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Say one thing you love about GW2.


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This one thing has kept me and a few friends in GW2 when other options presented themselves at times.. There have been other games that we've seen that have a similar mechanic (Wildstar had a version, for example), but when it comes to staying active in combat, Arenanet has the most seamless implementation of this feature that I've come across.


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Just one? JUST ONE!?

YOU MANIAC, curse you with restricting my joy to ONE. SINGLE. THING!!! *shakes fist*

All silliness aside... :D


Probably the biggest thing I love about GW2 is the lore. It's so deep and you can find so many little hidden tidbits all over the place if you just look for it. I've spent countless time scouring the wiki, and in-game itself, for information on any and every question that begs to be asked as I go about playing the game. 90% of the time, I find an answer somewhere and I absolutely love it.

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There's always something new for me to find or do. Even if it's "just" scenery I don't remember noticing before, or some amusing dialogue or a skin I've never seen before I feel like I encounter something new every time I log in and it means I'm always looking forward to finding out what I'll discover today.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> That it doesn't have a subscription fee (even optional).

> I had to say this given all the recent threads about adding subscriptions to the game.


It's a good point. That's one of the things that first convinced me to get GW1 and a big reason I'm still here. I do buy gems but I love that I can do it when it's convenient for me rather than on a fixed schedule and I'm not locked out of the game if I haven't bought anything for a while. I also like that the stuff I do buy is permanent, so if I don't get to use it right away it's there waiting for me when I do have time. Unlike a subscription which expires whether you use it or not, so with my unpredictable schedule I could easily end up paying for time I never actually get to use.

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Also this game almost never goes offline, even for maintenance and updates. I'm currently locked out of my other MMO for most of the day because it's time for their weekly maintenance and the forum is full of people complaining and other people insisting it's normal and all games do it, while I just switch over to GW2 because that's always available.


Yes there are disconnects, but at least then you can log back in and try again - you're never told "sorry, it will be completely impossible to log into this game at all for the next 6 hours at least, because all the severs are disconnected". Whereas in other games that's apparently still a weekly occurrence at least.


I don't understand why other newer MMOs don't do the same thing. I assume the actual process is propriety or at least kept some-what secret, but surely once it's been done _someone_ could figure out how to emulate it.

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