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S15 Upcoming Balance Changes 2/28/2019

Trevor Boyer.6524

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Concerning this: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/69910/upcoming-balance-notes


Let's make it short & sweet.


Ele Changes:

* Lots of buffs, that's great. I'm no Ele main, so I can't comment too heavily here, other than saying I feel these buffs could have been better placed.


Engi Changes:

* "The gyro class of skills has been reworked and changed to wells. Gyros are now no longer targetable and instead hover over the engineer to grant their effects." - Woah

* "Medic Gyro: This skill has been reworked. The gyro now creates a water field that follows the engineer while it pulses heals to the player and nearby allies every second." - WOAH

* "Bulwark Gyro: This skill has been reworked. The gyro now creates a lightning field that follows the engineer while it grants them barrier every second and redirects some damage from nearby allies to the engineer." - lol woah. inc FB/Scourge/Scrapper teams, ok let's do this but will it be healthy?

* "Purge Gyro: This skill has been reworked. The gyro now creates a light field that follows the engineer while it removes conditions from the player and nearby allies every second." - Whaaaat so a Scrapper is the first multi-class now? this kind of sounds almost as strong as a FB support that has a lot more damage than an actual FB.

* "Shredder Gyro: This skill has been reworked. The gyro now follows the engineer and performs a whirl finisher that inflicts damage on nearby enemies every second." - Ok come on.. I mean was this not considered? (Purge Gyro auto condi cleanses) + (Combo Field: Light from Purge Gryo - Cleansing Bolts - Conditions Removed: 1) * (Shredder Gryo perma Whirl Finisher every 1s) + (Gyros can no longer be targeted)? **Welp, I guess Mirage has a hard-counter now.** Let's throw a party over it, tell me the place & time boys.

* "Sneak Gyro: This skill has been reworked. The gyro now creates a smoke field that follows the engineer while it grants stealth to the player and nearby allies every second." - Ok no, now this actually crosses the line. So you're telling me that it pulses stealth to the user and allies every second, IN ADDITION to having a smoke field that follows the Engineer? Anet, we gotta have a serious talk here... Are you guys not aware of the type of stealth uptime that this is going to create for EVERYONE ON THE TEAM? This is way way way too much. This is ridiculously powerful boys. This needs to be omitted from the upcoming balance changes ASAP, and that is no joke. If you do not, **the game is going to turn into stealth wars, which will not only be counter-intuitive to conquest node holding, but it will very quickly become the most powerful & exploitable throw tactic that we've seen to date**. You're going to have Scrappers who are able to throw team fights without even losing the fight, simply by pulsing the stealth gyro in the middle of the node, forcing his team to get decapped, and now the opposing team cannot even target the stealth gyro? This is a critical and gross error waiting to happen. For the sake of your game mode & my own enjoyment of your game, I sincerely plead to you, to omit the smoke field from this feature, and in all seriousness, consider doubling the health of gyros, rather than making them indestructible.

* "Crystal Configuration: Zephyr: This trait now causes Holo Leap to inflict cripple for 1 second in addition to its previous effects." - That is insulting to the player base who have told you everything that needed to happen in contrast to this buff.


Guardian Changes:

* "Righteous Instincts: This trait's critical-chance bonus has been reduced from 50% to 25%." - This was an unnecessary and ill-placed nerf. Not only will this completely destroy the viability of Core Guardian competitively, but it will also greatly harm Power DH in PvE. Now Guardian players will be forced to main FB and FB only competitively in any mode, there will be no viable DPS build for Guardians in end-game content because other classes will deal more DPS while having twice the sustain when the DH has to full serk to even attempt to make up for the -25% crit rate, and Druid will remain the choice support in end-game. This single nerf will eliminate DPS Guardian builds from competitive play. It will almost completely remove DPS Guardians from PvE, and FB won't be used over Druid in PvE. This will effectively put Guardian at the bottom of the totem pole, right next to Renegade.


Mesmer Changes:

* I agree with all of the changes to Mirage, but it was this that we needed the most "Illusionary Ambush: Increased the recharge time of this skill from 20 seconds to 35 seconds in PvP and WvW only." - Thank you.


Necromancer Changes:

* Looks good to me.


Ranger Changes:

* Love the changes to spirits, there is a lot more to dabble with.

* The changes to Boonbeast sustain seem to be adequate, along with the changes to muddy terrain. Despite what most non-ranger players are going to say about "this not being enough of a nerf" these nerfs will significantly effect the performance of Boonbeast. We'll see how it pans out, end of season here.


Revenant Changes:

* Seems to be good changes to me. I'm no Rev player however, can't really comment too much here.


Thief Changes:

* "Silent Scope: The duration of stealth that this trait grants has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second in PvP and WvW." - That's exactly what we needed, thank you.


Warrior Changes:

* Not a whole lot happened here, but this "Battle Standard: Resynced the time at which a banner appears to properly line up with the effect. When planted in the ground, this banner skill now deals damage to foes within a radius of 180. Foes who are in a downed state are now finished when damaged by Battle Standard." that's pretty awesome and well deserved.


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Concerning this: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/69910/upcoming-balance-notes


> Let's make it short & sweet.


> Ele Changes:

> * Lots of buffs, that's great. I'm no Ele main, so I can't comment too heavily here, other than saying I feel these buffs could have been better placed.


> (...)


Well, they are buffs. But they do not matter. Tempest still lacks stability, some improved shouts do not change that. It might fare a little better, but still isn't comparable to firebrand.


Nothing about weaver, FA, staff... it is going to change nothing. However, the nerfs to other classes are passive buffs of course. It still feels like there is noone with any knowledge about ele and its issues trying to work on it.


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I think the majority of changes will impact more pve and wvw than pvp.


Mirages will just reroll scepter or chronobunker. Soulbeast didn't get enough nerfs, maybe only One Wolf Pack will be replaced by Strenght of the Pack, which leads to even more durability but less damage (I think Chrono and Soulbeast will just stalemate on points indefinitely). I don't see meaningful changes regarding other meta builds, so i think the meta will still be the same.

The only thing that intrigues me will be the role that scrapper will have after the patch, looks promising tho.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Concerning this: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/69910/upcoming-balance-notes


> Let's make it short & sweet.


> Ele Changes:

> * Lots of buffs, that's great. I'm no Ele main, so I can't comment too heavily here, other than saying I feel these buffs could have been better placed.


> Engi Changes:

> * "The gyro class of skills has been reworked and changed to wells. Gyros are now no longer targetable and instead hover over the engineer to grant their effects." - Woah

> * "Medic Gyro: This skill has been reworked. The gyro now creates a water field that follows the engineer while it pulses heals to the player and nearby allies every second." - WOAH

> * "Bulwark Gyro: This skill has been reworked. The gyro now creates a lightning field that follows the engineer while it grants them barrier every second and redirects some damage from nearby allies to the engineer." - lol woah. inc FB/Scourge/Scrapper teams, ok let's do this but will it be healthy?

> * "Purge Gyro: This skill has been reworked. The gyro now creates a light field that follows the engineer while it removes conditions from the player and nearby allies every second." - Whaaaat so a Scrapper is the first multi-class now? this kind of sounds almost as strong as a FB support that has a lot more damage than an actual FB.

> * "Shredder Gyro: This skill has been reworked. The gyro now follows the engineer and performs a whirl finisher that inflicts damage on nearby enemies every second." - Ok come on.. I mean was this not considered? (Purge Gyro auto condi cleanses) + (Combo Field: Light from Purge Gryo - Cleansing Bolts - Conditions Removed: 1) * (Shredder Gryo perma Whirl Finisher every 1s) + (Gyros can no longer be targeted)? **Welp, I guess Mirage has a hard-counter now.** Let's throw a party over it, tell me the place & time boys.

> * "Sneak Gyro: This skill has been reworked. The gyro now creates a smoke field that follows the engineer while it grants stealth to the player and nearby allies every second." - Ok no, now this actually crosses the line. So you're telling me that it pulses stealth to the user and allies every second, IN ADDITION to having a smoke field that follows the Engineer? Anet, we gotta have a serious talk here... Are you guys not aware of the type of stealth uptime that this is going to create for EVERYONE ON THE TEAM? This is way way way too much. This is ridiculously powerful boys. This needs to be omitted from the upcoming balance changes ASAP, and that is no joke. If you do not, **the game is going to turn into stealth wars, which will not only be counter-intuitive to conquest node holding, but it will very quickly become the most powerful & exploitable throw tactic that we've seen to date**. You're going to have Scrappers who are able to throw team fights without even losing the fight, simply by pulsing the stealth gyro in the middle of the node, forcing his team to get decapped, and now the opposing team cannot even target the stealth gyro? This is a critical and gross error waiting to happen. For the sake of your game mode & my own enjoyment of your game, I sincerely plead to you, to omit the smoke field from this feature, and in all seriousness, consider doubling the health of gyros, rather than making them indestructible.

> * "Crystal Configuration: Zephyr: This trait now causes Holo Leap to inflict cripple for 1 second in addition to its previous effects." - That is insulting to the player base who have told you everything that needed to happen in contrast to this buff.


> Guardian Changes:

> * "Righteous Instincts: This trait's critical-chance bonus has been reduced from 50% to 25%." - This was an unnecessary and ill-placed nerf. Not only will this completely destroy the viability of Core Guardian competitively, but it will also greatly harm Power DH in PvE. Now Guardian players will be forced to main FB and FB only competitively in any mode, there will be no viable DPS build for Guardians in end-game content because other classes will deal more DPS while having twice the sustain when the DH has to full serk to even attempt to make up for the -25% crit rate, and Druid will remain the choice support in end-game. This single nerf will eliminate DPS Guardian builds from competitive play. It will almost completely remove DPS Guardians from PvE, and FB won't be used over Druid in PvE. This will effectively put Guardian at the bottom of the totem pole, right next to Renegade.


> Mesmer Changes:

> * I agree with all of the changes to Mirage, but it was this that we needed the most "Illusionary Ambush: Increased the recharge time of this skill from 20 seconds to 35 seconds in PvP and WvW only." - Thank you.


> Necromancer Changes:

> * Looks good to me.


> Ranger Changes:

> * Love the changes to spirits, there is a lot more to dabble with.

> * The changes to Boonbeast sustain seem to be adequate, along with the changes to muddy terrain. Despite what most non-ranger players are going to say about "this not being enough of a nerf" these nerfs will significantly effect the performance of Boonbeast. We'll see how it pans out, end of season here.


> Revenant Changes:

> * Seems to be good changes to me. I'm no Rev player however, can't really comment too much here.


> Thief Changes:

> * "Silent Scope: The duration of stealth that this trait grants has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second in PvP and WvW." - That's exactly what we needed, thank you.


> Warrior Changes:

> * Not a whole lot happened here, but this "Battle Standard: Resynced the time at which a banner appears to properly line up with the effect. When planted in the ground, this banner skill now deals damage to foes within a radius of 180. Foes who are in a downed state are now finished when damaged by Battle Standard." that's pretty awesome and well deserved.



Guardian Changes:

* "Righteous Instincts: This trait's critical-chance bonus has been reduced from 50% to 25%." - This was an unnecessary and ill-placed nerf. Not only will this completely destroy the viability of Core Guardian competitively, but it will also greatly harm Power DH in PvE. Now Guardian players will be forced to main FB and FB only competitively in any mode, there will be no viable DPS build for Guardians in end-game content because other classes will deal more DPS while having twice the sustain when the DH has to full serk to even attempt to make up for the -25% crit rate, and Druid will remain the choice support in end-game. This single nerf will eliminate DPS Guardian builds from competitive play. It will almost completely remove DPS Guardians from PvE, and FB won't be used over Druid in PvE. This will effectively put Guardian at the bottom of the totem pole, right next to Renegade.


You don't use RI in PvE anyway, because u already have capped crit chance. In group scenario you should always be using inscriptions trait for group dps boost + huge CC.And now it's gonna be even better :)

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So, you're making a very good points about the Gyros and stealth mechanics. This **can** be game-breaking. I just hope Devs figure a way to make to good but not overpowered.

I don't really play Engi but I always liked Scrapper, since HoT it looked like a very interesting to me. Something very fitting for the class - a jack of all trades if played well. If not - just a bunch of random buttons. That's what I like about it and here, Engineer actually gets a treatment that expands this theme and it's great. Holosmith always felt like a damage machine for me, in fact, all PoF specs besides SB feel like an empty damage tools.


I'm here from the Revenant planet and I have to say that the changes made to Rev are interesting in some way but again, these are just number adjustments and I don't see them addressing any of the problems Revenant struggles with in PvP and legend viability.


- **Mallyx used to be special when HoT launched** - now it's a Torment spammer doll.


- Jalis always struggled to find it's place and nerfs to Insipiring Reinforcement aren't helping. I hope for that it gets the Scrapper treatment of more Support/Control/Disabler role which fits Jalis perfectly. At the moment, this legend can't tank, doesn't deal damage, doesn't really help allies, doesn't disable


- I am very happy for the Ventari to be actually a healthy viable build - there were a lot of changes made to this legend and it finally feels like it's making a difference to have it


- Shiro is a curse of Revenant in PvP and I wonder how would Revenant look in PvP if there was no such legend like Shiro. People playing Rev are stuck with the same build for 4 years now. As for the enemies, it's frustrating to play against mindless burst from 3 skills.


- Kalla, well... Kalla is a _place-holder_ for me. It's not a real legend, even if it's performing good. This is the one I'd love to see reworked just like Scrapper's Gyros were.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Concerning this: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/69910/upcoming-balance-notes


> Let's make it short & sweet.


> Ele Changes:

> * Lots of buffs, that's great. I'm no Ele main, so I can't comment too heavily here, other than saying I feel these buffs could have been better placed.


They are a good start, but indeed a very long way away, and certainly other stuff could have been touched. For example, we do not have a major passive trait, whereas most other elites have unique/flavorful buffs that are not only strong, but synergize with the elite mechanic, like chronos getting alacrity on shatters, or berserkers getting damage and condi damage boost when entering or exiting berserker mode, or druids healing themselves when healing themselves or others, or daredevils healing themselves when dodging, or scrappers gaining barrier and super speed on assisting allies, etc etc, meanwhile tempests get swiftness on overload, which is not only a very easy to get buff for eles (and a boon that can be stolen, or worse corrupted, unlike all other stuff other boosts other elite are gaining ) but also it is not flavorful and elite defining.


Something simple and aligned with the trend of all other elites, (even the ones in PoF) is to instead give superspeed on overload. Or my personal preferred, a very small barrier per each target affected by an overload. It promoted you getting in the thick of things, and gives you the tools to do so (barrier is better than heals because it decays, and prevents eles from becoming even more bunker troll self-healing oriented). It also promoted using skills like water overload and to try to hit as many teammates as possible rather than going to a far point and stalling by yourself by self-healing, it also helps tempest that might want to play a more offensive builds (which lack hp and healing stats) by letting them get some much needed sustain in the middle of a fight, specially considering that you become a giant beacon of **"HIT ME"** while you **channel** for **4 seconds**, unable to do anything else, and effectively and potentially locking you from 25% of your weapon skills for 20 seconds.

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So here is my personal rundown:



Nothing really changes. The buffs to tempest are mainly PvE focused and wont do much for the viability of tempest in PvP.



Scraper changes seem interesting.

I kinda think you are overreacting towards the sneak gyro rework. Scrapper itself doesn't have "that many" blast finishers for AoE stealth...left alone blast finishers that wont reveal it while in combat. I'd really wait on how this actually plays ingame before passing judgement.



Yes, core took a heavy hit.

But then again...50% critchance from a single trait is stupid to begin with, so Im not too sad to see it gone.

Since Valkyrie amulet obviously wont be an option anymore, their burst surely will suffer tho, thanks to the lack of ferocity from the alternatives.



Honestly.....chaos mirage is barely affected by these changes, since most of the trait changes target the illusions-traitline.

The big ones, obviously are the axe ambush and illusionary ambush ones.

At worst I'd imagine chaos mirages to drop axe in favor of scepter, which makes them less "bursty" in teamfights, but just as cancerous as before in duels.



Buffs to reaper shouts / rework on an underused scourge trait.

Not much will change.



Not much changed for the power herald meta spec. A single damage modifier got a slight nerf for PvP...but other than that nothing really.

Condi got some buffs, so maybe (?!?) that will be interesting.



Nerf to silent scope is the only noticeable thing....which is very much needed.

Other than that...not really much.



Also, nothing of interest.

SB elite changes seem interesting .....but not really good to see it impact the meta imo.

Other than that, just some PvE QoL changes.


Overall, im rather disappointed by those changes tbh.

The only really good thing about that announcement was the fact, that they actually gave us a preview of the upcoming changes.

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As an ele one-trick, it looks like a support tempest will be kinda strong, or we may start seeing more bunker Tempests in PvP.


Seems like increasing targets for boon sharing to 10 is great for PvE and WvW, but does nothing for PvP.


Tooltip updates, lol, classic.


Nothing in there benefits weaver much.


overall, the changes do little to nothing for PvP Ele. Maybe next time.

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> @"Zenix.6198" said:


> I kinda think you are overreacting towards the sneak gyro rework. Scrapper itself doesn't have "that many" blast finishers for AoE stealth...left alone blast finishers that wont reveal it while in combat. I'd really wait on how this actually plays ingame before passing judgement.


"Sneak Gyro: This skill has been reworked. The gyro now creates a smoke field that follows the engineer while it grants stealth to the player and nearby allies every second."


It stealths you, no need to blast.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Zenix.6198" said:


> > I kinda think you are overreacting towards the sneak gyro rework. Scrapper itself doesn't have "that many" blast finishers for AoE stealth...left alone blast finishers that wont reveal it while in combat. I'd really wait on how this actually plays ingame before passing judgement.


> "Sneak Gyro: This skill has been reworked. The gyro now creates a smoke field that follows the engineer while it grants stealth to the player and nearby allies every second."


> It stealths you, no need to blast.


depends on how often it pulses stealth then / how long it lasts. I honestly cant imagine it to pulse stealth every second for 30 seconds.

Even if it did....that would barely be any different from how it is now....par you getting an extra smoke field.

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holo and boonbeast need nerfs. no nerfs incoming ;/

muddy terrain received deserved nerf for sure. but changes on stances are meaningless, u wont see any diffrence. also sic em should get nerfed.

im not sure if stacking exhaustion is needed. imagine 18s of exhaust on mirages still playing this masochist trait. or 12 s exhaust on daredevil. meh.

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Ele, dont play support, but i see there will be a lot more support play in raid, pvp and wvw


Enginee, finally fixed gyros, will see a lot more play with the spec, excited to try it out in all game modes


Guardian, dont play guard, so not sure how much impact will have in pvp and wvw


Mes, quite a lot of buffs in PvE and quite a few nerf in pvp and wvw, will see how it plays out...


Necro, will see how it plays out


Ranger, very interesting with the spirit changes....


Revenant, when will Renegade be fixed?


Thief, Silent Scope = a much needed change, but still will see how it pans out


War, WoD now a channel skill, thanks for taking my suggestion, question able "follow" part, WoD can be channeled while moving?








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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

>You're going to have Scrappers who are able to throw team fights without even losing the fight, simply by pulsing the stealth gyro in the middle of the node, forcing his team to get decapped, and now the opposing team cannot even target the stealth gyro? This is a critical and gross error waiting to happen. For the sake of your game mode & my own enjoyment of your game, I sincerely plead to you, to omit the smoke field from this feature, and in all seriousness, consider doubling the health of gyros, rather than making them indestructible.


I'm not really on board with your analysis here, pulsing area stealth is not a new feature.


Let's say you try and shadow refuge or Sneak Gyro a point - your teammates attacking will instantly get revealed and stop the decap.


There's a few critical things we don't know about Gyros yet: namely their duration which is crucial. A little early to suggest sending the changes back, we'll see though.


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> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> So, you're making a very good points about the Gyros and stealth mechanics. This **can** be game-breaking. I just hope Devs figure a way to make to good but not overpowered.

> I don't really play Engi but I always liked Scrapper, since HoT it looked like a very interesting to me. Something very fitting for the class - a jack of all trades if played well. If not - just a bunch of random buttons. That's what I like about it and here, Engineer actually gets a treatment that expands this theme and it's great. Holosmith always felt like a damage machine for me, in fact, all PoF specs besides SB feel like an empty damage tools.


> I'm here from the Revenant planet and I have to say that the changes made to Rev are interesting in some way but again, these are just number adjustments and I don't see them addressing any of the problems Revenant struggles with in PvP and legend viability.


> - **Mallyx used to be special when HoT launched** - now it's a Torment spammer doll.


> - Jalis always struggled to find it's place and nerfs to Insipiring Reinforcement aren't helping. I hope for that it gets the Scrapper treatment of more Support/Control/Disabler role which fits Jalis perfectly. At the moment, this legend can't tank, doesn't deal damage, doesn't really help allies, doesn't disable


> - I am very happy for the Ventari to be actually a healthy viable build - there were a lot of changes made to this legend and it finally feels like it's making a difference to have it


> - Shiro is a curse of Revenant in PvP and I wonder how would Revenant look in PvP if there was no such legend like Shiro. People playing Rev are stuck with the same build for 4 years now. As for the enemies, it's frustrating to play against mindless burst from 3 skills.


> - Kalla, well... Kalla is a _place-holder_ for me. It's not a real legend, even if it's performing good. This is the one I'd love to see reworked just like Scrapper's Gyros were.


I don't think stealth gyro will give stealth plus smoke field, it will only pulse smoke fields every second but you must combo blast or leap over it to get the stealth, You press the gyro, it appears and start creating smoke fields every second to combo, same as ranger smokescale F2 ability.

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Fow WvW:


Potentially 2 new Meta Support Builds in Tempest and Scrapper.



Also Ele would be the only class with both E Specs being Meta.




The new Scourge Timebomb trait looks scary in competent hands but i doubt the Pug Scourge will use it.


They will probably switch to Barrier or extra burning.


For warrior, i don’t know.



All in all:

More support specs in the average Zerg.


Less Boon Rip because of Pug scourges not using Timebomb Trait.


Sounds ok for me.

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The RI change on Guardian baffles me..

Not only does it ruin my DH build but it also takes away the chance to use Valk ammy for the much needed Vitality..


And why dismantle one of the very few core builds that actually works? That's even more baffling on so many levels...


This change will effect everything for Guardians who don't already main FB.

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> >You're going to have Scrappers who are able to throw team fights without even losing the fight, simply by pulsing the stealth gyro in the middle of the node, forcing his team to get decapped, and now the opposing team cannot even target the stealth gyro? This is a critical and gross error waiting to happen. For the sake of your game mode & my own enjoyment of your game, I sincerely plead to you, to omit the smoke field from this feature, and in all seriousness, consider doubling the health of gyros, rather than making them indestructible.


> I'm not really on board with your analysis here, pulsing area stealth is not a new feature.


> Let's say you try and shadow refuge or Sneak Gyro a point - your teammates attacking will instantly get revealed and stop the decap.


> There's a few critical things we don't know about Gyros yet: namely their duration which is crucial. A little early to suggest sending the changes back, we'll see though.



I'm more concerned with the growing viability of 1 to 2-shot builds, like what Harsh Master runs. You know, that ranger who does a 12s stealth combo, then lands an unblockable 35-40k maul or worldly impact. It's not that I wouldn't be able to keep up with whatever current meta is in play, I'd be one of the ones running a 1-shot ranger myself, with my scrapper partner. It's more that I'm not so sure this would help the game any in terms of being fun to play. I'm kind of a big advocate on the idea that "There is already enough stealth in Guild Wars 2 and it doesn't need anymore."


You're right though, the 30s duration of sneak gyro could have gone down to 15s or something. We'll see.


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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> The RI change on Guardian baffles me..

> Not only does it ruin my DH build but it also takes away the chance to use Valk ammy for the much needed Vitality..


> And why dismantle one of the very few core builds that actually works? That's even more baffling on so many levels...


> This change will effect everything for Guardians who don't already main FB.


RI was way too strong and giving so much crit chance was never a good idea. I know someone will bring up 100% crit chance traits and a few of the skills but generally those are not able to be maintained for as long as guardian could keep the insane bonus from retal.


@topic The mesmer nerfs were largely in the wrong place as usual. Illusionary Ambush being a 35s CD? Yeah no-one is going to use it now and very heavy handed considering the lack of nerfs across other classes, 25s then evaluate to go up to 30s would be a better approach.


Imaginary axes was about time it changed but I doubt it will do anything as torment is incredibly punishing especially when adding confusion while doing far more damage than confusion considering duration, application and scaling.


Confusion nerfs especially onto the core class were misplaced, it's the torment that's obliterating people as it shuts down kiting. Torment to bleeds on mirage would have fixed the issue across trait interactions.


No nerfs to scepter to undo the years of power creep to make up for a poorly designed weapon.


No addressing heat therapy on holo, not addressing how broken the skill consume plasma has been since inception.


I am waiting to see what the next patch brings to see if the renewed focus on GW2 will help.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> The RI change on Guardian baffles me..

> Not only does it ruin my DH build but it also takes away the chance to use Valk ammy for the much needed Vitality..


> And why dismantle one of the very few core builds that actually works? That's even more baffling on so many levels...


> This change will effect everything for Guardians who don't already main FB.


Why ????

omg to sell off course

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