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> @"Flandre.2870" said:

> • Silent Scope: The duration of stealth that this trait grants has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second in PvP and WvW.


> only good change in dis patch


> change my mind


My first reaction as well.

If lucky mirage / tempest / scrapper changes turn out to not be 100% worthless.

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this won't change anything, not even deadeye stealth "nerf"

mesmer nerfs are too small in addition that its direct competitors/dangers are slightly nerfed as well, so nothing changed


chrono will strengthen its position as best 1v1 as its basically untouched except higher distortion uptime from soi

not sure how ether signet will turn out, can anyone explain how this currently works and will work next patch?

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> @"Liza.2758" said:

> seem good to me. they finally rework some of useless stuffs


> more builds will be available and a bit nerf to condi mirage.


> Sword 4 rev doesn't seem to get hit that's only thing but since i have been living with it so far then let it be...


> i hope the patch come next week.



Sword 4 rev already got hit last balance patch what more do you want? A 1 second cast skill should be hitting hard

I swear people just want sword 4 to be useless lmao

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> @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > @"Liza.2758" said:

> > seem good to me. they finally rework some of useless stuffs

> >

> > more builds will be available and a bit nerf to condi mirage.

> >

> > Sword 4 rev doesn't seem to get hit that's only thing but since i have been living with it so far then let it be...

> >

> > i hope the patch come next week.

> >


> Sword 4 rev already got hit last balance patch what more do you want? A 1 second cast skill should be hitting hard

> I swear people just want sword 4 to be useless lmao


they could give us the old sword 4 with block ... that would be find

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> @"Flandre.2870" said:

> they literally nerfed stuff on condi mirage that no one uses lol.

> the build that's been in the finals of last mAT will be unchanged.

> Rev is unchanged. It's A BUFF and only in pve.

> Tempest/scrapper still worthless

> Banners got nerfed


You mean the forum whiners got the wrong things nerfed?!?!


CoLoR mE sUrPRiSeD!

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> So are you going to give any feedback on it other than pouting and saying no or..?


> The changes look pretty good. Tempest is already pretty close to being alright and this might just do it. Certainly makes some fun builds in open world more enjoyable. Not everything needs to be equally viable in every mode.


I agree that tempest changes are nice, however I would argue that they still need some work, specifically to core ele traits, which outside of water/arcane these can be very underwhelming.


I still see potential in actually giving us a second tier passive trait, I made a post on ele subforum on how every elite specc have a second tier trait that actually synergizes with their elite theme, giving them boons that cannot be removed, or perks that are unique, yet we get 8 seconds of swiftness (a very common boon, and one eles have plenty of acces to already) on overloads, which is "ok" but even in flavor it is lacking, at the very least it should be superspeed, or imo, 1 stack of stability. I doubt anyone will check it out, but here is my reasoning: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/67121/speedy-conduit-tempest-trait-underwhelming-effect





This is the reasoning for the HoT speccs (i did do a comparison with the PoF ones, but I feel that it would be fairer to compare it agaisnt elites that came around the same time, but even weaver had a nicer minor trait compared to tempest. It is just an opportunity where they can squeeze in some buffs that would help the specc)




[✓] Relevant to the class mechanic                                                                                    [ ] Not relevant to the class mechanic.





-DH: [✓] Blocking an attack causes Justice (F1, the chain and pull) to reach its maximum charge and reduces the cooldown of Spear of Justice by 3 seconds. (aegis easy to get with traps, and guardians already wanna block a lot)


-Herald: [✓?] Gain 10% increased maximum health. (it might not be complementary(?), but it is very strong for a minor trait, and better than a common buff)


-Berserker: [✓] Gain increased 7% damage and 7% condition damage when you enter or exit berserk mode . (cant be debuffed, strong and unique and can be upkept most of the fight)


-Scrapper:[✓] When you successfully revive an ally or finish an enemy, you grant barrier and great speed to nearby allies. (support class, very tanky, now tankier, 2 unique very strong buffs that cant be debuffed)


-Druid: [✓] When you heal an ally, you are also healed. (healer that gets healed by healing, perfect)


-Daredevil: [✓] Gain health when you successfully evade an attack. (evade especialization, rewarded for doing so)


-Chronomancer: [✓] Gain alacrity for each clone you shatter. (mesmers = clones + shatters, alacrity defines chrono)


-Reaper: [✓?] Whenever you inflict fear, you also chill. (not bad but not the best either. Does go with the chill theme even if they play as an industrial tractor)


-Tempest: [ ] Gain 8 seconds of swiftness on overloading. Easy to get boon through multiple sources and classes, low duration, do not uniquely enhance class mechanic (overload), it can be removed and even converted to a condi, working agaisnt the class that is already vulnerable while channeling a 4 second skill that completely locks 25% of their skills for 20 seconds.

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I for one am going to let them finish off the restructuring before I start dumping on them especially after the lay offs. It's easy to forget that they're real people who do work on this and from rumours they've been a skeleton crew for a while now. This patch was done before the lay offs and restructuring so is what I expected.


Maybe we might see some more focus on GW2 and sorting out the power creeped mess, either way sensible eyes are looking at when the next patch is, what it contains and if it's a step in the right direction.

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> @"Liza.2758" said:

> seem good to me. they finally rework some of useless stuffs


> more builds will be available and a bit nerf to condi mirage.


> Sword 4 rev doesn't seem to get hit that's only thing but since i have been living with it so far then let it be...


> i hope the patch come next week.



Well, sword 4 "sort of" got nerfed.


The changes to targeted destruction mean that instead of flat 7% damage bonus for any vuln, rev now gets 0.5-12.5% damage bonus based on how much vuln is stacked. Sword 4 is a big vuln stacker, which means your target probably doesn't have that many stacks *before* you hit them with sword 4. Meaning it will usually be dealing about 5% less damage overall.



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> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> Anybody who thinks this patch will actually change anything is delusional


It's not gonna change permastealth Deadeyes, Boonbeasts (Dolyak Stance is now 6 seconds compared to 9, OWP is less) and Mirages (less evade uptime)? And core guards where they'll need to sacrifice a mobility rune for precision?


Now I think Chronobunk will rise up and become meta. Which is a bummer, scepter 3 should've been nuked. If anything, Chronobunk got a buff since Signet of Inspiration got its CD decreased = more Distortion.

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> @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > Anybody who thinks this patch will actually change anything is delusional


> It's not gonna change permastealth Deadeyes, Boonbeasts (Dolyak Stance is now 6 seconds compared to 9, OWP is less) and Mirages (less evade uptime)? And core guards where they'll need to sacrifice a mobility rune for precision?


> Now I think Chronobunk will rise up and become meta. Which is a bummer, scepter 3 should've been nuked. If anything, Chronobunk got a buff since Signet of Inspiration got its CD decreased = more Distortion.


The silent scope nerf is probably the best change this patch. That however doesnt mean, that DEs wont be able to instagib people with 5 digit crits anylonger.


Boonbeasts will still have the pretty much the highest damage to survivability ratio in the game. Sure the duration nerfs to the stance will be noticable, but dolyak stance at least has pretty good bonuses from just its activation alone. OWP-bursts will have a smaller window....but thats kinda w/e.


Mirages will just play scepter/x + staff and chaos > illusions. Literally nothing changed for the chaos spec....only now you will see them run scepter over axe.


Guardian will be interesting. Nobody will run precision runes with valkyrie amulet. If anything, they'll just drop valk and go marauders.

Currently valk guards get 75% critchance (fury + RI) with 210 critdmg. After the patch (with marauders) they can have 100% critchance with ~190 critdmg.

So in terms of damage, that actually isn't that much of a difference. If anything it will be more consistent (no more "bad crit rng").

If anything they will be easier to kill, since they'll lose ~3k health.



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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> I for one am going to let them finish off the restructuring before I start dumping on them especially after the lay offs. It's easy to forget that they're real people who do work on this and from rumours they've been a skeleton crew for a while now. This patch was done before the lay offs and restructuring so is what I expected.


> Maybe we might see some more focus on GW2 and sorting out the power creeped mess, either way sensible eyes are looking at when the next patch is, what it contains and if it's a step in the right direction.


I would be very understanding if they told us that they needed more time for the patch. But they only delayed it by one week and that is after 2.5 month of no class balance. The patch itself is significantly underwhelming, and seems mostly to address forums whining, instead of being well thought out and designed. Man, even the written descriptions where out of sync with many of the changes.

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> @"Zenix.6198" said:


> Mirages will just play scepter/x + staff and chaos > illusions. Literally nothing changed for the chaos spec....only now you will see them run scepter over axe.

WHAT ????

Because Mirage cloack reduction will not have any impact right ????

25% of invul reduction. Drastical reduction of ways of getting away from AOEs...

What would you need to feel the difference ?

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> @"Kicast.1459" said:

> > @"Zenix.6198" said:


> > Mirages will just play scepter/x + staff and chaos > illusions. Literally nothing changed for the chaos spec....only now you will see them run scepter over axe.

> WHAT ????

> Because Mirage cloack reduction will not have any impact right ????


Yes, It will barely be noticable.



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.75s down from 1s might seem small, but it's very noticeable. Most skillcasts will no longer be fully covered by Mirage Cloak; CCing Mirages will be much easier now. They have less superspeed as well, plus their illusions with Infinite Horizons will also be affected, making them easier to kill as well.

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