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THE WARCLAW - Announcement


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> @"gebrechen.5643" said:


> > > @"LINKAZZATORE.8135" said:

> > > rememeber those THOUSANDS OF kitten PEOPLE asking for GVG in a game called "guild wars" since 6 years? give them a mount


> Yeah. I remember. And they got Obsidian Sanctum for GvG and the guild hall arena. And still people GvG in the borderlands on a regular basis.

> If people wanted to fight other guilds there a plenty of ways.




guild hall arena where you use pve balance instead of wvw.

os arena where anyone can come and troll and you are forced to fight only those 2 servers in current matchup

eotm arena where anyone can come and troll and you are forced to fight only those servers with different color


none of the 3 solutions are optimal, none of them are a real support to gvg, it's just a little "shut up and go away".


when will we be able to fight guilds from our own server?

when will we have guilds leaderboards?

when will we have some guilds torunament that isn't made by ourselves on the gvg discord?

when will we get something that isn't just a goddamn joke?


there get a mount and shut up ahhaahahaha

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Will this be available to everyone or just PoF owners? Because if it's not something everyone can access in a competitive environment it's literally pay to win (depending on how useful it is, anyhow).


I think if it's implemented well it could be kinda fun, could give you a way to roam around a map faster or do more things with small numbers. But until we know more there's not really much we can judge on.


One thing that looks "worrying" is that it can open gates, imagine a full zerg on mounts doing that... why even use siege? Hopefully they balance that well. (I'm not hopeful, but hey, k-train week?)


Could be funny to have dismounting traps (like supply removal traps) or have disablers work on them.

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> @"Picollino.9861" said:

> One more sign that you dom´t listen what your Player wants.

> And if it must be Mounts PLEASE delete the attackskills PLEASE



They should add an extra mastery to the ballista that teaches you to shoot a harpoon at mounts to disable their ability to dismount and pull them in. XD


Imagine it.


* Fire harpoon at invader riding mount.

* Harpoon skill flips over to "Reel it in". Repeatedly using this skill pulls the harpooned mount.

* Enemy has their dismount disabled for 60s, and their engage skill gets replaced with "Struggle". They need to use that skill to slow down the reeling long enough to dismount, or they'll get caught.

* If the harpooned mount gets close enough, the "Reel it in" skill flips over to a third skill: "Catch", that fires a net at the enemy, dismounting them, dazing them, and giving them 10s immobilize and 5 stacks of torment for 10s.

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> @"Lottie.5370" said:

> Will this be available to everyone or just PoF owners? Because if it's not something everyone can access in a competitive environment it's literally pay to win (depending on how useful it is, anyhow).


> I think if it's implemented well it could be kinda fun, could give you a way to roam around a map faster or do more things with small numbers. But until we know more there's not really much we can judge on.


> One thing that looks "worrying" is that it can open gates, imagine a full zerg on mounts doing that... why even use siege? Hopefully they balance that well. (I'm not hopeful, but hey, k-train week?)


> Could be funny to have dismounting traps (like supply removal traps) or have disablers work on them.


> @"Lottie.5370" said:

> Will this be available to everyone or just PoF owners? Because if it's not something everyone can access in a competitive environment it's literally pay to win (depending on how useful it is, anyhow).


**_> I think if it's implemented well it could be kinda fun, could give you a way to roam around a map faster or do more things with small numbers. But until we know more there's not really much we can judge on.


> One thing that looks "worrying" is that it can open gates, imagine a full zerg on mounts doing that... why even use siege? Hopefully they balance that well. (I'm not hopeful, but hey, k-train week?)_**


> Could be funny to have dismounting traps (like supply removal traps) or have disablers work on them.


Just picture a 50 man blob sneak attack with 50 mounts, 10 guilds rams t3 gates will melt....defending will become meaningless besides invulnerable....unstoppable...TLR tried doing it WvW this week with golem portals and speed at weird hours so yeah example.

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> Do you even listen to your players ?

> We wanted an actual WvW update that would make it better and bring players in.

The thing is, this IS an attempt to bring players in.


Most players have tried WvW, and yet most don't seem to enjoy it enough to keep coming back. If you want more players, you have to make WvW more enjoyable for them.


Story time: I don't enjoy WvW (or most kinds of PvP, really), but I've jumped in from time to time to get something. My starting experiences were basically going in, hearing a bunch of yelling that I didn't understand, and heading out to attempt to find the location I was looking for. I'd try to avoid other players, but eventually I'd get lost or just run out of luck, and suddenly I'm dead. Respawn, spend another 5 minutes trying to find my way, wind up dead. Four tries to get to the wolf I wanted for my Ranger, and I was more than done with that shit. Next time, I decided to try finding one of those groups and sticking with them. Jumped in, saw one on the map, and headed off to join them. But they kept moving, I got turned around, and... Okay, try again. Die again. Couple more times before I finally catch up to them, and by that point I was just about done with that crap anyway.


Now, you can say "just get good", and yeah, that's the answer. But after that, why would I want to? Why would ANYONE that has that kind of introduction to WvW want to go back? But now look at the story again and ask yourself how that would play out with even a basic mount. Faster travel times and less frustration means more willingness to stay and maybe learn how to keep up with WvW. I know I'm not the only one that's had that kind of introduction to WvW, mounts will make the game mode much more friendly to inexperienced players, if they have/use them.


"Experienced" WvW players seem to dislike the Warclaw. I'm sorry, but if ANet just gives you guys what you want, WvW is going to continue to die a slow death. What you want isn't bringing in new players, and it's the nature of the classes that they'll never be fully balanced against each other. Only serious changes (many of which you may dislike or even hate) will get enough new players in to keep WvW going in the long run.

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > Do you even listen to your players ?

> > We wanted an actual WvW update that would make it better and bring players in.

> The thing is, this IS an attempt to bring players in.


> Most players have tried WvW, and yet most don't seem to enjoy it enough to keep coming back. If you want more players, you have to make WvW more enjoyable for them.


> Story time: I don't enjoy WvW (or most kinds of PvP, really), but I've jumped in from time to time to get something. My starting experiences were basically going in, hearing a bunch of yelling that I didn't understand, and heading out to attempt to find the location I was looking for. I'd try to avoid other players, but eventually I'd get lost or just run out of luck, and suddenly I'm dead. Respawn, spend another 5 minutes trying to find my way, wind up dead. Four tries to get to the wolf I wanted for my Ranger, and I was more than done with that kitten. Next time, I decided to try finding one of those groups and sticking with them. Jumped in, saw one on the map, and headed off to join them. But they kept moving, I got turned around, and... Okay, try again. Die again. Couple more times before I finally catch up to them, and by that point I was just about done with that kitten anyway.


> Now, you can say "just get good", and yeah, that's the answer. But after that, why would I want to? Why would ANYONE that has that kind of introduction to WvW want to go back? But now look at the story again and ask yourself how that would play out with even a basic mount. Faster travel times and less frustration means more willingness to stay and maybe learn how to keep up with WvW. I know I'm not the only one that's had that kind of introduction to WvW, mounts will make the game mode much more friendly to inexperienced players, if they have/use them.


> "Experienced" WvW players seem to dislike the Warclaw. I'm sorry, but if ANet just gives you guys what you want, WvW is going to continue to die a slow death. What you want isn't bringing in new players, and it's the nature of the classes that they'll never be fully balanced against each other. Only serious changes (many of which you may dislike or even hate) will get enough new players in to keep WvW going in the long run.


And who of those casuals coming to WvW is going to carry it? NOONE!

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > Do you even listen to your players ?

> > We wanted an actual WvW update that would make it better and bring players in.

> The thing is, this IS an attempt to bring players in.


> Most players have tried WvW, and yet most don't seem to enjoy it enough to keep coming back. If you want more players, you have to make WvW more enjoyable for them.


> Story time: I don't enjoy WvW (or most kinds of PvP, really), but I've jumped in from time to time to get something. My starting experiences were basically going in, hearing a bunch of yelling that I didn't understand, and heading out to attempt to find the location I was looking for. I'd try to avoid other players, but eventually I'd get lost or just run out of luck, and suddenly I'm dead. Respawn, spend another 5 minutes trying to find my way, wind up dead. Four tries to get to the wolf I wanted for my Ranger, and I was more than done with that kitten. Next time, I decided to try finding one of those groups and sticking with them. Jumped in, saw one on the map, and headed off to join them. But they kept moving, I got turned around, and... Okay, try again. Die again. Couple more times before I finally catch up to them, and by that point I was just about done with that kitten anyway.


> Now, you can say "just get good", and yeah, that's the answer. But after that, why would I want to? Why would ANYONE that has that kind of introduction to WvW want to go back? But now look at the story again and ask yourself how that would play out with even a basic mount. Faster travel times and less frustration means more willingness to stay and maybe learn how to keep up with WvW. I know I'm not the only one that's had that kind of introduction to WvW, mounts will make the game mode much more friendly to inexperienced players, if they have/use them.


> "Experienced" WvW players seem to dislike the Warclaw. I'm sorry, but if ANet just gives you guys what you want, WvW is going to continue to die a slow death. What you want isn't bringing in new players, and it's the nature of the classes that they'll never be fully balanced against each other. Only serious changes (many of which you may dislike or even hate) will get enough new players in to keep WvW going in the long run.


What would bring players in is: Rewards, better maps, better matchups, and so on. Not a big pointless mount that would clutter the screen and ruin everything.

Did you know that WvW gives almost no rewards? and WvW players spend most of their in-game hours in it...for what? ...

The fact that there's literally 50+ and even 100+ queue for WvW during double exp week(end) just proves my point, that it's nothing to do with mounts but REWARDS. I'd prefer better maps myself really, we had same map since launch and people said they absolutely hate EotM map and what did they do? add a map that's basically like EotM ... which proves another point of mine, that they don't care to listen.

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This isn't a game development move to prolong playerbase in WvW, this is strictly a money development move to get people to open their wallets more.


We have seen single single purchase gemstore mounts at 2k+ gems. You think WvW is going to fit into any of those choose your skin scrolls at lower price, fat chance.

4 people transferring to a medium server = 2k gems. If an alliance currently of 50 members transferred they would spend 25,000 gems, 12 people would need to buy mount skins at 2k gems to get 24,000 gems. Less people and make the same amount of money? Why not.

The alliance in development will give us a free guild selection before actual fight week starts eliminating a large portion of income from transfers potentially.

And you can not vary in how many people actually buy gems with gold or with money, ANet will probably never disclose that information.


PVE is a cash cow with vanity items, this is appealing to the PVE community wallet to get them into WVW to get the mount and then buy skins for it. Not actually stay in the game mode.


"WvW Weeklong Bonus. To get you in the saddle quickly, you’ll earn double WXP when playing in WvW from February 26 to March 5". WvW is going to get an artificial inflation of activity when people play to get the mount, people who never played WVW will probably get the mount and just dip and never touch the game mode again. That's not prolonging any development at all. It's just prolonging people potentially buying gems and buying a mount skin that has zero bearing on PVE gameplay.


And when all these WvW mounts make them money, you think any of that is going into any of WvW development? Doubt it. It will get circled back around into the area that makes them money, LW and skins.



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I doubt this is gonna help smoothen server processing, and i rather would have had some more things to do with my useless WvWvW currencies.


Or see improvements like, -allowing more skills and mechanics such as weapon swapping to be used mid air to counter server and client position desync, have tab targetting be 360 radius instead of frontal 180, again to counter client desync, or simply normalise hitboxes, fixing radius animations and animations in general that need fixing to reflect their effects properly.


But i guess a new fluffy mount will do, '' Kitten ''

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> @"Mechanix.9315" said:

> https://www.mmogames.com/gamenews/guild-wars-2-wvw-mount-warclaw-announced/


> 1- The Warclaw comes with three special abilities that will enhance your WvW gameplay. The first is Battle Maul. When you jump into battle while mounted your Warclaw will maul your enemy before it disappears. This is your standard attack and dismount move.


> 2- The second ability is Chain Pull and from a WvWer’s standpoint possibly the most exciting of the three abilities. Those on Warclaws will be able to help pull down gates to gain entrance to whatever structure the zerg is currently focused on. This is an advanced ability which almost certainly means that it will have to be unlocked. As of writing this, pre-embargo we don’t yet have that information.


> 3- The final ability is Evade. Get a quick burst of speed and evade attacks allowing you to break through enemy lines. This will be especially useful in Castle sieges where getting a team through the hall quickly to attack from behind will add a very interesting new element to the event.


> Rip roaming, its been fun


So, I wonder how many points of wvw experience it will take to gain a mount, then how many to unlock each skill?


Pretty lame addition as it addresses none of the major issues the game mode has-but just another pve bit of fluff time gated of course and then with abilities that will need to be unlocked (let's hope the unlock requirements aren't as stupid as the original wvw achievements were).


I actually laughed then sniggered when I saw what the 'big news' for wvw was. The 'big news' is more pve is being pushed into the game mode that the majority of wvw players don't want or need- and now wvw will be unplayable whilst the double exp event is on making core wvw players even less interested in logging on. But for a while the metrics will look better before dropping down even worse than before.

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i have a question:


Did arenanet consider all the players who have potato computers, and have to play WvW with very low settings, basic models, in order to gain a bit more fps while in a zerg fight? Dosent this mean that the mount skins will be useless even for the fashion meta?

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I just hope Claw becomes avaliable like 1 or 3max per map.... or guild that claims SMC can be alowed to have a Claw within their comamnder IF NOT will be extremelly borken for sure in several aspects (but that's already what i feel about game dev's on Gw2... their idioticy wont surprise me), its actually when they do something decent that surprises me.




Guys imagine a zerg of Claws hitting gates... imagine 80 player used mounts ... unmount .. kill lord.

Skilled game. GG.


Next step would be remove siege and supply... next had a mount that flyes directly to lord room and instacap.

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Why is everyone freaking out? We haven't even seen how the mount works yet in the live stream and we're already passing judgement, seriously?


Stop assuming worst-case scenario. There is a good chance mounts will be balanced and will actually **add value to the game mode** without making any of its current issues worse. Anet has demonstrated tone deafness before but they are not unintelligent. They certainly considered these things before thinking of implementing mounts. The fact that this is a wvw-exclusive mount and not one of the pve-mounts is proof of that!


Give it a chance first, at least in the form of seeing how it works in the live stream before passing judgement, sheesh....

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I guess what bothers me most and I'm sorry if this was mentioned already. I admit I have not read the whole thread. But, they say you have to have POF in order to unlock this mount. The mount has some capabilities as far as ramming and we do see it pounce on a Charr on foot.........so there is an advantage (even be it a small one ) Over a player that does not have the mount. Does this not border on pay to win then?


I'm not saying I am against having a mount for movement, as until they implement it into the game, I have no way of knowing if it's a good thing or not. I do not feel it's good if it has extra abilities though.

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > Do you even listen to your players ?

> > We wanted an actual WvW update that would make it better and bring players in.

> The thing is, this IS an attempt to bring players in.


> Most players have tried WvW, and yet most don't seem to enjoy it enough to keep coming back. If you want more players, you have to make WvW more enjoyable for them.


> Story time: I don't enjoy WvW (or most kinds of PvP, really), but I've jumped in from time to time to get something. My starting experiences were basically going in, hearing a bunch of yelling that I didn't understand, and heading out to attempt to find the location I was looking for. I'd try to avoid other players, but eventually I'd get lost or just run out of luck, and suddenly I'm dead. Respawn, spend another 5 minutes trying to find my way, wind up dead. Four tries to get to the wolf I wanted for my Ranger, and I was more than done with that kitten. Next time, I decided to try finding one of those groups and sticking with them. Jumped in, saw one on the map, and headed off to join them. But they kept moving, I got turned around, and... Okay, try again. Die again. Couple more times before I finally catch up to them, and by that point I was just about done with that kitten anyway.


> Now, you can say "just get good", and yeah, that's the answer. But after that, why would I want to? Why would ANYONE that has that kind of introduction to WvW want to go back? But now look at the story again and ask yourself how that would play out with even a basic mount. Faster travel times and less frustration means more willingness to stay and maybe learn how to keep up with WvW. I know I'm not the only one that's had that kind of introduction to WvW, mounts will make the game mode much more friendly to inexperienced players, if they have/use them.


> "Experienced" WvW players seem to dislike the Warclaw. I'm sorry, but if ANet just gives you guys what you want, WvW is going to continue to die a slow death. What you want isn't bringing in new players, and it's the nature of the classes that they'll never be fully balanced against each other. Only serious changes (many of which you may dislike or even hate) will get enough new players in to keep WvW going in the long run.


You wrote an awfully long text, which could be summarized by: "make wvw have more pve elements pls, instead of actual WvW specific balanced content that could get players to try the mode". If you think that the ganking or the "5

min running back" will stop with the introduction of Warclaw, boy, youre in for a surprise

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I have read the majority of these.... not a single one says one word about how much it was a pain to run in red BL ? I would have been happy to get a mount in just that one !! Look for all maps to switch to Desert maps, wasn't that long ago when they introduced them that they had them all large. I also have a great idea for that failed middle section... drop the Guild Hall Arena in the middle of all the new maps we will change into and make it open every 4 hours. At that time 20 players from each side can enter and slug it out last man standing, for bloodlust or some prize or something... that will be your GvG arena and give you a chance to introduce some cool new small maps. pretty much already in the coding you have now, just have to section off a space on the larger maps and drop it in.


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