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The state of Serpent's Ire - The experience of a frustrated player

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I tried this a number of times but we kept failing because we were not good enough, lacked coordination or the following of it, faced with many possible failure conditions, had to split into multiple groups of which any had to succeed and most often we just lacked the numbers. It would always lead into group-wide frustration because of the lack of success. I've stopped trying since. Basically a PUG experience of hard content.

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> @"Naxos.2503" said:

> The fact is : it is a hard, unrewarding and messy event, which is to be completed in a map that constantly attacks you, on maps that players tend to not go back to once they're done. Odds are stacked against it.


This. One can't expect "veteran serpent ire" players when the rewards are abysmal enough that people don't want to repeat the event. Thus, pretty much every run will be filled mostly with inexperienced people.


Remember auric basin meta when HOT just came out, and how difficult it was to succeed? yet the rewards are there and players kept trying until they got good at the meta. And they didn't leave it behind afterwards, nowadays inexperienced auric basin players are almost guaranteed to be the minority in the meta.


In serpent's ire, it's the other way around.


Just add some better rewards to incentive people to do it in their daily rotation, and it'll be easier to get the meta to succeed.

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> @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"DragonBiscuit.2478" said:

> > > I've tried this event numerous times over the past few monthes, having done it twice today with more organised groups from LFG and via a host from a guild. Not once have I seen past phase 2 of the event.

> >

> > Don't blame ANet, blame the players who have come this far (i.e., to play an expansion) and still don't know what CC means and when to use it.

> >

> > Then again, you _can_ blame ANet for not having any decent tutorials for the basic game mechanics in place.


> Did they change the reward? Because often there were not enough players, because there is no reward.

> And for that you can blame anet.


They didn't change the rewards but the value of the Intact Mosaics have increased. However, I don't think it will hold up for very long. It has already dropped back down significantly.


> @"Kiza.5630" said:

> > @"DragonBiscuit.2478" said:


> > I find it a bit unfair to call it utterly terrible, considering that I've used this build for most of my game time till now and hasn't failed me. Not sure if I could've speced with something else, and I'm not above advice to improve, but this is what I use during most of my running around in open world.


> What they wanted to tell you is that, in the specific event that Serpents' Ire is, builds that bring virtually no CC are useless. Sure it may bring damage to the table and heal ppl. But in case of this event: no CC = no dmg and since none are taking dmg in phase 2 = heal is useless. Minimal self heal every class brings is enough there. Bottom line: if everyone in the group would do that, the event will never succeed.


> Also it doesn't matter much that you need heal for phase 3 because if you die, you can just change builds at the waypoint again. Phase 3 cannot fail, at least I have never seen it fail. Even if we killed Pekt multiple times.


A group that makes it through phase 2 should have all the tools necessary to get through phase 3. Any group that could failed phase 3 simply couldn't get there. The only exception would be when it was new and people still didn't know what to expect from the 3rd phase yet.

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> @"DragonBiscuit.2478" said:

> I find it a bit unfair to call it utterly terrible, considering that I've used this build for most of my game time till now and hasn't failed me. Not sure if I could've speced with something else, and I'm not above advice to improve, but this is what I use during most of my running around in open world.


> Incidentally I runned Serpent's Ire last night, talked it out with my group's lieutenant and the rest of the subgroup and we decided that this utility was fine (if you disagree then please tell me what you would've done different). We managed to go all the way to phase 3 and clear the event last night after monthes of trying on my part in unorganised groups. To say that I'm happy would be an understatement.


> I'm not saying that this build is the best thing ever but it works for me. Since it's out there already any feedback is appreciated.



You can walk around the overworld pressing "1" and still succeed in most places. However, Serpent's Ire was designed with the assumption of an informed playerbase, and as such a PHIW builds don't cut it. What I do... is bring a different class. Thieves can do more CCPS on accident than what a necro can do on purpose. But in general, I like to bring Renegade. Staff and Darkrazor's Daring do a lot of CC for very little effort, but the true strength of the Renegade is all the buffs it can output. Heroic Command provides much needed Might that is usually lacking during phase 2, and Orders from Above provides Alacrity to buff everyone else's skills. This all comes without sacrificing any CCPS, which makes Renegades really good for this event.


However, if you insist on bringing a necromancer, this is the build I would recommend:


Gear: Full Berserker

Sigils: Force, Impact

Runes: x6 Scholar


Spite: Spiteful Talisman, Chill of Death, Close to Death

Soul Reaping: Unyielding Blast, Fear of Death, Death Perception

Reaper: Chilling Nova, Decimate Defenses, Reaper's Onslaught


Weapons: Greatsword, Dagger/Warhorn

Utilities: Spectral Grasp, Summon Bone Fiend, "Suffer!", Summon Flesh Golem


Basically you spam all of your CC skills whenever they're off cooldown, going into shroud for Executioner's Scythe and Terrify, unless the bar is broken in which you'll want to use your DPS skills. Since necromancers are terrible at hard CC, the supplementary goal of this build is soft CC. Though a lot of classes inflict them, you'll want to keep Cripple, Blind, and Chill up for as long as possible, filling the holes that everyone else leaves. If everyone else on the team doesn't do these for some reason, the ticking soft CC can culminate into something useful.


> @"Khisanth.2948" said:


> A group that makes it through phase 2 should have all the tools necessary to get through phase 3. Any group that could failed phase 3 simply couldn't get there. The only exception would be when it was new and people still didn't know what to expect from the 3rd phase yet.


I've seen a group fail on 3rd phase before. I'm not exactly sure how, since I didn't interview every single person there, but there are 3 suspected culprits that lead into part 3 failure.


1: People don't change their builds back. They stay with a bunch of CC that they used for part 2, but part 3 needs more DPS, Buffs, and Heals. In every run I recommend changing builds back before engaging Yoshi and Pekt Rakt, but a lot of people don't.


2: People run inflexible builds. Yoshi's alternating shield can put the hurt on players who don't bring along both a melee and ranged weapon. In some cases it is unavoidable (Looking at Elementalist here), but there are a lot of players that refuse to carry one or the other. As expected, this can cut group DPS in half. The empowering phase happens at regular intervals, so the shield layout will stay the same after each one. So, if Yoshi gets stuck in full duration ranged shield against a bunch of players who only have ranged weapons, it can be nigh impossible to beat him.


3: People don't chase down the sparks. I've seen Yoshi get up to 20 charges once. This turns him into a bruiser that can flatten even the toughest of foes, and after each empowering phase he'll send out a shockwave that can down the entire map. Combine this with players who don't revive on death and are terribly slow running back, and this can bleed players from the zerg very quickly.


These aren't mutually exclusive, so I suspect on the one run that failed had all 3 problems in full force.

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I participated in the event 3 times yesterday. The first 2 we were not enough for the event, on the last attempt we were more then 50 in a PUG squad and succeeded. The main problem i see with this event is the lame rewards it gives. The mechanics are fine, its just hard enough to make it fail if you dont know what you're doing.

The main problem is the rewards. You can go run around like a headless chicken in SW and get way better rewards. You can go get in AB 10 mins before the challenge and get better rewards. You can even farm flax and get a better income for your time.


Make it worth it to get more people to do the event and most of the problems will be solved.

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Anet knows the state of this event for too long now so it's obvious it is working as intended for them. I can only guess they are using it as artificial gate for the funerary set, that will take time to complete since one run is never enough unless you are lucky.


As said above, your best bet is joining a TTS run or any of the few guilds that specialize on metas. Those usually take place on weekends.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"DragonBiscuit.2478" said:

> > I've tried this event numerous times over the past few monthes, having done it twice today with more organised groups from LFG and via a host from a guild. Not once have I seen past phase 2 of the event.


> Don't blame ANet, blame the players who have come this far (i.e., to play an expansion) and still don't know what CC means and when to use it.


> Then again, you _can_ blame ANet for not having any decent tutorials for the basic game mechanics in place.


I have to agree there. I didn't understand breakbars for months after reaching 80. I finally noticed one day while playing gusedisn, GS5 was doing something to the bar, so I tried it again, then started going through the CC of all my classes to make sure. Before that, I was just trying g to burn as quickly as possible. I like the concept, but it isn't the most obvious mechanic.

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I remember the time when the Chak Gerent meta in Tangled Depths failed more than it succeeded. Now it's the exception and happens mainly due to arriving late on the map and getting a low-pop instance. Of course, that meta is more rewarding, so people quickly got good at it through practice. If Serpent's Ire is fixed, I hope it's going to involve rewards rather than nerfing the difficulty. It's actually nice to have something in the open world that needs more than pressing 1 repeatedly.

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> @"MikeG.6389" said:

> I remember the time when the Chak Gerent meta in Tangled Depths failed more than it succeeded. Now it's the exception and happens mainly due to arriving late on the map and getting a low-pop instance. Of course, that meta is more rewarding, so people quickly got good at it through practice. If Serpent's Ire is fixed, I hope it's going to involve rewards rather than nerfing the difficulty.


Gerent was also got nerfed once or twice. Same with AB but maybe that is more like balanced since north has a bug that makes it harder than it used to be.


> It's actually nice to have something in the open world that needs more than pressing 1 repeatedly.


That is good in theory but in reality all that means is that the source of challenge goes from mechanics to "ability to find and recruit enough people with high enough skill level". That isn't an especially beneficial outcome. It would be fine if the game was actually more consistent about requiring people to improve but it is the opposite. This is probably best demonstrated by bounties where you can see large percentage of groups that try to attack through Phase-Shifted while standing in the wrong area or trying to attack through Exploiter without ever closing in on the target.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> That is good in theory but in reality all that means is that the source of challenge goes from mechanics to "ability to find and recruit enough people with high enough skill level". That isn't an especially beneficial outcome. It would be fine if the game was actually more consistent about requiring people to improve but it is the opposite. This is probably best demonstrated by bounties where you can see large percentage of groups that try to attack through Phase-Shifted while standing in the wrong area or trying to attack through Exploiter without ever closing in on the target.


I somehow find it sad that knowing which of your skills will help to deplete an enemy's breakbar should be referred to as a high level skill.


It's funny, because even though it was a while ago when I last did the DS meta, I seem to remember that it used to be a source of constant grief that CC happens too fast on the Mouth of Mordremoth... Go, figure.


Still, I have to agree. Open world PVE is so low demanding, generally speaking, that wherever there is something a tad bit more challenging, it is usually avoided like fire. If there wasn't a daily chest attached to the HoT map metas, nobody would want to kill even the Matriarch in VB, let alone any of the more complicated bosses... one of which requires fast CC.

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> @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > That is good in theory but in reality all that means is that the source of challenge goes from mechanics to "ability to find and recruit enough people with high enough skill level". That isn't an especially beneficial outcome. It would be fine if the game was actually more consistent about requiring people to improve but it is the opposite. This is probably best demonstrated by bounties where you can see large percentage of groups that try to attack through Phase-Shifted while standing in the wrong area or trying to attack through Exploiter without ever closing in on the target.


> I somehow find it sad that knowing which of your skills will help to deplete an enemy's breakbar should be referred to as a high level skill.


> It's funny, because even though it was a while ago when I last did the DS meta, I seem to remember that it used to be a source of constant grief that CC happens too fast on the Mouth of Mordremoth... Go, figure.



Sometimes there are cases like that. That was a thing for gerent back in the day. Might not be anymore. There changes. It's a mess. :/

To me that seems more like the designers not realizing the consequences of their design or it's just due to my personal opinion about mechanics that subverts expectations(they shouldn't). The latest set of changes to some of the fractal instabilities suffer from the same lack of awareness about consequences.


> Still, I have to agree. Open world PVE is so low demanding, generally speaking, that wherever there is something a tad bit more challenging, it is usually avoided like fire. If there wasn't a daily chest attached to the HoT map metas, nobody would want to kill even the Matriarch in VB, let alone any of the more complicated bosses... one of which requires fast CC.


Technically Matriarch also requires fast CC :p


The two frogs requires a CC.


Patriarch is just completely immune to all forms for hard and soft CC for no reason than to give the middle finger to classes with traits that proc off some soft CCs.


The one you are referring to is probably Axemaster Gwyllion. However that can be fought with a very small group. In fact I am very certain he is soloable. I was doing fine before someone else showed up the last time I tried although a single mishap could have screwed it up. In the end it was done with a total of 3 people. Patriarch is also very easy to solo but if anyone do so much as show up it really messes up the scaling on the shield. I've also seen a video of someone soloing the tetrad boss.


The term "challenging" is also not very useful. There are too many things that are challenging for the wrong reasons.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > That is good in theory but in reality all that means is that the source of challenge goes from mechanics to "ability to find and recruit enough people with high enough skill level". That isn't an especially beneficial outcome. It would be fine if the game was actually more consistent about requiring people to improve but it is the opposite. This is probably best demonstrated by bounties where you can see large percentage of groups that try to attack through Phase-Shifted while standing in the wrong area or trying to attack through Exploiter without ever closing in on the target.

> >

> > I somehow find it sad that knowing which of your skills will help to deplete an enemy's breakbar should be referred to as a high level skill.

> >

> > It's funny, because even though it was a while ago when I last did the DS meta, I seem to remember that it used to be a source of constant grief that CC happens too fast on the Mouth of Mordremoth... Go, figure.

> >


> Sometimes there are cases like that. That was a thing for gerent back in the day. Might not be anymore. There changes. It's a mess. :/

> To me that seems more like the designers not realizing the consequences of their design or it's just due to my personal opinion about mechanics that subverts expectations(they shouldn't). The latest set of changes to some of the fractal instabilities suffer from the same lack of awareness about consequences.


> > Still, I have to agree. Open world PVE is so low demanding, generally speaking, that wherever there is something a tad bit more challenging, it is usually avoided like fire. If there wasn't a daily chest attached to the HoT map metas, nobody would want to kill even the Matriarch in VB, let alone any of the more complicated bosses... one of which requires fast CC.


> Technically Matriarch also requires fast CC :p


> The two frogs requires a CC.


> Patriarch is just completely immune to all forms for hard and soft CC for no reason than to give the middle finger to classes with traits that proc off some soft CCs.


> The one you are referring to is probably Axemaster Gwyllion. However that can be fought with a very small group. In fact I am very certain he is soloable. I was doing fine before someone else showed up the last time I tried although a single mishap could have screwed it up. In the end it was done with a total of 3 people. Patriarch is also very easy to solo but if anyone do so much as show up it really messes up the scaling on the shield. I've also seen a video of someone soloing the tetrad boss.


> The term "challenging" is also not very useful. There are too many things that are challenging for the wrong reasons.


As is the case with everything, what is challenging or not is relative. To a certain bit of content in relation to the environment (like legendary enemies in low level areas, or Serpent's Ire in Vabbi, for that matter) or to the players themselves. There are those who can't solo a veteran djinn for a hero point, for example, or have a hard time, at least. I imagine that many of them think of that as unnecessarily challenging content.

And, yep, I was thinking of the Axemaster. I haven't done it many times but if he wasn't cc'd in time he oneshot downed most of us. Maybe I just never figured out how to get away from him fast enough... I'm not the most skillful player either. :D

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> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > @"Algreg.3629" said:

> > GW2 has the lowest skill playerbase I have ever witnessed in any online game and the one who can be bothered least with understanding game mechanics. In fact, Anet's marketing was exactly focused on drawing them in - though not in these words of cause :) Sometimes, some Dev gets carried away and, wanting to spice things up, forgets about that. Which creates problems like this one. GW2 needs to be mediocre to work as a product.


> That's hilarious. Ever played some of the other popular MMOs? GW2 playerbase is actually not bad at all.


They may not be the worst but it's certainly near the bottom. And even if in general they aren't the worst they are certainly the laziest. "Someone else will do it." seems to be a common belief with a lot of players in this game.

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> @"Algreg.3629" said:

> GW2 has the lowest skill playerbase I have ever witnessed in any online game and the one who can be bothered least with understanding game mechanics. In fact, Anet's marketing was exactly focused on drawing them in - though not in these words of cause :) Sometimes, some Dev gets carried away and, wanting to spice things up, forgets about that. Which creates problems like this one. GW2 needs to be mediocre to work as a product.

That's not exactly true. It's not that the playerbase has the lowest skill - it's that the difference between low and high skill is soo much greater than in other games. That's because the gear tier you wear plays the least part of your efficiency. The build you use, and the skill rotations have a much, much greater impact - and the game gives you a really great freedom here. You can easily make a ton of bad choices that in other games would simply not exist.


That's the unfortunate consequence of buildcraft freedom.


> @"Vyrulisse.1246" said:

> They may not be the worst but it's certainly near the bottom. And even if in general they aren't the worst they are certainly the laziest. "Someone else will do it." seems to be a common belief with a lot of players in this game.

That's a common belief anywhere - in any game, and in RL as well. From my experience, if you don't assign a specific person for a job and just hope a volunteer will show up on their own when needed, most of the time you get disappointed. That's when volunteering doesn't offer any personal benefits, of course - it can be much different if it does.





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The break bar scaling in P2 seems a bit off. At some point my warrior with every CC possible equipped barely scratches the bar. And that means a ton of hard CC. I would be fine if they nerfed the scaling of P2 a little bit because lets be realistic; when you have a huge squad of random open world people many of them don't even know what a break bar is. I bet most of those have no idea how the event failed. And in the end it is an open world event and groups with a certain % of potatoes is a fact. I am all ok with challenge but at least make it in a way that you can carry some potatoes.


This event is all about a good commander that explains EVERYTHING in advance.

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At this point it's less about the challenge of the event itself and more about the challenge of finding a good squad to complete it. In order for a challenging event to remain popular for a long time after release it needs a steady rotation of competent tags and OW guilds willing to tackle it. And I know many consider this word to have negative connotations, but you can only achieve that steady activity if said event is "farmable". Meaning it has to be competitive reward-wise and have a low percentage of failure with the average OW zerg composition, **after** learning its mechanics . Otherwise the majority of commanders and OW guilds will just move to greener pastures when the novelty passes.


As weird as it may sound now, SW used to fail often on release. Then the community organized more, learned the mechanics and proceeded to make the meta "farmable". The same happened with the DS and AB metas, with the community sticking through the initial frustration and mastering them eventually. Events like Triple Trouble and Serpent's Ire didn't follow that pattern and examples like the previous prove it's not the community refusing to "git gud", but plain bad design instead. The community is **not** willing to stick through those events and the reason is a combination of overtuned encounters and low rewards. An OW event's purpose is to be played by the type of player you see in OW. If it isn't, then it has failed its purpose and thus it's a badly designed event.

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The event is poorly scaled that's my opinion, but aside of that the reward vs time/organisation is also whacko in comparison to many other metas/WB's. But I think one of the other key issues is, the map itself just doesn't have the same kind of vibe to it that other PoF maps have, especially as half of the map is covered in the annoying brandspark cancer. All in all its a combination of poor design choices imo that make this meta so unpopular in comparison.

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As I see it, Serpent's Ire desperately needs two changes:


1. The breakbars of the branded forgotten needs a massive decrease in their scaling. They seem to scale to everyone anywhere within the meta instead only to those surrounding that particular creature.

2. The rewards need to be improved. The choices in the Chest of the Bazaar Raider leave way too much to be desired. The choices would need to be at least as good as these:

* 1 intact mosaic

* 3 pulsing brandsparks.

* 3 Unidentified gear

* 2 Bags of elegy mosaics (These would usually drop 2-3 mosaics, but have a chance to drop 5-7 instead, and a rarer chance to have a jackpot of 20-25)

* A selection box with ascended and exotic harrier armor recipes.

* A selection box with ascended and exotic harrier weapon recipes.

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> @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> As weird as it may sound now, SW used to fail often on release. Then the community organized more, learned the mechanics and proceeded to make the meta "farmable". The same happened with the DS and AB metas, with the community sticking through the initial frustration and mastering them eventually. Events like Triple Trouble and Serpent's Ire didn't follow that pattern and examples like the previous prove it's not the community refusing to "git gud", but plain bad design instead. The community is **not** willing to stick through those events and the reason is a combination of overtuned encounters and low rewards. An OW event's purpose is to be played by the type of player you see in OW. If it isn't, then it has failed its purpose and thus it's a badly designed event.


There is nothing weird about SW failing. It still fails on a frequent basis and for the same exact reason since the beginning too, by repeatedly failing on the thrasher. It's just that there are also many more and frequent organized groups as well.


It is also much easier to keep a group together for SW than for SI because of the short break time. If a group fails they can begin working on it again in 15? minutes but for SI that is 90 minutes. Even within the break time SW offers two different sets of group activities to keep people occupied for those not using the time to take a break. Vabbi has what? Treasure Hunting Kits and bounties? Both of those things have their own problems too.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> > As weird as it may sound now, SW used to fail often on release. Then the community organized more, learned the mechanics and proceeded to make the meta "farmable". The same happened with the DS and AB metas, with the community sticking through the initial frustration and mastering them eventually. Events like Triple Trouble and Serpent's Ire didn't follow that pattern and examples like the previous prove it's not the community refusing to "git gud", but plain bad design instead. The community is **not** willing to stick through those events and the reason is a combination of overtuned encounters and low rewards. An OW event's purpose is to be played by the type of player you see in OW. If it isn't, then it has failed its purpose and thus it's a badly designed event.


> There is nothing weird about SW failing. It still fails on a frequent basis and for the same exact reason since the beginning too, by repeatedly failing on the thrasher. It's just that there are also many more and frequent organized groups as well.


> It is also much easier to keep a group together for SW than for SI because of the short break time. If a group fails they can begin working on it again in 15? minutes but for SI that is 90 minutes. Even within the break time SW offers two different sets of group activities to keep people occupied for those not using the time to take a break. Vabbi has what? Treasure Hunting Kits and bounties? Both of those things have their own problems too.


I'm doing SW very frequently, using lfg, and I have to admit I don't even remember the last time I saw the event fail. That wasn't the case back then. I totally agree with you that SW's player-driven design sets it apart, ensuring the map stays active. I often wonder why Anet has moved away from that model.

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I had to do this for my Funerary set and I joined a random group not even posted in LFG and we were able to finish it. I have only ever did it the one time so I don't have a lot to add. I am just puzzled on how somewhat organized groups are failing at this. I guess the scaling could be he issue but when I completed back when PoF was just released there were a lot of people on the map so I'm most certain it was scaled up.


I remember during the duel boss phase we kept them separated and made sure they had about the same health going down so they could be killed at the same time. When the sparks spawned a few stayed with the bosses and the rest ran from both groups and killed the sparks then ran back to their boss. It was pure chaos but it worked.


Maybe it has changed since then but that's all I got.

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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> I had to do this for my Funerary set and I joined a random group not even posted in LFG and we were able to finish it. I have only ever did it the one time so I don't have a lot to add. I am just puzzled on how somewhat organized groups are failing at this. I guess the scaling could be he issue but when I completed back when PoF was just released there were a lot of people on the map so I'm most certain it was scaled up.


> I remember during the duel boss phase we kept them separated and made sure they had about the same health going down so they could be killed at the same time. When the sparks spawned a few stayed with the bosses and the rest ran from both groups and killed the sparks then ran back to their boss. It was pure chaos but it worked.


> Maybe it has changed since then but that's all I got.


SI would most definitely of been scaled up when you completed it way back when the map was still new and busy... but scaling his not infinite and with a busy full map still in PoF hype mode there would be more than enough firepower to overcome that without noticing. These that is not so easily the case

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this event needs a nerf, i have did it on the begin of Pof with **unorganizeds groups** several times just for fun, and its wanst so hard.. its clearly that some patch glitched the event scale, inst "learn to play" problem. The only i organized is just the initial positions, i dont even need call for anyone bring CC.


This >

> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> I had to do this for my Funerary set and I joined a random group not even posted in LFG and we were able to finish it. I have only ever did it the one time so I don't have a lot to add. I am just puzzled on how somewhat organized groups are failing at this. I guess the scaling could be he issue but when I completed back when PoF was just released there were a lot of people on the map so I'm most certain it was scaled up.


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