), Written in Stone (Signets are a joke), Piercing Shards (no one is doing dmg for water even worst with the ice spike nerf), Stop, Drop, and Roll (It too hard to contorl its triggering), Evasive Arcana (just way too out dated), Latent Stamina (not enofe support vigor to make this worth it 10 enduration is nothing as well) , Imbued Melodies (it was kind of good for 3 months then got nerfed now its has no point), Lucid Singularity (Not enofe overloads and time being in overloads to make it worth the GM), Elemental Pursuit (too short of a duration super speed to do any thing with), Weaver's Prowess (looks good but not better then stab and swiftness adding dmg), and Woven Stride (Just bad it weeker then a map swiftness effect in wvw).


Glyph of Elemental Harmony (weak healing for a long cast time and even weaker boons on it.) Arcane Brilliance (too short ranged to use officeily and dose not heal enofe for the risk.) Aquatic Stance (weak healing even weaker support healing with an icd on it.)

Utility skill:

Arcane Blast (after the nerf this has become a non use skill), All Conjure (they are over all bad even though they have been updated at least 3 times), All Glyphs (they are just not worth any thing all of them), All Signet (all of these are not even worth the passive effect say the healing one),

Elite skill:

Glyph of Elementals (its a cool ideal to have a pet for ele but it offten dies too fast and is on way too long of a cd), Tornado (you die when you cast this not sure why they dont give it an evasion like thfs dagger storm.)


I hope this clears up every thing and promotes a chat and maybe one day read by the devs.



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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> ELE for all of it.


> I will add to this because i was asked to bit less gen. about it.

> Weapons:

> Dagger main is not used out side of just being there. Scepter not used out side of fresh air. Focus is not used outside of fresh air.

> Traits:

> Power Overwhelming (not enofe condi dmg on ele kit to make this worth any thing), Blinding Ashes (icd messes this up badly), Zephyr's Boon (every one gives out fury and swiftness), Inscription (trait) (Glyph are bad just bad this dose not even give aoe boons for as week as they are), Serrated Stones (bleeds not enofe), Strength of Stone (bad condi dmg), Rock Solid (worst stab in the game), Diamond Skin (just not worth the hp% for 1 condi clear), Written in Stone (Signets are a joke), Piercing Shards (no one is doing dmg for water even worst with the ice spike nerf), Stop, Drop, and Roll (It too hard to contorl its triggering), Evasive Arcana (just way too out dated), Latent Stamina (not enofe support vigor to make this worth it 10 enduration is nothing as well) , Imbued Melodies (it was kind of good for 3 months then got nerfed now its has no point), Lucid Singularity (Not enofe overloads and time being in overloads to make it worth the GM), Elemental Pursuit (too short of a duration super speed to do any thing with), Weaver's Prowess (looks good but not better then stab and swiftness adding dmg), and Woven Stride (Just bad it weeker then a map swiftness effect in wvw).

> Healing:

> Glyph of Elemental Harmony (weak healing for a long cast time and even weaker boons on it.) Arcane Brilliance (too short ranged to use officeily and dose not heal enofe for the risk.) Aquatic Stance (weak healing even weaker support healing with an icd on it.)

> Utility skill:

> Arcane Blast (after the nerf this has become a non use skill), All Conjure (they are over all bad even though they have been updated at least 3 times), All Glyphs (they are just not worth any thing all of them), All Signet (all of these are not even worth the passive effect say the healing one),

> Elite skill:

> Glyph of Elementals (its a cool ideal to have a pet for ele but it offten dies too fast and is on way too long of a cd), Tornado (you die when you cast this not sure why they dont give it an evasion like thfs dagger storm.)


> I hope this clears up every thing and promotes a chat and maybe one day read by the devs.




I really like ele, but a lot of its skills feel completely outdated and often I pick a trait or skill not because I like that one or find it useful, but because a bad option is better than a worse option. Ele got needed into nothingness, because of pve raids. How dare them be top DPS on the class with lowest health, lowest armor and most complex rotation. This now made ele pretty useless in PvP, more than it was before.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Gonna go ahead and say I have never seen anyone use Ranger Torch ever.


Don't come up to me as a special snowflake and go "But I use Ranger Torch :c"


**_I legit have never seen anyone seriously use Ranger Torch and explain to me why and how they use it._**

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> @"Yasai.3549" said:

> Gonna go ahead and say I have never seen anyone use Ranger Torch ever.


> Don't come up to me as a special snowflake and go "But I use Ranger Torch :c"


> **_I legit have never seen anyone seriously use Ranger Torch and explain to me why and how they use it._**


Yeah it has no utility and is only used for condi dps for raids or t4.


I used it on a druid AoE focussed mobbing build but I haven't used it in ages.

No ground target on 5 and no utility on 4.

Offhand of rangers are generally a bit underwhelming except WH.

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Just to add for rev:

At minimum one of the legend skills suck.

Jalis taunt: sucks. Would be better with AoEs and/or blocks

Mallyx Stunbreak: Costs waaaaaaay to much to cast. And the cone skill is spammable but the cone is barely visible and would also be better as PbAoE.

Ventari: The cleanse skill sucks balls. It costs way to much for some cleanse and does not even have a stunbreak. The elite is stupid because you blow up your tablet and you have to resummon it (although it's the better cleanse than the actual cleanse skill).

Shiro: Heal is pretty bad. Pump up the leech heal please atleast for PvE. It's just horrible to use.

Glints shield is to immobile for proper use and kalla is a joke through and through.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Yasai.3549" said:

> Gonna go ahead and say I have never seen anyone use Ranger Torch ever.


> Don't come up to me as a special snowflake and go "But I use Ranger Torch :c"


> **_I legit have never seen anyone seriously use Ranger Torch and explain to me why and how they use it._**


Not a special snowflake but you do realise that torch is meta for soulbeast in raids.

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > Ranger daggers.

> > Ranger traps and some Signets. But not all of them. Mainly hunt and renewal.

> > Signet if the wild is used for its passive. It's active sucks.


> Dagger is meta pick for cdps soulbeast for raids.


Soulbeast dagger yes.

But it's utility is garbage and OH is the least used weapon on ranger period. It's used very scarcely in PvP and that's it.

And MH dagger is useless outside of raids. You better go with sword in open PvE or even better Axe MH.

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