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Subscription based access?

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> Unfortunately, I would have to quit. Maybe it's not much for North Americans and western Europeans but $15 is a lot of money in my poor country. I support Anet by buying $10 worth of Gems every 3-4 months and I always save up money for the expansions.


And we thank you for your support when you are able to give it!


For me, it isn't a financial reason, it is a time reason. I don't feel that I would be able to dedicate enough time to GW2 to justify the monthly sub fee (should one be implemented). This is the main reason I play GW2 and not the many other MMOs which have such a model.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> While I, myself, probably would take a subscription if needed for the future of the game, most players entered Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 **because** of the promise of no timely fees. I think a decision to go subscription would be devastating, if only for this broken promise of no timely fees and the bad press that this would give.


> The freemium model with the expansions and gem store is still a business model that makes the most sense I think. Especially for _**our**_ community.


Agree completely.


I'm not against the idea for an optional subfee but a mandatory one would be severely harmful for Gw2 for the very reasons you mentioned.

The only reason I decided to buy Gw1 all those years ago instead of putting it back on the shelf and looking for something else was because it said right on the box.. Online Gaming.. with No Fees!

This no mandatory subscription model has always been a massive selling point for this franchise and I remember back when Gw2 was first announced people were both super excited and also severely anxious to know if Gw2 would have a subscription fee.. with a lot of people saying that they wouldn't buy it if it did.. I was one of them lol



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> @"Immortality.5093" said:

> If it gave ingame benefits as a sort of premium status player i wouldn't care. I would gladly have the same system as china.


From what Wooden Potatoes, posted, I would not want the same system as China. The hyperflation was horrible and free legendaries for paying for a year or so, just no.


If they have a system in place that is optional should not hand out gold or rare loot. Maybe rare skins and special titles, but nothing that obliterates the economy. Any gems added in the form of a subscription should not be traded for in-game currency.



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> @"Limodriver.4106" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > no.

> >

> > the layoffs were unrelated to gw2s health as a game


> U ARE WRONG, that new was releasesd by a writer who is clueless whats going on


M8 that info was released by multiple writers said to be anet and ncsoft's official statement.

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Said it here and elsewhere, but GW1/GW2 is the only online games/MMOs I play, and that is because of the buy to play model. I will never pay a subscription to a game I already own.


> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> Well, I would never agree with a subscription requirement, but I would not disagree with something like automating the purchase of monthly gems., and giving some sort of bonus to those who do it, as long as it isn't exclusive.


> Something like "Subscribe for 2000 gems monthly for 12 months, get 30 BL keys".


How about we don't keep pushing the loot boxes and enabling gambling addictions. If they had a gem subscription, how about it came with a 2-week ticket to one of the exclusive crafting areas. You get prime crafting for half the month that way, which is a guaranteed and measurable benefit.

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> Said it here and elsewhere, but GW1/GW2 is the only online games/MMOs I play, and that is because of the buy to play model. I will never pay a subscription to a game I already own.


> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > Well, I would never agree with a subscription requirement, but I would not disagree with something like automating the purchase of monthly gems., and giving some sort of bonus to those who do it, as long as it isn't exclusive.

> >

> > Something like "Subscribe for 2000 gems monthly for 12 months, get 30 BL keys".


> How about we don't keep pushing the loot boxes and enabling gambling addictions. If they had a gem subscription, how about it came with a 2-week ticket to one of the exclusive crafting areas. You get prime crafting for half the month that way, which is a guaranteed and measurable benefit.


you could probably replace the BLkeys with something else

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"kasoki.5180" said:

> > > ESO, WoW and Final Fantasy all have some form subscription model. And by all accounts all are doing better than GW2. But sure lets keep pretending this status quo works and keep telling ourselves that any form of subscription is whats gonna kill the game.

> > ESO might be doing better only because its shown a road map with progressing content that looks promising to players

> > Wow... no... just no.... Do not even mention this game or its models and ideals here unless you are talking about wow everone knew about 6 years ago.

> > Final Fantasy probably doing fairly better yes i dont know though but I have not heard people complaining about the game much

> >

> > **What anet can not do**

> > If its forced that means the game dies because a lot of people who play now are not going to suddenly feel that its fair that they need to be forced to pay to play the game thats out right unfair and devious to do to players. Personally if anet suddenly said I needed to pay to play I would probably only play 1 month after new content came out and for the rest of the time I would cut my losses and un sub.

> >

> > **What anet could do**

> > A subscription model could help generate money for gw2 but it needs to be fairly close to ESO's model offering benefits that don't particularly make you better than another player in terms of status aka pay to win. All of the benefits offered need to feel like a nice to have not a must have. More importantly **it would need to be 100% optional** and not required.

> >

> > A subscription for GW2 huh.... lets just look at a few things anet could do.

> >

> > **Free waypoint transit**

> > - Travel the world for free no cost on way points for subbed users.

> >

> > **Instant access to all living story content**

> > - If you don't happen to have it unlocked congrats now you do.

> > - Once played through its completely unlocked on your account forever even if you un sub.

> > - xpacks would need to be considered here however. Possibly subbed users can buy them greatly discounted or something idk

> >

> > **Gold fed transmutation Converter**

> > - Need transmutation charges simply insert a gold coin and get a Transmutation charge, feel free to edit your fashion wars 2 style more freely and as frequently as you want.

> >

> > **Stat Converter**

> > - Allows players to change stats on all gear from rare to ascended with a small gold fee based on the armor quality **(25 silver up to 1 gold per item)**

> > - While this does devalue legendary weapon/ amor perks of being able to stat change for free a bit if you want those perks without the sub simply get the legendary weapons and armor they would still have value here in addition to their shiny features.

> >

> > **Bank access from inventory**

> > - Yes this devalues the black lion chest bank access item but hey i don't see much wrong with that if you still want it without doing an optional subscription its there for you. thus it still has value.

> >

> > **Black Lion Premium Express**

> > - No longer will you have to find a black lion merchant to pick up your items bought on the TP they will simply be delivered to you via black lion mail express free of charge. Gnashblade is here to support you and your every day needs. Vote Evon Gnashblade Today!!!

> >

> > **Mini Mistic forge access**

> > - Allows players to use the forge from anywhere in the game right from their inventory.

> >

> > **Gems**

> > - Get a set amount of gems = to the subscription cost each time you pay.

> >

> > These are just a few examples in my head that most players would probably enjoy but things that wont make players who don't sub feel like they lesser or specifically need to sub. All the above things could be considered nice to haves but not must haves. Some of these ideas might come off to people as Must haves but if you are going to pay for a few perks that wont increase your damage / skill or give you a direct advantage gameplay wise they should be some what nice perks imo.


> Free waypoint transit would be an okay thing for a special member subscription.


> Most the other stuff doesn't really work exception the gems thing. I think a subscription could come with some gems each month, obviously less than what it would be if you just used the money to straight up buy them. Or they could just get a percentage discount on gems for as long as they are subbed.


You will have to explain to me how the other stuff couldn't work you make simple buttons to press in the inventory tab that only work for subbed users for most of it. Like any time bank access or any time forge access should be be easily doable. About the only one thats really questionable is the transmutation charges.



> There could be a hub similar to the passes you can get, but have it have some daily gathering nodes that rotate what they are every two weeks or something or something as well, nothing that would create an imbalance in the game's economy, but just like a small added thing. Maybe each month can come with a "members gift box" that can be opened up and has a choice of things like map currencies or something.

There really is no point of this

- guild halls

- home instances

Both of which really invalidate the wroth of something like this. This is also considered some what pay to win and ill get to that in a second



> If you make the benefits of the sub too much you are going into pay-to-win territory and I don't want that for this game.

Its not about having too much benefits really its about the type of benefits you get and thats what makes something a nice to have vs a must have aka pay to win.

If a game does the following its pay to win

- only gives you 10 inventory slots and says get 45 with a sub.

- locks you out certain races or classes but lets you get them with a sub.

- limits the amount of gold and or mats you can access despite you earning them fair and square you cant access them without some kind of special tool or going to some out of the way area which the game may or may not limit via cash shop.

- gives away mats and or currency for for free (even more so if its good mats or currency and you know because people are playing money they expect it to be decent)

- you get a better class options that is otherwise not available for play


Pay to win means by paying you get something that increases your stats or ease of obtaining mats/nodes and or gold which can later be converted into better gear and or progression or when not being subbed stalls or limits the gear or progression. IF it being subbed cuts 50% of cost or time what you need to get a said god item or reach a set point in progression then thats pay to win.

Nothing I listed does that which is why I listed those things. Listing something that gives mats away for free or map currency away for free **is going into pay to win territory** I think you are the one who has it backwards here.


Ideally having things like bank access or the power to swap your stats on gear or the power to use the forge at any time is not pay to win in anyway

- You still need to buy or earn the gear on your own you dont simply go from blues to ascended if thats what you were thinking.

- You still need to earn mats to throw in the forge on your own being able to access it just makes it usable you don't simply get free loot out of it.

- Having bank access does nothing really special for you aside from letting you stash / withdraw some items on the fly, you can already access banks at crafting stations and deposit mats at any time from anywhere in the world. I dont see this as a broken issue.


I think the only real argument you could have here is the idea for transmutation charges but thats about it really.



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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > @"kasoki.5180" said:

> > > > ESO, WoW and Final Fantasy all have some form subscription model. And by all accounts all are doing better than GW2. But sure lets keep pretending this status quo works and keep telling ourselves that any form of subscription is whats gonna kill the game.

> > > ESO might be doing better only because its shown a road map with progressing content that looks promising to players

> > > Wow... no... just no.... Do not even mention this game or its models and ideals here unless you are talking about wow everone knew about 6 years ago.

> > > Final Fantasy probably doing fairly better yes i dont know though but I have not heard people complaining about the game much

> > >

> > > **What anet can not do**

> > > If its forced that means the game dies because a lot of people who play now are not going to suddenly feel that its fair that they need to be forced to pay to play the game thats out right unfair and devious to do to players. Personally if anet suddenly said I needed to pay to play I would probably only play 1 month after new content came out and for the rest of the time I would cut my losses and un sub.

> > >

> > > **What anet could do**

> > > A subscription model could help generate money for gw2 but it needs to be fairly close to ESO's model offering benefits that don't particularly make you better than another player in terms of status aka pay to win. All of the benefits offered need to feel like a nice to have not a must have. More importantly **it would need to be 100% optional** and not required.

> > >

> > > A subscription for GW2 huh.... lets just look at a few things anet could do.

> > >

> > > **Free waypoint transit**

> > > - Travel the world for free no cost on way points for subbed users.

> > >

> > > **Instant access to all living story content**

> > > - If you don't happen to have it unlocked congrats now you do.

> > > - Once played through its completely unlocked on your account forever even if you un sub.

> > > - xpacks would need to be considered here however. Possibly subbed users can buy them greatly discounted or something idk

> > >

> > > **Gold fed transmutation Converter**

> > > - Need transmutation charges simply insert a gold coin and get a Transmutation charge, feel free to edit your fashion wars 2 style more freely and as frequently as you want.

> > >

> > > **Stat Converter**

> > > - Allows players to change stats on all gear from rare to ascended with a small gold fee based on the armor quality **(25 silver up to 1 gold per item)**

> > > - While this does devalue legendary weapon/ amor perks of being able to stat change for free a bit if you want those perks without the sub simply get the legendary weapons and armor they would still have value here in addition to their shiny features.

> > >

> > > **Bank access from inventory**

> > > - Yes this devalues the black lion chest bank access item but hey i don't see much wrong with that if you still want it without doing an optional subscription its there for you. thus it still has value.

> > >

> > > **Black Lion Premium Express**

> > > - No longer will you have to find a black lion merchant to pick up your items bought on the TP they will simply be delivered to you via black lion mail express free of charge. Gnashblade is here to support you and your every day needs. Vote Evon Gnashblade Today!!!

> > >

> > > **Mini Mistic forge access**

> > > - Allows players to use the forge from anywhere in the game right from their inventory.

> > >

> > > **Gems**

> > > - Get a set amount of gems = to the subscription cost each time you pay.

> > >

> > > These are just a few examples in my head that most players would probably enjoy but things that wont make players who don't sub feel like they lesser or specifically need to sub. All the above things could be considered nice to haves but not must haves. Some of these ideas might come off to people as Must haves but if you are going to pay for a few perks that wont increase your damage / skill or give you a direct advantage gameplay wise they should be some what nice perks imo.

> >

> > Free waypoint transit would be an okay thing for a special member subscription.

> >

> > Most the other stuff doesn't really work exception the gems thing. I think a subscription could come with some gems each month, obviously less than what it would be if you just used the money to straight up buy them. Or they could just get a percentage discount on gems for as long as they are subbed.

> >

> You will have to explain to me how the other stuff couldn't work you make simple buttons to press in the inventory tab that only work for subbed users for most of it. Like any time bank access or any time forge access should be be easily doable. About the only one thats really questionable is the transmutation charges.



> > There could be a hub similar to the passes you can get, but have it have some daily gathering nodes that rotate what they are every two weeks or something or something as well, nothing that would create an imbalance in the game's economy, but just like a small added thing. Maybe each month can come with a "members gift box" that can be opened up and has a choice of things like map currencies or something.

> There really is no point of this

> - guild halls

> - home instances

> Both of which really invalidate the wroth of something like this. This is also considered some what pay to win and ill get to that in a second


> >

> > If you make the benefits of the sub too much you are going into pay-to-win territory and I don't want that for this game.

> Its not about having too much benefits really its about the type of benefits you get and thats what makes something a nice to have vs a must have aka pay to win.

> If a game does the following its pay to win

> - only gives you 10 inventory slots and says get 45 with a sub.

> - locks you out certain races or classes but lets you get them with a sub.

> - limits the amount of gold and or mats you can access despite you earning them fair and square you cant access them without some kind of special tool or going to some out of the way area which the game may or may not limit via cash shop.

> - gives away mats and or currency for for free (even more so if its good mats or currency and you know because people are playing money they expect it to be decent)

> - you get a better class options that is otherwise not available for play


> Pay to win means by paying you get something that increases your stats or ease of obtaining mats/nodes and or gold which can later be converted into better gear and or progression or when not being subbed stalls or limits the gear or progression. IF it being subbed cuts 50% of cost or time what you need to get a said god item or reach a set point in progression then thats pay to win.

> Nothing I listed does that which is why I listed those things. Listing something that gives mats away for free or map currency away for free **is going into pay to win territory** I think you are the one who has it backwards here.


> Ideally having things like bank access or the power to swap your stats on gear or the power to use the forge at any time is not pay to win in anyway

> - You still need to buy or earn the gear on your own you dont simply go from blues to ascended if thats what you were thinking.

> - You still need to earn mats to throw in the forge on your own being able to access it just makes it usable you don't simply get free loot out of it.

> - Having bank access does nothing really special for you aside from letting you stash / withdraw some items on the fly, you can already access banks at crafting stations and deposit mats at any time from anywhere in the world. I dont see this as a broken issue.


> I think the only real argument you could have here is the idea for transmutation charges but thats about it really.




Because 99% of those things already exist as in-game items. Permanent contracts already exist, the mystic forge conduit is already a thing (and is dirt cheap to make).

I could *maybe* see the monthly sub come with a one month version of the permanent contracts so they expire and you get new ones each month you are subbed.


Stat swapping gear at any time without having to use the mystic forge is a legendary armor thing. And saying "look you can just buy the equivalent of legendary armor with $$$$ now" would be a huge middle finger to the entire raiding community and is just a massive NO from me.

And if you still have to buy the items from Miyani/the TP and use a mystic forge to stat swap, well you really are not getting much more convenience than just going to mistlock/a potential new hub to stat swap.


A new quickly-accessed area with some permanent daily nodes is not going to invalidate home instances or guild halls. People will still go to them, just like home instances and guild halls haven't stopped people from going to the open-world permanent gathering nodes daily.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > @"kasoki.5180" said:

> > > > > ESO, WoW and Final Fantasy all have some form subscription model. And by all accounts all are doing better than GW2. But sure lets keep pretending this status quo works and keep telling ourselves that any form of subscription is whats gonna kill the game.

> > > > ESO might be doing better only because its shown a road map with progressing content that looks promising to players

> > > > Wow... no... just no.... Do not even mention this game or its models and ideals here unless you are talking about wow everone knew about 6 years ago.

> > > > Final Fantasy probably doing fairly better yes i dont know though but I have not heard people complaining about the game much

> > > >

> > > > **What anet can not do**

> > > > If its forced that means the game dies because a lot of people who play now are not going to suddenly feel that its fair that they need to be forced to pay to play the game thats out right unfair and devious to do to players. Personally if anet suddenly said I needed to pay to play I would probably only play 1 month after new content came out and for the rest of the time I would cut my losses and un sub.

> > > >

> > > > **What anet could do**

> > > > A subscription model could help generate money for gw2 but it needs to be fairly close to ESO's model offering benefits that don't particularly make you better than another player in terms of status aka pay to win. All of the benefits offered need to feel like a nice to have not a must have. More importantly **it would need to be 100% optional** and not required.

> > > >

> > > > A subscription for GW2 huh.... lets just look at a few things anet could do.

> > > >

> > > > **Free waypoint transit**

> > > > - Travel the world for free no cost on way points for subbed users.

> > > >

> > > > **Instant access to all living story content**

> > > > - If you don't happen to have it unlocked congrats now you do.

> > > > - Once played through its completely unlocked on your account forever even if you un sub.

> > > > - xpacks would need to be considered here however. Possibly subbed users can buy them greatly discounted or something idk

> > > >

> > > > **Gold fed transmutation Converter**

> > > > - Need transmutation charges simply insert a gold coin and get a Transmutation charge, feel free to edit your fashion wars 2 style more freely and as frequently as you want.

> > > >

> > > > **Stat Converter**

> > > > - Allows players to change stats on all gear from rare to ascended with a small gold fee based on the armor quality **(25 silver up to 1 gold per item)**

> > > > - While this does devalue legendary weapon/ amor perks of being able to stat change for free a bit if you want those perks without the sub simply get the legendary weapons and armor they would still have value here in addition to their shiny features.

> > > >

> > > > **Bank access from inventory**

> > > > - Yes this devalues the black lion chest bank access item but hey i don't see much wrong with that if you still want it without doing an optional subscription its there for you. thus it still has value.

> > > >

> > > > **Black Lion Premium Express**

> > > > - No longer will you have to find a black lion merchant to pick up your items bought on the TP they will simply be delivered to you via black lion mail express free of charge. Gnashblade is here to support you and your every day needs. Vote Evon Gnashblade Today!!!

> > > >

> > > > **Mini Mistic forge access**

> > > > - Allows players to use the forge from anywhere in the game right from their inventory.

> > > >

> > > > **Gems**

> > > > - Get a set amount of gems = to the subscription cost each time you pay.

> > > >

> > > > These are just a few examples in my head that most players would probably enjoy but things that wont make players who don't sub feel like they lesser or specifically need to sub. All the above things could be considered nice to haves but not must haves. Some of these ideas might come off to people as Must haves but if you are going to pay for a few perks that wont increase your damage / skill or give you a direct advantage gameplay wise they should be some what nice perks imo.

> > >

> > > Free waypoint transit would be an okay thing for a special member subscription.

> > >

> > > Most the other stuff doesn't really work exception the gems thing. I think a subscription could come with some gems each month, obviously less than what it would be if you just used the money to straight up buy them. Or they could just get a percentage discount on gems for as long as they are subbed.

> > >

> > You will have to explain to me how the other stuff couldn't work you make simple buttons to press in the inventory tab that only work for subbed users for most of it. Like any time bank access or any time forge access should be be easily doable. About the only one thats really questionable is the transmutation charges.

> >

> >

> > > There could be a hub similar to the passes you can get, but have it have some daily gathering nodes that rotate what they are every two weeks or something or something as well, nothing that would create an imbalance in the game's economy, but just like a small added thing. Maybe each month can come with a "members gift box" that can be opened up and has a choice of things like map currencies or something.

> > There really is no point of this

> > - guild halls

> > - home instances

> > Both of which really invalidate the wroth of something like this. This is also considered some what pay to win and ill get to that in a second

> >

> > >

> > > If you make the benefits of the sub too much you are going into pay-to-win territory and I don't want that for this game.

> > Its not about having too much benefits really its about the type of benefits you get and thats what makes something a nice to have vs a must have aka pay to win.

> > If a game does the following its pay to win

> > - only gives you 10 inventory slots and says get 45 with a sub.

> > - locks you out certain races or classes but lets you get them with a sub.

> > - limits the amount of gold and or mats you can access despite you earning them fair and square you cant access them without some kind of special tool or going to some out of the way area which the game may or may not limit via cash shop.

> > - gives away mats and or currency for for free (even more so if its good mats or currency and you know because people are playing money they expect it to be decent)

> > - you get a better class options that is otherwise not available for play

> >

> > Pay to win means by paying you get something that increases your stats or ease of obtaining mats/nodes and or gold which can later be converted into better gear and or progression or when not being subbed stalls or limits the gear or progression. IF it being subbed cuts 50% of cost or time what you need to get a said god item or reach a set point in progression then thats pay to win.

> > Nothing I listed does that which is why I listed those things. Listing something that gives mats away for free or map currency away for free **is going into pay to win territory** I think you are the one who has it backwards here.

> >

> > Ideally having things like bank access or the power to swap your stats on gear or the power to use the forge at any time is not pay to win in anyway

> > - You still need to buy or earn the gear on your own you dont simply go from blues to ascended if thats what you were thinking.

> > - You still need to earn mats to throw in the forge on your own being able to access it just makes it usable you don't simply get free loot out of it.

> > - Having bank access does nothing really special for you aside from letting you stash / withdraw some items on the fly, you can already access banks at crafting stations and deposit mats at any time from anywhere in the world. I dont see this as a broken issue.

> >

> > I think the only real argument you could have here is the idea for transmutation charges but thats about it really.

> >

> >


> Because 99% of those things already exist as in-game items. Permanent contracts already exist, the mystic forge conduit is already a thing (and is dirt cheap to make).

> I could *maybe* see the monthly sub come with a one month version of the permanent contracts so they expire and you get new ones each month you are subbed.

Did you not read the part where i pointed those things out and literally gave a reason as to why they would still have use

If you want unlimited bank access without said sub then you have the option of getting it via x item thus the items still has value. Its not gated away from anyone and thats what makes the idea of using those things as a sub option none pay to win. Because the features you get rom the sub are still available in some way to all players.



> Stat swapping gear at any time without having to use the mystic forge is a legendary armor thing. And saying "look you can just buy the equivalent of legendary armor with $$$$ now" would be a huge middle finger to the entire raiding community and is just a massive NO from me.

How is this a middle finger to raiding community??? NO WHERE in my text did you see me say anything about giving out legendary armor for $$$ stop trying to twist my words around please. im almost sure not everyone gets legendary armor and weapons for stat swap while no doubt some do im 100% sure thats not the case for everyone. lets just split that in thirds and say its 33% of people

- 33% want stat swap on the fly

- 33% want shiny looks and or projectile effects

- 33% want it just to say they have it regardless if they use it or not its a achievement thing.


You have the right to not agree but i dont agree with you as it being a pay to win thing. Stat swapping is not that big of a deal imo. Once again if you what that option without a sub thats what the legendary armor is for thus giving it its own value still its not removing its value in anyway because the whole point of this idea was an optional sub there will be people who WILL NOT and mean WILL NOT EVER consider paying for a sub even if its optional. For that reason perma bank items and legendary armor still provides purpose for those who wish to not pay anything. I dont see the problem here. You are making it sound like im talking about giving out legendary armor for free and i assure you thats not the case. If anything you were the one who wanted to give out free mats and currency for monthly price not me.


> And if you still have to buy the items from Miyani/the TP and use a mystic forge to stat swap, well you really are not getting much more convenience than just going to mistlock/a potential new hub to stat swap.

Says who i never mentioned that ;) you just threw that part in. IT could just be a button click you know..... like that shiny armor. lol.



> A new quickly-accessed area with some permanent daily nodes is not going to invalidate home instances or guild halls. People will still go to them, just like home instances and guild halls haven't stopped people from going to the open-world permanent gathering nodes daily.


You got this backwards again.... i never said it would invalidate them. I said that they would invalidate that bonus area furthermore you are locking people who don't sub out of free loot thats pay to win by the way again... So my idea gives the raid community a middle finger.... which you can still get without this sub idea via legendary armor or by buying the classic items and using the forge....... mean while your idea is to lock out everyone in the game who does not pay this optional sub for free loot and give them the middle finger... nice.... ;)


Im not going to argue this with you cause it probably wont ever happen there is no point in getting all steamy over it you can agree to not agree with the idea and thats fine. The goal here was idea on helping generate money for the game in a way thats not forced on people and thats not locking people out of something that you cant pretty much access or get without it. Everything i listed can be gained in the for the most part without the idea of a sub in some way or another and wont give you free mats or items for that matter.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > > @"kasoki.5180" said:

> > > > > > ESO, WoW and Final Fantasy all have some form subscription model. And by all accounts all are doing better than GW2. But sure lets keep pretending this status quo works and keep telling ourselves that any form of subscription is whats gonna kill the game.

> > > > > ESO might be doing better only because its shown a road map with progressing content that looks promising to players

> > > > > Wow... no... just no.... Do not even mention this game or its models and ideals here unless you are talking about wow everone knew about 6 years ago.

> > > > > Final Fantasy probably doing fairly better yes i dont know though but I have not heard people complaining about the game much

> > > > >

> > > > > **What anet can not do**

> > > > > If its forced that means the game dies because a lot of people who play now are not going to suddenly feel that its fair that they need to be forced to pay to play the game thats out right unfair and devious to do to players. Personally if anet suddenly said I needed to pay to play I would probably only play 1 month after new content came out and for the rest of the time I would cut my losses and un sub.

> > > > >

> > > > > **What anet could do**

> > > > > A subscription model could help generate money for gw2 but it needs to be fairly close to ESO's model offering benefits that don't particularly make you better than another player in terms of status aka pay to win. All of the benefits offered need to feel like a nice to have not a must have. More importantly **it would need to be 100% optional** and not required.

> > > > >

> > > > > A subscription for GW2 huh.... lets just look at a few things anet could do.

> > > > >

> > > > > **Free waypoint transit**

> > > > > - Travel the world for free no cost on way points for subbed users.

> > > > >

> > > > > **Instant access to all living story content**

> > > > > - If you don't happen to have it unlocked congrats now you do.

> > > > > - Once played through its completely unlocked on your account forever even if you un sub.

> > > > > - xpacks would need to be considered here however. Possibly subbed users can buy them greatly discounted or something idk

> > > > >

> > > > > **Gold fed transmutation Converter**

> > > > > - Need transmutation charges simply insert a gold coin and get a Transmutation charge, feel free to edit your fashion wars 2 style more freely and as frequently as you want.

> > > > >

> > > > > **Stat Converter**

> > > > > - Allows players to change stats on all gear from rare to ascended with a small gold fee based on the armor quality **(25 silver up to 1 gold per item)**

> > > > > - While this does devalue legendary weapon/ amor perks of being able to stat change for free a bit if you want those perks without the sub simply get the legendary weapons and armor they would still have value here in addition to their shiny features.

> > > > >

> > > > > **Bank access from inventory**

> > > > > - Yes this devalues the black lion chest bank access item but hey i don't see much wrong with that if you still want it without doing an optional subscription its there for you. thus it still has value.

> > > > >

> > > > > **Black Lion Premium Express**

> > > > > - No longer will you have to find a black lion merchant to pick up your items bought on the TP they will simply be delivered to you via black lion mail express free of charge. Gnashblade is here to support you and your every day needs. Vote Evon Gnashblade Today!!!

> > > > >

> > > > > **Mini Mistic forge access**

> > > > > - Allows players to use the forge from anywhere in the game right from their inventory.

> > > > >

> > > > > **Gems**

> > > > > - Get a set amount of gems = to the subscription cost each time you pay.

> > > > >

> > > > > These are just a few examples in my head that most players would probably enjoy but things that wont make players who don't sub feel like they lesser or specifically need to sub. All the above things could be considered nice to haves but not must haves. Some of these ideas might come off to people as Must haves but if you are going to pay for a few perks that wont increase your damage / skill or give you a direct advantage gameplay wise they should be some what nice perks imo.

> > > >

> > > > Free waypoint transit would be an okay thing for a special member subscription.

> > > >

> > > > Most the other stuff doesn't really work exception the gems thing. I think a subscription could come with some gems each month, obviously less than what it would be if you just used the money to straight up buy them. Or they could just get a percentage discount on gems for as long as they are subbed.

> > > >

> > > You will have to explain to me how the other stuff couldn't work you make simple buttons to press in the inventory tab that only work for subbed users for most of it. Like any time bank access or any time forge access should be be easily doable. About the only one thats really questionable is the transmutation charges.

> > >

> > >

> > > > There could be a hub similar to the passes you can get, but have it have some daily gathering nodes that rotate what they are every two weeks or something or something as well, nothing that would create an imbalance in the game's economy, but just like a small added thing. Maybe each month can come with a "members gift box" that can be opened up and has a choice of things like map currencies or something.

> > > There really is no point of this

> > > - guild halls

> > > - home instances

> > > Both of which really invalidate the wroth of something like this. This is also considered some what pay to win and ill get to that in a second

> > >

> > > >

> > > > If you make the benefits of the sub too much you are going into pay-to-win territory and I don't want that for this game.

> > > Its not about having too much benefits really its about the type of benefits you get and thats what makes something a nice to have vs a must have aka pay to win.

> > > If a game does the following its pay to win

> > > - only gives you 10 inventory slots and says get 45 with a sub.

> > > - locks you out certain races or classes but lets you get them with a sub.

> > > - limits the amount of gold and or mats you can access despite you earning them fair and square you cant access them without some kind of special tool or going to some out of the way area which the game may or may not limit via cash shop.

> > > - gives away mats and or currency for for free (even more so if its good mats or currency and you know because people are playing money they expect it to be decent)

> > > - you get a better class options that is otherwise not available for play

> > >

> > > Pay to win means by paying you get something that increases your stats or ease of obtaining mats/nodes and or gold which can later be converted into better gear and or progression or when not being subbed stalls or limits the gear or progression. IF it being subbed cuts 50% of cost or time what you need to get a said god item or reach a set point in progression then thats pay to win.

> > > Nothing I listed does that which is why I listed those things. Listing something that gives mats away for free or map currency away for free **is going into pay to win territory** I think you are the one who has it backwards here.

> > >

> > > Ideally having things like bank access or the power to swap your stats on gear or the power to use the forge at any time is not pay to win in anyway

> > > - You still need to buy or earn the gear on your own you dont simply go from blues to ascended if thats what you were thinking.

> > > - You still need to earn mats to throw in the forge on your own being able to access it just makes it usable you don't simply get free loot out of it.

> > > - Having bank access does nothing really special for you aside from letting you stash / withdraw some items on the fly, you can already access banks at crafting stations and deposit mats at any time from anywhere in the world. I dont see this as a broken issue.

> > >

> > > I think the only real argument you could have here is the idea for transmutation charges but thats about it really.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Because 99% of those things already exist as in-game items. Permanent contracts already exist, the mystic forge conduit is already a thing (and is dirt cheap to make).

> > I could *maybe* see the monthly sub come with a one month version of the permanent contracts so they expire and you get new ones each month you are subbed.

> Did you not read the part where i pointed those things out and literally gave a reason as to why they would still have use

> If you want unlimited bank access without said sub then you have the option of getting it via x item thus the items still has value. Its not gated away from anyone and thats what makes the idea of using those things as a sub option none pay to win. Because the features you get rom the sub are still available in some way to all players.


> >

> > Stat swapping gear at any time without having to use the mystic forge is a legendary armor thing. And saying "look you can just buy the equivalent of legendary armor with $$$$ now" would be a huge middle finger to the entire raiding community and is just a massive NO from me.

> How is this a middle finger to raiding community??? NO WHERE in my text did you see me say anything about giving out legendary armor for $$$ stop trying to twist my words around please. im almost sure not everyone gets legendary armor and weapons for stat swap while no doubt some do im 100% sure thats not the case for everyone. lets just split that in thirds and say its 33% of people

> - 33% want stat swap on the fly

> - 33% want shiny looks and or projectile effects

> - 33% want it just to say they have it regardless if they use it or not its a achievement thing.


> You have the right to not agree but i dont agree with you as it being a pay to win thing. Stat swapping is not that big of a deal imo. Once again if you what that option without a sub thats what the legendary armor is for thus giving it its own value still its not removing its value in anyway because the whole point of this idea was an optional sub there will be people who WILL NOT and mean WILL NOT EVER consider paying for a sub even if its optional. For that reason perma bank items and legendary armor still provides purpose for those who wish to not pay anything. I dont see the problem here. You are making it sound like im talking about giving out legendary armor for free and i assure you thats not the case. If anything you were the one who wanted to give out free mats and currency for monthly price not me.


> > And if you still have to buy the items from Miyani/the TP and use a mystic forge to stat swap, well you really are not getting much more convenience than just going to mistlock/a potential new hub to stat swap.

> Says who i never mentioned that ;) you just threw that part in. IT could just be a button click you know..... like that shiny armor. lol.


> >

> > A new quickly-accessed area with some permanent daily nodes is not going to invalidate home instances or guild halls. People will still go to them, just like home instances and guild halls haven't stopped people from going to the open-world permanent gathering nodes daily.


> You got this backwards again.... i never said it would invalidate them. I said that they would invalidate that bonus area furthermore you are locking people who don't sub out of free loot thats pay to win by the way again... So my idea gives the raid community a middle finger.... which you can still get without this sub idea via legendary armor or by buying the classic items and using the forge....... mean while your idea is to lock out everyone in the game who does not pay this optional sub for free loot and give them the middle finger... nice.... ;)


> Im not going to argue this with you cause it probably wont ever happen there is no point in getting all steamy over it you can agree to not agree with the idea and thats fine. The goal here was idea on helping generate money for the game in a way thats not forced on people.


You're sarcastic, passive-aggressive tone and emoticons are not appreciated or helpful for discussion. So this is going to be the last thing I say to you.


I wasn't saying you said that pert about still needing to buy items, I was expanding on the idea of how one could give stat swapping to people and then refuting the idea before it could go further.

And you seem to be reinforcing that you want your suggestion of stat swapping to be just clicking it like legendary armor. And I repeat: NO. That would be a huge mistake. People worked hard to get legendary armor, one of the armour's major draws is the ability to stat swap whenever you want to without having to go buy things and use a forge. You would be taking one of the major rewards that takes long hours of raiding and just hand it out to people for $$$. That would not end well. The community would be in an uproar.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:


> The goal here was idea on helping generate money for the game in a way thats not forced on people and thats not locking people out of something that you cant pretty much access or get without it.

If so, then I don't understand the point. If ANet were to offer such a model, then why would anyone want to sub it? Unfortunately, any type of subscription-based model by it's very nature will lock people out of whatever is offered by the subscription.


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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > > @"kasoki.5180" said:

> > > > > > ESO, WoW and Final Fantasy all have some form subscription model. And by all accounts all are doing better than GW2. But sure lets keep pretending this status quo works and keep telling ourselves that any form of subscription is whats gonna kill the game.

> > > > > ESO might be doing better only because its shown a road map with progressing content that looks promising to players

> > > > > Wow... no... just no.... Do not even mention this game or its models and ideals here unless you are talking about wow everone knew about 6 years ago.

> > > > > Final Fantasy probably doing fairly better yes i dont know though but I have not heard people complaining about the game much

> > > > >

> > > > > **What anet can not do**

> > > > > If its forced that means the game dies because a lot of people who play now are not going to suddenly feel that its fair that they need to be forced to pay to play the game thats out right unfair and devious to do to players. Personally if anet suddenly said I needed to pay to play I would probably only play 1 month after new content came out and for the rest of the time I would cut my losses and un sub.

> > > > >

> > > > > **What anet could do**

> > > > > A subscription model could help generate money for gw2 but it needs to be fairly close to ESO's model offering benefits that don't particularly make you better than another player in terms of status aka pay to win. All of the benefits offered need to feel like a nice to have not a must have. More importantly **it would need to be 100% optional** and not required.

> > > > >

> > > > > A subscription for GW2 huh.... lets just look at a few things anet could do.

> > > > >

> > > > > **Free waypoint transit**

> > > > > - Travel the world for free no cost on way points for subbed users.

> > > > >

> > > > > **Instant access to all living story content**

> > > > > - If you don't happen to have it unlocked congrats now you do.

> > > > > - Once played through its completely unlocked on your account forever even if you un sub.

> > > > > - xpacks would need to be considered here however. Possibly subbed users can buy them greatly discounted or something idk

> > > > >

> > > > > **Gold fed transmutation Converter**

> > > > > - Need transmutation charges simply insert a gold coin and get a Transmutation charge, feel free to edit your fashion wars 2 style more freely and as frequently as you want.

> > > > >

> > > > > **Stat Converter**

> > > > > - Allows players to change stats on all gear from rare to ascended with a small gold fee based on the armor quality **(25 silver up to 1 gold per item)**

> > > > > - While this does devalue legendary weapon/ amor perks of being able to stat change for free a bit if you want those perks without the sub simply get the legendary weapons and armor they would still have value here in addition to their shiny features.

> > > > >

> > > > > **Bank access from inventory**

> > > > > - Yes this devalues the black lion chest bank access item but hey i don't see much wrong with that if you still want it without doing an optional subscription its there for you. thus it still has value.

> > > > >

> > > > > **Black Lion Premium Express**

> > > > > - No longer will you have to find a black lion merchant to pick up your items bought on the TP they will simply be delivered to you via black lion mail express free of charge. Gnashblade is here to support you and your every day needs. Vote Evon Gnashblade Today!!!

> > > > >

> > > > > **Mini Mistic forge access**

> > > > > - Allows players to use the forge from anywhere in the game right from their inventory.

> > > > >

> > > > > **Gems**

> > > > > - Get a set amount of gems = to the subscription cost each time you pay.

> > > > >

> > > > > These are just a few examples in my head that most players would probably enjoy but things that wont make players who don't sub feel like they lesser or specifically need to sub. All the above things could be considered nice to haves but not must haves. Some of these ideas might come off to people as Must haves but if you are going to pay for a few perks that wont increase your damage / skill or give you a direct advantage gameplay wise they should be some what nice perks imo.

> > > >

> > > > Free waypoint transit would be an okay thing for a special member subscription.

> > > >

> > > > Most the other stuff doesn't really work exception the gems thing. I think a subscription could come with some gems each month, obviously less than what it would be if you just used the money to straight up buy them. Or they could just get a percentage discount on gems for as long as they are subbed.

> > > >

> > > You will have to explain to me how the other stuff couldn't work you make simple buttons to press in the inventory tab that only work for subbed users for most of it. Like any time bank access or any time forge access should be be easily doable. About the only one thats really questionable is the transmutation charges.

> > >

> > >

> > > > There could be a hub similar to the passes you can get, but have it have some daily gathering nodes that rotate what they are every two weeks or something or something as well, nothing that would create an imbalance in the game's economy, but just like a small added thing. Maybe each month can come with a "members gift box" that can be opened up and has a choice of things like map currencies or something.

> > > There really is no point of this

> > > - guild halls

> > > - home instances

> > > Both of which really invalidate the wroth of something like this. This is also considered some what pay to win and ill get to that in a second

> > >

> > > >

> > > > If you make the benefits of the sub too much you are going into pay-to-win territory and I don't want that for this game.

> > > Its not about having too much benefits really its about the type of benefits you get and thats what makes something a nice to have vs a must have aka pay to win.

> > > If a game does the following its pay to win

> > > - only gives you 10 inventory slots and says get 45 with a sub.

> > > - locks you out certain races or classes but lets you get them with a sub.

> > > - limits the amount of gold and or mats you can access despite you earning them fair and square you cant access them without some kind of special tool or going to some out of the way area which the game may or may not limit via cash shop.

> > > - gives away mats and or currency for for free (even more so if its good mats or currency and you know because people are playing money they expect it to be decent)

> > > - you get a better class options that is otherwise not available for play

> > >

> > > Pay to win means by paying you get something that increases your stats or ease of obtaining mats/nodes and or gold which can later be converted into better gear and or progression or when not being subbed stalls or limits the gear or progression. IF it being subbed cuts 50% of cost or time what you need to get a said god item or reach a set point in progression then thats pay to win.

> > > Nothing I listed does that which is why I listed those things. Listing something that gives mats away for free or map currency away for free **is going into pay to win territory** I think you are the one who has it backwards here.

> > >

> > > Ideally having things like bank access or the power to swap your stats on gear or the power to use the forge at any time is not pay to win in anyway

> > > - You still need to buy or earn the gear on your own you dont simply go from blues to ascended if thats what you were thinking.

> > > - You still need to earn mats to throw in the forge on your own being able to access it just makes it usable you don't simply get free loot out of it.

> > > - Having bank access does nothing really special for you aside from letting you stash / withdraw some items on the fly, you can already access banks at crafting stations and deposit mats at any time from anywhere in the world. I dont see this as a broken issue.

> > >

> > > I think the only real argument you could have here is the idea for transmutation charges but thats about it really.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Because 99% of those things already exist as in-game items. Permanent contracts already exist, the mystic forge conduit is already a thing (and is dirt cheap to make).

> > I could *maybe* see the monthly sub come with a one month version of the permanent contracts so they expire and you get new ones each month you are subbed.

> Did you not read the part where i pointed those things out and literally gave a reason as to why they would still have use

> If you want unlimited bank access without said sub then you have the option of getting it via x item thus the items still has value. Its not gated away from anyone and thats what makes the idea of using those things as a sub option none pay to win. Because the features you get rom the sub are still available in some way to all players.


> >

> > Stat swapping gear at any time without having to use the mystic forge is a legendary armor thing. And saying "look you can just buy the equivalent of legendary armor with $$$$ now" would be a huge middle finger to the entire raiding community and is just a massive NO from me.

> How is this a middle finger to raiding community??? NO WHERE in my text did you see me say anything about giving out legendary armor for $$$ stop trying to twist my words around please. im almost sure not everyone gets legendary armor and weapons for stat swap while no doubt some do im 100% sure thats not the case for everyone. lets just split that in thirds and say its 33% of people

> - 33% want stat swap on the fly

> - 33% want shiny looks and or projectile effects

> - 33% want it just to say they have it regardless if they use it or not its a achievement thing.


> You have the right to not agree but i dont agree with you as it being a pay to win thing. Stat swapping is not that big of a deal imo. Once again if you what that option without a sub thats what the legendary armor is for thus giving it its own value still its not removing its value in anyway because the whole point of this idea was an optional sub there will be people who WILL NOT and mean WILL NOT EVER consider paying for a sub even if its optional. For that reason perma bank items and legendary armor still provides purpose for those who wish to not pay anything. I dont see the problem here. You are making it sound like im talking about giving out legendary armor for free and i assure you thats not the case. If anything you were the one who wanted to give out free mats and currency for monthly price not me.


> > And if you still have to buy the items from Miyani/the TP and use a mystic forge to stat swap, well you really are not getting much more convenience than just going to mistlock/a potential new hub to stat swap.

> Says who i never mentioned that ;) you just threw that part in. IT could just be a button click you know..... like that shiny armor. lol.


> >

> > A new quickly-accessed area with some permanent daily nodes is not going to invalidate home instances or guild halls. People will still go to them, just like home instances and guild halls haven't stopped people from going to the open-world permanent gathering nodes daily.


> You got this backwards again.... i never said it would invalidate them. I said that they would invalidate that bonus area furthermore you are locking people who don't sub out of free loot thats pay to win by the way again... So my idea gives the raid community a middle finger.... which you can still get without this sub idea via legendary armor or by buying the classic items and using the forge....... mean while your idea is to lock out everyone in the game who does not pay this optional sub for free loot and give them the middle finger... nice.... ;)


> Im not going to argue this with you cause it probably wont ever happen there is no point in getting all steamy over it you can agree to not agree with the idea and thats fine. The goal here was idea on helping generate money for the game in a way thats not forced on people and thats not locking people out of something that you cant pretty much access or get without it. Everything i listed can be gained in the for the most part without the idea of a sub in some way or another and wont give you free mats or items for that matter.


Not that I'm against subscriptions or anything, but I would like to say that stat swapping is quite a big deal, and a major reason for many raiders to obtain the legendary armor.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > > > @"kasoki.5180" said:

> > > > > > > ESO, WoW and Final Fantasy all have some form subscription model. And by all accounts all are doing better than GW2. But sure lets keep pretending this status quo works and keep telling ourselves that any form of subscription is whats gonna kill the game.

> > > > > > ESO might be doing better only because its shown a road map with progressing content that looks promising to players

> > > > > > Wow... no... just no.... Do not even mention this game or its models and ideals here unless you are talking about wow everone knew about 6 years ago.

> > > > > > Final Fantasy probably doing fairly better yes i dont know though but I have not heard people complaining about the game much

> > > > > >

> > > > > > **What anet can not do**

> > > > > > If its forced that means the game dies because a lot of people who play now are not going to suddenly feel that its fair that they need to be forced to pay to play the game thats out right unfair and devious to do to players. Personally if anet suddenly said I needed to pay to play I would probably only play 1 month after new content came out and for the rest of the time I would cut my losses and un sub.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > **What anet could do**

> > > > > > A subscription model could help generate money for gw2 but it needs to be fairly close to ESO's model offering benefits that don't particularly make you better than another player in terms of status aka pay to win. All of the benefits offered need to feel like a nice to have not a must have. More importantly **it would need to be 100% optional** and not required.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > A subscription for GW2 huh.... lets just look at a few things anet could do.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > **Free waypoint transit**

> > > > > > - Travel the world for free no cost on way points for subbed users.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > **Instant access to all living story content**

> > > > > > - If you don't happen to have it unlocked congrats now you do.

> > > > > > - Once played through its completely unlocked on your account forever even if you un sub.

> > > > > > - xpacks would need to be considered here however. Possibly subbed users can buy them greatly discounted or something idk

> > > > > >

> > > > > > **Gold fed transmutation Converter**

> > > > > > - Need transmutation charges simply insert a gold coin and get a Transmutation charge, feel free to edit your fashion wars 2 style more freely and as frequently as you want.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > **Stat Converter**

> > > > > > - Allows players to change stats on all gear from rare to ascended with a small gold fee based on the armor quality **(25 silver up to 1 gold per item)**

> > > > > > - While this does devalue legendary weapon/ amor perks of being able to stat change for free a bit if you want those perks without the sub simply get the legendary weapons and armor they would still have value here in addition to their shiny features.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > **Bank access from inventory**

> > > > > > - Yes this devalues the black lion chest bank access item but hey i don't see much wrong with that if you still want it without doing an optional subscription its there for you. thus it still has value.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > **Black Lion Premium Express**

> > > > > > - No longer will you have to find a black lion merchant to pick up your items bought on the TP they will simply be delivered to you via black lion mail express free of charge. Gnashblade is here to support you and your every day needs. Vote Evon Gnashblade Today!!!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > **Mini Mistic forge access**

> > > > > > - Allows players to use the forge from anywhere in the game right from their inventory.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > **Gems**

> > > > > > - Get a set amount of gems = to the subscription cost each time you pay.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > These are just a few examples in my head that most players would probably enjoy but things that wont make players who don't sub feel like they lesser or specifically need to sub. All the above things could be considered nice to haves but not must haves. Some of these ideas might come off to people as Must haves but if you are going to pay for a few perks that wont increase your damage / skill or give you a direct advantage gameplay wise they should be some what nice perks imo.

> > > > >

> > > > > Free waypoint transit would be an okay thing for a special member subscription.

> > > > >

> > > > > Most the other stuff doesn't really work exception the gems thing. I think a subscription could come with some gems each month, obviously less than what it would be if you just used the money to straight up buy them. Or they could just get a percentage discount on gems for as long as they are subbed.

> > > > >

> > > > You will have to explain to me how the other stuff couldn't work you make simple buttons to press in the inventory tab that only work for subbed users for most of it. Like any time bank access or any time forge access should be be easily doable. About the only one thats really questionable is the transmutation charges.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > > There could be a hub similar to the passes you can get, but have it have some daily gathering nodes that rotate what they are every two weeks or something or something as well, nothing that would create an imbalance in the game's economy, but just like a small added thing. Maybe each month can come with a "members gift box" that can be opened up and has a choice of things like map currencies or something.

> > > > There really is no point of this

> > > > - guild halls

> > > > - home instances

> > > > Both of which really invalidate the wroth of something like this. This is also considered some what pay to win and ill get to that in a second

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > If you make the benefits of the sub too much you are going into pay-to-win territory and I don't want that for this game.

> > > > Its not about having too much benefits really its about the type of benefits you get and thats what makes something a nice to have vs a must have aka pay to win.

> > > > If a game does the following its pay to win

> > > > - only gives you 10 inventory slots and says get 45 with a sub.

> > > > - locks you out certain races or classes but lets you get them with a sub.

> > > > - limits the amount of gold and or mats you can access despite you earning them fair and square you cant access them without some kind of special tool or going to some out of the way area which the game may or may not limit via cash shop.

> > > > - gives away mats and or currency for for free (even more so if its good mats or currency and you know because people are playing money they expect it to be decent)

> > > > - you get a better class options that is otherwise not available for play

> > > >

> > > > Pay to win means by paying you get something that increases your stats or ease of obtaining mats/nodes and or gold which can later be converted into better gear and or progression or when not being subbed stalls or limits the gear or progression. IF it being subbed cuts 50% of cost or time what you need to get a said god item or reach a set point in progression then thats pay to win.

> > > > Nothing I listed does that which is why I listed those things. Listing something that gives mats away for free or map currency away for free **is going into pay to win territory** I think you are the one who has it backwards here.

> > > >

> > > > Ideally having things like bank access or the power to swap your stats on gear or the power to use the forge at any time is not pay to win in anyway

> > > > - You still need to buy or earn the gear on your own you dont simply go from blues to ascended if thats what you were thinking.

> > > > - You still need to earn mats to throw in the forge on your own being able to access it just makes it usable you don't simply get free loot out of it.

> > > > - Having bank access does nothing really special for you aside from letting you stash / withdraw some items on the fly, you can already access banks at crafting stations and deposit mats at any time from anywhere in the world. I dont see this as a broken issue.

> > > >

> > > > I think the only real argument you could have here is the idea for transmutation charges but thats about it really.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Because 99% of those things already exist as in-game items. Permanent contracts already exist, the mystic forge conduit is already a thing (and is dirt cheap to make).

> > > I could *maybe* see the monthly sub come with a one month version of the permanent contracts so they expire and you get new ones each month you are subbed.

> > Did you not read the part where i pointed those things out and literally gave a reason as to why they would still have use

> > If you want unlimited bank access without said sub then you have the option of getting it via x item thus the items still has value. Its not gated away from anyone and thats what makes the idea of using those things as a sub option none pay to win. Because the features you get rom the sub are still available in some way to all players.

> >

> > >

> > > Stat swapping gear at any time without having to use the mystic forge is a legendary armor thing. And saying "look you can just buy the equivalent of legendary armor with $$$$ now" would be a huge middle finger to the entire raiding community and is just a massive NO from me.

> > How is this a middle finger to raiding community??? NO WHERE in my text did you see me say anything about giving out legendary armor for $$$ stop trying to twist my words around please. im almost sure not everyone gets legendary armor and weapons for stat swap while no doubt some do im 100% sure thats not the case for everyone. lets just split that in thirds and say its 33% of people

> > - 33% want stat swap on the fly

> > - 33% want shiny looks and or projectile effects

> > - 33% want it just to say they have it regardless if they use it or not its a achievement thing.

> >

> > You have the right to not agree but i dont agree with you as it being a pay to win thing. Stat swapping is not that big of a deal imo. Once again if you what that option without a sub thats what the legendary armor is for thus giving it its own value still its not removing its value in anyway because the whole point of this idea was an optional sub there will be people who WILL NOT and mean WILL NOT EVER consider paying for a sub even if its optional. For that reason perma bank items and legendary armor still provides purpose for those who wish to not pay anything. I dont see the problem here. You are making it sound like im talking about giving out legendary armor for free and i assure you thats not the case. If anything you were the one who wanted to give out free mats and currency for monthly price not me.

> >

> > > And if you still have to buy the items from Miyani/the TP and use a mystic forge to stat swap, well you really are not getting much more convenience than just going to mistlock/a potential new hub to stat swap.

> > Says who i never mentioned that ;) you just threw that part in. IT could just be a button click you know..... like that shiny armor. lol.

> >

> > >

> > > A new quickly-accessed area with some permanent daily nodes is not going to invalidate home instances or guild halls. People will still go to them, just like home instances and guild halls haven't stopped people from going to the open-world permanent gathering nodes daily.

> >

> > You got this backwards again.... i never said it would invalidate them. I said that they would invalidate that bonus area furthermore you are locking people who don't sub out of free loot thats pay to win by the way again... So my idea gives the raid community a middle finger.... which you can still get without this sub idea via legendary armor or by buying the classic items and using the forge....... mean while your idea is to lock out everyone in the game who does not pay this optional sub for free loot and give them the middle finger... nice.... ;)

> >

> > Im not going to argue this with you cause it probably wont ever happen there is no point in getting all steamy over it you can agree to not agree with the idea and thats fine. The goal here was idea on helping generate money for the game in a way thats not forced on people.


> You're sarcastic, passive-aggressive tone and emoticons are not appreciated or helpful for discussion. So this is going to be the last thing I say to you.


> I wasn't saying you said that pert about still needing to buy items, I was expanding on the idea of how one could give stat swapping to people and then refuting the idea before it could go further.

> And you seem to be reinforcing that you want your suggestion of stat swapping to be just clicking it like legendary armor. And I repeat: NO. That would be a huge mistake. People worked hard to get legendary armor, one of the armour's major draws is the ability to stat swap whenever you want to without having to go buy things and use a forge. You would be taking one of the major rewards that takes long hours of raiding and just hand it out to people for $$$. That would not end well. The community would be in an uproar.


This is text how ever you take the "tone" of text on a screen is how you want to perceive it in your own head first off.

I already said you could agree to disagree so we can just leave it be. I responded to what you typed I didn't reinforce anything you assumed it wouldn't be a certain way and I assumed it would be and thats just where we ended up this is what assuming does ideally my words are a result of your words and things go back and forth from there. As i said there is no point in getting heated about this really :astonished:


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:


> > The goal here was idea on helping generate money for the game in a way thats not forced on people and thats not locking people out of something that you cant pretty much access or get without it.

> If so, then I don't understand the point. If ANet were to offer such a model, then why would anyone want to sub it? Unfortunately, any type of subscription-based model by it's very nature will lock people out of whatever is offered by the subscription.



hmmm some for support some for the bonus perks i guess...

What you say is true its a yes or no option how ever there are good ways of doing optional subs and bad ways of doing it or so thats how i like to think.


I personally feel like something optional should be "nice" but not needed nor should it make you better than anyone else playing the game be it through stat bonuses better skills or traits or gear. It should not hand out free things that buffer those things either.


Thats why i don't like the idea something such as a map that only said people can access with free mat nodes and map currency etc. Why should some one get free magic find, damage, items and mats, etc. just for paying some cash i never agree with things like this in any case. Ideally the things that are offered you should never be able to look at some one in game and know if they have it or not if that makes any sense.


Ive seen a few games do really scummy things just to promote an optional sub when realistically the game is borderline unplayable without said sub because of so many "convenient" *air quotes* yet inconvenient obstacles that can be removed with a low fee. Simply put they pay wall he heck out of the game to make things so inconvenient that its not really an optional thing except to the most tolerant of players thats what any optional subs should try to avoid imo. Its optional but at every turn its going to feel like you need to have it because of how inconvenient so many things are. Gw2 does not really and wouldn't really have this problem because so many things are already pretty convenient for the most part. But if people are gonna pay to support optionally the perks should still be some what nice.


Even if its optional you cant offer up garbage sadly people always expect something out of the deal.


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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> Said it here and elsewhere, but GW1/GW2 is the only online games/MMOs I play, and that is because of the buy to play model. I will never pay a subscription to a game I already own.


> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > Well, I would never agree with a subscription requirement, but I would not disagree with something like automating the purchase of monthly gems., and giving some sort of bonus to those who do it, as long as it isn't exclusive.

> >

> > Something like "Subscribe for 2000 gems monthly for 12 months, get 30 BL keys".


> How about we don't keep pushing the loot boxes and enabling gambling addictions. If they had a gem subscription, how about it came with a 2-week ticket to one of the exclusive crafting areas. You get prime crafting for half the month that way, which is a guaranteed and measurable benefit.


It was just an example. Following your idea, just a 2-week pass would be a tad too little, but it could be a box with a choice of any pass, plus something different if you already own all passes.

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> New players wont even consider joining 2012 game that was 6-7 years without subscription and after that adding it. Think about all the quitting playera as well. Your idea will doom this game.


Eso came like a year or 2 later and added a sub fee to its model. I think players are mostly against the idea of a sub fee because they are under the impression that they will have to play for what they got free originally.


This isnt the case really, no one would pay any substancial sub fee for the content we get now, ppl would pay and gladly so if the content dished out backed up said sub fee.

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