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Maybe they did it so that Mike Z's post would not be mixed in with all the other sticky threads and thus be more pronounced. The threads are still there, they are just not pinned to the top of the page anymore. Maybe it was a bit of a clean up as well but sticky threads in the other forums are still there. I doubt with the offices being closed and all that is going on, cleaning up sticky threads was at the top of the list. So I think it had more to do with making Mike's post more noticeable. Personally I thought there were too many sticky threads and cluttered as Blocki stated. I use a custom filter in my ad blocker to hide many of them anyway just to clean up my view of the forum a bit.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> We'll re-examine those unstickied threads later and see which ones it makes sense to sticky again.


Hi Stephane


Do you know if any devs read the QoL list regularly?


And will the ones still with us read it when they have the time?

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> @"Haishao.6851" said:

> Hopefully they sticky back the new gemstore items thread.


In the mean time you can bookmark the thread and other former sticky threads you wish to follow.


For example this is the link to the new and returning gem store thread.



Click the little icon on the far right of the thread title to bookmark it. It looks like a small banner or flag. Also make sure the notification preferences in your forum profile is set to ,"Notify me when people comment on my bookmarked discussions.". Doing that should send you a notification, noted on the globe icon at the top of the forum page, when the thread has been updated and you can you click the notification to send you to the thread. I think bookmark notifications are set to on by default but you might want to check to make sure. Notification preferences are not obvious on the profile page. To locate them on your forum profile there is an icon that looks like a little person to the right of your display name, click the down arrow to select preferences, it should then show your notification preferences. Select the ones you want including notifications for bookmarked discussions.


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I always thought they should just have a 'Sticky' sub forum, and put all the stickies in there. They could sub-sub forum that, if needed, into WvW, PvP, General, etc. One sticky at the top of a sub forum like this called 'Stickies' that directs people to the corresponding sub forums of stickies.


Then this stays clean up top: one sticky that points to stickies, and the occasional temporary notice sticky, and the sticky forums have all the uh sticky things. :)

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> I always thought they should just have a 'Sticky' sub forum, and put all the stickies in there. They could sub-sub forum that, if needed, into WvW, PvP, General, etc. One sticky at the top of a sub forum like this called 'Stickies' that directs people to the corresponding sub forums of stickies.


> Then this stays clean up top: one sticky that points to stickies, and the occasional temporary notice sticky, and the sticky forums have all the uh sticky things. :)


That would be counter-productive though. The point of a sticky topic is to keep it at the top where everyone will see it on a regular basis. If they were all dumped into a seperate sub-forum I doubt most people would look at it frequently, or at all.


Some of them could probably go into other sections of the forum, for example the ones about giving feedback and forum moderation could go into the GW2 and Forum Policies section. But the ones created to be a single thread for re-occurring topics (like QoL suggestions and new gem store items) need to be at the top of General Discussion to work - otherwise people will keep on creating new topics on those subjects and saying they didn't know there already was one (more often that they do already I mean).


I agree it was getting very cluttered and we didn't need all of them any more, but the ones worth keeping are IMO worth keeping as stickies rather than getting buried in a different area of the forum.

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There are a couple of ways to handle important topics and stickying them is just one. People eventually ignore everything that stays in the same place for a long time, so it pays to use a variety of techniques.


* Sticky active threads. QoL, gemshop requests, current celebration/AMAs (where "current" = closed less than 2 months ago).

* Maintain a thread-of-threads, where the first post has a list of topics that people thing are interesting and the thread is used to suggest what belongs there. (We don't have that, but I'd like to see a mega thread for New Race, Cantha, Expansion Suggestions, and all the other topics that are perennial... but not always active.)

* Refresh the lists regularly. If gardening is good for the gem shop, it's also good for the forums. It should be someone's job (or ANet can ask one of us to help) to review the list(s) 3-5x/year, to remove stale threads, to add thriving ones, etc.


With that combination, forum regulars will know where to go to find stuff. Some forum newbies will find it useful (with or without being pointed there). Without it, we end up taking it for granted and mostly ignoring it all.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:


> * Maintain a thread-of-threads, where the first post has a list of topics that people thing are interesting and the thread is used to suggest what belongs there. (We don't have that, but I'd like to see a mega thread for New Race, Cantha, Expansion Suggestions, and all the other topics that are perennial... but not always active.)

Please do this!!



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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Hi everyone,


> We unstickied threads so that Mike Z's message would be the only one stickied thread, so that it is highly visible to everyone. We'll re-examine those unstickied threads later and see which ones it makes sense to sticky again.


> Thanks for your understanding.


This sticky threads was so messy. Pls don't bring it back. If someone need it tagged, tag it youself.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Hi everyone,


> We unstickied threads so that Mike Z's message would be the only one stickied thread, so that it is highly visible to everyone. We'll re-examine those unstickied threads later and see which ones it makes sense to sticky again.


> Thanks for your understanding.


Please re-sticky the suggestions for the gem store please ASAP, thanking you in advance & many blessings =D

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Hi everyone,


> We unstickied threads so that Mike Z's message would be the only one stickied thread, so that it is highly visible to everyone. We'll re-examine those unstickied threads later and see which ones it makes sense to sticky again.


> Thanks for your understanding.


Thanks for the info!

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> @"Timo.1065" said:

> This sticky threads was so messy. Pls don't bring it back. If someone need it tagged, tag it youself.

This isn't practical with _Vanilla_ because an active thread causes a ping every time it's updated. Turning off the notification devalues a chief benefit of putting something on one's own watchlist.


Besides which, stickies also help people who don't know that there is an active/important thread. Forum regulars might be aware of an upcoming AMA/Celebration (to use one example), but others who logon only occasionally probably won't learn about it otherwise.



As I wrote above, I'd rather see a three-pronged approach:

* Sticky hot/important threads

* Maintain a "thread of threads" to track perennial topics.

* Re-evaluate both lists regularly (even if it takes calling on a group of forum volunteers to offer recommendations).


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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> > > It's MUCH better now. IMO, it was waaaaay too cluttered before.

> >

> > I agree, but a couple served a good purpose.


> Definitely. I think a few of those could be sticked again, just not all (or most) of them.


Would be better to make one thread where all important stickied threads links are posted

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