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Warclaw is cool but...

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> @"Graymalkyn.8076" said:

> > @"Duncanmix.5238" said:

> > Why is it so much worse then jackal in PVE? Its slower, it has only 2 leap bars, and its leap is worse then Jackals portal especially uphill.

> > I understand logic behind limiting it in WvW, but in PVE it should offer similar speed to Jackal in my opinion.


> Put a few points in it and you do get a third leap bar. And jackal is one of the two fastest mounts (raptor being the other)...that's one of it's stand-out values. This one is fine being only as fast as a griffon. If you want the speed, use a raptor or a jackal. No mount is a full-use mount...they all have their purposes.


The third leap doesn't apply in pve - you only get 2 bars. Not that it really matters

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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> Other than having one less endurance bar than the jackal, being one of the few mounts vulnerable to fall damage, not having a Mastery line to improve it, and being the only mount that does not have any kind of unique move or advantage over the others?

But it _has_ an advantage over others. It's usable in WvW.


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> @"Critical Lag.9075" said:


> It doesn't have to be useful in PvE but it would be nice if it wasn't totally useless. Give me a single good reason why it can't have mastery skills and be a little bit faster outside WvW ? "Hurr durr it's WvW mount" is not a good reason.



please & thanks.


It doesn't have to be as good as raptor but it's totally useless rn.



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We should just nerf jackal to be the same as Warclaw then nobody has 3 endurance bars. Now the gryphon only flies as high as skimmer can hover so nothing is more special than another. Raptor can only leap as far as a jackal. And someone stop the bunny from jumping!


Kittenbedarned remove all mounts and call it a day! Or more so throw them all into Fractals and make them require 700ar to unlock.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> Im not going to complain over a free mount. Its a cat, its cool, you can ride it, you didnt pay for it..thats good enough for me. It dont need to be as fast or jump mountains if i want to do that i have mounts that will.


BOOM .. you nailed it


This is just another case of people complaining about something they get for free. #entitled

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> @"NazzyDragon.9127" said:

> > @"Critical Lag.9075" said:


> > It doesn't have to be useful in PvE but it would be nice if it wasn't totally useless. Give me a single good reason why it can't have mastery skills and be a little bit faster outside WvW ? "Hurr durr it's WvW mount" is not a good reason.

> this


> please & thanks.


> It doesn't have to be as good as raptor but it's totally useless rn.




It is literally intended to be useless in PvE. That was a design decision. They did it on purpose.

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If it is available in PvE, there is no reason it should be bad. Why not at least give it the third stamina bar in PvE to make it a more viable alternative to the raptor and the jackal? It still wouldn't be a great mount, but at least it wouldn't feel like such a big step back.

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> @"Adul.1520" said:

> If it is available in PvE, there is no reason it should be bad. Why not at least give it the third stamina bar in PvE to make it a more viable alternative to the raptor and the jackal? It still wouldn't be a great mount, but at least it wouldn't feel like such a big step back.

It's not bad. It's baseline in pve. It's not supposed to be an alternative to the specialty mounts in pve. Its specialty is usability in wvw. No more, no less. As such, it's got its niche (wvw use) just like all of the other mounts.

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> @"Adul.1520" said:

> If it is available in PvE, there is no reason it should be bad. Why not at least give it the third stamina bar in PvE to make it a more viable alternative to the raptor and the jackal? It still wouldn't be a great mount, but at least it wouldn't feel like such a big step back.


It's not bad, it's just different. If it's not the best for what you want to do, you don't use it, just like the other 6 mounts that are available.... you don't use Skimmer on land do you? Each mount has it's thing, and the thing with Warclaw is WvW specializations.


You people got it all wrong. In terms of specialty, there is nothing that differentiates Warclaw from the other mounts. Each mount has it's specialty and a specific situation where that specialty is useful. For Warclaw, it's WvW, just like for Skimmer it's water, or bunny is jumping, or Jackal is teleports ....


The whole idea that Warclaw should do something 'special' in PVE is just contrived reasoning. It does it's special thing, like all the others. It's just that it's special thing is related to WvW.

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After reading all the arguments back and forth all I can say as a PvE player, if the Warkitty isn’t as useful as the Raptor or Jackal then I won’t be using it in PvE, which means I won’t be spending gems in the gemstore for skins for it. If it’s not popular in PvE then other PvE players are also less likely to spend gems on skins for it and that is missed sales for GW2 at a time when their income is low.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > @"DrFox.8091" said:

> > Dont worry in 1 year after "balance patch" Jakals in Pve will be as slow as Warclaw, same way for other mounts. Coz you know.. Pve always need nerfs..


> I pray for more nerfs like this. My favorite "PvE nerf" would be Anet introducing some mobs with enhanced AI to all 80lv maps, which would change their tactics, adjusting its to yours, have advanced team interactions, healing each other, using CC skils on you and smart positioning/flanking, plus some passive defenses, preventing bursting them quickly. Anet could even increase farming income on such maps again, after that, seems fair enough. It's good to dream..




Would love


/10 charrs riding charrs

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Adul.1520" said:

> > If it is available in PvE, there is no reason it should be bad. Why not at least give it the third stamina bar in PvE to make it a more viable alternative to the raptor and the jackal? It still wouldn't be a great mount, but at least it wouldn't feel like such a big step back.


> It's not bad, it's just different. If it's not the best for what you want to do, you don't use it, just like the other 6 mounts that are available.... you don't use Skimmer on land do you? Each mount has it's thing, and the thing with Warclaw is WvW specializations.


> You people got it all wrong. In terms of specialty, there is nothing that differentiates Warclaw from the other mounts. Each mount has it's specialty and a specific situation where that specialty is useful. For Warclaw, it's WvW, just like for Skimmer it's water, or bunny is jumping, or Jackal is teleports ....


> The whole idea that Warclaw should do something 'special' in PVE is just contrived reasoning. It does it's special thing, like all the others. It's just that it's special thing is related to WvW.


I understand the specialty thing, I didn't say they should make it as good as the raptor or the jackal. I'm not asking for a lot here, I'm just saying that if you gave it _some_ more mobility in PvE (e.g. at least bring it in line with the upgraded WvW version), then PvE players would have more incentive to use it sometimes, at least as a flavor thing. E.g. it wouldn't become abandoned by what is in all likeliness 90% of the playerbase, which is a good thing when the developers put a lot of effort into it—which they clearly did. Not to mention the possibility for Anet to make more money from it in the future if more people use it.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> After reading all the arguments back and forth all I can say as a PvE player, if the Warkitty isn’t as useful as the Raptor or Jackal then I won’t be using it in PvE, which means I won’t be spending gems in the gemstore for skins for it. If it’s not popular in PvE then other PvE players are also less likely to spend gems on skins for it and that is missed sales for GW2 at a time when their income is low.


I can't speak for your particular purchasing habits, but generally the single skin options are very niche. You either like it and have to have it or you don't and aren't going to pony up the cost for it. So your saying you won't get those doesn't really change much about them. But what about the license tickets, which is where most of our mount skins come from now? Will you avoid them when they start adding Warclaw skins?


For me, I only PvE, with the possibility of PvPing if I really want something off a reward track. I so look forward to tonight when I finally finish the Warclaw track and I can not have to go back to WvW again, because it really is just awful. Despite that, and despite how pointless it will be in PvE, I will absolutely run it from time to time, and if there is a particularly good skin I will still get it because Fashion Wars.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> After reading all the arguments back and forth all I can say as a PvE player, if the Warkitty isn’t as useful as the Raptor or Jackal then I won’t be using it in PvE, which means I won’t be spending gems in the gemstore for skins for it. If it’s not popular in PvE then other PvE players are also less likely to spend gems on skins for it and that is missed sales for GW2 at a time when their income is low.


I think the intent for the skins was to milk the WvW players for more gems and bring Fashion Wars there...just sayin.

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Maybe anet will use warclaw skin sales as an indicator of how many wvw players buy gems,being there are no wvw specific items to be bought with them (they could probs cross reference individual account sales with time spent in wvw but you know....staff...)

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From a marketing standpoint, realistically if ANET wants to make more money (in regards to this new mount) then they are going to have to improve on the warclaw in a pve environment, revise the mount, discuss it at length & come up with a decision that satisfies the majority of players. The warclaw is in fact available in a PVE environment (thats a fact) & as of such ANET needs to do something to improve upon it. A mount which is never used (because its not good for exploration in the general PVE environment) is a substantial amount of money lost by the company in sales (from the PVE player base). I honestly cannot see a reason why ANET doesnt stand to make alot of $$ selling skins for this mount (especially if its a viable option to use in a PVE environment). At the moment as it stands the mount is something "I as a player desperately want to love using not just in WvW but in the general PVE environment", please don't let this opportunity fall through your fingers ANET, I as a player am trying to be helpful & I only want to see your hard work pay off (as I am sure the rest of us do as well). =)

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> @"CJH.2879" said:

>At the moment as it stands the mount is something "I as a player desperately want to love using not just in WvW but in the general PVE environment", please don't let >this opportunity fall through your fingers ANET, I as a player am trying to be helpful & I only want to see your hard work pay off (as I am sure the rest of us do as well). >=)


Not really. I, as a predominately wvw player want to love this mount in wvw. If I want to pve I use one of the other, more suited mounts depending on what i'm doing, that I already have the majority of skins for. If it was literally the only mount that wvwrs had unlocked then maybe but most at least have the raptor. The claw is crappy is pve but i'll use it now and then anyway when i'm just messing about because I like its' look and animations. I don't need it to outshine my raptor, jackal, bunny, griffon or beetle to coerce me into using it. If you're a fashion wars type you're going to buy the skins anyway.

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I have a truckload of shoes,they are pretty cool looking but only leftfooted shoes i repeat (100 times) THEY ARE LEFTFOOTED SHOES ONLY!! sold out...buyers 'from a marketing standpoint you really need to sell the rightfooted shoes'...no i don't,i have sold all my leftfooted ones and don't want to make rightfooted ones,thx for buying my shoes

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I don't know about anyone else. Me? I rarely use the Skimmer and Jackal, so I really don't care about skins for them. If I rarely end up using the Warclaw, likewise.


One thing to think about. I usually log in close to the daily reset. The first three days on NA tier 1 WVW, there were queues. Today, no queue. What this suggests to me is that PvE players who entered WvW to get the mount are no longer participating since they've got that they want. Maybe they'll but skins for the Warclaw, maybe not. I do believe that they would be more likely to spend if they felt it would be useful in PvE -- but maybe (shocking thought, I know) the Warclaw is more about WvW and less about monetization.

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