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Gems equal support


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Every month, I get a Google calendar reminder asking me if I should buy gems.

So why should I?

My 'endgame' consists of collecting gold any way I find acceptably 'profitable', but more importantly FUN. I'm a sucker for good (instead of just profitable) meta events. I mainly farm HoT and SW. I've loved doing that for years now, and I don't see that ending any time soon, because there's NOTHING ELSE LIKE THEM out there (RIFT had a good run with IA's, but those seem done).

The make-believe gold goes towards gems, which in turn go to scrub fashion wars & QoL. No P2W nonsense to be found (imagine that!).

If I get enough gold together to convert to, say, 400 gems, I'll top that off with 800 gems in exchange for the price of a few cups of cafe late out of my meager IRL IT support drone gold (respect to the ANet/NCSoft IT trenches!)

At that level, I feel I'm matching my enjoyment to modest expenditure.


So what's the point here?

With those layoffs looming, why not consider buying some gems, even if you have any 'philosophical' issues with the GS?

If NCSoft has any financial people worth their bloody salt they'd notice a nice bump in sales just around the time of their announcing they're going to gut ANet for the sake of the nameless shareholder massive. Perhaps it makes a difference, even if only a little.

I'd like to support the people who work hard for my enjoyment, which I guess are mainly the devs, but surely a lot of other folk too - probably a bit lower ranked than the suits who decided there is a need for layoffs.


I've bought 1600 gems just now, as a (perhaps futile, but not bank-breaking) way to express my support And maybe show those suits who's boss: the people who pay for their Porsche!

It also got me another alt slot (my 11th) in the only MMO I've ever enjoyed alting in, plus a nice new head skin & comfy non-existent chair to park my non-existent Asura bum in.


To any ANet people who are facing layoffs: <3

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> @"Mikali.9651" said:

> sry but I am not charity. I will gladly pay for the real content which is not just a new LS chapter or gem store "content".


Says the person who is playing an online game running on a server that costs money to keep running with a game system that needs other less visible updates in order to prevent crashes and bugs from occurring with other more mundane changes.


If there's nothing on the gemstore you want, that's fine, but don't pretend that this game could keep running if people never paid for anything beyond the initial price of the game/expansions.

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I support this game i love and keep the complaining to a minimum. It has it flaws but overall is probably the game i have vested so many joyous hours. Ive been a gamer since 10 and now in my 40s have seen games evolve to free to play. I know it takes money to keep something like this going so i feel its my duty to throw a few bucks there way. I know everyones financial situation is different and dont expect everyone to chip in but if you do, thank you for extended this games life cycle.

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> @"Goettel.4389" said:

> > @"Mikali.9651" said:

> > sry but I am not charity. I will gladly pay for the real content which is not just a new LS chapter or gem store "content".


> To me it's not "charity" to support things I love.


In this way you don't support the game. You choose to support ANet. And if you read the reasons for layoffs you will see that these reasons are not related with GW2.


Moreover, if you do this you will send to ANet a signal that no matter what they will do (or not do for GW2) they will have the support of the community. This is wrong and in my opinion you make a deservice to the GW2 community and even to ANet.


Why you don't want to teach them to wait a fair price for a fair work? Because in the last months (several months) it seems taht GW2 was in life support mode. Its developers were relocated to work on projects not related to GW2. And you want to support ANet for doing a minimal amount of work of a questionable quality?


I have nothing against you loving ANet, but I love the game named GW2. And I won't support ANet as long as Anet is wasting the income and is ignoring the GW2.

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My favourite content in this game is small group pve - dungeons, raids, fractals. All of them have such incredibly slow releases it's just painful and all we get in most of LS updates is 2hour single player content with maps that have no replay value unless you really want that new shiny (most of which are meh compared to gem store releases imo). Unless something changes in this aspect or 3rd expansion is confirmed, I won't be buying any gems. I like the game, I've played it a lot, I bought gems in the past but it's really hard to continue to support it in it's current state.

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I don't think the OP realizes all that will be accomplished is create a correlation between a threat to the game's longevity, and spike in revenue/profits. Which any accountant/executive/marketer worth their salt will realize that all they need to do to boost income, is to manufacture controversy that triggers a specific emotional response. All it does it is prove to them we'll do anything to keep the game afloat, and double down on the emotional pressure whenever they feel they need a boost for the quarterly earnings.... which in today's environment is literally every quarter.


This is why most people are skeptical of the Warcat mount for WvW, because its a gimmick with long term consequences to the game mode, but doesn't address any underlying issues that have been there for years. And what cranked up the cynicism to 15 and a half, is the expectation that this will be open for use in PvE, and an opportunity to sell an entirely new class of mount skins to the fashion wars crowd.... the majority of which are NOT avid WvW players. As much as I'd like to be wrong on that, its too good an opportunity for them to pass up on as another revenue generator.


As much as I would not normally cite youtubers as keen insight, whats left of the Old Vanguard of Games Journalism (back when that was still the lowest form of journalism, but was still Journalism) are quick to point out the fact Modern Executives DO NOT feel the impact of a failing company. They could run a company into the ground, rendering thousands of people unemployed, the stock value into decimated, and still walk away with millions of dollars AND a new job at another company in no more then a few months.... or however long it takes the heat to die down, so the public won't notice. And given the internet of late..... that can be as little as 1-2 weeks, but no more then a month tops. But by far, the biggest irony of this is how the company may not go away- and instead be bought out by another investor whose business acumen is to build companies back up, and then sell them off so the process repeats anew. Often enough, said company gets rebranded if it died on bad terms with the public, or kept if it can be used to exploit the good will of the consumer.



The problem, ultimately, is that we're approaching state where none of our buying patterns are going to benefit Anet directly...... NCsoft has too much power to dictate their actions, and right now they want Anet to be MORE profitable then its mobile brands, because being "as good" simply isn't good enough when they see numbers going up. If we buy more gems now, they'll just push to keep repeating that, since it apparently something "worked". Remember that a LOT of cosmetic items were moved to the Blacklion chests as drops (or even BL drop only) after the insane success of the Elemental Sword skin. They've been trying to recreate that spike ever since it happened.... and you can see where that has brought us to today.

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> @"Goettel.4389" said:

> Every month, I get a Google calendar reminder asking me if I should buy gems.

> So why should I?

> My 'endgame' consists of collecting gold any way I find acceptably 'profitable', but more importantly FUN. I'm a sucker for good (instead of just profitable) meta events. I mainly farm HoT and SW. I've loved doing that for years now, and I don't see that ending any time soon, because there's NOTHING ELSE LIKE THEM out there (RIFT had a good run with IA's, but those seem done).

> The make-believe gold goes towards gems, which in turn go to scrub fashion wars & QoL. No P2W nonsense to be found (imagine that!).

> If I get enough gold together to convert to, say, 400 gems, I'll top that off with 800 gems in exchange for the price of a few cups of cafe late out of my meager IRL IT support drone gold (respect to the ANet/NCSoft IT trenches!)

> At that level, I feel I'm matching my enjoyment to modest expenditure.


> So what's the point here?

> With those layoffs looming, why not consider buying some gems, even if you have any 'philosophical' issues with the GS?

> If NCSoft has any financial people worth their bloody salt they'd notice a nice bump in sales just around the time of their announcing they're going to gut ANet for the sake of the nameless shareholder massive. Perhaps it makes a difference, even if only a little.

> I'd like to support the people who work hard for my enjoyment, which I guess are mainly the devs, but surely a lot of other folk too - probably a bit lower ranked than the suits who decided there is a need for layoffs.


> I've bought 1600 gems just now, as a (perhaps futile, but not bank-breaking) way to express my support And maybe show those suits who's boss: the people who pay for their Porsche!

> It also got me another alt slot (my 11th) in the only MMO I've ever enjoyed alting in, plus a nice new head skin & comfy non-existent chair to park my non-existent Asura bum in.


> To any ANet people who are facing layoffs: <3


Uhhh... Might want to buy 1600 gems every two weeks or month in that case... 1 transaction per year will not cut it.

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you help noone except shareholders and your conscience with this.

even worse, you sent the message that layoffs are getting rewarded with increased gem sales. (@starlinvf.1358 wrote a good comment about that).

further, gw2 never had an income problem as it seams, its on anet (miss)management how that income was spent.


i don´t care how you spent you money, but don´t parade it here like you are saving lives with it. there are other organisations that could do far more "good" with it.

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I stopped buying gems with real world money because of the RNG mount skins fiasco which still hasn't been fixed. I haven't dropped any $ on them since. I've gotten the discount select a mount skin with gold converted to gems when they come up because 720 gems is an acceptable price for single mount skins. I really want to support the game by buying the odd gem card but I said I wouldn't until they stop the RNG skins and I'm true to my word.

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> @"Mikali.9651" said:

> sry but I am not charity. I will gladly pay for the real content which is not just a new LS chapter or gem store "content".


This comment is making me angry! You got 5 LS4 episodes for free so far and haven't paid a dime for it. And yet you have the audacity to say "I will gladly pay for the real content which is not just a new LS chapter"? Shame on you! I would gladly pay for a new LS chapter. $5 is a good price for a chapter considering the content we get. Do you even think about how much work goes into 1 chapter? The textures/models, the map, voices, quests, story, events, network, one came out with a new mount, new legendarys (and even more). ... These people get PAID to do that work. And you get it for FREE! And yet you sit own your comfortable behind and say this? ... As I said, shame on you!!!


In my opinion Living World, especially LS4, reached expansion quality! I am still suprised that ANet is giving it out for free! While I do not want to jinx anything, I want you guys to think about it.

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> @"Wubbbi.8172" said:

> > @"Mikali.9651" said:

> > sry but I am not charity. I will gladly pay for the real content which is not just a new LS chapter or gem store "content".


> This comment is making me angry! You got 5 LS4 episodes for free so far and haven't paid a dime for it. And yet you have the audacity to say "I will gladly pay for the real content which is not just a new LS chapter"? Shame on you! I would gladly pay for a new LS chapter. $5 is a good price for a chapter considering the content we get. Do you even think about how much work goes into 1 chapter? The textures/models, the map, voices, quests, story, events, network (and even more). ... These people get PAID to do that work. And yet you sit own your comfortable behind and say this? ... As I said, shame on you!


> In my opinion, especially LS4, reached expansion quality! I am still suprised that ANet is giving it out for free! While I do not want to Jinx anything, I want you guys to think about it.


you know that they don´t to that because they are super generous? it part of a calculated buisness model to reatrackt possible gemstore buyers. i haven´t payed a dime for it (directly), yes, but neither did i asked for it. should i feel ashamed of playing it now? imagine getting a new brand of cheese offered in a supermarket, you taste it, you don´t like it.... now you need to feel ashamed because you need to tell that person that you do not like the taste?

where is the expansion quality in ls4? where are the new elites? where are the new features? I DO NOT play an mmo for a very subjective good or bad story.



i grant you your opinion , but it´s pretty disproportionate from you to shame other people who have another one. to put it politly.


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> @"sigur.9453" said:

> > @"Wubbbi.8172" said:

> > > @"Mikali.9651" said:

> > > sry but I am not charity. I will gladly pay for the real content which is not just a new LS chapter or gem store "content".

> >

> > This comment is making me angry! You got 5 LS4 episodes for free so far and haven't paid a dime for it. And yet you have the audacity to say "I will gladly pay for the real content which is not just a new LS chapter"? Shame on you! I would gladly pay for a new LS chapter. $5 is a good price for a chapter considering the content we get. Do you even think about how much work goes into 1 chapter? The textures/models, the map, voices, quests, story, events, network (and even more). ... These people get PAID to do that work. And yet you sit own your comfortable behind and say this? ... As I said, shame on you!

> >

> > In my opinion, especially LS4, reached expansion quality! I am still suprised that ANet is giving it out for free! While I do not want to Jinx anything, I want you guys to think about it.


> you know that they don´t to that because they are super generous? it part of a calculated buisness model to reatrackt possible gemstore buyers. i haven´t payed a dime for it (directly), yes, but neither did i asked for it. should i feel ashamed of playing it now? imagine getting a new brand of cheese offered in a supermarket, you taste it, you don´t like it.... now you need to feel ashamed because you need to tell that person that you do not like the taste?

> where is the expansion quality in ls4? where are the new elites? where are the new features? I DO NOT play an mmo for a very subjective good or bad story.



> i grant you your opinion , but it´s pretty disproportionate from you to shame other people who have another one. to put it politly.



I never said that one should be ashamed for playing "free" content nor did I say that everyone has to like it. But complaining about it and having the audacity to call it "no content" and turning it down as "not relevant" and then saying "I am not charity" is straight forward unfair considering the acutal content it gives us. It is unfair towards people who worked hard on that content ESPECIALLY if you get it for free (like it or not, it does not matter).

And one more thing: "Quality" != "Quantity". An expansion may bring more (quantity) features, as you said elite specs and whatever, but I was talking about the **quality**! And the quality indeed is on an expansion level.

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> @"Wubbbi.8172" said:

> > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > > @"Wubbbi.8172" said:

> > > > @"Mikali.9651" said:

> > > > sry but I am not charity. I will gladly pay for the real content which is not just a new LS chapter or gem store "content".

> > >

> > > This comment is making me angry! You got 5 LS4 episodes for free so far and haven't paid a dime for it. And yet you have the audacity to say "I will gladly pay for the real content which is not just a new LS chapter"? Shame on you! I would gladly pay for a new LS chapter. $5 is a good price for a chapter considering the content we get. Do you even think about how much work goes into 1 chapter? The textures/models, the map, voices, quests, story, events, network (and even more). ... These people get PAID to do that work. And yet you sit own your comfortable behind and say this? ... As I said, shame on you!

> > >

> > > In my opinion, especially LS4, reached expansion quality! I am still suprised that ANet is giving it out for free! While I do not want to Jinx anything, I want you guys to think about it.

> >

> > you know that they don´t to that because they are super generous? it part of a calculated buisness model to reatrackt possible gemstore buyers. i haven´t payed a dime for it (directly), yes, but neither did i asked for it. should i feel ashamed of playing it now? imagine getting a new brand of cheese offered in a supermarket, you taste it, you don´t like it.... now you need to feel ashamed because you need to tell that person that you do not like the taste?

> > where is the expansion quality in ls4? where are the new elites? where are the new features? I DO NOT play an mmo for a very subjective good or bad story.

> >

> >

> > i grant you your opinion , but it´s pretty disproportionate from you to shame other people who have another one. to put it politly.

> >


> I never said that one should be ashamed for playing "free" content nor did I say that everyone has to like it. But complaining about it and having the audacity to call it "no content" and turning it down as "not relevant" and then saying "I am not charity" is straight forward unfair considering the acutal content it gives us. It is unfair towards people who worked hard on that content ESPECIALLY if you get it for free (like it or not, it does not matter).

> And one more thing: "Quality" != "Quantity". An expansion may bring more (quantity) features, as you said elite specs and whatever, but I was talking about the **quality**! And the quality indeed is on an expansion level.


Ooof, to even get on the same narrative would take a whole new thread. Nvm

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