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Is it time to end GW2?

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In light of the layoffs, everyone wants it (the game) to not end abruptly, but what if its conclusion is right on schedule?


Think about it: ***spoilers*** we are currently facing Kralkatorrik. The Elder Dragons are more powerful than the Gods, and Kralkatorrik is the most powerful of the Elder Dragons. That makes him the most powerful character in the game. What better way to end things than to fight Kralkatorrik?


If we keep going with the game because we don’t want to say goodbye, that means they’ll drag on the story longer than it needs to go, or retcon in some new, bigger bad guy. It’ll be like WoW after finishing Wrath of the Lich King, or after we defeated Sargeras at the end of Legion.


So, this poses the question: regardless of whether or not you want to keep playing new content for as long as possible — we all want this to last — is it really in the game’s best interest to keep going? In other words, would you really rather play a mediocre, watered down Guild Wars 2 instead of just letting if end?

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Its not about elder dragons more powerful than the gods

The gods feared to fight them because they knew they probably didn't had a chance against them.

>! If not for our intervention Balthazar could've defeated Kralk & Primordus

Also Kralkatorrik powerful but not the most powerful.

>! We almost defeated him but he tricked us into thinking he was dead


Anyways the story is not over yet we still have to deal with more elder dragons threats and maybe more new bad guys like how the White Mantle and the Awakened showed up.


Tyria is never safe


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After Kralkatorrik we could have an expansion where evil Girl Scouts invade Tyria and set up cookie stands by the bank and trading post, selling thin mint cookies at inflated prices and creating a horrendous thin mint addiction. In that expansion Lions Arc is destroyed (again) in the titanic struggle to contain the flood of addicting cookies into the city.


If you don’t think the Girl Scouts selling thin mints would be a bigger bad than Kralkatorrik then you haven’t had to walk by their cookie stands and felt the tremendous gravitational pull that boxes of thin mints generate. Star Trek tractor beams are nothing to that.

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> @"starhunter.6015" said:

> if you don't want to play then leave, kinda getting tired of all of the bad attitudes and doom and gloom from players about the layoffs.





@TC if you need a justification from others to quit the game, go quit. Most of us are having fun and continue playing even right now.

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Layoffs don't mean the game is ending. Ends of storylines don't mean the game is ending. And sometimes, even with layoffs, good stuff gets produced. There's no way to tell what's going to happen, but people who want to spread doom and gloom are certainly not helping the situation, even a little tiny bit. No it's not time to end the game. It's time to end the meaningless negativity.

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I find all these "the end is nigh" comments pretty insulting towards the devs and artists on the game who over and over state that they **want** to keep things alive. And I hope they will despite all the negativity. The event yesterday in Lion's Arch was priceless. Such a nice touch from a community who thankfully still cares.


But as others stated already, please just leave quietly.

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U never saw Dragonball ? There is always a stronger enemy behind the corner. Plus with Aureen who I guess will be back from the dead we get a strong partner perhaps we ourself absorb some dragon energy which could be a nice theme for the next round of specialization.


Mesmer dragon power guardian dragon power thief dragon power each one a different dragon


Who knows ....

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> Think about it: ***spoilers*** we are currently facing Kralkatorrik. The Elder Dragons are more powerful than the Gods, and Kralkatorrik is the most powerful of the Elder Dragons. That makes him the most powerful character in the game. What better way to end things than to fight Kralkatorrik?

If we kill Kralkatorrik, the same thing will happen as with Zaithan and Mordremoth: Its energy and influence will be liberated and consumed by the others dragons, making them more powerful. So it's not because Kralk is the most powerful character _right now_ that its death would bring an end to the story.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"starhunter.6015" said:

> > if you don't want to play then leave, kinda getting tired of all of the bad attitudes and doom and gloom from players about the layoffs.

> >


> This.


> @TC if you need a justification from others to quit the game, go quit. Most of us are having fun and continue playing even right now.


Also This.


Please stop this Blahblah

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People need to stop overreacting. Those who act like it's end of the world and are leaving are the reason why GW2 is doing bad.

For the love of all the cats, just stop with threads about layoffs. It happened and game will move forward and soon it will be just like it ever was, maybe even better because its their #1 focus again, which is what we all ever wanted.

Just enjoy the game, talk nicely of it and people will come to it. If I was searching for an MMO and all I saw is depressing posts and stuff I'd be running away from it. You people are doing exactly the opposite. Just stop.

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