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A little angry for my investment

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> @"Daniel.5428" said:

> > @"anninke.7469" said:

> > I still don't get what's so wrong on making another game(s). It's better for any company to have more steeds in their stable, is it not? After all, it could one day become the income source making it possible for GW2 to go on.


> This is what people did not understood. Is not about them makig another games. Is about them taking money from their main project to create some little strange mobile games that, at one point, they just abandon.....aw, plus the firing of people who were working on the franchise since first GW


But they only have that one pool of money. Or where do you think the "not main project" money would come from? When you have one source of income, you have to take it from there, they can't just spawn unrelated money out of thin air.

Maybe they could have tried some kind of crowdfunding or something like that, but it could have ended up even worse.

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A long term roadmap for GW2 and/or the franchise would be very welcome. Just like ArenaNet did some time after Guild Wars: Nightfall. They announced the release for Guild Wars was to be an expansion (Eye of the North) which would bridge between a whole new game (Guild Wars 2) with the Hall of Monuments (HoM) to transfer certain rewards to the new game.


While GW2 was delayed more than a bit, their early announcement allowed players to keep on track, hyped and working on the HoM rewards and titles. This also strengtened ArenaNet into delivering on their announcements.


I'm not saying we should end GW2 soon and go towards GW3, I'm just saying that it is important to have a public roadmap to keep the community focussed on the franchise. All speculation we currently have in the community, including all doom talk, is because we currently have no roadmap beyond LW season 5. And for a game that focusses on long-term rewards like achievements and ranks, this is bad.


If you ask me, I would say that we probably WILL get a few more expansions, the game is still quite young, has a very dedicated community of players who love the franchise and the remaining ArenaNet team of approximately 270 employees should be large enough to produce loads of exiting new content. ArenaNet is not going to continue with this number of employees to put their games on maintenance mode. If that would be the case, far more people would have been fired. Personally, I don't care much about the money investment, for me the time investment in the franchise is far more relevant. I hope and like to continue to experience Tyria 10+ years from now. And I don't care if it will be an evolved/expanded GW2 or a new GW3 game.


We just need a roadmap.


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I used to love that back when I played WoW, Blizzard would send me a receipt every month for my 15$ sub fee, along with a comment card asking me what direction I would like them to take game in, and how they should be allocating the money I sent them.... /sarcasm


Thanks for the lulz on a Monday morning.


> @"Daniel.5428" said:

>They are moving all their mmos on mobile. Expect a mobile GW soon.


You guys do have phones, right? I know I used to have a phone, but then I took an arrow to the knee.

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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > Buying a produce or service is not the same as investing in a company and you should never expect to get anything back from it except the product or service you purchased.

> >

> > You can choose to imagine yourself an investor and tell yourself you're doing it to support the company, but it's important to remember that distinction exists only in your own mind - for situations exactly like this. A real investor would have been told up-front what their money would be used for, and may even have been given some say in the decision. They should also have been made aware that any new game is a risk and most never make it to release, although aspects of the design may be re-used later on.

> >

> > It's also much more unusual for a studio to be working on just 1 game - especially one that's already released - than to have seperate teams working on different game, some of which will never see the light of day. I'm sure games developers (and people creating other types of products) would love to be able to know before they even start on a project that it will work and the end result will be worth making and selling, but that's just not how the world works. You have to do some work, even if it's just market research, to even know if it's worth thinking about taking it any further.


> and that is the problem: THEY DIDNT GET, WHAT THEY PAID FOR, people paid for THIS game, not some project, that they would have to pay for AGAIN, if they wanted to play it....jeeez

> and buying a product IS investing in the company...ever heard of a company WITHOUT CUSTOMERS?


Amazingly enough, when you buy something and you hand over your money, you no longer have any rights to that money. It’s now THEIR money and they can spend it on whatever they want. Pay debts, research new products, doughnuts for the break room, anything they want.


Try imagining someone buying an item from you and what you would say if they then claim that they can tell you how to spend your money. You’d laugh in their face if someone tried to do that.

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> @"Kam.4092" said:

> Getting real tired of these posts. We get it, some people are annoyed. Stop flooding the general discussion section with this kitten. It’s everywhere. If you need to vent, make a blog. Repeating what everyone else says will not get you different replies than the others. GW2 isn’t dying, and this is just utter nonsense now.


> Also you all keep saying you won’t spend gems, but the second you see a new and shiny outfit, glider, or whatever, you’ll instantly buy it due to craving something. You won’t be able to boycott spending at all, and will just go back to your spending ways. It’s what every gem store buyer does. It’s not a bad thing, but don’t say you’re going to do something that you won’t. It wouldn’t even hurt them either if you stopped buying gems. They have enough buyers to support the game, and most simply don’t care. Most know the game isn’t dying, and currently it’s just a bunch of overreacting. NCSoft has other MMO games that release less content than GW2, and they still stay up. GW2 is more than sustainable by itself. What NCSoft was annoyed at is that Anet was dumping money into projects that weren’t ready to launch, and create money. It’s understamdable why this happened, and it’s common. Projects get canceled, and layoffs happen. It’s not the end. People have been saying WoW is dying for 10 years, and look where it is.


> I don’t know why I even bothering replying to these threads, but I guess it’s because even though I’ve been hard on Anet for years, I can’t be mad at them for trying to make new games. I want this company to succeed that has made two games that have been a huge part of my life for 14+ years. I’m just giving them a chance now. I wish more would see it this way.




The moderators are busy keeping WvW match up threads closed...

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You did not invest anything economically-wise. You consumed. Anet has absolutely no responsibility to respect your wishes as to where they can spend their revenue. Whatever good or bad decisions they make its their right to do so. Its borderline insane to feel entitled to be asked about their investments. You got what you paid for.


And let people decide on their own whether they want to or not to commit money on the game under the current situation.

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> @"Daniel.5428" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > I was robbed

> >

> > /sob


> Well, if they come tommorow and tell you they will stop releasing content and they will put GW2 in a maintenance state or something like "Guys, GW3 is here...and it's on mobile!" then you were robbed. It's normal for a game to die at one point. But let it die because of old age, not because of greedy management.



Wrong again.

When you buy a car and 6-7 yrs later the manufacturer declares its killing off production of that car model you bought and a chunk of those employed will loose their jobs while the rest are amalgamated back within ongoing products/projects... is that you being robbed. Worse still all those services you paid for, all those nice after sales items you purchased.. day light robbery I guess.

BTW.. how is it you have all this info on the goings on within ANET and its projects, dang I missed something I guess.

Do you know for sure that the instruction to start researching into new products and use internal skills and experience as where possible to keep costs down didn't in fact come from NC Soft, or at least some form of consultation between HQ and ANET management had not been initiated at sometime since the launch of GW2.. why was the ANET headcount swollen by the a similar number to those who unfortunately departed the business last week... in fact do you actually know anything at all or are you just pushing hearsay and conjecture.

Bottom line, no one forced you purchase gems, no one actually forced you to buy the game, but here years later after launch your claiming your robbed cos some of your money went into seeking new revenue streams for ANET and NC Soft.. guess what, without new projects, which in turn may become the lifeline of the business as GW2 begins to fade (which it surely will over time) there wont be a GW2 and all those employed could face the prospect of being laid off.

Ask yourself , if your business was seeing a decline in revenue across your ageing products what would you be doing.. ignore it and trust in luck, bury your head in the sand and pretend its not happening, or look to develop new sources of revenue not be over reliant on older products that may now need more investment to shore up and rekindle.


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I can see the point post originator is making. Most of gems you buy are used to support game and return to consumer cosmetic nearly/often useless merch . ie Buying keys to chests that give little real reward, I don't really need a 15th glider or outfit. Extra character slots so you can repeat once again the same tired hearts and metas. I purchase gems for same reason to help continue game so I can play with friends etc. instead of finding a new hangout.


I go to the same little feed store in my town instead of big box pet store, even though it costs me less with corporate store because they are part of community and support our local school. I eat at local pizza place because of same reason though they are a couple bucks more expensive. I'm not technically an investor but I am a financial supporter of those businesses and would be upset if they mis-spent my support over bad business calls , taking my support for granted.



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> @"Daniel.5428" said:


> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > I wonder...how much was invested those 5 years the Devs spent on creating Guild Wars 2?


> The cash from GW1 was probably invested, but the difference is that GW2 came out as a cool project and brought back 10 times more. But leeching your main project that everyone loves to create some cash-grabbing, maybe lasting maybe not, mobile games is not the same thing as remaking your succesful project into something greater.




And where did the 'cash' come from for Guild Wars? Or, really, any first game from a studio?

And, if one believes the studio is so 'cash-grabbing', and 'leech'-prone, one would not be interested in any further releases from said studio, no?

Or, it's being said that it is only allowed to invest in new products when one is assured of the future? That past talent at creating content means absolutely nothing in regards to the future?


Interesting concepts.

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I agree with other posters that consumers have no right to tell a business what to do with the money they spent on that company's products or service.


So, what I see here is a case where a poster is stating something he has every right to state. The reason he offers for the decision -- that consumers have a "right" to tell companies where to spend the money they use to buy a product or service -- doesn't hold up under scrutiny. That does not deprive him of his right to decide what to do with his money.


I do think that the OP is within his consumer rights to state that he is not happy about what the company is doing/did. He is also within his rights to say that he will not spend further unless certain things happen. Finally, he is within his rights to tell the company his decision. How else would the company know why he is not spending money?


It's all well and good to chide the OP about his rationale, but let's not confuse the baby with the bathwater.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Daniel.5428" said:

> >

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > I wonder...how much was invested those 5 years the Devs spent on creating Guild Wars 2?

> >

> > The cash from GW1 was probably invested, but the difference is that GW2 came out as a cool project and brought back 10 times more. But leeching your main project that everyone loves to create some cash-grabbing, maybe lasting maybe not, mobile games is not the same thing as remaking your succesful project into something greater.

> >

> >


> And where did the 'cash' come from for Guild Wars? Or, really, any first game from a studio?

> And, if one believes the studio is so 'cash-grabbing', and 'leech'-prone, one would not be interested in any further releases from said studio, no?

> Or, it's being said that it is only allowed to invest in new products when one is assured of the future? That past talent at creating content means absolutely nothing in regards to the future?


> Interesting concepts.


Quite likely some of the money that funded the initial development of Guild Wars came, indirectly, from sales of Starcraft, Diablo II and other Blizzard games, since Anet's founders were all ex-Blizzard employees and they may have used their own money to set up the studio and fund the 2 years before NCSoft bought it (alternatively they might have gotten a business loan, in which case it came from the bank who will have gotten it from all kinds of places). The rest of the money will of course have come from NCSoft and therefore from the sales of their other games, mainly Lineage and Lineage II (since those are their best sellers).


One thing we do know for sure is that it didn't come from people buying Guild Wars, because that was impossible until several years later when the base game was already complete.

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> @"yann.1946" said:

> They paid for items in this game. Not for the game I general.


I paid for the game. Let's get serious, all those black lion chests I've openeded, skins etc didn't help me with anything. But I was buying gems to support the game, not to buy something I've wished for long.



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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> When you buy a car and 6-7 yrs later the manufacturer declares its killing off production of that car model you bought and a chunk of those employed will loose their jobs while the rest are amalgamated back within ongoing products/projects... is that you being robbed. Worse still all those services you paid for, all those nice after sales items you purchased.. day light robbery I guess.


You compared a car with a video game. Your logic is already lost.



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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> So you paid what you considered the game to be worth, and enjoyed the game. You have no cause for complaint.


Is not a complaint. I don't want my money back. I just want them to take a stand and assure us that they plan to develop the game from now on. Like someone said above, a roadmap for 1-2 years would be enough.

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> @"Daniel.5428" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > When you buy a car and 6-7 yrs later the manufacturer declares its killing off production of that car model you bought and a chunk of those employed will loose their jobs while the rest are amalgamated back within ongoing products/projects... is that you being robbed. Worse still all those services you paid for, all those nice after sales items you purchased.. day light robbery I guess.

> >

> You compared a car with a video game. Your logic is already lost.



> Give me one example of another thing they did and helped them stay relevant.


They developed GW2 after GW1 declined to the point it wasn't going to be a reliable revenue much longer... that made them stay very relevant.. what do they do once GW2 declines to the point it also starts to be less viable to support much further.. that's the logic you seem to lack any understanding of

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> @"Daniel.5428" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > When you buy a car and 6-7 yrs later the manufacturer declares its killing off production of that car model you bought and a chunk of those employed will loose their jobs while the rest are amalgamated back within ongoing products/projects... is that you being robbed. Worse still all those services you paid for, all those nice after sales items you purchased.. day light robbery I guess.

> >

> You compared a car with a video game. Your logic is already lost.



The fact you cant see beyond the product says a lot about your lack of knowledge of business, in so many ways.


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