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Sneak peak at the warclaw, Game-play recording.


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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"primatos.5413" said:

> > so how fast is this warthing actually ? running @ 33% moving speed or what ?


> Apparently the same speed as the griffin running and slower in enemy territory.

it's hard to count from the youtube video since you cant get milliseconds, but checking the bridge at 12:52 he clears the distance in roughly 3s. That's enemy territory speed. Did a quick and dirty recording with a perma 66% swiftness char (ie 400 hardcap speed) and I cleared roughly the same distance in 3.5s, give or take. No matter what portion I took (ie starting from the flip of one second to 2-3 seconds later), I always ended up a bit higher in my times.


That is... alarming. And much faster than it looked like at a glance, because that would exceed the 400 hardcap of running players.


With those numbers in mind it would be ~20% faster than a swiftness player in enemy territory and probably twice that in friendly territory (ie a rough doubling of the speed bonus), though that is considerably faster than the griffon runspeed. Real numbers might be more in the 15%/30% range over a swiftness player.


I really hope I'm wrong and that it's at 400 speed in enemy territory at the very least. If anyone else want to to test another portion that's not on the red side of the matchup, go ahead. I wont put that much effort at running into enemies lol.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> So far, it looks like WvW players worst nightmare has come a reality!


That sums it up very well... it will be worst for non-PoF roamers, I assume... I mean, I was aware that the devs mostly think WvW = Zerging but this will just change roaming from being overlooked to punished.

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PoF required.


To unlock:

* Spend 1 point in WvW Warclaw mastery

* Capture a Keep

* Capture a Camp

* Capture a Tower

* Complete Warclaw WvW Reward Track (save your WvW potions)

* Buy Warclaw armor using Claim Tickets (50)

* Buy more Warclaw armor using Badges (250)

* Kill guards for final Warclaw armor (10% chance)



* 126 skill points to fully unlock

* EotM works for unlock completion except camp capture

* Cannot summon mount in combat

* Can summon mount in enemy territory

* Bond of Life, Bond of Vigor and Bond of Faith masteries do not work in WvW

* Mounts killed force dismount and stun the player

* Mount speed appears to be 25% faster than foot with speed in owned territory. Seems only slightly faster than foot with speed in enemy territory

* CC does not effect the mount (boo)

* Similar health to other mounts which is low

* Falling while mounted can directly kill the player unlike PvE

* Pouncing on downed players kills them when traited

* Gate pull uses one supply per pull, only three can attach to a gate and 2k per pull

* Sniff marks players briefly (5k radius) but does not reveal/mark stealth players

* Free optional WvW skill point reset


Seems well thought out but hoping they change CC to knock players off and soft CC to slow. I also hope Sniff eventually marks stealthed players.

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Not my nightmare anymore

It seems to be completly useless for most people especially low levels.


Its slow, It takes supplies to use the rope, Max 3 on gates, its maul attack is useless if not maxed out and if not being used on downed players, etc...

Whatever why not add it I probably wont use it but at least I know it wont destroy roaming

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> @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> Whatever why not add it I probably wont use it but at least I know it wont destroy roaming


I think it will expand roaming to other classes/builds. It doesn't fix the escape skill necessity for efficient roaming but it will allow classes/builds that don't have easy access to perma-speed roam around more. It should help Necros and the like get to the tag slightly faster and help with the ganking of zerglings.

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The only thing that concerns me is that it goes quicker in your own territory. It is probably the main aspect that will need adjustment, as it makes the mount disproportionately favor the defending side. It has the potential of making T3 keeps even more cancerous to occupy.


The rope siege will barely help the attackers, because of the 3 rope limit and because mounts will be paper to arrow carts. The rope siege might benefit roamers though.

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> @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> The only thing that concerns me is that it goes quicker in your own territory. It is probably the main aspect that will need adjustment, as it makes the mount disproportionately favor the defending side. It has the potential of making T3 keeps even more cancerous to occupy.


Defending players should have an advantage. However in WvW there is no significant reward for hitting a server with a stronger force. This in turn actively encourages stronger servers to pray on the weaker servers which this mount will likely help facilitate. Overall though I think it is still a plus for WvW but time will tell.


Being under-manned in a tier is a constant barrage of zergs typically from the two stronger servers. WvW needs a mechanism that makes flipping paper inefficient and makes teaming up against the current strongest server worthwhile. The entire game mode should be centered around fights... players attacking/defending should be where we find the most rewards... not attacking undefended paper.


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> @"Straegen.2938" said:

> > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> > The only thing that concerns me is that it goes quicker in your own territory. It is probably the main aspect that will need adjustment, as it makes the mount disproportionately favor the defending side. It has the potential of making T3 keeps even more cancerous to occupy.


> Defending players should have an advantage. However in WvW there is no significant reward for hitting a server with a stronger force. This in turn actively encourages stronger servers to pray on the weaker servers which this mount will likely help facilitate. Overall though I think it is still a plus for WvW but time will tell.


> Being under-manned in a tier is a constant barrage of zergs typically from the two stronger servers. WvW needs a mechanism that makes flipping paper inefficient and makes teaming up against the current strongest server worthwhile. The entire game mode should be centered around fights... players attacking/defending should be where we find the most rewards... not attacking undefended paper.



I don't necessarily disagree with what needs to be focused on. However, players defending a t3 keep already have an enormous advantage. It doesn't need to be made any greater than it already is.

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> @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> Not my nightmare anymore

> It seems to be completly useless for most people especially low levels.


> Its slow, It takes supplies to use the rope, Max 3 on gates, its maul attack is useless if not maxed out and if not being used on downed players, etc...

> Whatever why not add it I probably wont use it but at least I know it wont destroy roaming


See it as a way to cheese this already cheesy balance.E.g youre Roaming,if thats something you do. Youre fighting 3 people or so..One of them runs out of combat while the other 2 keep you busy ( thief / mesm can do this in a blink ),he resets hp comes back on his mount and has another free way of hitting you + another 12k buffer.This Will happen while you wont be able to mount up or able to get ooc with the other 2 on you.


There has been zero thought about roamers while they implemented this.There also has been no word about roamers on the stream,all from the mindset of blobbing/getting faster to your zerg and to attract new players.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> So far, it looks like WvW players worst nightmare has come a reality!


That sums it up very well... it will be worst for non-PoF roamers, I assume... I mean, I was aware that the devs mostly think WvW = Zerging but this will just change roaming from being overlooked to punished.

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> @"Straegen.2938" said:

> > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > Whatever why not add it I probably wont use it but at least I know it wont destroy roaming


> I think it will expand roaming to other classes/builds. It doesn't fix the escape skill necessity for efficient roaming but it will allow classes/builds that don't have easy access to perma-speed roam around more. It should help Necros and the like get to the tag slightly faster and help with the ganking of zerglings.


it doesnt help necro at all, i dunno why people think it will help other classes roam.

moment u get off your mount youre dead, u still lack your mobility you can only go from a to b faster then ur back to your slow char.


but i forgot nowadays roaming is capping a camp solo and pick on sentries. my bad.

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On the whole I agree that there has been little thought about how this will affect outnumbered enemies in general (1vs3-5 10 vs 20, 20 vs 50 etc, not specifically the outnumbered effect). re-mounting will very likely be another advantage to those outnumbering. I do like the idea of slower/faster speed depending on the Outnumbered effect, but not by much, just enough to outrun the zerg as it chases you.




Regarding the idea of T1-2-3, paper vs full t3, running speed, and how the mode doesn't really reward you for hitting the stronger server:


To start with, change back so you get the same number of points per tick no matter what tier, and rather make it so you gain more points/wxp/rewards/participation/whatever for taking down a t3 structure. Won't solve everything but a decent start. Also bonus rewards/whatever for taking something from the leading server ?

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> @"Caedmon.6798" said:


> > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > Not my nightmare anymore

> > It seems to be completly useless for most people especially low levels.

> >

> > Its slow, It takes supplies to use the rope, Max 3 on gates, its maul attack is useless if not maxed out and if not being used on downed players, etc...

> > Whatever why not add it I probably wont use it but at least I know it wont destroy roaming


> See it as a way to cheese this already cheesy balance.E.g youre Roaming,if thats something you do. Youre fighting 3 people or so..One of them runs out of combat while the other 2 keep you busy ( thief / mesm can do this in a blink ),he resets hp comes back on his mount and has another free way of hitting you + another 12k buffer.This Will happen while you wont be able to mount up or able to get ooc with the other 2 on you.


> There has been zero thought about roamers while they implemented this.There also has been no word about roamers on the stream,all from the mindset of blobbing/getting faster to your zerg and to attract new players.


So you're just pretending that this is a scenario that wouldn't be awful even right now? The mount doesn't make this worse or better. Also 1v3? You shouldn't be expected to win anyway, who gives a toss. /shrug


It won't be that useful in zergs outside of getting around because of the danger of getting dismounted in a matter of 1 or 2 big hits and getting stunned until you die. It will be faster, but nobody is actually complaining about that. Everybody should be happy to run around faster instead of wasting minutes getting to the more remote camps etc.


Edit: Typo in the first sentence completely changed the meaning lol.

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> @"Deaeira.2651" said:

> > @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > So far, it looks like WvW players worst nightmare has come a reality!


> That sums it up very well... it will be worst for non-PoF roamers, I assume... I mean, I was aware that the devs mostly think WvW = Zerging but this will just change roaming from being overlooked to punished.


Exactly, a lone roamer will not be able to escape if a group of 2+ is chasing him because the slower class will be left behind and the faster classes will keep the enemy in combat. This will open up the possibility of exiting combat for the slow classes and equip the mount to continue the chase...


There should be a 1 min cool-down period that you cannot use the mount if you were in combat and exit combat.

A 60 sec cooldown on mount will put the mount on par with elite skill cooldown.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > @"Deaeira.2651" said:

> > > @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > > So far, it looks like WvW players worst nightmare has come a reality!

> >

> > That sums it up very well... it will be worst for non-PoF roamers, I assume... I mean, I was aware that the devs mostly think WvW = Zerging but this will just change roaming from being overlooked to punished.


> Exactly, a lone roamer will not be able to escape if a group of 2+ is chasing him because the slower class will be left behind and the faster classes will keep the enemy in combat. This will open up the possibility of exiting combat for the slow classes and equip the mount to continue the chase...


> There should be a 1 min cool-down period that you cannot use the mount if you were in combat and exit combat.

> A 60 sec cooldown on mount will put the mount on par with elite skill cooldown.


If 2-3 people are chasing 1 person well enough then he shouldnt survive anyway. *Cheese build players cry.

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I still think there might be some issues long term with this mount, including non-PoF players not getting access to it (though I get it, they have to drive sales). It seems to be starting on the right foot with its abilities, though I question the insta-down ability and no mention if siege disabler will work on the pull. Basically there is nothing to stop a large enough zerg with the mount from pulling at a gate until it drops with combat being the only hard counter. The fact someone can use it to dodge through an attacking group to get into a friendly gate is also a bit infuriating from a trivializing the tactics of getting into a place to defend it front as well, but I guess it won't get addressed until it breaks that aspect of WvW in real play.

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> @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> Not my nightmare anymore

> It seems to be completly useless for most people especially low levels.


> Its slow, It takes supplies to use the rope, Max 3 on gates, its maul attack is useless if not maxed out and if not being used on downed players, etc...

> Whatever why not add it I probably wont use it but at least I know it wont destroy roaming


I could easily see a small group of cavalry off to the side of the skirmish jumping into pounce on dead enemies, could be some interesting tactics used.

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> @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> The only thing that concerns me is that it goes quicker in your own territory. It is probably the main aspect that will need adjustment, as it makes the mount disproportionately favor the defending side. It has the potential of making T3 keeps even more cancerous to occupy.


> The rope siege will barely help the attackers, because of the 3 rope limit and because mounts will be paper to arrow carts. The rope siege might benefit roamers though.


I'm thinking this is true. Use the chain pull, pop flags, leave for more supply.


Scout responds to swords, sees no siege, assumes tap if does not check gate percent.


Leaves, roamers come back to try to finish job. Rinse and repeat.



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